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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Absolutely concur. Not correct. Here's the quote: The Carpet wrapped him and pulled him away causing the dagger to slip. That, to me, is very different from "dropped his dagger." What it really comes down to is that we disagree on if "You will Stop" is a Command. There is no way to prove or disprove either interpretation - other than Vasher's quote in Ch 55 implying that Susebron could not yet be using Mental Commands without training and the annotations noting that he specifically has not received that training. Agree that she clearly felt the Awakening use more Breath. The part of which I am skeptical is her guess that the only reason it needed more breaths was because the amout or vibrancy of color used was the only reason "why" more breaths were used. Great theory, very viable Nope, not confirmed. For two reasons - here's the WoB Again (scroll prevention) "Certain amount to Awaken" means there is a minumum Minimum is not the same as maximum - and "upper limit" implies a maximum amount of color that can be used, The question is about if a specific color has an effect (such as gem color affecting the Surge of Transformation), not about if draining color more completely has an effect (which is what we are discussing with Perfect Invocation). Absolutely. But what we do not yet know is if an Awakeneer with Perfect Invocation draining the grey (or red or black) squirrel to White would have had an effect. I think it would. Granted the squirrel was already a near masterwork (because Vasher's just that good) - but if Color is the Fuel of Awakening, I can't help but think that "better fuel" has to have some "improved performace" and, based on known information, I think the improved performance is a greater ability for the awakened object to act on its Command and Visualization.
  2. Actually, that is not what it says at all. It is one of Brandon;s favorite dodges. Correlation does not imply causation. Let's examine again: Savants can use it way more efficiently. - End of sentence - Savants are more effient with investiture. They are more Connected to the Shard. - Savants have more connection to the Shard - which could simply be another side effect of a warped Spiritweb, not necessarily what causes the Investiture Efficiency. Closer to Spiritual Realm. - Another side effect of a warped Spiritweb - so much investiture has passed through their system that it has brought theie Cognitive and Physical bodies closer to their (warped) Spiritual Nature. I'm not trying to say you are definitively wrong. I am trying to say that your interpretation is not the only valid interpretation of that WoB without further data. That's okay - we are allowed (and even encouraged) to disagree - that's what helps these conversations bear fruit. Not necessarily true, and very unlikely. Vasher (who has personal experience with the 10th Heighteneing) has just said (also quoted above) "The Tenth Heightening allows a man to Command mentally, without speaking, but it can take months of training to learn how to do that—even if you have someone to teach you." Just because we did not see his use of audible commands on-sceen (as he left the prison in search of Siri) does not mean he hasn't been using them - unless you think that somehow, with zero training, Susebron went straight from no Awakening experience to better-than-Vasher levels of mental commands. You may not think "you will stop" was a Command (probably because Siri did not hear any Commands before that - which does not imply they weren't being used) but for all we know he Commanded "Find Siri" or "Trap Priests" multiple hallways ago and they would not have heard a think (other than the building shaking with the force of Susebron's Command). I, personally, think that "You will stop" was a Command with the visualization of how he wanted his Awakened Fabrics to trap and save Siri. While the Command is not a normal Command by any means; to me, his heightening, number of breaths and visualtions make up the difference of poor wording - and yes, I think it is possible that Perfect Invocation is what helped the Awakenings to interpret the Visualization of the Command. I fully recognize it is only one interpretation of the events, but I think it makes more sense than perfect mental commands with no training at all - when we've already been told that even Vasher required training and/or practice to make mental commands work. Law of Comparability is about the quantity of Breath. Yes, not enough color-for-fuel means more Breath is required (or we believe so, because Vivenna thinks so - but she may be wrong). What I think (and mentioned is not definitve - just my interpretation) is that Perfect Invocation, but draining color to White instead of Gray makes the Awakening better able to interpret and act upon the Command and Visualization. Kind of like a car - 87 octane will work (usually), but 93 might give slightly better performance. Not required, just some extra Oomph, if you can use it.
