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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. The Atium Shadows (and Gold, Electrum, Malatium Shadows) aren't anything physical that depend on your eyes to "see" - the investiture is giving you information from the Spiritual Realm (where there is no time or place) and Allomancers interpret that as visual cues (but note, they do not have to "see" an Atium Shadow to react to it): TFE Ch 14: HoA Ch 81: WoB: Hope that helps
  2. Please read the Upgrade Thread. IIRC, the posts about status updates atrt on page 2(ish).
  3. Subject to change, of course, but based on current known data it is sometime between Mistborn Era 1 and Way of Kings. Please see Chronology. WoB:
  4. Just finished Blight on my pre-Curse of Krakens re-read (mistimed that since I still have a week to wait). BTW, the pre-order flash fiction (A Whisper of Snakes), mentioned here, is apparently a scene from between Days 13 and 16 in A Plague of Giants. Blog Announcement. Would the Dresden choice also be a re-read, or is this your first time through?
  5. This is doubtful since the Peaks are Cultivation's Perpendicularity. Maybe a CultivationBlade?
  6. The Aons (and likely every other Selish Language related to Manifestations of Investiture) were discovered, not created or developed. Also, we can guess that the same holds true for others (like MaiPon and Dakhor) since the Moon Scepter acts as a rosetta stone for Selish Languages. WoBs: We don't know much about ChayShan, except the implication that the movements are a way of writing in JinDo with the whole body (like Raoden increasing Aon Efficiency by including line width while writing Aon Equations) - In the scene where it is shown (Ch 61) we see how the movements start glowing with Dor access right before Shuden strikes.
  7. Just noticed this evening, I seem to be getting Alerts for reputation I have given instead of reputation I have received (the link was an alert I received pointing to a post by Trusk that I +1ed). Ditto this post (with Alder).
  8. This is likely: Though, that's from 2016 - so it may actually reference Era 4. . . The thing is, like Savantism, it is something that develops over time - so more likely a misting or ferring that gains a second ability through Hemalurgy might develop their own resonance (based on the two abilities now interacting) but it would not have been affected by whatever resonance the spike donor may have had:
  9. All WoBs tagged #Resonance More powers means less Resonance: But they are directly related to the powers: Doubtful - not only is the Resonance an effect generated by the interaction of two powers, Hemalurgy usually strips Resonance:
  10. Similar, but slightly different - my headcanon (barring more evidence) is that Sliverism is revering a pantheon of those that have become Slivers of Infinity: Rashek, for having worked to save mankind for a millenium Vin, for her sacrifice at the Catacendre Marsh, for reasons described above and his connection to TLR This idea was informed by my Full Mistborn re-read pre-TLM and connecting the AoL Sliverism quote back to: (HoA Ch 60) That's one of the main reasons why I think Sliverism is going to be the worship of people who have touched the Power and become Slivers, which can also lead to friction in future Eras when different religions all claim Vin (but in different ways - as some RL religions claim a different role for certain RL religious figures).
  11. That the mechanism is similar to what @alder24 mentioned in his post. If you want more info:
  12. Bands of Mourning: Though I don;t think we yet have examples of the Malwish writing system - perhaps you could use the Steel Alphabet? Hope that helps.
  13. It is implied to not be the case by this section (Steelheart Ch 38): So ,if Prof is on Soldier's Field fighting all-out against Steelheart, and David used the Tensor here - that implies no loss of ability while gifting. However, this section (Ch 41) Implies that it also may be about how much of the power they Gift - because giving too much to one person can also make that person susceptible to the Darkness. My conclusion is that sharing a small amount does not make an appreciable change in the Epic's power level, but giving away more can change their power level, and therefore affect how the Darkness affects them.
  14. While this is normally a solid idea - and I cannot speak for anybody else - The main reason why I worked out reading suggestions is the large number of friends and coworkers that come to the Cosmere through one of the stories (which is almost never Elantris - the theoretical start point). Usually the conversation goes like this: Hey, have you read Stormlight/Mistborn/Warbreaker? Sure I didn't understand <concept or mechanic> Well, did you know this is related to <Cosmere list>? Uh, no. . . I've known people who's first Cosmere readings were Way of Kings, Sixth of the Dusk, Alloy of Law, Shadow of Self, Warbreaker, The Thrill (OB Excerpts from Unfettered II); not to mention Elantris or Mistborn:TFE. In the latter, it's usually fine - easy to explain. But many of the others require a bit more description and delicacy (to balance enticing details against spoilers). The coworker that started with Way of Kings actually ended up "shuffling" series thanks to book size and worry over missing connections. IIRC Something like: WoK > Warbreaker > WoR > Edgedancer > Elantris > Oathbringer (etc.) So, I can agree that publishing order is rather valid in most circumstances (with some audience considerations) - it's just not always an option, and having a reference can help navigate those shoals. . .
