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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. That makes sense. I guess, maybe, it comes down to if mass increasing/decreasing would increase the effect of gravity on forward momentum or increase friction on motion (like Sazed's float-fall in WoA at the Conventicle of Seran). Barring outside forces, the basic equation of momentum is P=M(V), which implies that as M decreases, V must incerase fr their product to remain constant. However, in the case of a Pewter leap, the initial accelleration would seem to be a greater factor since it will determine the initial velocity in determining airborne momentum. Which brings us back to how the mass at moment of leap would affect acceleration and the vector of accelleration (a straight up leap would likely be more affected by increased mass tan a running lateral leap, for example).
  2. I'm not a physicist, so I may be entirely wrong. . . but: Think of it this way. If you arm can generate X amount of force - which will you thow faster - a baseball or a baseball sized kettlebell?
  3. The way that Conservation of Momentum interacts with a Steelpush will not be the same as how it interacts with a Pewter Jump. Steel pushes have additional injections of acceleration after the allomancer has left the ground - a Pewter Jump will only ever have the first push. Therefore (without yet crunching numbers until I have more time available), to maximize Velocity Force = Mass(Acceleration) you would need to flare pewter while storing mass to get the strongest "leap" possible (in Strength:Mass ratio - highest possible "acceleration") then increase (tap) mass while moving through the air (higher mass multiplier) to increase airborne velocity. Wax tends to decrease (store) weight while airborne to make sure that he gets maximum acceleration on each push IIRC. Edit: Stupid brain
  4. What are you thoughts on this specifically? Do you think a KB pewter arm is sort of losing out on a bunch of the benefits because they are KB specifically? KB are going to be a lot larger than any average human but they also have a genetic (weaker) augmented strength compared to a normal human. I kind of want to reread all of the Tarson scenes. I know he was described as healing way faster and it needing a head shot to kill him. Did he ever vault around the rooms? I really figured a KB would be stronger per their weight than a normal human but I also picture them as being far heavier so maybe not so much? Sorry I wasn't clear. Strength can be measured in more than one way. The two that we have specifically seen applied in Mistborn books are raw strength and S:M ratios. For example, the reason why Ants (and other insects) can easily lift many times their own weight is due, at least in part*, to SquareCube applications (which also figures strongly on other Cosmere worlds) so: Raw: A KB would have a clear advantage, due to both a higher baseline, but also likely a higher proportionate increase Ratio: The KB would have a clear disadvantage, so any measure of strength as it relates to body weight (jumping, climbing, hanging-by-grip-strength) would fall far short of the capability of a strong-but-lighter individual. In the referenced example, Vin easily jumped well over Hammond's head using pewter only because she was not only "strong for her size" but also "small/light for her strength." Even without any allomantic enhancement Vin was already strong and nimble fo a 100lb female - when you double or triple that strength there are feats that she can perform that would be impossible for a significantly larger and heaver person, no matter their advantage in raw strength. Does that help clarify? *Note: The other part being, of course, an exoskeleton (which negates many problems with ligaments and tendons that can cause an effective ceiling on raw power, no matter the size or efficacy of the muscles)
  5. It is the minimal length of time that these events played out. The Well "fills" every 1024 Scadrian years, and that happened at-least-twice: Once for Alendi to hear the pulses, travel to the well, get killed by Rashek and for Rashek to become The Lord Ruler Second for The Lord Ruler's reign, Vin to be manipulated into killing Rashek and releasing Ruin It is unknown if there were more "cycles" before the one that Rashek claimed the power at the Well. WoB: The timing has to do with powers of two (Pairs - push/pull, internal/external, etc.), and is specifically 2^10.
  6. Don't forget that the SquareCube law applies - so it depends on what metric of strength is being measured. For example, when sparring with Ham in WoA Vin was able to make the pewter jumps that others could not duplicate because her strength-to-mass ratio was higher even if her raw-strength was lower.