  3. I don;t think that Savantism has much, if anything, to do with Connection. At least, to me, their efficiency is more about the conduit. As a mundane example, picture if you will, a Computer on a network. Weaker strained manifestations of investiture would be like the (very) old serial-connected Hub devices, or a 600 baud modem (a la Wargames). "Normal" manifestations of investiture have a Cat 5 or Cat 6 cable as the conduit. Howver, a Savant that has used so much investiture that they have warped their Spiritweb has, effectively, upgraded to Fibre Optic cable. The Connection(s) are the same, but the path the investiture travels has improved. . . become more efficient. The amount of breath held by a person makes it easier to Awaken, but does not affect the number of breaths used to Awaken - that's the Law of BioChromatic Parallelism and color-as-fuel. Warbreaker: The trouble, of course, is that the calculus of how many breaths any given Awakening requires has too many factors to isolate any single factor as being pivotal. The amount and type of color, the Command (including Intent and Visualization), the type of material and how far removed from "life" it is, as well as the form of that life (corpse vs. clothes vs ropes and cloth - etc.) You could probably chart every single Awakening shown on-screen in every Cosmere book and still not find a definitive mathematic formula of constants and variables. All I can say is that none of the sources (text, annotation, WoBs) explicitly say that the Awakener's heightening affects the amount of breath used. True, but that is the nature of the Nahel Bond, not a Connection to the Shard(s). In fact, most manifestations of Investiture are influenced by the Shard's intent, but not necessarily directly "created" - WoBs: Did that help? We do not yet know exactly what the effect of Perfect Invocation is; however, it is implied that by using more of the color in the awakening, the awakened object is better able to respond to the Command and Visualization. Warbreaker Ch 57: Note that "you will stop" is not likely to be a normally-valid Command - but because of his Heightening (and possibly by draining extra color with Perfect Invocation) it was all Susebron needed to the massive effort protecting Siri and wrapping Bluefingers up. Of course, the 10th Heighteneing Mental Command may also play a factor. Ch 55:
  4. Oh, his Feruchemy would definitely be required. Both times we see Vin use an un-anchored steel push (returning to Luthadel's walls at the Battle of Luthadel, and attacking the Inquisitor at the Battle of Vetitan) she was within unaided sight range of her target landing spot - and the Ws were at a range requiring aided sight to even see the ship. Sure, some of that could be made up with more steel, but CoM was very likely required - either to establish a vertical parabola to make the distance, or to increase speed horizontally to make the distance before gravity took over (like long-range bullistics). Especially since he was carrying the weight of both of them through the Push (TLM Ch 69): This is absolutely a thing. WoBs:
  5. There is a difference between a normal push/pull and a duralumin one. By definition, a duralumin push or pull must split the force if there are multiple lines being used - because, by definition, a duralumin push/pull uses 100% of the remaining iron or steel which then becomes 100% at one line, 50% each for two lines, etc. Likely, a skilled Allomancer with intent (or savant, depending on difficulty) could split this ratio unevenly (say three lines split 50%, 25%, 25%) but I would guess that without specific Intent, the force distributes evenly. However, normal pushes are likely as you describe. If a normal push uses, for example (numbers made up for the sake of the example), 5% of your Steel, and a flared push uses 10% - then using a separate push on each of 3 coins would use up 15% of your steel. Again, I would expect that a skilled allomancer can split the force, and that is likely part of how Zan was able to be so exact with his steel when he floated and rotated in the air (dividing that ush to multiple anchors, using two or more to keep steady and one vector to rotate slowly (WoA Ch 17) Just because Vin only noticed the one anchor doesn't mean he didn't use additional smaller/more distant anchors that his Spiked double-steel let him sense that she wouldn't notice without flaring metals. Are you perhaps confusing the Door to the Well with the doors to the storage caverns? The door to the Well was only a single anchor (plus the inlay in the floor), and required an Iron Pull, not a Steel Push. WoA Ch 57: HoA Ch 5:
  6. As far as I know, the only canon information on Sliverism comes from Alloy of Law itself:
