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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. None of the above. Koloss should be allowed to make and use spikes only from voluneers (either to be spiked, say before death, or to receive spikes). Reuse of pre-existing spikes are acceptable, since there's no undoing that damage - but any future spikes is what should be regulated. Possibly allow death row inmates to also volunteer (as an alternative to the Firing Squad).
  2. Just to be clear, did you realize that Brandon's response is not an answer to the question. . . ? I'm not saying that these won't work as you hope - but I think something more than just "concentrated investiture" is required - which is why the question was avoided by Brandon's +10 verbal dexterity.
  3. Anything is possible, of course, but he dreamed of that ship a number of times and eventually found it to be (Ch 57): The red was imagery of the ship's name. But it's always possible that more than one meaning and implication were used in that passage.
  4. They were in the Prose version too - just called "Skycolor." I don't recall if there were any references in the original GNs (I think they were mostly edited out since they didn't apply much to the story and it is thought that they can't be used on Dayside) but more info was added back to the Omnibus as foreshadowing for a possible sequel on Darkside. I'm not sure what you mean. The Prose Epilogue? Nearly the whole thing was changed for the Canon Omnibus epilogue(s). That is a great question. We do not have a definitive answer (but many believe they are). Not quite, the lichen absorbs the investiture from Sunlight. The Light is the investiture - the lichen just stores it, and mastering sand releases it. Do we know the thruth, or do we know that they people on Taldain beleived at the time of the story. There are some indications that what is presented in the story is not quite entirely correct. WoBs/Coppermind:
  5. Technically, that is not quite true. They are push/pull pair, but not opposites. both Alluminum and Duralumin wipe metal reserves (as do Chromium and Nicrosil), aluminum wipes without an effect, and Duralumin wipes by releasing the entire effect at once. As far as metals in other investiture systems, it has to do with the spiritual nature of the metal (just as color has a spiritual nature that can affect investiture) Iron pulls and steel pushes, so you see them used on Lumar to affect Aether growth, in fabrials to attract or repel the element whose spiritual nature is tied to the color of the gemstone, etc. Metallic art effects aren't random, they are tied to the spiritual nature of the metal itself and can indicate how that metal interacts with other investiture systems.
  6. Have you made an account on the wiki (sadly accounts are not shared here and there)? Then, be sure to join the Discord server for the Coppermind (which is separate from the normal 17th Shard Discord) You can ask questions and get more information there, and there is a "new editors" channel You may want to ask here if somebody is already working in the section you mentioned above to avoid edit conflicts (for example, I am working on updating related pages with White Sand Omnibus data and references, so if it is a White Sand page you mean then we both might start changing each other's edits) Once you log in to the Coppermind, be sure to review the policies and guides (Left sidebar, first section, about midway - "Guides and Policies") Grab a project, have fun and ask questions as needed.
  7. The Retcon is older than HoA: And I wasn't trying to say that he changed the nature of Ruin's investiture (I'm sorry if I gave that impression) I was saygin that he changed how his invested art - Allomancy - interpreted and manifested those metals. If Preservation manipulated his own invested art to say "Era1 Atium + Gold is Allomantically viable" then it is. I'm not saying this is what happened, but I do think it is possible.
  8. You speak of two different things as if they were the same. Vin's Mother was schizophrenic, not spiked. We don't know Gemmel's mental illness, but it is unlikely that he was spiked. There is no evidence that Shezler was mentally "cracked" or spiked. We cannot assume that Ruin can influence the mentally unstable the way he does those who are spiked (Vin, Zane). True, he helped Vin's mother apply a correct spike to Vin - so there must be some level of influence (or her phychosis was was very deep - and being schizophrenic she would already be pre-disposed to acting on what the voices in her head told her to do). True, I had not considered just changing Shezler's notes - he would not need to "talk" to him if he could just insert ideas into past logbook entries. Not necessarilly, Intent matters. If Era 1 Atium was thought-of, treated-as, and considered "one metal" - then the alloying process could work if Intent does influence it. Also, please do not forget that Preservation chessmastered the whole thing. If Fuzz said "let Era 1 Atium be 'Atium' and have this effect" he could equally have said "let Era 1 Atium alloy with gold and have this other effect." He designed these two metals to fulfill his goals and purposely altered Allomancy to make them viable. I don't think we can know for sure until new information is forthcoming.