  7. The first draft of Khrissalla's Journal is complete - with all of the art snippets uploaded and posted. Please let me know if any of them need to be removed as being beyond what we have permission to post. I still need to do a pass for image-placement/flow and a pass to make sure the first instance of each term is linked (and possibly remove links in the Glossary for things that won't have a page and/or find a suitable alternative). However, feedback is appreciated (typos especially) so I can have that in mind when I start those reviews in a few days. Now, I'll do the first review of the Omnibus Summary and make sure that items that had no link, but now have entries in the Journal, are properly linked. Thank you all very much for your time and consideration. Have a great day.
  8. The OP didn't mention Scadrial, so I didn't consider that limitation. I just figured that, like many others, they might not realize that Kaza's interlude was a Soulcasting Savant.
  9. Well, to be fair, Soulcasting Savants have it pretty bad as well. . .
  10. It was in the WoB Quoted above. The linchpin spike's purpose was Connection - you can't get that by stealing A-Iron or A-Steel. . . It just makes the most sense to give inquisitors all 8 base powers Oh, I would beleive that he had double Bronze - I was just pointing out that we do not see him using it before HoA. Also, not all Inquisitors had bronze, much less double bronze. That's why Seekers or natural Mistborn were preferred - if a Bronze spike wasn't available - well, the initiate is already a Seeker and can get one later. . . They didn't all get the base eight, because not all 8 were always available at the time they were "initiated." And those four are the powers that were not confirmed on-screen for Marsh before HoA.
  11. AFAIK all Inquisitors had double steel for the eyes. . . What makes you think he had all eight base metals? We never had any indication of him using Bronze, Copper, Brass or Zinc before HoA. Edit: Obviously double bronze - since he was a natural Seeker.
  12. We have not yet seen/identified three Herald on-screen yet, so we can;t be sure he's the only one. Don't forget that each desolation they would "create" a new body when returning to Roshar from Braize. Warbreaker Spoilers: We won't know if they all appeared the same way before the first desolation until we get Herald flashback chapters in the back-half. There is no indication that Honor (or Cultivation) told them to stay there. The Dawnsingers gave them Shinovar when they arrived as refugees. There may or may not have been a treaty amongst the mortals that they would remain in the area they were given, but humanity is notoriously bad at upholding treaties from previous generations - especially considering exponential population growth. So are Greek and Latin. And German. Doesn't mean they didn't all use Latin as the language of scholarship for a long time. Ditto in Asia where Korean and Japanese have almost no grammatic similarity to Chinese, but still use hanze (Hanja, Kanji) daily in their languages. We also do not yet know how many racially and linguisitically different peoples from Ashyn were among the refugees.
  13. Five unknown spikes - don't forget that both eye spikes are H-Steel spikes storing A-Steel. Also, the Linchpin spike which stores an unknown non-allomantic/non-feruchemical quality but functions to prevent physical side effects from having more than four spikes in a person (my guess is Identity or Connection):
  14. So, in working on the WS Omnibus updates, I decided to try asking a question for clarification and received the "dreaded form-letter brush-off." Not sure if anybody would have the opportunity to ask these questions in a different setting, but I thought I would share them here in case the opportunity arises. My query (via the website "contact us") The Response: I get it, and I knew the chances of getting a yes or no was slim; but I thought I would try that option first in the hope that a simple Omnibus clarification would be seen by somebody in Peter's or Issac's team. I do find it funny that the remainder of the email said I could check the 17th Shard, Coppermind and Arcanum to try finding my answer. . . So, if anybody gets a chance to ask, please let me know. Until then, I'll continue to use the Trivia section to mention the names are neither confirmed nor denied.
  15. They used masks: Just as Navani uses the skimmer, in part for cabin pressure and wind protection.
  16. If the tab has been open a while, just press F5 first to refresh. . . just in case.
  17. Have you read Mistborn: Secret History? I thought you were re-reading it all together. . . Spoiler tags just in case: I would agree that Rashek probably new that new Keepers were still being born periodically - since that was how they came back after the Ascension, when he thought he had turned all Keepers into Mistwraiths. So he watched for new ones, but tried to breed-out the ability for new ones to be born (or at least slow the rate of those births).
