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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. In no particular order (mostly because I don't plan to reorder them as I think of them): Clue - Classic comedy at its finest with a huge all-star cast (for the 80s). Also, for those of us old enough to remember, how can you not love a movie audacious enough to make three separate endings without telling anybody - so the ending you saw was different per theater (sometimes per "screen" as I first saw this at a 15 screen theater outside Detroit and two of the showings had different endings). Now, on DVD, you can choose "random ending" or "all three" - where "all three" will show Ending 1, then pop up an old style "silent movie" placard saying "That's how it might have been, but it could have happened like this" - cue ending 2, followed by "But it really happened like this" - and finally ending three. Much Ado About Nothing - Speaking of stealth all-star casts. I firmly beleive this is the best Shakespearean adapatation ever. Especially when one considers it was filmed as basically a week-long party. Branagh had the cast come to Italy (I think it was his estate - but I can't find that interview anymore) and basically said "actors playing for actors" - lets just do this outside in whatever we can find. So, lots of sun, lots of laughs and just a great film. Red - Here's the thing about Bruce Willis comedies - if he's trying to be funny, it's awful (The Whole Nine Yards); but when he's the straight man and people are funny around him, it's epic. TVTropes says it best - much can be forgiven of any film with Helen Mirren manning a .50 cal machine gun. Sure, the action is over-the-top (it's meant to be) like the scene stepping out of a car doing a donut in the middle of the road - but that's part of the epicness. And Malkovich just shines. Dead Poet's Society - In all the great Robin Williams' dramas, if I can only choose one I have to go with the movie that Robin used to prove that he can do more than just comedy. Content, timing, everything about this film was awesome, and without it we would never have gotten to see films like Good Will Hunting, What Dreams May Come, Etc. Transformers The Movie - Anybody born after the 80s cannot appreciate how much this film changed animation. All Star cast? First to do that. Consequences of violence? First to do that (any Gen Xer that saw this in the theater will likely admit to crying at the Death of Optimus Prime - protagonist death was unheard of in Animation before this - especially before the climax). Swearing in theater-released Animation* - First to do that (and get the VHS released censored in the US - I had to buy mine in Canada to get the uncensored film). Orson Wells, Robert Stack, Leonard Nimoy - just everything about this film was awesome (and why any fan of the originals despises BeyFormers) *Not including Pinocchio and Sleeping Beauty that used words only considered cursing after-the-fact ("jackass" to mean donkey in the former, and "hell" in reference to the Christian location in the latter)
  2. Late Spring, Early Summer. I mapped out the Era 1 Timeline here. She most likely learned some general Cosmere knowledge, history of the Shard she held, knowledge of what she can do with the power etc, as this comes with the power On screen, she has mostly learned about the nature of the Spiritual realm. Ch 78 and 81: It's not parsing so much as recognizing innate knowledge. As @alder24 said, the Power will instinctively know the history of itself. Since Leras used the Shard to make the plan - the Shard remembers the plan. Ch 76:
  3. Interesting theory. But doesn't Hoid note in Tress that the reason his attempt to become Elantrian in the Postscript (10th anniversary Edition) fail because he was lacking the invitation? And he implied that was what the Shaod provided - an Invitation to become Elantrian. Though it may just be that people not considered Arelish are the only ones requireing the "Invitation." So maybe you need to have been a DawnVessel - or maybe just being a DawnSliver makes the process easier?
  4. I took it to mean that Aux could not become two or more disparate pieces, but a Chain is 1 item (Cognitively speaking) and entirely connected. In other words, there is no "and" - Aux could not become a Bow and Arrow, or a Staff and Knife - but we don't think of a chain as "link and link and link" - it's a Chain - one thing (despite being composed of multiple "pieces"). In fact, most swords would technically be multiple pieces (Blade and crossguard and handle and pommel) or a spear would be "handle and blade." So, I would guess the limitation is more about Cognitive Identity (an object viewed as "one thing") than physical reality.
  5. Let's see if we can piece this together. Countdown Chronology: So, Vin held Preservation for about 2 days of real time (and slightly more subjective Spiritual Realm "time" - since there is no time or location in the Spiritual Realm)
  6. I also have not yet read Nemesis (and am hoping for some answers there). Night Angel definitely has some "first series" issues going on, but I have noticed that the rereads helped since some of the foreshadowing of the ending was subtle and easily missed. The Prequel Novella (Perfect Shadow) also helped with some answers, since it was Durzo POV. Garoth was a great Villain (much better than Neph Dada).
