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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. It was named to be a remnant from the Dawnshard in the climax. (TSM Ch 52) As far as we know, it does not send him into Shadesmar - he Elsecalls directly to another planet. This is possibly one way that Hoid was showing up in places where he needed to be, but without knowing why he needed to be there - the Skip may take him somewhere based on Fortune, and only after arriving do they need to piece together why they need to be where they are. Which, if this method was used by Hoid, may explain why he prefers perpendiculariteis - if Skipping does not allow one to control their destination.
  2. Do we think the RAFO in book 5 could be referring to plans for a Moash rehabilitation arc to serve in that role? I think the premise of the original question is just wrong. The questioner (Comatose) implies Kaladin has bought into the system, presumably because he doesn't snap at people for refering to him as lighteyed or Brightlord anymore (as often) in RoW. However, RoW still shows that Kaladin feels a distinct difference between the Urithuru culture around Radiance and the Alethi Culture about Lighteyes (not that book 4 had much room to explore that as most of the story was split in three locations, two of which were combat heavy). I would expect that SA5 will continue with Kaladin calling out "Lighteyes" for their abuse of station and working toward a more equitible culture (especially as Jasnah seems to be in a similar mindset with her plans for abolishing slavery). I just expect the plot arc to be more of a "this is what 'Right' looks like" (using his new position to set better examples) and "you are a disgrace to your station" (using his new position to call out chull dung nobles like Sadeas was) rather then the "all lighteyes are evil" theme of the first two books.
  3. Is this only for abandoned series, or also including perpetual series without a definitive end? For example: Sue Grafton's Alphabet series (A is for Alibi) will never be completed as she died after Y is for Yesterday (either after submitting to the publisher or after release - not sure which) and before starting work on Z is for Zero Her daughter announced that they would not pursue a new author to write the final book J. D. Robb's (Nora Roberts pen name) In Death Series has no defined ending and is at book 57 and counting (book 58 releases Feb 2024) The Author has stated that when she decides to end the series, it will end with Eve Dallas' pregnancy - but should something happen to Ms. Roberts before that happens, it will just become an "unfinished" series Just read a post about Peter Clines' Ex-Heroes series having been cancelled. Book five (Ex-Isle) came out in 2016, and I've been hoping for more for a while now. I was afraid it was cancelled, and found an older post on TV Tropes that psuedo confirmes it (from Author Charles Phipps):
  4. More likely to be Ruin's investiture based on the similarities between Charred and Hemalurgy: Cinderhearts warp the body around them to continue functioning after impaling the chest Cinderhearts cause the Charred to lose control of their emotions, becoming violent like Koloss, Inquisitors, and Chimerae Cinderhearts allow the Charred to be controlled by somebody else
  5. I think they were referencing possible Iriali refugees in Bilming and possible Horneater Refugees in the Epilogue. . .
  6. The book didn't say they were using it as a computer, just that it was Awakened. More than likely, the Ship's Network Mesh requires each subsystem to be awakened to the purpose of it's stored properties - that would allow the Awakened Computer too coordinate and communicate with each system and subsystem.
  7. That would depend on what you perceive the intended point to be - vs - the actual reason why Sanderson decided to use name changes. Please remember that one of the intended themes of the Cosmere is exploring how a name (or name change) affects how a person sees themself and how others view that person. It's why Kelsier became known as Survivor (and eventually other psuedonyms not listed for spoiler reasons). It's why Warbreaker became known as Talaxin, Kalad, Peacegiver, Vasher and Zahel (and why the Vasher Identity helps him hide his Divine Breath). Names are powerful, and Identity is important to the Cosmere. I think Brandon wants to explore that interaction. But, I can see that if you only think of a name change as "keep the reader guessing until I tell you who it is" then I understand why you might find that pointless.
  8. Era 1 Ministry almost assuredly had Misting for all known metals (at that time) - including Aluminum and Duralumin. WoB: That was Rashek, not Ruin. You may be thinking of this thread (about Terris).
  9. Very similar progression. I had had it accidentally spoiled before release that Nomad was somebody from Bridge Four, so I went into the book expecting him to be from Roshar. I guessed Sig when he mentioned his skin tone (combined with the Scholar references) and these: Ch 6 - "He’d often felt short compared to the towering Alethi, but here he was the tall one." Ch 6 - "He said this in Alethi on purpose, which wasn’t his native tongue."
