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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Mostly correct, yes: So, Timbre had tried to bond Eshonai. She found Eshonai shortly before she took on Stormform (RoW) - then, after the change, Timbre tried to break Odium's influence by allowing the proto-bond to let Eshonai hear her own Cognitive screaming (WoR), but was ultimately unsuccessful. Eshonai actually accepted the first two oaths of the Willshapers (My Life / I will be free), but could not verbalize them because of the flooding. If you recall, it was only after the first oath for Venli that Timbre was able to reside in her gemheart and take the Voidspren there "captive" (something Timbre probably learned from her time with Eshonai). Right, that was the crux of my hypothesis on the previous page. That the "Connection shenanigans" happens when Spren are searching for <Individual> because the Bond will be formed and so Connection already exists in the Spiritual Realm before the Bond is formed in the Cognitive and Physical Realms. However, when a potential Radiant is found and accepted because they are a Squire (Lopen, Gaz, etc.) then this kind of effect is either not possible, less-likely, or unnoticed (since they already have access to Stormlight be being a squire) because the Connection isn't Spren + Individual-with-trait(s); it's Spren + Squire-with-traits so the connection Prechoes (preceding echoes - to try a new term) would only appear after they have become a Squire (as being a squire is part of the Connection).
  2. Okay, I was not understanding your point. Please note that it is not just a Radiant thing - any Investiture messing with SR things can potentially cause similar weird effects - we just have not yet seen such things crop up in other magic systems yet (with AonDor being the most likely to also experience similar oddities, IMO). Mistborn Era 1 Spoilers
  3. Unlikely, since the "hema" in hemalurgy is "blood" (Spikes must touch blood to steal an attribute, and spikes also need to be stored in blood to reduce their loss of potency). Now if Person A and Misting B were both physically in Scadrial's Shadesmar (having traversed a shardpool), and Person A spiked Misting B - that should work since it is still a physical body that is being spiked. Unlikely. Here's what we know of Hemalurgy's interaction with Nahel Bonds. WoBs:
  4. I would also like to note that this forum suggests the use of [Support] and [Discuss] tags on thread titles for this very reason. Please see this post for more.
  5. Saying he is Hoed might be a bit too blanket of a statement, but I agree there is likely something very similar happening in both cases, causing a similar condition and similar symptoms.
  6. Glad you are enjoying it. I won't say more, but I will remind you of these posts. Yumi and Tress Spoilers I'll answer in a spoiler tag in case you want to skip, but it is not a spoiler for anything defiitive to the books so far.
  7. Yes, they are both related to Connection in the Spiritual Realm. I think you are overthinking this. Did you go back and reread the post referenced above? Also, the WoB in this post (early page one). It is not time travel - it is just as Brandon explains in the WoB: Connection manifests in strange ways - one of those ways is that, in some conditions, an Effect can precede a Cause. Kaladin and Dalinar were able to subconciously use Stormlight, because the SR Connection that would allow them to manifest the ability is not tied to "time;" because the SR has neither time nor place. So having a Nahel Bond creates a Connection in the SR, and because the SR is timeless, an effect of that bond appeared before the First Oath that solidified it.
  8. That's what I was trying to explain on the previous page in this post. Based on what we know so far, I think it is the fundamental difference between a proto-Radiant (for whom a spren is searching and a SR connection has been established) and other Radiants/trainees (such as Squires). We see the effects of SR connection allow Kaladin and Dalinar some small, inadvertant access to Stormlight before the First Oath (because SR Connection tends to manifest in small effects that precede their cause) - where as with Radiants like Teft and The Lopen, they did not have these effects because the SR Connection was between a "squire" and their spren, and so it could not manifest an effect until the person had become a Squire (e.g. Kaladin's third oath allowing The Lopen - and his other squires - access to Stormlight).
  9. Two people wouldn't be in control at the same time - the pressure from multiple mistings will weaken the target(s) will, and whoever makes the push that breaks that wall would be the one in control when it was done. You can try, but I'm not sure Q&A threads can move in that way. I might be better to just start a new thread in Cosmere Discussion or Mistborn Forums (depending on if you plan for the thread to follow re-reads across the whole of the Cosmere). You can move quotes from this thread to the first post in a new thread (just click on the "+" sign on the top-left of the quote in the reply section, use CTRL+X to "cut" the quote, then use CTRL+V to paste it into the new thread. YOu can also link back to this thread and mention you are moving the conversation. Please see this thread for an example. Also note, that when you use the built-in quote system (as opposed to just clicking the "quote" button in the editor and pasting some text) the top-right will have an arrow that links back to the full post from which the quote was made. Compare my quotes of your text in this post to your quote of @alder24 in the post right above this one. You can easily see the difference if the quote header says something like "<time>. Awakened Rock Stacker said:" or simply "Quote."
