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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Exactly. More specifically, while some people think it has the meaning shown in the Coppermind - others recognize that she was unfamiliar with Alethi naming conventions or name meanings (whichis why she chose "Re" a Riran name with no meaning) - and it is more likely that it would require better understanding than she had to pruposely evoke that meaning. It is more likely that "nar" was being used to honor Dalinar in the same was modern children are named after a parent, grandparent, other-family, etc. Not so much "Re, son of Dalinar" as "Renarin, his own person" (with a nod to his dad thrown in). I prefer "Renarin, unique" interpretation as foreshadowing on how he was the first Radiant of an enlightened Spren. That seems to be a feature of being a Truthwatcher bonded to an Enlightened Mistspren. If you re-read the RoW quote above, you see that Rlain willalso be able to see glimpses in stained-glass-visions (specifically, in that one he sees Kaladin's 4th Oath and the liberation of the Tower).
  2. That seems like a fan theory that made it into the coppermind with no supporting evidence. I can see how it was deduced from the passage, but there are no WoBs and nothing in the text to indicate that was Evi's intention. OB Ch 52: How do we know Sja-Anat is the one using that title? The only in-text instance so far is from Tumi, and he does not attibute the title to Sja-Anat. RoW Ch 111: Again, it makes a logical deduction, but that is not definitive proof that Sja Anat devised that title. There are also no WoBs on the title.
  3. can you try to explain what you are pointing out? I said I read both are you saying that in the reread I should read both? Also is the only way to read a house of ashes without getting the whole rpg.(like his website maybe?) I beleive Firesong was referencing White Sand as well (responding to you mentioning that you read White Sand Prose) and re-affirming that reading the omnibus was a good idea even if you had read the Prose version. House of Ashes is a Mistborn Story from the RPG. Here's the WoB on that: Note the date. There isn't much relevant there and I'm not sure if there is any other venue to find it other than purchase. I bought mine in the MAG bundle on Drive Thru RPG. I do not generally recommend House of Ashes.
  4. Epub version of the omnibus was a download, it worked fine on my computer (Calibre) but had required "fixing" to work on my device (Kobo Forma). Trade Omnibus shipped a few months back - Hardcover still has not yet shipped. I second this. I think the Omnibus really fixed 90+% of the problems from the original graphic novels and I do recommend it. I think you can get away with reading the Omnibus without having to read the prose, but for people who have only read the prose - I still recommend the Omnibus. For those that dislike the graphic novel format, I am updating the Coppermind Summary** to have enough detail to at least cover all the canon changes (and then some) - so they have that option now in addition to the numerous threads in the White Sand section that already compare changes from the previous GN release. *Note: I'm still fixing some wording, spelling, and grammar (SPAG) as well as verifying all links but the draft is posted.
  5. Has your Omnibus delivered yet? Had you already read the prose or original graphic novels? The fixes and new content is great (well, only new-to-you if you have read the others).
  6. I know it is a bit of a tangent, but I would sure love a chapter of Navani and a certain Arcanum author talking and comparing notes. . . White Sand Spoilers:
  7. While I do not think Ulim is specifically a corrupted Honorspren, I do think that his relation to Stormspren is similar to the relationship between Honorspren and Windspren. So, if my reasoning is close that might make him a HateSpren? The Higher spren Splinter of Odium?
  8. We do not know their crimes were heinous (at least, not necessarily the ones they deserted for - Vathah implies their wirst deeds were after deserting): Also, keep timing in mind. The initial pardon from Elhokar (general verbiage - the one shown in book - ch 38) is less than 38 days (7 Rosharan weeks, 3/4s of a Rosharan month) before the Everstorm (well - 38 days as of Ch 33) - so about six weeks before Dalinar's party ventures into the Plains. That's not a lot of time for the Pardon subplot to go sideways (though elements of it could still appear in future books). Once in the Plains, Shallan is outed as a Radiant - and they have become her "team" (and eventualy Squires - with Gaz and Vathah becoming Radiant themselves). Unless something was much worse than Deserting, there is no chance somebody would have tried to oust a Radiant's team (especially one with a valid pardon on past crimes). At least not directly.
  9. Welcome to the forums. Here are some tips and tricks with which you may not yet be familiar: Interesting theory. Personally, I think the cause/effect relationship is the opposite. We already know from Brandon that each surge is a fundamental force (Gravitation, Division, Abrasion, etc.). We also know that the surges and surgebinding predate the Orders of Knight Radiant (by a lot). Finally, we know that the surges are paired in the way they are because Honor chose those pairings for a specific reason (though we do not yet know the reason). Rough partial Timeline: I don't think an order's oaths were influenced by the Surges - I think an order's method of accessing the surge is defined by their oath's and the order's relationship with that surge. For example, we know that the Bondsmith's access to Adhesion and Tension is different from a Windrunner's Adhesion or a Stoneward's Tension. Adhesion is still manipulating the surge of connetion and binding, the orders just do different things with that based on thier Oaths. Tension is still the surge of soft axial interconnection, but again the orders use that surge differently. We also saw that Venli used Cohesion (the surge of Strong axial interconnection) differently than the Makay-im using the same surge. The surge hasn;t changed - the intent behind how thay are accessing it is what has changed. Unfortunately, there haven't been many surges we have seen from many different aspects yet to really grasp how much is similar or different between orders or between Radiants and Fused.