  7. Are you referring to Taravangian's plan for why he revealed what and when he revealed it? Or are you referring to the theoretical reason Radiants broke their Oaths during the Recreance? If the former, please recall the section of the Diagram (WoR. Ch 80 Epigraph) that told his future less-intelligent self that he must "become King of Everything." The timing and method of releasing the information was meant to break Dalinar's will and leadership so that he could take control of the Coalition in his bid to make a bargain with Odium Of course, Taravangian never realized his own true motive - hubris. It wasn't that he wanted to defeat Odium or protect humanity. . . he wanted to be seen as the person who "Protected Humanity" (a very different thing) If the latter, then further information in Rhythm of War indicates there was more to the decision that led to the Recreance, this reveal was only part of "why"
  8. Welcome to the Forums I think you are confusing spren and Spren. On Roshar, spren is one of those terms that can be used as a catch-all term (like Wine is not really what we would consider wine, and Chicken being a term for any bird) - and when used in that context, it means any Cognitive Identity. For example: Higher Spren (Sapiant) - such as Honorspren Spren (Sentient) - such as Flame Spren or Wind Spren Beads (the Cognitive Identity of a physical object) These are all referred to as spren, but only the first two are "alive." Which is why Shallan could see adn "touch" Stick's bead - and also why Pattern had to translate for her (mostly because she was unpracticed - she had also communicated with the Goblet in WoK and the Wind's Pleasure - but she was tired, pained and unpracticed so Pattern interceded). Also, keep in mind that the concept of "dead" for Cognitive Entities is also wibbly-wobbly. They repeatedly call deadeye Shardblades "corpses" but Adolin showed hat Maya isn't "dead" by the human conception. So, stick might be a "corpse" in the sense that it is a no-longer-alive phycial world piece of a growing plant. Being able to communicate with the cognitive identity of the Stick's bead does not make it "alive" in the physical realm. Stick likely did not have an independant CI "bead" until a person viewed it as a "stick" (instead of a part of it's former plant, like a branch) or it had been separated from its origin long enough to view itself as separate. But in Shadesmar you would not see a "spren" of Stick the same way they, for example, encountered Anticipationspren outside of the Rii oracle (as a discrete mobile lesser spren in shadesmar, rather than a bead representing a physical object's "spren" - a.k.a. Cognitive identity). Does that help?
  9. Then that is likely the only legitimate source. You could check the download page where the Prime!WoK eBook is available to see if an audio version can be downloaded from there.
  10. It's possible. Presumaby we'll get more info on new lines when/if the sequel is written They aren't enumerated - just "items taken from three missing students" (Ch 22) Answered above by @Bzhydack We don't know for sure, but it was implied that the Springrail wreck was not an accident. Though Bzhydack has a point, if it was a suicide attempt by jumping from a high place. Here's the section of Ch 14: If there was a Springrail accident on 3 July, they could have lied to Joel and blamed that; but since Trent was so driven to find new lines, I read this passage to imply the wreck was sabotage to kill him.
  11. As far as I know there is no Audiobook version of Prime!WoK. The hardcover and eBook were released for the WoK Leatherbound Kickstarter, and the eBook can still be downloaded for free from Brandon's Website. If there was something on YouTube, I doubt it was legitimate. Proceed with caution
  12. Great theory, and not diminished at all for having been previously discussed - since you had not seen or read those discussions. At the risk of quoting myself, I'll repost my reply to one of the threads @Duxredux linked above: Basically they heard about this "thing" and it was so similar they condsidered it a different version of what they know, since they had no context for non-Aether's that may forge the same type of bond or be controlled by similar methods.
  13. Would it not depend significantly on the type of prosthesis? An artificial leg, for example, is very different if the amputation is above or below the knee. Also, are you only talking about limbs? A prosthetic eye is very different from a prosthetic hand. . .
  14. Keep in mind that Radiants and Mistborn/Mistings are both low-investiture (They are Invested, but not highly invested because thier abilities focus on access to an external power source (Stormlight and Metal-keyed-investitures respectively); as opposed to a Fifth Heightening Awakener (for example) who is Highly invested because the breaths are part of them - or an Elantrian who is both highly invested (due to the nature of the Shaod) and accessed external power (the Dor). . . However, Radiants do get more efficient with use of their light as they go up in Oaths.
  15. Sorry I misunderstood. I wonder if it had/has something to do with they have only posted in one topic. That user has 15 total posts, all in the daily surge thread. If the Mods have been working on anti-spam mitigation, blocking accounts like that might have been a "test" since so many of the daily spam raids lately have been bots posting a topic and replying to their own topic a dozen times so that they "unlock" the ability to post links.