  10. Don't forget, Kaladin was also healing with Stormlight before his first oath (surviving the highstorm and afterward). Here are the quotes you were thinking of - his unintentional use of Stormlight isn't on-screen, as far as I can tell, but it is implied:
  11. Don't forget that the Listener Blades had the Gemstone required for bonding and dismissing the blade, which implies they could only have acquired them at least a century after teh recreance (unless you think that the Parshendi, who had never heard or learned of capturing a spren in a gemstone somehow independantly learned a related technique to bond a blade).
  12. Welcome to the Forums. Please do not double-post. Here are some tips and tricks you may not have found yet that will help you address multiple topics or update posts:
  13. Actually, no. Dalinar says the First and Second Oath both in Ch 89. he was only a proto-Radiant without oaths in Ch 76. Yes, he was receiving visions since before the beginning of WoK - but he had not sworn the First Oath before this point. His ability to understand the meaning behind the thunder right after the first oath shows that the bond was completed (despite Stormfather's Protests).
  14. Have you read the annotations to Era 1? Much of the information that Brandon could not fit in the books themselves (due to plot and pacing issues) is found in these annotations that he wrote while doing the final copy-edit before publication. It was Ruin, not preservation, that turned the Mists into the Deepness. This was covered in the HoA Ch 81 Epigraph: Sorry you felt that way, but I can see why you do. I felt that there was enough evidence that Preservation/Ruin did not equal good/evil. Especially with Sazed's discussions with the First Generation and the events shown in Secret History. But can can see how that might not be enough for some readers, especially since all of the viewpoints are from the forces opposing Ruin, and therefore paint Ruin with the "black-hat brush." He was certainly more insidious. To me, his actions in HoA felt much more like a bully that wanted to taunt his "victims." A Megalomaniac that, having achieved his short term goal, wanted to gloat before delivering the death stroke. I think that at least part of that characterization by Brandon was purposeful to illustrate that a Shard's vessel, despite being a god in many ways, still can harbour many mortal flaws. One of Brndon's themes for the Cosmere as a whole is "what happens to Mortals who aquire god-like power." WoBs: Thank you for your insights.
  15. Are you confusing Allrianne and Beldre? Allrianne is the daughter of Lord Cett, a Rioter who seduced Breeze, went dress chopping with Vin, etc. Beldre is the misting sister of Urteau's First Citizen - Quellion. She became the Lord Mistborn's (Spook) wife post-catacendre.
  16. Please make sure you have spoiler tagged your cosmere references when not in a Cosmere forum. Have you read the Reckoner's trilogy (Steelheart, Firefight, Calamity)? Epic powers are not cosmere powers. Your conclusions on Soulcasting are not quite right, but this is not the forum to discuss that.
  17. I also edited the post above to add a summary of searching the Coppermind and Arcanum.
  18. Thirty-five WoBs reference Bendalloy. I have not filtered them, the link is to the whole search. Sixty-nine WoBs are in the #Time-Bubble category. I have not filtered those either, the link it to the whole category. I would expect significant overlap between those two sets. For example, filtering #Time_Bubble by the Bendalloy keyword yields 15 results. In case you have not yet played with the Coppermind and Arcanum much, here is a primer: Hope that helps
  19. You know you are a nerd when all of your friends and coworkers being you their Cosmere, and other book series, questions. . .
  20. Please make sure your Yumi references are in spoiler tags - Yumi and the Nightmare Painter is still in it's spoiler period. Alternatively, you can ask a mod (by using "report post" at the top of your post) to move this thread to the YatNP Cosmere Spoilers forum until the spoiler period is over (when all of those threads will merge into this forum - Cosmere Discussion).
  21. Welcome back to the forums. Do you mind sharing which books, if any, you have not yet read? Doubtful. What we saw in Kaza's interlude is an example of Soulcasting Savantism, last seen in (Mistborn spoilers) Because savantism is a warping of the Spiritweb due to having been over-stretched by extended, repeated use of kinetic invstiture - there is no actual "damage" to heal. The physical ramifications are simply the body trying to mirror the spiritweb through the filter of the person's cognitive aspect. So, it's not a matter of seeing themselves as human or not, it's that identity has become tied to their essence, and as the Savantism warps their soul - that connection changes them. WoBs: Hope that helps.
  22. Why? (SA Spoilers) At least we have had no indications otherwise - assuming we do not get a WoB that explains the crystals on the speed bubble in some other way. After all, my conclusions are just deduction based on available evidence. Future data may change the conclusions.
  23. I could maybe see a possibility of causing condensation due to the density of investiture, but I don't think it would be bubble-shaped - and it would still just be water (plus any airborne impurites absorbed by the condensation). More likely, however, is that with a lack of physical object(s) there would be no condensation - and the frost/crystals are the result of deposition (desublimation) by investiture-derived temperature shift.
  24. Here's the section of TLM Ch 71: It is unlikely that time is what crystallized here. We already know that large amounts of investiture cause condensation (SA note 1), and even larger outputs crystallize that condensation into frost (SA note 2). What you are likely seeing here is that the amount of investiture poured into the speed bubble was so great that it formed crystalline ice, not just frost or rime, on the surface of the speed bubble. SA Spoilers:
  25. Here is that WoB: Note how he artfully dodges the questoin on other True Spren. Also:
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