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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. This most likely depends upon Cognitive Identity. Example When one looks at a Stainless Steel workbench, people will see it as one thing - a workbench - and it likely sees itself the same. It doesn't matter at all that the legs were welded onto the frame or that the frame was welded to the top. It is what it is seen as being - a workbench. So, if you weld a small ball to the top of a Spike - you have . . . a small ball welded to a sharp object. A handle? A really Really large map pin? You see my point? A welded object likely cannot function as "one" until and unless people see it (and it sees itself) as one thing, rather than two connected things.
  2. Please allow me to reiterate the original post:
  3. From what we know about Visions, I'm not entirely sure it wouldbe possible. It seems that any given vision is either a bubble space in the Cognitive (CR) or Spiritual Realm (SR). SR visions - like Kaladin conversing with Stormfather (or Tien in RoW) - are identified by the perception that time is frozen or moving slowly CR visions - like Stormfather's visions for Dalinar or Kaladin flying with the Storm - are typified by connection based experience in where time passes in the Physical realm, while the person's Cognitive Identity experiences something different than what their body can sense in the PR Soldiers near Dalinar's budy hear him speaking in tongues and have to restrain him from flailing Kaladin's body had to be restrained from walking out into the Highstorm during his first storm-riding vision So, since a Perpendicularity is piercing all three realms but the Vision is confined to only two of those realms I think it would either: Increase the aspects of the Visions derived from Connection to the CR and SR (more detail, more context, etc) - or - Cause the vision to reconnect to the PR (which may just end the Vision)
  4. This idea seems to imply a fundamental misunderstanding of Divine Breath and Investiture. I do not think any of those traits would be hemalurgically viable - because they are not "granted" by the Divine breath, so much as side effects of having that high an amount of investiture. All the Divine breath "grants" is anchoring the "soul" of the Cognitive Shadow to their PR body, and being expended to grant a one-time miracle of healing (see below). Rysn and Riino (SA) show that Heightening effects are due to quantity of investiture, not specifically breaths (Divine or otherwise). SP3 and 4 spoilers: So, yes, Vivenna shows that a fragment of Divine Breath is still enough to allow some changes to the body with Intent and Practice, so a Spike (assuming the fragment would be large enough) might allow similar changes - but Vivenna also shows that the fragment is not enough to grant the other side effects of holding a large quantity of investiture. Possibly the SR dream glimpses are tied to the DIvine Breath, but it seems more likely they are "flashbacks" to the vision granted by Endowment when she offers the Cognitive Shadow a chance to Return, rather than a function of the Divine Breath itself. However, the interpretation of the Paintings is much more likely to be "granted" by the Divine Breath-likely due to some form of Connection. From the annotations:
  5. Right, but spheres are not standardized (with regards to investiture storage), so at a minimum you would need Chip, Mark and Broam (assuming the different gems do not change capacity | e. g. does a diamond chip and an emerald chip store the same amount of stormlight when fully recharged), maybe making them the equivalent of Nickels, Dimes and Quarters. SbEU?
  6. Incorrect - Raeth (AoN Spoilers) Threnody and Elegy Name three terms, previously specific to a Shardworld, that become generic terms as Arcanists come to understand the fundamental Realmatic theory behind those terms.
  7. No answers, but some possible implications. Minor Spoilers:
  8. Entirely possible. But also consider that, from a Soulcasting perspective, we normally hear Jasnah use one of the ten essences, and she has used Oil before - but specifically used Pitch in this case (and made sure to Soulcast the remainder back to smoke). So, whether it is a resin-derived similar substance, or just something close enough to use the same name, I feel the implication is that it would not catch fire as quickly on a "Cosmere standard" world but works on Roshar well because of the environment. Not that she would have a way to know that - but I feel it is the inference we are meant to draw as readers.
  9. There are also subtle indication in some Jasnah scenes, such as (OB Ch 120) Many don't realize it, but you can douse a lit match in diesel fuel and it will not catch fire. Pitch is actually a resin, and used in ancient warfare (like burning pitch, greek fire and naptha oil) needed additives to make it more flammable. Pitch is not easy to ignite - it was used that way because it burns long and hot. So, examples like this, where things are shown to ignite far more easily than they should are the best examples I can find for the effects of teh high oxygen environment on fire.