  7. Re-reading Plague of Giants (Kevin Hearne - Seven Kennings book 1) in prepration for the final book of the trilogy which releases 7 Nov. Do you mean book three of the trilogy (Beyond the Shadows) or the new Book 1 of the next trilogy (Nemesis)? I feel like Mr. Weeks was inspired by Kelsier on this series - There's always another Secret.
  8. On PC you can hover over badges to get a description - it seems the "hand" icon is a "Wave, this member joined recently" badge. PS: I know it's only day one, but can I ask if I am the only one really bugged by the thread sidebar stuff? It's not the data , it the fact that as soon as you scroll passed that box of data, it's 1/4 of the screen that is just blank gray - feels like so much wasted space. If only it floated and was always in view (maybe) - just would be better as a header than a sidebar.
  9. Wow - congratulations on the job and the request! Non-spoiler Spoiler That's okay. Some of the confusion should diffuse in Part 2.
  10. It was in the "tips" at the top of my last post. You could quote your post, cut it from this thread to that one, paste and repost. Then use the Hide tool to hide this post. However, I would recommend either: Leave it as is - it's not a huge problem in 1s and 2s - only in dozens (just know for future releases that the Reactions thread is for exactly this type of post) Click "report post" under the three dot menu (top-right of post) and ask an Admin to merge this thread into the Reaction thread. Thank you very much and have a great day.
  11. Welcome to the forums. Here are some tips and tricks with which yo umay not yet be familiar: Glad you enjoyed the story. Please keep in mind that posts like this have a reserved location - Yumi Reaction Thread - which prevents having dozens to scores of separate threads for each person to simply post their "I finished it" reactions (it also makes it easy to see how other people liked the new release). Thank you very much and have a great day.
  12. I don;t know about the Admin's perspective, but I've mostly seen "Hide" as a way to expunge an accidental double-post. In fact, in my updated tips and tools I wrote this: Here is my entire tips and tricks (I use it when responding to new people - like this - note: example is from old forum version)
  13. Copy all, thank you very much. My (current) top three: - Report post. If any of the features should not be hidden in a hamburger menu, I feel like this is the one. - Upvote count (good to hear it's already on the radar) - Private Message editing - when any other post is edited, it edits in-place. . . why oh why does editing a PM that has a quote or spoiler box redirect to another "edit" page that won't let you see the conversation around it? Thank you all very much for all of your hard work. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help (testing a specific feature, updating a reference, whatever). Have a great day.
  14. Rep count on a post - That's in my top three "things lost to the change" PS: Is there a change feedback thread (as opposed to this "issues" thread?
  15. Copy all. I would say that a gray ? is (in most computing environments) indicative of a missing icon. At least in my experience - from a Network Admin/CyberSecurity perspective. Most forums, again in my experience, use some form of a "bar graph" icon to indicate polls (because the poll results are almost exclusively shown as a bar graph). Easy to adjust to, but confusing if you do not know ahead of time that it is purposeful. PS: New edit location is going to take a lot of adjustment - already hit "Quote" many times when I want Edit. . . PPS: the Delay on the main menu (News Forums Shardcast etc) seems way too short on PC - getting near it or passing the mouse over it at all makes it pop-up and block the interface below - so I keep trying to go to a thread or forum and accidentally clicking things I don't want because it popped up under my mouse without requiring a hover This requires me to go below the pop-up and hover on something empty to wait for it to disappear every time I change tabs (by mouse)
  16. Poll Icons seems to be missing/different (please see screenshot). Checked in both Cosmere Discussion and Entertainment forums. Instead of a Poll Icon, it shows a gray ? circle. Platform: PC Browser: Firefox 118 Affected Page(s): Possibly everywhere, checked Cosmere Discussion and Entertainment Expected Behavior: Poll Icon to show in thread title Actual Behavior: ? icon showing instead Already cleared cookies and refreshed pages.
  17. There is no known information on if Alendi had children. In the First Century TFE, Rashek was still trying to unite the continent. Coppermind: It's called the Time Machine, and when you first go to the Coppermind it should give a pop-up asking if you want to use it to revert any page(s) to before a book's release.It should also be available from the yellow/gold info box at the top of each page.
  18. If you reliably want it anytime soon, I would buy from Dynamite - then cancel your order when Dynamite's Omnibus arrives. Note: I think the Softcover is the only one shipping now. Not sure of Hardciver status.
