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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Nice write-up, glad you are enjoying it. This makes me curious if you know the pitch for Mistborn (from before the first book was published). I'll spoiler tag it in case you don't want to read it just yet, though there are no spoilers for the actual stories involved.
  2. It is unlikely that such a mechanic applies to all shardworlds - more likely it applies to manifestations of investiture from four or eight Shards. SA Spoilers
  3. Right - in case I was unclear, my point was not "Canticle was settled long long ago" - my point was that "we can't rule out over two centuries just because FTL is new(ish)." We simply do not have enough information yet to determine how long the Threnodites have been on Canticle. Maybe he'll answer the question at the Con or on a stream.
  4. Okay - not arguing. But it was Harmony that thought it was potentially that powerful, not me. My only point was that we do not yet know the consequences of a bomb that powerful detonated on a planet's Shadesmar.
  5. Just food for thought / discussion I feel like this severly underestimates the timeline for the rise of Evil and fleeing to Hell. The Evil would likely have arisen at least 4000-6000 yrs ago, since it is implied to have been a result of the clash with Odium, Ambition and Mercy (My Thoughts) - The first clash was before the splintering of Devotion and Dominion and the final splintering was after that - all of which was before Odium became trapped in the Rosharan system which was 4500+ yrs before Way of Kings (and who knows how long between WoK and space travel). Just because ships were implied, does not mean FTL Ships were implied - it could easily have been more than a couple centuries. There could even have been more than one generation of Threnodites on the ships if they used Generational Ships for Space travel pre-FTL. It could also be that the technology was not native to Threnody, since it was also implied that the original Zellion was an off-worlder and they were his ships. . .
  6. Very glad you are enjoying the read-through and that my "it made more sense the third time than the first time" may have contributed to that. Re: Andross (The Burning White Spoilers)
  7. Allergic to seafood, so I'll take your word that its good - however, a real live Pizza Express? Toot-toot would be over the moon (Dresden Files).
  8. Well, yeah, he puts it back in after Vin Ascends. It was a question that someone had asked Brandon though, and he said something along the lines that piercing yourself with enough Hemalurgic spikes will effectively pin your Spiritweb to your body better, making it somewhat harder to kill you through normal means. Unfortunately, even with more information to work with, I still have not yet found this WoB. I'll try again tomorrow. Sorry
  9. So, inspired by this thread, I thought I would start a discussion on non-Traditional pizza. To me (feedback desired) there are three primary categories: Non-Traditional Toppings Any given topping or combination that is outside tradition or pop culture (e. g. BBQ Pizza is probably mainstream to most people now) Non-Traditional Techniques Some method or process that is out of the ordinary Alternate Culture/Commercial Variation Pizza, as found for-sale to the general public, that is outside the normal Cognitive Identity of Pizza (either by virtue of cultural adaptation or some other commercial variation Please, do not just throw out any random combination for the "squick factor," please keep examples to something you have experienced or would like to experience. I'll kick-off with one example each.
  10. Marsh isn't missing an Eye Spike anymore: Unless you just meant HoA Chs 73-82 before he replaced it. In which case, why would he have died? TFE Epilogue. HoA Ch 73 An Inquisitor has to lose either the Linchpin Spike (severing the Connection from the top and bottom) or both Eye spikes (effectivly severing the top from the bottom). A single Eye spike would always be survivable. I can find no WoBs on the Eyespike removal, only the crushed socket and what Marsh did to himself between HoA and AoL. It's nothing Cosmic - just practice using the arcanum tags and boolean searches. For Book passages, it helps that I have all of the ebooks, and I use Calibre to manage them. Calibre has some insane search tools. Example:
  11. Loki (and Hel) in the Iron Druid Chronicles The Morrigan in Iron Druid Chronicles Though she's a Protagonist, she's still a Death Goddess and very in-line with your vision American Gods (multiple) Khali in the Night Angel Trilogy (especially how she designed the Vir) Zalost (maybe) In Seven Kennings Trilogy We'll know more in Book 3 - 7 Nov 2023 Death God may only partially apply - "Nazi" God might be a better description since it's less "things die" than "kill everybody else" Hades in The Dresden Files (for what little screeen time there is - the implications are huge) Hades in Percy Jackson (and Thanatos, Nyx to a lesser extent - not much screen time) I'll update if I think of more, but that's off the top of my head.
