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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Sorry I was unclear / misspoke. I meant available power (that part with resides in the SR and is not assigned and functioning in the realms). WoBs: What would even be the point? I feel like you are obliquely driving toward facets of SP4 (Have you read SP4?). But becoming a Sliver means you had the power, but no longer do - so it's not like you would have effects like (spoilers below) Nalthis: SP4 Vin and Rashek both show that, aside from some residual knowledge (which generally fades fast), there isn't much lasting effect from a brief time holding the power - at least not while alive. . .
  2. That would still be a bare fraction of a Shard's power, and b=urning it doesn't invest you - it just creates it's effect and continues in the normal investiture cycle. It's one of the reasons that Mistborn are considered one of the lower levels of innate investiture. Even at max-burn the Investiture is leaving the SR, creating an effect based on the metal "key" - and returning right back to the SR. Same with charging a Spike or Metal Mind - the investiture is going into the object, not you. Maybe when compounding certain metals, you are investing yourself for a very short time - but I feel like continent sized levels are actually a lowball number to reach a majority of the shards power - after all, the Well held so much power that it took 1024 years to charge. . .
  3. I would recommend avoiding Apple, unless you are already invested with Apple products (Mac, iPhone, etc). I have had good experiences with Wacom and Kobo. My Wacom devices were over a decade ago, so the model information would not help much - but Kobo now has the Elipsa, so it's an eInk device (no glare issues) eReader, that also does Notes (including inside the ebooks for studying) and is compatible with audiobooks and Overdrive library lending (not to mention Calibre eBook management). The Kobo Sage is a slightly smaller screen size with almost all of the same functionality. However, the choice really does depend on what other functions you require besides note taking.
  4. Sure, it'll just take a metal mind the size of a Scadrian Continent (or larger) and the lifetime of an atium compounder - but totally plausible. Realistically speaking - a Sliver is a being that has held the majority of a Shard (at least enough to transcend conciousness to the Spiritual realm), then released that power. Sure, there is a wishy washy definition spectrum range where Brandon has implied that some Cosmere Realmatics Scholars might argue that Stormfather counts as a Sliver, or Dalinar or Hoid (DawnSliver?) - but the actual Confirmed "this person is a Sliver" list only includes those that have held Shardic power for some length of time. Telsin was confirmed to be on her way to becoming an Avatar - and she referenced herself as a Sliver, but she was not (she just wanted to mimic TLR's "Sliver of Infinity" moniker). I would link all the WoBs - but they areleady all linked on the Coppermind page that I did link.
  5. I would guess that's fairly common, as the approximations are non-exclusive. As far as Identifying an order, it's been noted that the Truthwatchers have an inordinant percentage of people on the Forums, if only because the traits that lead somebody to a hobby such as this (spending time analysing books we have already read) are the same traits that the quiz relates to the Order of Truthwatchers (which may be why that comes up in your quiz). For myself, I find it easy to identify which Radiant Orders I do not identify with easily, but significantly harder to ID which of the remaining orders I would fit with best. However, I also feel no burning need to make decisions like this because I feel I do not have enough information (e. g. POV scenes from members of that order) so any current choice would be presumptive and subject to revision anyway. Hope that helps.