  15. Treamayne


    Wayne's "17" references are likely to carry some significance; but what that is is not known yet. Discussed here: Wayne and 17
  16. From a Spoiler perspective, Pits can be read any time in Era 2. However. . . (considerations)
  17. This is actually rooted in normal history. For example, an exerpt from an article about "Anti-Car" measures in the early 1900s: Various anti-car protests persisted through the 70s (not all to "get rid of cars" some just about limiting where or when they can be driven - but especially before the development and proliferation of standardized signage and traffic signals) Some of the articles are foreshadowing, but most are worldbuilding. Remember the English Proverb: This seems like a Scadrial variant - "Ooh, something inexplicable - it must be a new Metal"
  18. You need to spoiler tag all of those answers, so that Ale can decide if they want spoilers or not. This is their thread sharing their journey with us - it is not up to us to ruin it unless they specifically ask for answers. Relevant WoBs - if you want to peek:
  19. This will gain more detail through the book. Do you really want this answer (it will be explained in Era 2). Spoiler tag so you can avoid if it was an idle question: This will also gain more detail in this book (and a more complete explanation further into Era 2) Glad you are enjoying AOL so far - Wayne is certainly something special. . .
  20. Despite the (presumed) humor-by-hyperbole, your lists are interesting. But I still maintain there is no one "perfect reading order" - especially for new readers. As @The flying spider mentioned above, the best bet is to make sure they are aware of the considerations that may inform their decision (my new reader list is here). I eventually crafted my own epub (Cosmere Guide) that I send to friends to help them understand the Cosmere, introduce the major shard worlds and help them decide what best fits their preferences. Here's the summary of my Reading Order suggestion from that document: Here is the WoB regarding Warbreaker Reversals (and why I recommend Warbreaker back-to-back with Mistborn): And here is my Cosmere Index from that Document: For those who really dislike the Graphic Novel as a medium, I have previously suggested a few options regarding White Sand: Also, please note that the Coppermind's White Sand Summary has since been updated for the Omnibus, for those that want to read the Prose, then read this summary to learn the "changes." Khriss' Journal (Ars Arcanum) has also been updated for the Omnibus. There is also a (slightly dated) Thread enumerating the changes from Prose to GN. Hope that helps
  21. Welcome to the Forums. Spoiler tags are the "eye" icon on the edit toolbar, and are much preferred over extra blank lines for separateing spoilers (I edited your quote below to show an example). If you have not already done so, please use the Introduction Forum or your Profile to let us know what, if any, Cosmere books you have not yet read, so we can avoid spoilers in our replies. It's possible of course, but also please remember that we do not know how far into the future YatNP takes place and that terms like Fabrial will become generalized Realmatic terminology, rather than using terms specific to Roshar, Sel, Scadrial, etc. So, just because it was called a Fabrial does not mean that it came from Roshar or runs on gems and stormlight. Words of Brandon (WoBs - Spoilers removed - originals are linked): Hope that helps.
  22. I'm sure the workflow is a factor, as is using multiple tabs - but changing decades of forum habits (not just Shard - but many forums over many years) is no small feat. Not impossible, of course, but also not necessary when good web design methodology implies these kinds of menus should have a hover setting (on-hover instead of on-mouseover). Well, we can hope if others read this they will chime in if they experience something similar. As far as left-right goes, it's not like I am purposely placing the mouse where it is - the act of using that navigation tool necessitates the mouse position in the horizontal space, the refresh to the page I navigated forces the screen to the top (putting the mouse above the menu bar) and trying to move down (either to another navigation link or a new thread link) pops the menu in the way. I think even a 1 second hover would fix it - but no hover at all means no respite from the constant menu-spam.
  23. This seems unfinished? May I ask this? If you place your mouse about an inch above "Shardcast" and move your mouse straight down (no hover) to click "The Cosmere" in the navigation line, does the Shardcast menu not open? For me, if the mouse even touches any of the blue around the word Shardcast, the menu pops open and blocks anything I want to click, no hover time at all. Please see attached: So, usually, I'm in a thread and trying to use that navigation to return to the subforum, or main forum and, inevitably, it open the pop-up under the mouse as I click - sending me to Shardcast instead. That's when I have to use the browser's back button and try try again (generally hovering under the menu until it decides to go away so I can approach the link from below without passing the dreaded Shardcast trap) Edit - mentioned before, but I'm on PC with Firefox 118.
  24. So, a few days in - and in the interest of feedback, I thought I would post my thoughts so far: The Good: The Bad: The Ugly: Wishlist: I'm sure I'll think of more, so I'll just update this post when that happens
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