  10. Welsome to the Forums. I see from your introductory post that you have read all of the books so far, but I will still spoil tag some things just in case you have not yet read things like the Warbreaker Annotations (which are free on Brandon's website, but also included in the Warbreaker eBook) or for others that may be reading this post. Also, by Spoiler policy, since this thread is in the Warbreaker section, anything from another series needs to be tagged appropriately. Are you familiar with Splinters? (Stormlight and Elantris Spoilers) It's not that it takes 2000 breaths to heal a tongue - the Divine breath is one breath - singular - and using it is all or nothing. Also, healing with Awakening is not something that one can do for themselves as the nature of the Shard is about giving. WoB: When a Divine breath is used to heal somebody, it has an effect then returns to its source. the healed person does not "gain" the Divine Breath. From the Annotations: Hope that helps. And if you are not familair with using the Coppermind and Arcanum to find information, here are some tips and tricks that may also help:
  11. No worries, I guessed it was a translation thing, which is why I added the information on Coppermind and Arcanum to you introduction post, in case you wanted an easy way to confirm English titles and names, or search information. There is also a Spanish Language Version, but I thought the English links would hlep if you were trying to use the translated terms and needed to look something up. Sorry, I don't assume people have found the Omnibus, since it is so new. Usually when people express an opinion of "it's just White Sand" in a manner that makes it seem forgettable or an afterthought, it is because the only read the Prose or part of the original GN and just don't realize there are multiple options available. I don't know if you read the link I provided or not, but I discuss options for those that do not enjoy graphic novels (see below). Obviously, if you are recommending this option to somebody, it would be because they do like that medium, and they understand it is (so far) the only Cosmere entry as a graphic novel. At the risk of hubris, I'll just quote myself from the other post: I would want to hear from somebody that actually read this as their first book to see feedback, but I think much of it would just be confusing and offputting. The story is still delightful, of course, but I have known people to walk away from the Cosmere for reading the wrong book early, without context, and just deciding it wasn't worth feeling confused over. I think the majority of this would depend heavily on the person to whom this was suggested - while it might be viable to a small number of people I still do not think it is a viable starting place for a majority of new-to-Cosmere readers.
  12. I'm pretty sure it's not just your profile or display, but it seems more pronounced in your display because your "title" is so short an deliberately pointing to the center of that text (which does not match the image's center or the center of your user name - all three are slightly different) Example: Boxed and Halved: Granted, in the "Boxed" image I aligned the boxes with the first pixel of content for the main post, which may or may not actually align with the edge of the pane displaying the user information (which also has to adjust for margin, padding, etc). When I inspect the element, it appears that some items in the pane have a 500 pixel indent (at least for PC and Firefox, where I am inspecting the page).
  13. Welcome to the Forums. Thank you very much for letting us know your progress on books, since we now know spoilers are not a factor, it will be easier to answer questions. Also, here are some tips and trick you may not yet know of this version of forum software: As well as how to look up information in the Coppermind and Arcanum:
  14. No discussion? Did you try it - or just find the picture? Store bought or homemade? I'll admit, it's not what i would think of when I hear "Dessert Pizza."