  10. Welcome to the Forums. If you have a moment, please let us know (here, profile, intro page) what you have (or have not) read, so we can avoid spoilers if necessary (whichever list is shorter). here are some other tips and tools with which you may not yet be familiar: The primary factor in Shardic FutureSight isn't the vessel - it's the Shard itself (primarily the Shard's Intent). Cultivation isn't great at future sight because of the vessel (or their race before ascending to Cultivation) - but because the Intent of Cultivation is rooted (pun intended) in the future and how things grow and proliferate. WoB: Ruin wasn't bad at futuresight when he was looking for things involving the Shard's intent (when best to set off a volcano, for example) but Preservation was much better (enough to out-gambit Ruin with a plan spanning at least two millenia) - because the Intent of Preservation is inherently about the future, while Ruin is. . . not. That's not to say that the Vessel doesn't matter at all - but if Taravangian had Ascended to Honor (somehow) he would have much less capability with FutureSight (since Honor's intent is very much rooted in the present and keeping current oaths) than he does as the Vessel of Odium.
  11. It was mostly discussed in this thread (Invention and Whimsy), and this thread (Whimsy). Whimsy and Invention do seem to be the two that most people beleive so far.
  12. It seems the primary water cycle is the rains after sunset and before RingRise (if that's not a word, I'm making it one). From Ch 12: So, it seems the sun sets and the rains start - heavy enough to form shallow improvised rivers and lakes. The Rings rise and the rains retreat. The sun rises and boils everything away - repeat ad nauseum. Also, this (Ch 11) seems to imply that (Beacon at least) uses rain catchers as well: Though a quick search did not find any direct references to catching or storing rainfall.
  13. Well, we've seen (White Sand Spoilers - prose/omnibus)
  14. I also wonder if, since that scene was after cresting he mountain, they are more prevalent in the north (and south) with longer nights and shorter days. Maybe they migrate by season to stay in the "shortest day" bands. . .
  15. Good theory, interesting read. I have a feeling that in Nomad's specific case, they are probably using a hacked version of A-Bronze (and/or Heliodor Fabrail). Provide a Connection, and the fabrial gives you direction while pulse strength gives you distance. . .
  16. Okay, I understand now. Sorry for my confusion. The implication here is that when he filled out the paperwork he likely either: Listed everything (Art School, Cop Artist, Bouncer, Prize Fighter, etc.) - or - Listed only the things he was proud of so he would remember those (Cop Artist, maybe Art School?) Either way, the burned page meant he only had the one word to work with, so he imagined his own backstory and started trying to reinterpret his returning memories in relation to that imagined past.
  17. Reading a different thread reminded me of this WoB: Since we know Zellion did something with his Honorspren bond before becoming a DawnVessel - I wonder if he was able to transfer his Nahel Bond. That might have been a way to divest himself of Radiance to assume his new task, but without breakingoaths or harming his Spren.
  18. Welcome to the forums. Please beware duplicate posts - I've already reported it, but you can also use "report post" (or hide the message) if the system should accidentally duplicate a post. Here is some more explanation (and other tools with which you may not yet be aware): We have little data on this, but also the process of become Returned is a specific decision by Endowment - so the chances of her choosing to Return a foreigner (and one connected to a different Shard through Allomancy or Feruchemy) is probably slim. We do have this WoB though, that, if applicable, would imply that they could not still use Allomancy: Hope that helps
  19. That still does not explain how you jumped from the concept I made of single people on-foot (raft?) in Shadesmar to fleets of theoretical supersonic machines in Shadesmar. What I am saying is that, for example, the "invested bomb" in TLM was potentially powerful enough to destroy all of Scadrial (TLM Ch 69): Now, if that were set off in the Scadrian Shadesmar (where all land is represented by Mist) we cannot guess at how the destruction of the Cognitive Identity of a continent would effect the planet. . . I understand and mostly agree with your reasoning in large-formation warfare. I'm saying that asymmetric warfare presents options that still reinforce the concepts of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) which may be why the conecpt can still apply in an invested-WMD capable Cosmere. Nothing is certain, of course, but the possibilites are not all ruled-out based on current data.
  20. Good catch. Unfortunately there weren't many answers in the book and until we can get some clarification WoBs from Brandon, all we have is speculation. There was one detail in that passage that seemed significant though (TSM Ch 17): So, I'm guessing that, for the plants, there is something similar to Roshar (and how the Highstorm spreads the seeds on the winds) where a mechanism of the ecology of Canticle causes the plant's seeds to be trapped in "pockets" of soil and rock as the ground liquifies at the early day, and the "great maelstrom" at dusk functions as a tilling mechanism breaking open and revealing those pockets to the coming night. As for the invested fauna, maybe their nature is what allows them to outrun the sunrise - always staying in the band a few hours before dawn.
  21. In Era 2, the Mists are unpredictable and inconsistent - but there is also a Vessel holding the powers again so Harmony can also use them to keep an eye on events and take some small action. WoB and Coppermind: It's not "one night each week" - it's simply "not every night" and it could be multiple nights in a row, or weeks without any mists in a specific area. You are meant to notice the change here though. I think it was meant to imply Sazed was following Wax's pursuit of Bleeder rather closely. . .
  22. I'm sorry if it was unclear that I was referencing the Radiant Spren. Also, Stormfather is definitely more than just a Splinter (unclear on Nightwatcher yet).
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