  19. Amazon is notorious for making up details randomly and cannot be trusted*. The only known reliable vendor for the Omnibus right now is Dynamite themselves (since they make it). Example: Basically Amazon's MO is that their website will not allow blank data - so when they add a page for a future product - if they don't know something (cover image, release date, etc) they fill it in randomly with the expectation that it will be updated as information becomes available. I make it a personal policy to not trust any information on Amazon that is more than a month before release and, even then, only if I can find corroborating evidence.
  20. @alder24 gave the post link. I actually have two versions of this now - the one in the post was made for reading physical books (slotting an entire SH chapter in the most analagous location) - but I then also created what I call The Complete Era 1 epub - where I further broke down those SH chapters that span more than one WoA or HoA chapter and put the appropriate scenes directly into the correct place in the Trilogy (example shown on linked thread). I could/should probably write that up as well, showing where each scene slotted. Example:
  21. Yes, I know. His theory was that the medallion was nothing but Nicrosil but still granting whatever ability and only using metalminds that were not a part of the medallion. That's my point. Everybody seems to think the same way you do - expecting that M-Nicrosil works like F-Nicrosil (which we also know almost nothing about) when we have already been told they are similar, but not the same. I'm merely pointing out that the idea that the Nicrosil in a Medallion "stores" the "Firesoul-ness" is an assumption. We don't know enough - but we do know that at the current level of tech the medallions require that the second (third, etc.) metal be present. I was postulating why that would be - and it seems to me that the most likely (Occam's razor) reason is that the M-Nicrosil is Unsealed "access to Feruchemy" and the Manifestation of that is based on Connection to the other metal(s) in the medallion. It is unlikely that you could have the Nicrosil in a double-ability Unsealed Metalmind storing both "Skimmer-ness" and "Firesoul-ness" (conflict issues - the same reason you cannot store both sight and hearing in the same Tinmind). But if the Nicrosil was "Access to Ferchemy" and the other metals in the medallion provide that manifestation - it fits the currently known facts. Edit Note: We still have the unknown Excisor that factors in somehow - possibly excising the Metal and Identity Connections from a Nicrosil storage to make the Unsealed Nicrosil. However, it is just-as-likely to be some kind of Medallion Hemalurgy that's "Excising" the "Skimmer-ness" from the "donor" to store in the medallion (or any other number of possible theories. . . )
  22. They weren't trying to say that "Medallion without Nicrosil," they were trying to say "Medallion of only Nicrosil" as if you could store, for example, being a Firesoul in the nicrosil and use just any Brassmind without having brass be part of the medallion. But, from what we know so far, it does not work like that. Nicrosil stores "being a ferring" and the connected ring(s) of another metal(s) determine what type of ferring ability(ies) are available to the Unsealed Metalmind.
  23. I think that either assumes a stationary/unconcious target or a level of skill unseen by anybody thus far. For example, it takes Kenton (the most skilled Sand master with a single ribbon in precision and speed), who can reliably hit 2 dozen Lak (presumably about 1" diameter, based on the images in the omnibus) on the fly with his one ribbon multiple tries to strike the Ka'Rak in the sword wound to get passed the Terken carapace. A hemalurgic bind point is a target less than the 1/4 that size and missing by fractions of an inch changes the result or fails altogether - the chances of hitting a 1/8 inch spot (or smaller) on a moving target with a sand-wielded spike - especially when those bind-points are biogically derived, and therefore not a direct correlation person to person seems. . . rather slim. So, finding and hitting a point the size of a pencil eraser (or smaller) on a clothed and moving target would take a very specialized set of skills and is still likely to be unreliable at best.
  24. I think I fixed that correctly. I also think you are not understanding because this exact question has already been answered thrice. So, please let me know if this helps: for convenience - this is a false assumption, the attached metalmind is required to give f-nicrosil - this is also a false assumption. The Unsealed Metalmind isn't granting the ability to tap Nicrosil - the Nicrosil is acting as a bridge so that the Unsealed Metalmind gives the ability to tap/store the Connected Metal's power. Unkeyed Metalminds are metalminds created with no identity so that anybody with the appropriate power can use the metalmind and any storage within that metalmind Unsealed Metalminds are a Metalmind using a Nicrosil bridge so that anybody (Metalborn or not) can use that Metalmind. Allik even says that they specifically have Unsealed metalminds that grant two abilities, sometimes three (but they have not been able to make four powers work) The Nicrosil is only allowing the person using the metalmind to act as a Feruchemist, the connected metal ring(s) determine what ability(ies) are granted If you had a Nicrosil Mind only, it could only act as a storage for Nicrosil - not a storage for anything-at-all (at least not with the current level of Scadrian technology and understanding) BoM Ch 21 Hope that helps
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