  15. We discuss the differences between an "first reading order" and a "Re-Reading order" here. The latter should never influence the former, because the considerations between them are very different. Also, Secret History is best re-read integrated. This sounds like somebody who has not read the White Sand Omnibus and/or is making decisions on old/outdated information. We discuss the various ways to enjoy White Sand here, but the Omnibus is probably not a bad Cosmere First Book. It has been fixed it introduces concepts easily, and the reader can be introduced to the idea that there is more happening in the background than it first seems at the same time that Duchess Khrissalla is making similar conclusions. It avoids much of the jargon that can permeate many Cosmere series (Investiture, Shard, etc.) while impying their existance and inviting the reader to learn more. Tress might not be a bad start as a re-read order, but I would not recommend any new reader to start with that as their first-ever Cosmere book The number and variety of references to other works is too high for a first time reader The setting is too far forward in the Cosmere's future and will set unrealistic expecations on the rest of the books Very little is explained in text, because it relies an a lot of reader's prior Cosmere knowledge I think Book 2 of Mistborn Era 1 is "Well of Ascension" (not Pits), and Book 2 of Era 2 is "Shadows of Self" (not Identity - Sixth of the Dusk, Allomancer Jak, etc.) Not a bad effort, but I still maintain that the best order is no order - simply provide the reasonably intelligent person with whom you are recommending books a starting place and enough information to make informed descisions on the rest of their Cosmere Journey
  16. Also note, it's possible that Ishi was aware that at least one Unmade had made a home in Urithiru. That might have led him to the reasoning that only a servant of Odium could have occupied the tower. Possible. In light of the experiments of which we saw the aftermath, I took that as a metaphor for him ending his existence as a Herald (or even Cognitive Shadow) and trying to find a way back to a normal body and existence. His madness didn't feel very suicidal to me; but if Stormfather sensed a desire to end his current existence, he might not have realized the true goal. Guess we RAFO (hopefully in SA5).
  17. Are you referencing the Oathbringer conversation, or the Rhythm of War conversation? Because, in Oathbringer, the only conversation I found from Tezim (Ishar) was (Ch 24): And there is no reference to being a Champion in there. However, in RoW, we have this (Ch 111): So, keep in mind: Ishar is mad as a hatter, even this snippet shows how far he has fallen Ishar (though we don't see it until later in the chapter) already has his Honorblade, and therefore has access to seeing Connections - and Dalinar does have a Connection with Odium (which Odium tried to use to make him his Champion in Oathbringer). It's not a leap to see how Ishar could sense that Connection, and make a delusional leap to the conclusion that best fits his psychosis Ishar is further strained by having been so very wrong in all he tried to do before the coming of the Everstorm, and doing anything he can to avoid that reality Convincing Nale that killing proto-Radiants could somehow avert the True Desolation Guilt over abandoning Taln (seen above - momentarily) Failing in his experiments (whatever they are trying to accomplish - likely similar to Kalak's goals) Ignoring his duty since the Everstorm in preparing Humanity to fight Odium etc. I can see why you drew the conclusion(s) you did, but it really comes down to Ishar recovering his Honorblade to have access to his Bondsmith powers; then realizing how much they messed up at Aharietiam, and his mental state forcing him to construct a false reality that absolves his guilt and inflates his ego.
  18. I wonder if there is a way to tie it to a not-logged-in state? Also, is there a way to turn off the Push Notification Ad? I do not want Push Notifications, I have already set all of my Notifications settings, and I really do not want to say "no thanks" to this nearly every time I get any other notification.
  19. I really liked how the last line changed context (spoilers)
  20. I'd guess we'll find out in Era 3 (since it was not covered in the Epilogue(s) for Everyone)
  21. Updated first three posts, separated Fantasy into subs (so each spoiler was not too long - easier to find entries) added a second page to the first post with an index summary (also below for feedback and discussion of changes) - especially feedback from the original posters of the entries. Index: Thank you all very much and please, keep submissions coming.
  22. Minor spoilers Re: Szeth (if you want) You mean this quote: (Ch 32) Nice deduction there, and you will get more information about this in this book.
  23. Do you not see Signature Blocks? Here's mine: I'm not sure what, if any, difference(s) are btwn mobile and PC (since I only use PC) - but on PC you change the setting by going to: Account Settings > Signature > View Signatures = On Screentshot:
  24. No worries, I wasn't really offended or anything (please see my Sig block for color code meanings). Mostly I was mocking how Alder and I tend to post on 80% of the same topics. . . PS: The codes are an experiment for now, on how to add context to written communications to convey emotion - since that seems to be a root cause for many misunderstandings.
  25. Sure, I say something and provide evidence but it's doubtful @alder24 says the same thing, but if he said it it must be true. . .
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