  9. If Ruin was involved, they would have every reason to remove silver from Atium, even if they don't truly understand why. Agreed, Ruin claims to have been responsible. Scadrial's lying god of destruction, shown to barely be able to send minor thoughts while trapped in the well to people who have cracks in their soul, claims to have invented an entire fabricated myth implying he also taught entire lessons in advanced metallurgy to achieve the creation of Malatium. Occam's razor implies he's lying (or at least vastly overstating his influence). Gemmel's influence by Ruin is shown and obvious. We have no indications that Shezler was also influenced. It's far more likely that Shezler found something through repeated experimentation, Ruin recognized the discovery and influenced Gemmel to lead Kelsier there. We see the results and Ruin can claim to have "orchestrated everything." PS: While you replied, I edited the above post - in case you didn't notice my White Gold thought. . .
  10. I'm fine with us disagreeing. I see it as this: Nobody in Era 1 (and few if any post-catacendre) knew or realized that Era 1 Atium was an alloy at all. Shezler would have no reason or inclination to try removing silver content to turn one alloy into a different alloy. However, he was obviously successful. So, barring new data - the only process that makes sense to me was trying to alloy Era 1 Atium with other things (searching for it's "pair") and he eventually arrived at Era 1 Atium + Gold = Malatium. (Note: IRL Gold + Silver is known as White Gold, and is also it's own alloy - so the forging process could also be described as changing the nature of the Electrum into White Gold: Making Malatium an alloy of Atium+ White Gold) I'm neither saying nor implying your reasoning is unsound - I just want future readers of this thread to realize that until we have more data, there is more than one valid interpretation of the current evidence. Edit: White Gold Note
  11. I would just like to note that this is conjecture. We have no evidence (either way) if Malatium is "True Atium + Gold" or "Era 1 Atium + Gold." It's entirely possible that Malatium is Era 1 Atium with different ratio percentages (by adding Gold). Technically, naturally occuring Electrum also has copper (but not a significant percentage), just as Bronze and Brass both tend to have lead, manganese and other traces. Since we do not yet have "official" "allomantic ratios" for most metals (just Pewter and Durlumin IIRC) and we don't know the tolerance for trace components (likely < 1% combined) we can't really say for certain with way.
  12. The Eleventh Metal (MAG, Arcanum Unbounded) has what little we know about the creation of Malatium. It isn't much (lab equipment is only descibed as "apparatus"). However, the Other Wiki shows that there are a number of ways to make an alloy, to include interstitial mechanisms. Presumably, the gold would be melted and fine shavings of Atium added, then the result would be cast and forged to form the metallic bonds required for the alloy.
  13. Lumar. Sprouters need not be invested, just skill and guts. Learn to Sprout - start experimenting (a la Khriss in WS Omnibus) Seek: Fort (want to check out his tablet) Avoid: Cpt Crow (or other Spore eaters) Difficult. Either Yolen (pre-shattering) or Sel (pre-splintering of Aona and Skai) Microkinesis and other yolen Magics vs Non region-locked AonDor. . . and maybe learn how Elantris was made
  14. Warbreaker Annotations (ch 47): We also can expect more from Jewels and Tonk Fah (Annotation to Ch 57): Other possible mentions: Most of what I really want to learn in a potential sequel was already mentioned in the annotations above, but I also hope we learn when/why Vasher left and if Nightblood travelled with him or not.