  10. I'll check more later - but in Way of Kings there are 86 instances of the word "cold" - the only two that reference weather and are in Alethkar are: Ch 4 - Enroute to the Shattered Plains: Ch 25: Hearthstone Hope that helps.
  11. How certain are you on your recollection? These are the closest relevant passages I can find: WoK does not mention the Frostlands (at least not in the searchable text). The only passage that has "cold" and Alethkar" in the same paragraph is (Ch 26): In WoR there is a passage comparing climate to the Frostlands, but it is in reference to Thaylenah, not Alethkar (Ch 1): There is a passage in Oathbringer (Flashbacks) where Evi says that Alethkar is cold (because she's from the much warmer Rira - Ch 66): There's also a passage in Oathbringer where Moash complains that Alethkar is too hot compared to the Frostlands (Ch 48): Hope that helps.
  12. I don't think it is in any of the epigraphs. The quote appears in chapters 28 and 103. You may have heard it referenced elsewhere though - or may have seen it on Dalinar's Coppermind page if you ever looked at that. Minor spoiler that may (or may not) assuade some of the nerves. Up to you if you want to peek:
  13. I'll think about it and update late - but my first thought is that Nalthis and Taldain were the primary foundations of Silverlight, with Scadrial coming along later. Roshar has not had much impact on Silverlight (as far as we know) other than as an object of study. If you were looking for special characters to use in notations, I would suggest finding a script from one of the other sources (such as Steel Alphabet - which already has single characters for those concepts - the Feruchemy version of their metals). Example:
  14. Is your fanfic trying to occur pre-recreance? It has been a long time since anything resembling typable phonemes were part of the alethi glyph system (if ever). Mostly Isaac's language page from Othbringer was the result of that thread I linked in the last post (we kept asking him questions - so they added Nazh's page to Oathbringer address most of the concerns in that thread). You may be able to change a Korean font (which already uses syllabic structure and therefore a more complex non-linear structure) to use glyph phonemes.
  15. Welcome to the forums. Please be careful to not double-post (I have already reported the second identical thread), but here are some tools that may help: Do you mean women's script? Because you linked Glyphs, and those are not "written" as a script. You may want to check out this thread (long, but a good read if you like scripts and fonts) for more info on how those were "discovered." The relevent portion is here and here: (WoI) So while Glyphs originally developed from Phonemes, they have evolved beyond that to a character driven "script" (similar to Chinese) and don't really use an alphabet anymore.
  16. Having somebody enjoy a book/series I recommended enough to come discuss it, ask questions or recommend it to somebody else. Answering a question or explaining something and having them say my response was helpful.
  17. Please do not double-post. There are tools for quoting and respondning to multiple people, in case you were not aware: In reverse order(ish) No worries, you are entitled to your opinion, and if you don't like discussing it - please let me know. I enjoy (constructively) discussing these kinds of differences because I feel the conversants and readers alike all learn something through the exchange. What is your definition of a Mono/Multi/Polylingual? Do you only consider native speakers as multi-lingual? I ask because you repeated reference Sanderson as monolingual when he speaks at least two or three languages we know of (and likely knows tourist-level pleasantries in many more). Anyway, to answer your question. The person not using connection hears whatever language is being used by the Connected Speaker. The Connected speaker will be using whatever primary language was Connected. Examples: In Era 2, the Malwish Medallions Connect the user to the Land - so whatever the cognitive aspect of that (country/city/region) would reflect as the most predominant language is what would come out. This is also seen when Axindweth in RoW, where she connects to the Shattered Plains, and the Cognitive aspect of the Plains considers the Listener Language to be it's primary language component - so what's what she speaks with Venli (note: it probably would not have worked with Eshonai near the river wheree they first encountered Listeners - that land was not Connected to Parshandi at all - she would need version 2 In Oathbringer we see the other version, which is Connection to a person - You make brief contact and form a Connection and when you speak, other will hear it in language that the Connected Individual's Cognitive Aspect beleives to be their "primary." After all, even native Multi-linguals begin to think in one language first (even if only non-sentence - single-word structure) and "learn" the other langauge alongside. My teachers used to say "Ruminate on the nature of To an extent, I agree. I expect we have seen, and will see more of this with Scadrial. Inter-culture misunderstandings are a big part of Stormlight Archive anyway. However, I would think most Worldhoppers we have seen are like dignitary visitors. A UN official isn't just going to visit <country> without at least having had a briefing on cultural consideration (e.g. some countries = "do not eat with your left hand", others = "do not show the bottom of your feet", etc.); worldhoppers like Vasher and Hoid will generally already know many Cultural considerations (or would go out of their way to learn when first arriving). Also, when that is not the case (like Grump, Blunt, and Thinker) it fairly rapidly spirals into the situations you describe and it is apparant they do not know the culture and social moors. Agreed. Though I will note that some of the cultures in the Cosmere have not had nearly the same amount of developmental time as ours. In cases where the time differential is greater (like over a millenium of cultural change for the SoScadrians from the Basin) we do also see higher incidence of culture clash. Part of this may be the (mostly controved) precept that we-the-readers are hearing a story translated for us by Brandon (making appropriate changes that try to preserve context). Part is, of course, the way Connection changes thought into the appropriately Connected syntax based on cognitive aspects of converation. But mostly, I'm confsed as to what you are singling out as distinctly American. I agree that the Heralds in RoW definitly had a much more modern syntax and grammar structure (which I think was very intentional) - esp. Kalak in Lasting Integrity. But I don't recall any other obvious "Americanisms" off of the top of my head. It's on my list - in fact the hardcover I ordered arrived last week.