  18. Where did you get this information? I have no memory of this being established anywhere. I am willing to be wrong, but this appears to just be a guess with the current information we have. We do not know the origins of the Ashynite humans. Actually, we know this cannot be accurate. To create humans on Ashyn, Odium would have to have invested himself. He did not invest anywhere (and took pains to avoid investing himself anywhere) until he had no choice after being bound by Honor.
  19. And it's volume. In number-of-pages SA's books so far have to be more than double all of Mistborn, it's closest comparison.
  20. Well, we also don't know what percentage of that thousand shared a similar "rebellious" intent. . . Vahr did buy some and acquire others through dealings with the underground. That was why I said at least hundreds.
  21. I don't think that TLR intentionally allowed keepers to keep breeding - he was excessively worried about anybody (including Inquisitors) gaining access to Compounding and was very careful which Feruchemical spikes he granted. However, you may or may-not have noticed, the fact that Inquisitors were harvesting Ferchemy spikes was implied in Well of Ascension. After TLR died, the Keepers came out into the open thinking they were safe. The Synod openly took the government of Terris, and Keepers (like Sazed) started teaching across the former empire. Then Elend and Spook encounter the Terris refuggees, who relate that the Inquisitors came to Tathingdwen and "slaughtered" the Synod. That was the hint - the regular Terris did not know that Inquisitors use Hemalurgy, but the reader may recognize that the Inquisitors were giving to themselves the powers that TLR had kept from them all this time. Once Ruin was free, it continued as he controlled select Inquisitors in hunting down the Keepers that had been outside of the Terris Dominance the previous year.
  22. I wonder if it is not-so-much something of the person being transfered, rather the mindset/method of transfer imarting a fraction of Intent to the breath. In singles, dozens or scores, the fractions of Intent are too small to notice - but in the hundreds of aligned intents would influence the Intent of an awakening using those breaths?
  23. I agree that regular breaths and regular awakening are primarily PR manifestations of Endowment's Investiture. What I was saying was that Lifeless are "sticky" because the breath that was used for that awakeneing has transitioned to the SR to become the artifical soul mentioned in the WoB. That's why it cannot be recovered. So, any investiture that cannot transition in that way won't make a lifeless - which also explains why it "would be hard" to try using Stormlight, for example, to create Lifeless. However, something like the Dor that can already make the transition and affect spiritwebs (AonDor, Bloodsealing, Forgery, etc) has a better chance of substituting because the nature of the Dor already allows it to transition to the SR and affect the Spiritweb. I'm not sure what you're suggesting here. Do you say that the Breath reconnects the entire spirit web of a deceased person that resides in SR? No, because upon death the spirit web and mind are separated from their body. However this body would be considered an inanimate object now, with some sort of cognitive manifestation and traces of soul - that soul will have some connection or be tied to identity of a deceased person, but will be completely lacking the ability of invested arts - as that part of the spirit web was separated from it (that part is the spiritual corpse now - Breaths don't reach there when creating Lifeless). What I was trying to convey is that I think in a regular Lifeless awakening, the "artificial soul" mentioned in the WoB only reconnects a very small fragment of the original body's spiritweb "corpse" and that using additional methods reconnect either more or different fragments (possibly restoring some Connection or other spiritweb traits). It would require very specific Intent and Command to try reconnecting Identity, and without that any invested art requiring Identity would not be accessible to a Lifeless. Two theories, both possible (and possibly both wrong) but not mutually exclusive since it could be some combination. We can't relly extrapolate until we have more data. Disagree. I think it has to do with Connection. Of course, their original breath would have connection. But we also know that transfered breath changes its identity key, but that does not mean previous Connections are severed. I think the WoB simply means that breath retaining some Connection to the body influences how the lifeless reconnects to the Spiritweb fragments (or which fragments to which it reconnects). Again, we can't really extrapolate more without further data.
