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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. It was verified in Way of Kings (Ch 70): It was likely part of the outpouring of investiture from speaking a Truth (Like Kaladin's Oaths). Truthweavers can't get back if they go fully across, they can;t take things other than themselves. The Surge of Transportation, however, actually creates a mini-perpenducarity (as seen in WoR Epilogue) has far more utility - and that's not counting other possible ways to use that Surge (as seen by Lezian).
  2. Welcome to the Forums. May I ask what, if any, Cosmere Stories you have or have not read (whichever list is shorter)? Just so we can avoid spoilers, should it become necessary. Seons and Skaze are Splinters of Devotion and Dominion respectively. Higher spren on Roshar are also considered splinters, but unlike Seons and Skaze, they are each a combination of Honor and Cultivation (most likely*). Also, the natures of their bonds are different. The Spren of Roshar are bound by Oaths and specifically tied to perceived natural forces (Surges) and learned to grant Surgebinding by mimicking what Honor created in the Honorblades via the Nahel Bond. Whereas Seons (since we don't have much information on Skaze bonds - if they have such) have a more personal (devoted) Bond with their mortal, and provides access to their inherent abilities like Directional finding, Spiritual Realm Communication, etc. Hope that helps. *Note:
  3. This assumes, of course, that Resealing (and Bloodsealing) also use the MaiPon setting mark - Day 30: If the other Stamp-based manifestations of investiture do use different setting marks, then it might not be that simple (but certainly not as complex as the stamp used in TLM). We know Shai thought (at the time of TES) that she could have studied Resealing, but we don't know for sure that she may have lacked the Connection to make it work. For that matter, I wonder if a Resealing Essence Mark might have different effects from a Forgery Essence mark. . . Maybe that's why the Rose Empire has such a hatred of Essence Marks.
  4. It's implied by the description (in TSM and BoM) that what you are doing is tricking your own Connectioninto believing that the local area is your "homeland", so you think in one language but your actual speech comes out as the Connected Language. Note - this is different from the Connection Shenanigans Dalinar used (different methods, similar results). I wrote it up with the book extracts in this thread. Likely, Dalinar's method of using Spiritual Adhesion to Connect to the Azish Guardsman does need in-person communication (or at least one person close with whom to Connect).
  5. You're saying "guard" as if the topic was an invasion. I thought the topic was Mutually Assured Destruction. Guard in a ring all you want, it only takes one suicide bomber with an invested briefcase nuke to destroy sneak into the local Shadesmar and blow it all up. It may not be an interplanetary missile system, but it is definitely a way to imply "kill our planet and we can assure that you die too."
  6. Click on your name in this post to go to your profile page. Click on the grey button in the bottom-left corner of your profile picture to change it Follow prompts to either upload a picture, or load one from a URL Hope that helps
  7. It does not mean that at all. Evil came to the continent. Refugees moved to Hell. Politics came to Hell. Canticle ancestors left Threnody. There is a huge gap between the cause of Evil and the departure of the Chorus from Threnody; in which access to Space Travel could have either been developed, or the original Zellion (who was an off worlder) provided the means of transportation. Also, just because space travel is implied, does not mean the FTL space travel is also implied. Maybe it was a generation ship of some kind allowing a relatively small band of refugees to swell in number before arriving at Canticle. We just don't have enough data. All that can be said for certain is that they specifically referenced using their ships for parts and designing the mobile-floating-city model from technology they had on hand in those ships. Stargate might be more likely. . . but how do you think they were able to move flying ships into Shadesmar when Threnody does not have a stable perpendicularity - then move through Shadesmar - then get it back to the physical realm on Canticle which has no known perpendicularity at all?
  8. Treamayne

    List of Oaths?

    Known Ideals (or concept) are collected on Radiant Order's pages, such as Windrunners and Dustbringers (as two examples - one well known, one not-so-much) Excerpt: Information on Ideals that have not been shown in-book, mostly comes from the Kickstarter "Radiant test" and the Order summaries there (example): Hope that helps.
  9. Could you please elaborate on what you are referencing and where in the book you found it? I checked the back cover, last chapter and last "handbook" entry and I could nnot find an obvious reference.
  10. I might have jumped to conclusions, subconciously. We have a mention of Nomad almost meeting his end at an encounter with a shade. I assumed that this meant that the Dawnshard defended its bearer at the cost of most of Auxillary's life, but that may be a false conclusion. My apologies. Here are the references (the two times I could find him mentioning his visit to Threnody):
  11. Here you go. . . Pumpkin Cheesecake: . . . use it wisely.
  12. Not just Halloween? In that case, Thanksgiving (US) next month and I'm taking Wed (Prep and pre-cook) and Fri (Clean-up) off of work. Menu plan so far: I can share recipes if anybody is interested.
  13. Except they do have an equivalent - it's called Shadesmar. Or do you think a planet could surive the destruction of it's Cognitive Self? Alternately, WMD is smuggled via Shadesmar and moved to the PR via Transportation (generically speaking).