  15. How? If Dilaf had access to a Seon or Skaze while undercover, he would not have tried to access Hrathen's Seon while Hrathen was posing as Reod. . . Also, it may not have been anything definite - just a "possibility." By sending Fjon to Teoras, if Hrathen shows, a countermeasure is already in place, if Hrathen does not show, then he has not become a traitor.
  16. Any question of motive is speculation without more data. I always thought it was because he felt that Hrathen had betrayed him (when it was he who betrayed Hrathen, but of course he won't see any reason that places fault upon himself), and I'm not sure he expected Fjon to succeed, so much as to pit them against each other and both results were acceptable.
  17. I studied Spanish for about 10 yrs - but it was so long ago that I do not consider myself fluent. I would say I am fluent in English and Korean. Tourist level in Japanese and Tagalog. I do try to learn basic phrases in each country I visit, so I have some words in many other languages (German, Mandarin, French, Greek, Pashto, Dari, Arabic, etc.) but I would not even rate myself at "tourist" level since it is mostly confined to greetings, pleasantries (thank you, welcome, excuse me), some food terms and sometimes a smattering of other words. Just as a reference, for those that may not be aware, check out Omniglot (Ethnologue is good too, but is now behind a paywall) for a great resource on alphabets and pronunciation. May I ask how far into studying Korean you are? Did you start with Hangul? For Japanese, do you plan to start with Hiragana and Katakana? I hope to eventuallly improve my Japanese and Mandarin. . .
  18. May I ask why you think it would be a desert? Do you know that desert conditions do not always involve temperature? The largest desert on Earth is Antarctica. . . (largest, not driest) Also, for a planet without axial tilt, the region would effectively be like the Carribean (between the equatorial line and what, on a planet with axial tilt, would have been roshar's version of Tropic of Capricorn) during the equinox (spring or fall) all year long. A tropical and semi-tropical high humidity environment. Unlikely to meet most (if any) definitions of "desert."
  19. You might be able to do some baseline math based on WoR Ch 57: So, we know the shardplaye cracked at Kaladin kicking with at-least 4x Lashings and "falling" approximately 1 meter (any more would be too obvious, ikely less). Some math should at least get you a force estimate at which Plate is confirmed to crack. . .
  20. I feel like this is an example of generalities. There is a huge range of what is "tropical" (and i have no idea where the comparison to Hallendren comes from - they aren;t even close since one is a "bay", and the other a rainforest). For example - Koppen Climate Classification: Hallendren is likely to be an Af climate, whereas I would guess the Purelake to be a variant of the Tropical Savanna climate (because there would be no longer/shorter days on a planet without axial tilt - and if most of the precipitation comes from highstorms - which are much weakened - then the total rainfalll probably places the region well below Tropical Monsoon levels. Do you perhaps mean iriali (not Ire - Elantrians are in Shadesmar AFAIK)?
  21. Which would be why I said "disagree" (not "wrong") We are interpreting the same information differently - and pending further information, both are valid interpretations. I beleive that WoB means that Atium is a form of accessing Fortune, you do not. We are both allowed to beleive our interpretations so long as we are not pretending our single interpretation is definitive "truth."
  22. Disagree. WoB: [I believe that] Using Atium is specifically a form of accessing Fortune [based on the above]]. Edit in brackets.
  23. The Moon Scepter was something different (WoB): In The Lost Metal, We see Moonlight use a picture of the Basin when she begins to forge the connection to the Dor. It is theorized that by forging a connection to the land represented by the picture, she was "tricking" the magic into behaving as if the basin was Arelon - which then allowed her to forge herself as an Elantrian and access AonDor. In Tress of the Emerald Sea, we see a similar set-up where Riina (Sorceress) has created a detailed map of Lumar on the floor of her room. Presumably, she is using a similar technique to create a connection between the Dor and Lumar to allow her to access AonDor as if Lumar were Arelon. Most of this is conjecture - but fairly supported with the information we have so far.
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