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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Can you perhaps share more information, such as file size and file format? Also, what deive(s) have you tried (PC, Tablet, Phone, etc)?
  2. That's assuming that Skips are not how Hoid has also been travelling (at least some of the time): As I mentioned elsewhere:
  3. Well, I don't recall the number of planets visited equated to the number of planets spent on-the-run. He could have visited a number of places, spending multiple years each before the event recounted in Ch 28 where he spoke to the NB without realizing they would start hunting him. If they have been using interstellar tech to hunt him down since that event, he's likely only been on-the-run for a small percentage of the time since he left Roshar. Wit says it in Ch 10, but in a way that may imply he's not necessarly being truthful. Prevarication at its finest
  4. Not necessarily - or, at least there is a possibility that it is not only pieces of Ambition. Discussed in this post. Note that the AU Threnody essay specifically says that both Ambition and Odium were wounded in the clash there. It's possible that the Evil is a Sapient Splinter of the pieces of Ambition and Odium combined.
  5. I recommend expanding this slightly: Sigzil becomes a Windrunner Squire (OB) Sigzil Third Oath Windrunner becomes CompanyLord (RoW) Sigzil Speaks the Fourth Windrunner Oath (unknown) Sigzil ceases to be a Windrunner (unknown) Possibly to bear a Dawnshard Sigzil becomes a bearer of the Dawnshard Hoid once carried (TSM Ch 10) Sigzil becomes a Skybreaker (TSM Ch 28 / WorthProtecting image) Sigzil inadvertedly kills his spren (TSM Ch 20) Sigzil gives the Dawnshard up (TSM Ch 21) Sigzil self-exiles from Roshar - unknown if this is before or after he gives up the Dawnshard Sigzil spends time at Silverlight (TSM Ch 35) Sigzil becomes an Arcanist (unknown if this is before, during, or after his time at Silverlight) He has an encounter with the Night Brigade (TSM Ch 28) They start hunting him
  6. RIP Auxiliary So hard not to respond to this thread with "Aux."
  7. Thanks, so if the effects mentioned in Ch 34 are due to investiture-based gravity - then if the investiture is strong enough it may cause some level of investiture-based time dilation (per WoB) Edit: no more Rep today. . . I'll have to circle back to click the shiney buttons
  8. Doesn't even have to be any kind of Shardic intervention - there are enough Worldhoppers transiting Scadrial now, that exposure (during after Era 2) to Hemalurgy will be hard to keep quiet. Afterall, Kelsier is openly using it within the Ghostbloods, and we've already seen it implied that Mraize is using Hemalurgy on Roshar (RoW I-5).
  9. Why would he have burned up if it was Invested? Also, they explicitly said multiple times that the star is Invested and interacts with the core. I think that when cresting the mountain, Nomad was at (or slightly above) that planet's Karman Line. Since he did not burn up where he was exposed to sunlight alone, it imples, to me, that whatever is happening at the surface requires one or more of the following: Air pressure Proximity to the core Exceeding some threshold of preceived gravitation My guess is that the planet's extraordinary gravititation is condensing the sunlight and interacting with the atmorsphere to create a kind of plasma as it makes the "circuit" discussed in the book. Also, if the density (physical or investiture) is causing some level of time dilation (possibly foreshadowed by Night Brigade arriving by FLT a day~ish after Nomad Skipped) there could be an element that the light reaching the surface is multiple minutes/hours' worth of condensed sunlight in each second of exposure. If this were the case, then above the mountain peak Nomad was just far enough from the center of the dilation to not experience condensed sunlight, and/or outside of an atmosphere that the condensed sunlight might have ionized into plasma. Not a scientist, just conjecture for debate.
  10. Will you be updating your main post with responses? Also: Surge of Division (as interaxial forces) Medallion (also referenced as the "key" tech) Hemalurgy "Hemalurgy" (see this post) related mechanics
  11. So, I really enjoyed the book (and really sad that the Spren of a Skybreaker's Plate wasn't mentioned to clear that raging debate - opportunity missed). I think I need time to digest the details (and probably a slower reread) to really coagulate feelings into thought. I'm very glad I've been avoiding SP spoilers (as much as possible) since the Kickstarter - so going in I only "knew" the title and that the main character was somebody from Bridge Four as a worldhopper (one of the few spoilers I did not manage to avoid - unfortnuately SA5 spoilers are even harder to avoid). I was reasonably sure of Nomad's real name before the "Lightweaving chat" with Wit. I was not at all prepared for how we received on-screen confirmation of a person bonding two different order's spren (even if it does not appear to have been simultaneous in this instance - as the WoB discussed). Skipping, to me, seems kind of like a Steelpush/Ironpull in that in M:TFE we first see Vin "tug the line" without knowing what it does or how - and later we see her obviously controlling those pushes and pulls - except when she can't see the anchars (such as the end of WoA, when she realzes two Ironlines are pointing to something behind the rock, pulls, and gets dragged toward the wall instead). I posit that Skipping is like "Skip toward <known location>" and you go there (but not necessarily a specific coordinate "there") - but when skipping with Intent (running away in this instance) and no Command of Destination - the resulting Skip is more random (and possibly influnced by SR Connection - the same way Shallan drew Ash before meeting her) the Skip takes you somewhere you will need to be without you knowing what that Connection will become. Also, it is me or are the Cinderhearts operating on at least some similar principals as Hemalurgy - Foreign Investiture "stapled" to your body and spiritweb, warping your body to remain alive despite the damage and profoundy affecting your cognitive and emotional state? It's from the text. TSM Ch 21: True, we lack context (and context can be important); but I will point out that it is rather difficult for two sides to both hold "the moral highground" but rather common for two sides of a conflict to both be (relatively) morally destitute. This faction of Scadrians at least appear to be the equivalent of "Here, toddler, let me trade you a loaded gun for your lollipop - and it's not my fault of you hurt yourself or others with it." Sure, that's example-by-hyperbole, but the point remains that they cause atrocities by proxy and seem to think that some other hand weilding their weapon absolved them of responsibility. There may be "reasons" but I doubt that morals fit in there anywhere.
