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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. In text, Gaotona merely calls them "symbols" (Day 70) Based on the images in the novella, I would guess they are similar to Hanze radicals (Described in these posts - Stormlight Archive Spoilers) where simplified versions of other characters are combined to make new/compound meanings. Who knows what the in-world term for the language or this structure would be, since we have not yet gotten that information. If Aon evolves into Aonic and AonDor; maybe Mai Pon evolved from MaiDor and, therefore, "Mai."
  2. Not precisely. If the line position, length, or slant is off at all - then the Aon is invalidated. This is true, in that line weight can make an Aon more efficient. Also, Chasm line repetitions for those aons using multiples of the base Aon Aon. References:
  3. FYSA, I think this is the relevant passage they mentioned (TFE Ch 24): Posting more to have the reference shown than for any point being made in the OP discussion.
  4. Welcome to the forums Clint (person with no name. . . ) Please do not Necro an old thread, especially to respond to a page 1 section of a four-age thread. If in doubt, policies can be found here (last entry for that post): Here are some other tips and tricks of which you may not yet be aware: If you have not yet done so, please introduce yourself (and let us know if there are any Cosmere books you have not yet read, so we can avoid spoiilers for you).
  5. Very nice theory. It is entirely possible that the access to Fortune is based on Connection (either National Connection to Fjorden, or Connection to Shu Dereth). But it is also possible that Wyrn isn;t the one using Fortune at all. WoB (Non-Elantris spoilers removed): If Wyrn really is getting messages from a being known as Jaddeth - the information may come from that being (possible Avatar) and why they share what they share may have similar limits, or may just be due to ulterior motives. Also keep in mind that separate uses of Fortune interfere with each other. (Mistborn/SA spoilers): So, it is possible that some other access to Fortune was disrupting the ability to see the fate of Elantris. If that was Raoden inadvertantly accessing Fortune to try restoring Elantris, or something/someone else acessing it during that time (The Mysteries seem to try accessing Fortune with their rituals) is unclear. This is by-no-means definite, but it also is not so unlikely as to be discountible.
  6. Have you gotten to the end? If not, you'll have to let us know when you do and what you thought of the ending. . .
  7. I think the better question would be "can you take paired rubies from a spanreed, and use them to set a trap?" For example, remove the paired rubies, attach one to a glove and one to a small knife (say, hidden on a shelf behind the target's desk). If the assassin has done thier homework, they know the target's routine. They know when the target is likely to be alone. You wait for the target to be at the desk then activate your glove ruby, walk forward a few steps and mime a throat slash from behind - the knife moves forward from the shelf and does the work for you . . .
  8. Do you mean this section? Ch 48 (Nine years ago) It implies some weapons were found at Narak, but does not say if the Shards were among them.
  9. Re-reading Plague of Giants (Book 1 of Seven Kennings Trilogy) since we finally have a release date for the last book. . . Nov 7th is still too far away. At least I have time to take my time on the re-reads (also - free flash fiction for my pre-order) From the recommendation thread:
  10. Are you sure you want me to answer that? It's a re-read, right? Have you read the Annotations before (free here)? Spoilers are in tags, so you can show them or not.
  11. No worries. They are good questions, and it will make more sense by the end of the book. . .
  12. What chapter? Do you have the reference, or do you mean the quote I paraphrased from the Prologue? Warbreaker Prologue: Prologue Annotations (spoiler removed): Ch 15: This is Vivenna's guess (keep in mind how new she is to reading breath auras) Ch 19: This is just the speculation from Denth's team. Ch 21: Ars Arcanum: Keep in mind that Fourth Heightening "Max Strength" is about how far away (and through obstacles) a person can sense another sapient being and is more about range (and regard - such as Vivenna sensing when Vasher started staring at her in Ch 15). Higher levels of breath let you sense smaller and less complex lifeforms (with the correct Intent). Even before Fourth Heightening you might, with the correct intent be able to sense some of that if the life is close enough. . .
  13. Unknown There are no known heightenings beyond the tenth. If you recall, in the prologue Vasher said (paraphrased) "I could have the fifth heightening" not "I have the fifth heightening." So Vasher, at the time he makes the comment you are referencing, is not above Fourth Heightening (but he could be if he took specific actions - which will be explained by the end of the book).
  14. Welcome to the Forums. Normally, there is a "typo" thead for things like this (but most of the older books were on the old forums). Either way, this is a known error. Here's Brandon's post about it (from back in 2008): It was fixed for all future editions. I do not know if a corrected version of the Audiobook exists (mostly because I avoid Audiobooks).