  16. You can check out this post - but basically you have 20 total Rep to distribute, but it's not by calandar days or anything (Time Zone issues) so it's any given 24 hour period. When you tried it the second time one-or-more rep you had given around the same time yesterday had "expired" allowing you to use those slots again. For example, if you gave out 1 rep every five minutes starting at Noon you would run out in 100 minutes. At noon the next day, you could give 1 rep but not two. At 1300 you would have 12 Rep (if you had not yet used more) but not 13. I hope that makes sense to somebody other than me.
  17. Technically, we don't know she was using breaths to Awaken. There is evidence that Awakening might also become a generalized term for a type of implementation of investiture, so her "Awakened" fabrials and guards might have been Awakened through some other method (maybe even Aons). YatNP Spoilers:
  18. I thought throwing coins was a Mistborn thing, not a Stormlight thing. . .
  19. Ditto, which is part of the reason I was a linguist for 15 yrs. Fun fact: when you look at the myriad Sanskrit derived alphabets, Traditional Mongolian is currently the only vertically written language that is still left-to-right rather than right-to-left. Yeah, SeJongDaeWang (Great King Sejong) wanted to increase literacy and decided that independance from Hanja was the key, so he commissioned a scientifically derived alphabet (based on mouth position and structure when making the sound) to create Hangul - 14 Consonants and 10 vowels (plus dipthongs). Easy alphabet to learn, difficult language to master.
  20. It has to go here because YatNP is still in the Spoiler Period. It's in the Cosmere section, because once the spoiler period ends, all threads in this section will be moved to the Cosmere Discussion Forum - which is the thread's true home (but only after the Spoiler Period ends).
  21. Killing everybody on the ship seemed pretty extreme, though with multiple trained Sand Masters and multiple barrls of sand available, I doubt he could pull it off. The thing is, we - the readers - know White Sand can be charged by any Kinetic Investiture. But from Baon's POV in the story, he is still very justified in reporting to the Dynasty that Sand Mastery is not a known threat, since there is no known way to recharge sand on Darkside. SA Spoilers:
  22. Well, two questions? Not necessarily, he shows significant potential - but he would have to train for years to unlock that potential. Is it? They still don't know if they will be able to recharge sand on Darkside. No amount of skill or potential will help if you have no Charged sand to master.
  23. You can use "report post" to ask a mod to delete it - or - you can use the "options" drop down on the bottom (right of Multi-quote, Quote, and Edit) to "hide" the post.
  24. Well, theoretical language family, widely beleived to be descended from Proto-Indo-European (based on a theoretical reconstruction of a possible parent language) that, coincidentally, is also beleived to have fragmented into language families about 6000 yrs ago (4000 BC) - timeframe for language drift sound familiar? My point with Korean and Japanese was not about how they are or are not related (upon whether one believes in the Ural-Altaic theory or not, or how much the migration of PaekJe from Korea to Honshu in the Korean Three-Kingdom's period affected language development on the islands as they drove out the Ainu) - it was about how much "language contact" can affect independant non-related language drift. Chinese, Korean and Japanese (probably) do not share a common root, the the impact of Chinese on both Korean and Japanese is significant.
  25. Wecome to the Forums. Here are some tips and tricks that you may not yet have found: May I ask if there are any Cosmere works you have not yet read? (the most relevant in this case is Mistborn: Secret History) Riino is an example here, note the lack of "spots" typical of a Reod Elantrian description, but lacking on Riino (ch 25): Note that an Elantrian that has completed the Shaod looks aged when the Reod struck (also seen in M:SH) because the Dor is what provides health, life, energy. They do not have the "black spots" because all of their skin is a uniform darkened silver (the Elantrian skin - dulled by a lack of Connection to the Dor). Without a valid Connection to the Dor, they also cannot heal and the skin shrivels like a deflated balloon. Also, an Elantrian requires access to the Dor to survive (M:SH and Oathbringer Spoilers) So, without the sustained Connection to the Dor, their hair still falls out, the skin darkens and wrinkles, and they cannot heal - but the strained Connection is still enough to sustain life (barely). When away from Sel, the effects are similar - though access to jars of Dor can temporarily restore the glowing skin, healing, and access to AonDor (once they knew of the Chasm Line and could make the Aons function) - but away from Sel you also require more "hacks" to make AonDor work - as seen in The Lost Metal and Tress of the Emerald Sea. No WoBs needed, since all of the information required is already published. At least for the OP's question - not the nature of Elantris or how the Shaod specifically functions.
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