  6. Well, the way they use AonDor was developed (especially all the modifiers), like in the Ch 53: I was talking about the base Aons. They are discovered and the shape is, at least in part, determined by the land. Ch 49: Also note, that in the WoB you quoted - the idea there is very similar to the way the Essence Marks work (TES Day 58 & 76)
  7. Welcome to the forums. Thanks for providing a run-down of what you have and have-not read, so that spoilers can be considered in our answers. Here are also some tips and tricks you may not yet have noticed: When you say you have read White Sand, do you mean the unpublished Prose version, the Three-Volume Graphic Novel, the Graphic Audio or the Omnibus? If you have the Graphic Novel (volumes or Omnibus) you may want to look closely at the last page (and other pages throughout - check sky, clouds and sand dunes). Minor Spoilers: Also, you may remember from Elantris when Galladon is talking to Raoden about the Dor. Well, there is more about that in the Arcanum Unbounded anthology (if you have not yet read that - the System Essays are written by White Sand's Duchess Khrissalla) - so there is information on two more Shards there (slight Ealantris\Emperor's Soul\Sel spoilers):
  8. WoBs: So, the thing to keep in mind is that the form of a perpendicularity in the Cognitive (CR) and Physical (PR) realm does not have to be a "pool." But concentrations of a Shard's power on CR and PR can create the conduit. If my theory is correct and Odium simply severed the primary Connection for the Shard's "Body" to trap it in the spiritual realm - then, because there is still Honor's investiture in the CR and PR, then sometimes a much smaller Connection forms (like the Connection Dalinar makes through Spiritual Adhesion) - and that's why Honor's perpendiculatiy was random and not always recognizable - it was forming when a temporary connection allowed the investiture to seep back through and form the conduit at the place of that Connection.
  9. Great post. I'm sure most Misting and Ferring abilities will have some type of application, especially as Scadrian Technology improves. This is a great use of Cadmuim.
  10. Welcome to the Cosmere and the Forums. If you are just starting your journey, you may want to check out one of the many Reading Order Threads. Also, here are some forum tips and tricks you may not yet know: Here are WoBs were Brandon explains it: Hope that helps.
  11. Welcome to the Forums. Jossed by WoB. Nightblood was not a Shardbade that was awakened - They were a sword that was Awakened to mimic the properties of a Shardblade. The extra investiture (non-breaths) were because Endowment did "something" to help make Nightblood, and (likely) thier choice of Command accidentally mixed some of Ruin's investiture into Nightblood. WoBs: Hope that helps
  12. Coppermind - Receiving Attributes TLM Ars Arcanum: I don't think you can point to a specific number and say "The limit is this" because different metals steal different attributes and, therefore, the amount of spiritweb (investiture) in any given hemalurgic charge will be different (not to mention hemalurgic decay - such as Wax's earring). Also, not all spiritwebs are created equal - so, I agree the "limit" is likely to be a range based on a given person's spiritweb, which spikes are used and how much decay there has been (though decay is much smaller than it was in Era 1). However, I would place the range smaller than you have, since it is implied that new Inquisitors would not be possible - since they required at least nine spikes I would guess the range is 4-8(ish).
  13. Well, based on the noral principal of Investiture resists Investiture, my mental image is something like Ballistics gel. It's not that a Coppercloud is an "off switch" so much as a barrier to push through. So, for example, an unaugmented Era 1 seeker (Kelsier, for example) is like the 380ACP in the picture below - not quite stong enough to piece a normal "1 foot" coppercloud. However, an augmented Seeker (like Vin - whether the augmentation is hemalurgic, duralumin or allomantic strength [Elend]) can push though that normal "1 foot" cloud like the 9mm luger in the picture below (which is why Vin says it is faint when Kelsier tests her on the rooftop), but may not be able to pierce an Augmented Cloud (such as the WoB about multiple Smoker's abilities stacking when used near each other).
  14. A-Copper WoBs: I'll think on it and theorize more later - but I want to note that in WoA, when Vin burned Bronze+Durlumin she was able to sense th ethoughs and emotions Breeze was sending, as well as sense the target - which, to me, implies the "resistant to emotional allomancy" effect is likely blocking a Cognitive Connection that is temporarily formed (similar to Brandon saying that Zinc/Brass control hemalurgic constructs by lapping power at their Cognitive Aspect).
  15. Welcome to the forums. Here are some tools you may not yet be familiar with: Here are the known WoBs on the subject (that came up in a quick search): The key one to me is that what Odium did on Sel was a mistake, because he wanted to make sure that somebody else could not Ascend and that the power could not gain it's own Sapience. Odium learned from that mistake when he went after Honor and did something different - but Honor has already created his own Splinters in the Stormfather and Honorspren - I so I think the remainder of Honor's power is still in the Spiritual Realm - just blocked off from the Cognitive and Physical, which is why Honor's perpendicularity was unstable and random. . .