  15. Wlcome to the forums. To be fair, we don't know exactly how far before the events of Mistborn:The Final Empire that White Sand takes place. Scadrial also had firearms before The Deepness and Rashek's use of the Well; however, the tech was new and he quashed in the first two centuries or so of his reign. So, the pre-Industrial society on Darkside could very well have been a millenium or more before Mistborn Era 1. WoBs
  16. This is the real "work" that Kalak's prelude does. It allows for the very first mention of the Heralds and Desolation to throw a red flag for the reader yelling "this does not match what I already know." If there was any "mistake" in the beginning of WoK, it was leading off Ch 1 with Cenn's viewpoint. The result being that the first five "chapters" (PtoSA, P, CH 1,2,3) are all different viewpoints, leaving the reader confused as to which "story" matters and will be followed. Especially if they missed the Part One splash page that names the viewpoint characters for the section. In fact, when I recommend the book to friends, I make it a point to show them the splach page and the chapter headings and how they indicate viewpoint, so it makes the book easier to follow. That said, even Cenn's viewpoint is important, since it sets up Kaladin's chapters to make you wonder how so much changed in eight months, as well as giving a frame of reference for that change.
  17. No worries, just wanted to verify in case I missed some new WoBs. . .
  18. Keep in mind, that is only in Era 1, where Koloss were still "Humans turned into hemalurgic monsters" and not a distinct species. Where did you get this? I cannot find any sources validating this assertion. Harmony codified the Koloss survivors of the Catacendre as a distinct species with their own DNA traits and capable of breeding. Children who have not received spikes are close enough to humans to allow interbreeding (but we have no evidence that a Full Koloss could breed with a Human). So, a non-spiked Koloss-Blooded has their defined DNA - once they get spikes, aspects of that DNA are accentuated by the Hemalurgy. There is no indication that anything from the spikes are inheritable - especially since most traits in a Koloss aren't about the Physical Strength stored in the Iron Spikes. The spikes provide their strength, the position of the spikes determine how the physical body is warped by the hemalurgy.
  19. No reason to be sorry - just thought you might not have known there were internal ways to reference things like book covers. No worries, I've done it both ways (I used physical books for the first version of the correlation). Yeah, parts five and six correlate to HoA, this is the rough matchup I use: Which part with Spook was unclear?
  20. That's why I linked the Cover gallery above - you could have just said "2019 Mass Market" or linked the cover from the forums (if you are unfamiliar - links are made by clicking the fifth editor icon - looks like a chain - to open the link dialog. Paste the link on top, change the display text on the bottom (optional)). Covers can be found in the Coppermind by slowly typing the full book name in the search (e.g. The Hero of Ages) at some point matches will display and includes the "extra" pages - such as Interior art, cover gallery, summary, etc. Yes, that cover does appear to reference the prologue scene with Marsh using Hemalurgy. May I ask if you are reading the physical books, ebooks, or some combination? Are you using the post where I sorted where each SH chapter falls in the trilogy timeline? For my ebooks, I ended up making a Complete Era 1 ebook, there I further splintered the SH chapters into scenes and placed each scene where it belongs. For example (HoA and M:SH Spoilers):
  21. Which cover version do you have? Mine is the Mass Market 1st ed. and has nothing to do with Spikes. Sazed was the announcer for Vin, Haddek the announcer for Sazed. But really, It mostly doesn't matter because almost all of the Announcer/Holy First Witness business was falsified by Ruin to make manipulating the prophesies easier. That was kinda the point of the climax, I think. There was never only "one" Hero of Ages. Brandon was pointing out how vague prophesies can also have vague fulfillment - showing Sazed expecting Vin to come to the Warren and save them without realizing she had already become the Hero and Ascended fighting at Kredik Shaw, and was already there and trying to help, even if he could not see her (and had indeed saved him by sending Elend when she did). And when she fulfilled her part and sacrificed herself, Sazed stepped up as a new Hero to fulfill even more of the prophecy. Back in Well of ascension, Sazed and Tyndwel keep discusing the seeming contradictions without ever once realizing that the reason the contradiction existed was because there was more than one Hero of Ages, each fulfilling their part(s) of the prophesy (but the distinctions were muddled by Ruin's meddling). Sorry you felt that way - I had the opposite reaction. Seeing how well HoA and SH mesh and how small specific details from each affected the other made me appreciate them both so much more. Fadrex needed to happen because only Obligators had the inormation Elend needed to make sense of the "16%" subplot, and also to close off the "Rashek was twisted by Ruin to become what we saw in Book 1" subplot.
  22. Welcome to the Forums. Not just because they were separated, though that was a part of it. But also because of the Cognitive pressure of the suppression fabrial (re-read Lift's interlude when Wyndel describes what he is feeling).
  23. I'd forgotten that Wax mentioned that in AoL - though I wonder why the WoB seems to conflict. . . (unless Wax is wrong) AoL Ch 19:
  24. He is taller than most Alethi, but I don;t think he is significantly taller than most (unlike Rock) Pretty sure KB don't keep growing unless they take the spikes to become full Koloss: The WoB doesn't say it directly, but it implies they are human sized unless they take the spikes to become full Koloss. . .
  25. WoB: Without a doubt, I just didn't want somebody to read this and have the wrong idea about Kaladin. I always just think of Kal as Dresden sized (that's how I remember).
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