  12. Atium and Malatium replaced Cadmium and Bendalloy because they were Temporal Metals that could not be accessed without more technology: WoBs: (snipped to relevant bits)
  13. Most of the Annotations about Rashek also appear in the WoBs with his tag - you could always start there and decide if you need more information.
  14. Have you also read the Annotations to the original Trliogy? They are free on Sanderson's wesite. You can also peruse the Rashek tagged WoBs on the Arcanum for information.
  15. Also, we know Sazed kept many things out of the Words of Founding - this could just be more details we will get in Era 3 or 4 and will find out then why Sazed felt it was important to not mention that information sooner. . .
  16. Welcome to the Forums. Please don't necro old threads. It's against policy, and - in this case - happens to try correcting something that was unknown at the time of the original comment (since it was from before TLM was published). Thank you very much and have a great day.
  17. Welcome to the Forums. Brandon has not yet decided, and is of two minds on this. WoB: When a Kandra digests a corpse, they break down all soft-tissues (Organs, muscles and cartilage) but not the bones, which they then use to recreate the body. Since experienced Kandra are well versed at understanding biology (enough for TenSoon to make or alter his own organs, such as giving a wolfhound a larnyx) I would guess that an experienced Kandra would be able to ID the pregnancy at first taste (if it had not been obvious on sight) because they would detect the hormones in the blood and tissues. If the fetus were viable, then under the First Contract they would be obligated to stop digesting the body. Even if they could exclude the child from the digestion process, it is likely to kill it by digesting the womb and organs in the abdomen, spilling the amniotic fluid. Even if they would reproduce those organs, I doubt they would have enough time to recreate the environment the fetus needs to survive in time to save the child (and a Kandra less experienced than a third generation would probably be too slow at the entire process). Note: that when it says a Kandra like Tensoon can form a body in minutes - it does not include the digestion process - it only means forming a body of their current mass around a set of bones. Even OreSeur, also an experienced Third, says that digesting and imitating a body takes a few hours (WoA Ch 5):
  18. As I recall, it was his last performance. He died before it was released to theaters. . .
  19. I feel like your best bet is to just get a game of Munchkin (any of the Classic games and expansions, plus Munchkin Pathfinder, Munchkin Legends, etc.). Any given pack/set is bound to have a pun on at least 1/3 to 1/2 of the cards. If nothing else, they'll provide inspiration.
  20. Some of the achievements from other forums I use: Member Age Bronze, Silver and Gold for 1, 5, and 10+ yrs of Shard membership Thankful - Based on how many rep you give Bronze, Silver, and Gold icons for 50, 100 and 500 respectively Gracious - Based on how much Rep you receive Helpful - Based on numbers of answer questions Too bad people almost never click that up arrow in Cosmere Q&A Artist - Making art galleries Art Fan - Giving rep to art galleries Verbose - For total posts Alternately only non-rep Posts Invested A special Achievement given by any admin for whatever puropse they feel deserves recognition Users are disqualified if they ask for it - the point is an Admin recognizes some attribute of a user's good forum behaviour they feel deserves recognition. Those are the possibles I think might work here (depending on how metrics are automated adn tracked in the server back-end.)
  21. WoR Ch 51 I think part of the difficulty is people are paraphrasing rather than quoting. Here's a new one:
  22. Please do not double-post. Here are some tips and tricks that may help: Don't forget - the Words of Founding were the contents of his Keeper Copperminds at the time he took the Shards in HoA - so it would only have what the Kepers could discover between Third Century FE and the Catacendre. We-the-readers know a bit more from the books, annotations and WoBs. Any informatoin more than that would be spoilers for the rest of Era 2.
  23. Why do we hide the source of Rep? I can see why it might have been the case when negative Rep was a thing, but I never understood why it continued when negative rep was removed.
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