  14. I currently own two dogs. However - that's not the whole story. So, I like both cats and dogs, but while I can own a dog - I won't be able to have cats any more (and haven't had one since I was about 13).
  15. Take your time and I hope things are gong well with your animation. I'm not sure if you are planning to do the group read thing with SP4, the way you did for previous Secret Projects, but I wanted to give you a heads up that there are significantly more references to Cosmere works you have not yet read. If you do read it, then I hope you will post a reaction post in the non-Spoiler section so we can get an idea of how the books reads to fans that have not yet "read everything." Good luck and hope to see you back soon.
  16. Nice write-up. Thanks. Keep that in mind when reviewing this Venli Flashback (RoW Ch 52): Axindweth is seemingly using "Connection to Homeland" (as seen in the BoM Medallions) to use the Listener language, but may also be using some Connection to help Venli open up. I would guess that this type of temporary Connection is more of a spectrum (like how some people might "feel a bond" to a stranger and share personal stories) than an on/off switch. And I agree that trying to make this type of Connection permanent would likely be very difficult and use a lot of Investiture My understanding of what we saw in BoM was that the person making the Medallion stores "Blank Connection" which seems to function as "Connection to Homeland" (unless Allik is simply wrong and it is storing "Connection to <attribute>"). So the person using the medallion taps that Connection, tricking their spiritweb into thinking the area they are in is their "Homeland" - which is what allows them to speak the local language - and is also why Allik says that the visitor has to be the one who Taps the Medallion (Ch 22).
  17. Well, I would like to note that people like Amira (and her famous reading blog thread) are happy with the non spoiler sections. It seems she hasn't had a chance to read Sunlit Man yet (based on her most recent thread post) - but since she has only read WoK and WoR (now on OB) and the Secret Projects (Tress and Yumi) she has implied in the referenced thread (linked above) that being able to discuss the SPs and avoid all of the spoilers for Scadrial, Nalthis, Sel, etc. has been a welcome option. I don't know if it should continue for future releases - but for a project like this Kickstarter - where so many people backed it without having "read-all-the-things" I think it was a great decision and has been helpful to people like her. Thank you on their behalf. Edit (rather than double-post): I don't know if it matters or not, but the "spoiler" part of the name was not removed when that forum was moved to "Non-Cosmere" - so it's the only title that says "<series> Spoilers."
  18. Absolutely concur. I have no experience with the show (or was it a movie - I don't have streaming or any "pay" channels like HBO so I don't follow these things well) but the book was absolutely amazing. In the words of the Iron Druid (IronDruid spoilers / Language warning): Oh, you're in for a treat. Often, short stories and novellas playing to format can go awry - but Slow Regard is absolutely magical. Really makes me look forward to the new Novella "The Narrow Road Betwen Desires" (Pre-orders on the Signed Page - and probably other venues).
  19. Possibles: Terry McGarry - Illumination (Series) - Illumination (Book 1) Mark Anthony - The Last Rune (Series) - Beyond the Pale (Book 1) David Farland - The Runelords (Series) - The Sum of All Men (Book 1) Joanne Harris - Runemarks Hope they help.
  20. If you have not seen it yet, check out @Duxredux's Mercy (Conspiracy Theory) thread here.
  21. Welcome to the forums. Very cool, but probably the wrong place. You can use the "report this" (top-left, next to the time hack) to ask a mod to move this to the Community section. I don't have any myself, but I have designed a few (mother, sister and brother all have tats I designed). Mostly Knotwork and Tribal. Here are some additional tools you may not yet know:
  22. You are going to have to provide sources if you are going to make claims like this. Like this: The Sequel to Elantris is (tentatively) named Dakhor and set in Fjorden. Yes, Jaddeth will return - but that return has noting to do with AonDor. In Fact - it's because of a loophole they found to Ignore AonDor: The Dor is the composite of the remnant investiture of Devotion and Dominion, forced together into the Cognitive Realm. Because it is in the Cognitive realm (instead of the Spiritual Realm) and because the Selish Shadesmar has location - all Manifestations of Investiture on Sel are tied to location (AonDor uses Aons and is teid to Arelon, Dakhor uses the ancient Fjordell Script and is tied to Fjorden, Forging uses MaiPonese characters and is tied to MaiPon, etc.)
  23. So very sorry I screwed that up. With my luck, you have not yet read it either.
  24. Not really. Investiture, like energy, can't be created, so when you charge White Sand, it's the "leakage" of investiture that charges it. You would likely need a Breath worth of investiture to keep yourself alive, so you would need to lose a Breath, or make all your Breaths a bit weaker, to charge the Sand. Either way you're losing investiture and you will run out of Breaths to Awaken. My point was it doesn't have to be your own Awakening (or other Kinetic Investiture). Just sticking to CotGs, go stand in line for a Session and enough random people will probably be doing something close enough to have recharged your sand. . . The point was the sand can be charged without a chold becoming drab to give you their breath.
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