  24. I'm sorry if I discouraged you, and I wouldn't go that far - the reasons we talk this out as a group is to refine ideas. For example, you may consider that if the act of creating a Lifeless requires Investiture that is primarily in the SR - whaere have we seen similar? Then you use Coppermind and Arcanum to look up and follow ideas and discover that we do already know of a similar process - Skeletals. So that gives you another datapoint to refine your theory(ies). I thought that point was covered above when I noted that Lifeless requires an Investiture that resides primarily in the SR an can function as an artificial soul. Sapient spren (of any type - Seon, Skaze, Unmade, etc) and Cognitive realm entities. Thus, I doubt thay could animate a lifeless (nor would they want to do so). I'm not sure about that. Brandon was very specific to say soul not spiritweb. He then further (as quoted above) says "part of their own soul." So, we know that soul =/= spiritweb, though they are related (and very likely one is a component of the other). We know aspects of the spiritweb survive death as a sort-of SR "corpse." That's why a Returned is the original SR Identity and CR Identity reconnected to their body by the Divine Breath. So, a Lifeless must use the artificial soul to reconnect fragments of the original spiritweb to the body - but because it is lacking the Spiritual Identity portion of the Spiritweb and the Cognitive Identity (unless parts were returned through some other method like animating with previously Connected breath) the Soul and Spiritweb fragments will have lost the portions that require Identity, like Invested nature (Metallic Arts, etc.) and can't gain access to invested arts that require an Identity unless additional measures are taken to restore/replace an SR/CR Identity (in which case you are no longer really in the "lifeless" category - hence his comment about an unkeyed metalmind (probably an AluminumMind) leading to no longer being lifeless) That is a whole lot of speculation. All I was trying to say was that the breath that animated Arsteel's Corpe into the Lifeless Clod was somehow Connected to Arsteel before that event. It's possible (probable?) that if one of the five scholars was the Awakener (Denth - and very likely) that there was also a different-than-normal technique involved inteh process since each of he five scholars mucked about in Lifeless techniques at some time or another. . .
  25. Lifeless are not alive (it's in the name after all) and Breath reanimates them, but does not sustain them. The Breath becomes an artifical soul to animate the body, but without cognitive identity or a spiritweb. Additional breaths would only be needed if enough damage was done to require more "animating force" (as per Vasher's explaination in Ch 46: The Law of BioChromatic Parallelism: the closer a host is to a living shape and form, the easier it is to Awaken.) Warbreaker Annotation to Ch 33: It couldn't be just any investiture, it has to be a form of investiture that resides primarily in the Spiritual Realm to make an artificial Soul. WoB: Lifeless do not have a Spiritweb to which additional investiture can be attached. Something more would be required. WoB: Whether or not Divine Breath can be used to Awaken is a hearty debate on the forums already. We do not have an answer either way (we do know it can do things other than Heal somebody - but not what else can be done) - such as this thread. But even if a Divine Breath could be used to awaken, you would have to find a way to acquire one - since any Returned that loses thier Divine Breath is dead. Also, when somebody is healed by Divine Breath - it is consumed by the process and the person being healed does not "receive" that divine breath - just the healing. WoBs: Divine Breath is a Splinter of Endowment - and rather different from normal breath. Returned are Cognitive Shadows reattached to their physical shell by the Splinter (Divine Breath) and not very much like a Lifeless at all. Lifeless are corpses animated with an artificial soul made of Breath. Awakening a Lifeless with breath that body formerly had can increase the Connection to the body's former Spirit Web, giving it more-than-normal awareness (but not quite a return to Sentience much less Sapience)- implied by WoB that this happened to Clod. A Returned is the original body reconnected (via Divine Breath) to the original Cognitive Identity and original Spiritweb.
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