  16. Keep in mind there is still some disparity in how H-Nicrosil is used and understood - as there is a difference between a Nicrosil Spike, or a Spike that grants A-Nicrosil (Electrum Spike) or F-Nicrosil (Bendalloy Spike). @Trusk'our can probably weigh on which version is more common - though I have lobbied for: H-Metal = A pike of that metal (in this case a Spike of Nicrosil - which steals investiture) Ha-<metal> = A spike granting Allomancy in that metal (in this case a spike of Electrum that stole A-Nicrosil) Hf-<metal> = A spike granting Ferchemy for that metal (in this case a spike of Bendalloy that stole F-Nicrosil) Coppermind: A-Table | F-Table | H-Table
  17. May I ask why not White Sand? Do you just not enjoy the Graphic Novel Medium? I discuss the various ways to read White Sand in this thread. Now that the Omnibus is out, you may consider giving White Sand another look.
  18. Welcome to the forums. Thanks for posting your Cosmere progress in the Introductory thread - it makes avoiding spoilers so much easier. Here are some forum tips and tricks you may not yet know (and if you do, please ignore): If you are asking about F-Nicrosil, then yes - all of that is RAFO (to be explored in Mistbron Era 3). Note that the use of Nicrosil in a Medallion is different in some way(s) from a natural Nicrosil Ferring. WoBs: Hope that helps.
  19. FAQ Summary Poll Icons seems to be missing/different (please see screenshot). Instead of a Poll Icon, it shows a gray ? circle. How do you get to dark mode? Clicking on the site logo at the top used to take you to the forums page but now it sends me to the news page. For members I follow, I used to be able to only select status updates as things I would get notifications for. Now, it's either all or nothing. I've seen this brought up already, but I haven't seen it resolved. I don't seem to be getting SU notifications for people I follow unless I check a notification option to that notifies me for every once of their posts. I noticed that some users have hands next to their profile pictures, what do those signify? I'm unable to edit any aspect of my profile (I wanted to change my Member Title, and then tried to edit my About Me to test if it would work). Both things sent me to an error page with a "try again" message. I'm on a laptop, in microsoft edge because I'm too lazy to transfer everything to chrome lol I'm trying to figure out why some of these names are italicized.
  20. The Metal isn't so much a catalyst as a key (Elantris Spoilers) Which is why Compounding works, because burning a metal with a feruchemical charge changes that key from "produce Allomantic Effect" to "produce feruchemy effect" And, yes, burning a God Metal is using the investiture that is in the metal itself. WoBs:
  21. The Yoki-Hijo are invested before beginning training, but they did gain investiture over time (but that was possibly due to the Shroud). A common theory is that they have a Splinter of Virtuosity (similar to a Returned's Divine breath), which is why their numbers were limited.
  22. Good is relative. Also, WoP: If you do read Prime, just be prepared to feel like a Weird Al song . . . (Everything You Know is Wrong) When you finish, you can check out the Reaction thread to help clear the mental dissonance of "not-quite-right" and make sense of it all.
  23. Digital Copy is a free download from Sanderson's website, here. There are also threads about it in the WoKPrime subforum, like "Should I read this"
  24. Putting this here (rather than discord) so I can keep a record of possible inconsistencies I find as I update White Sand Omnibus information. Of course, others are welcome to also post any inconsistencies they find, and Keepers can deal with them (or not) at their leisure. White Sand:
  25. That is not the implication I drew from the last few chapters. I thought it was implied that recharging batteries means they can live to a normal age, and will go to the Sun when they are dying (rather than needing more Sunhearts than a mere aging population can provide - and therefore sacrificing people randomly or as capital punishment). Only those killed by violence/accident in the dark should become Shades.
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