  12. Enjoyed the book, and already planning a reread because I am sure I missed things going through it too fast the first time. Was I the only one that felt joy that the Brigade (as scary as they sound) was going to deliver some karma to the TimeTellers? Agreed. It's a tight race between SP1 and SP4 to me for Number One, SP3 as a distant third. While I did finish Frugal Wizard (SP2) and I can see why the people who like it do so - it just wasn't my preferred humour style and so is my least favorite Secret Project. (I also am not a fan of the Alcatraz books and have yet to read Book 6)
  13. Yeah, early on Nomad mentions that Aux verbalizes emotions that are lost because of his monotone lack of inflection. This seems that because they are doing those communications by italization rather than with quotes - and Aux is verbalizing the entire italicized portion. . . Ch 10: Might not matter, but catalogue is the British spelling for catalog. Not sure this one word uses the "Ye Olde Shoppe" trope. eBook (epub) - Ch 43 Not a spelling mistake perse, but the chapter header is using the Ch 42.png. The ToC Correctly shows Ch 41, Ch 42, Ch 43 - but the image at the start of the chapter Shows Ch 42 instead of Ch 43. I'll check the kepub as well to see if the same issue is both files - but I can't really check the Kindle azw - since to view it I would have to convert it, which makes checking for errors unreliable as anything I "found" could have been an artifact of the conversion. I'll also note that the images for the epub had the same problems I mentioned in the previous Secret Projects (at least for my device - Kobo Forma). Same remedy still fixed it:
  14. You'll have to quote what and where you saw that, because that is the opposite of what the book says:
  15. Does not happen for me on PC - is this possibly a phone/tablet bug?
  16. Lightspren was correct (a.k.a. Reachers) What species is Mraize's "Chicken?"
  17. I tried to ask one via the "contact us" page on the website, but was blown off. As far as I know, the only reliable ways to make the attempt are: At a signing During an AMA, and only if you use the platform hosting the AMA During a Spoiler Stream, and only if you use the platform hosting the stream (since the chat is, AFAIK, part of the client).** Shared questions have mostly been nixed, which means those of us limied in Digital interaction and unable to travel for signing will never get a chance to ask a question, unless something like the MtG system gets introduced / attempted: This format allows the author to aggregate/avoid frequently similar questions, pick the ones most relevant and least RAFOy; while also allowing fans time to hear of the event, spread the word, and anticipate the content without wprrying about platorm/timing conflicts. I can only hope they consider trying this some time. . . it's my only chance * *technically, there is a non-0% chance of Brandon visiting Ft Bragg, but I don't think he has ever done a Military Base Q&A or Reading. . . **Jossed by @alder24 sounds like they use Reddit (ugh) for taking questions during the stream.
  18. I was less talking about a random comment in a random thread (which, in threory, should still follow spoiler policy and has its own compliance issues), than threads where the OP's stated purpose is discussing a Preview item from the outset. A place for threads devoted to discussing previews (such as this post) and where such threads found in the wild can be moved (or where a previous innocuous thread devolving into a long spoiler discussion can be moved).
  19. Well, they aren't entirely in the PR (Distance speech uses SR Connection after all) - but what I meant was maybe the reason they are closer to the PR than other Splinters is because Dominion and Devotion are in the CR, so their connection is similar to what you mentioned above.
  20. To be fair, Seons and Skaze already have a bit of that going on. . .
  21. I would love to see this just become "Cosmere Previews" so that all preview discussion (Sixth of the Dusk 2, SA 5, etc) all comes here and frees the rest of us from fearing that random threads are (or become) spoilers with little to no warning.
  22. Welcome to the forums. Please try to avoid double/multi posting. Here are some tips and tools that you may not yet know:
  23. WoK Ch 28: WoK Ch 45: WoK Ch 48: WoK Ch 52:
  24. Was ist das? Is this the "win the day" tripe? Because I like the reputation system For many of the reasons you stated), I would not be sad to see the "win the day" mini-game go away (or only apply to posts in the Community zone).
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