  18. Purifies Dor allows somebody to use it for Kinetic investiture, rather than whatever their normal source of fuel would be. The Kinetic portion of Atium Age Compounding - which is burning Atium that has a feruchemical storage - changing the key that releases invetiture from releasing it's Allomantic Kinetic Effect to releasing it's Feruchemical Effect instead. however - nobody (including Marsh) has a SpiritWeb Connection that says "Burn Atium to gain youth." It's a hack. If Marsh tried "burning" purified Dor as Atium, he would see Atium Shadows. Storing Age is not Kinetic Investiture so marsh would have to have some way to key the Purified Dor to himself, then find some way to trick the Feruchemy into sotring the Dor instead of his normal Age. Even then, it doesn;thelp because he was running out of Atium to Burn as a Feruchemical Storage. Maybe in the future they could find a way to convert purified Dor into a Physical Godmetal - but even then it ight not work because Era 1 Atium is "tainted" with Electrum. Hope that helps
  19. Please try to avoid double-posting. I added some tool tips for you in this post. That was spoilers for the Dawnshard Novella, which takes place between Oathbringer and Rhythm of War. Also referenced in my first answer post:
  20. Purified Dor can usually be used to fuel Kinetic Investiture. Marsh needs physical Era 1 Atium to turn into metal minds for storage. Since Compounding is, itself, a trick of the system I would guess even if there is a way to use Dor for that, it would be very difficult to accomplish.
  21. Emperor's Soul is a great novella and has a lot fo good information on basic Realmatics (the theories of the Spiritual, Cognitive and Physical realms) - it is also available in Arcanum Unbounded. Mistborn: Secret History has information (and raises even more questions) as well and explains much about Shards and their Vessels. It has spoilers for Bands of Mourning (which you indicate you have already read) Both of those should probably be read before The Lost Metal. Warbreaker will give you some insight into characters seen in Stormlight Archive (it's the origin story for characters you met in Words of Radiance and Oathbringer) and has some information on Cognitive Shadows (though not called such in-novel). White Sand and Tress of the Emerald Sea will have some info on a form of bond that is different from the Nahel Bond found in Stormlight Archive. Arcanum Unbounded has a lot of stories and the essays for each Shard World (except Nalthis) and may be a great help to understanding many of your questions. Contents include: Selish System Hope of Elantris (Short story filling in gaps from the Climax of the Elantris Novel) Emperor's Soul (discussed above) Scadrian System Eleventh Metal (Prequel short story to Mistborn Era 1) Allomancer Jak (similar to the Era 2 broadsheets) Mistborn Secret History (Discussed above) Taldain System Previews of White Sand (origin story for the person that writes teh Ars Arcanum for each series) Threnodite System Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell (short story on a world afflicted poorly by damage done in one of Odium's battles before he was trapped in the Rosharan System) Drominad System Sixth of the Dusk (short story that is currently the furthest in the future from SA and Era 2) Introduces things seen in Rhythm of War Rosharan System Edgedancer Novella Hope that helps. Edit: here are some tools that may help you on the forums:
  22. This is likely, since we know that any use of Fortune can interfere with other uses of Fortune. For reference, see how Renarin's abilities impact Odium's future sight in Oathbringer Ch 122.
  23. Welcome to the forums. Do you mind sharing which books you have or have-not read? Have you found all of the free stuff on Brandon's website (such as the entire Warbreaker Novel is free online)? Also, many libraries will have Cosmere books you can check out to read. Are you familiar with the Arcanum and Coppermind? This may help: Here are some minimal spoiler answers with links to the appropriate Words of Brandon: No We only know one current Vessel. Revealed in the novella Dawnshard. We don't know. We don't know. This is what the future series Dragonsteel will cover. Expected to be released after Mistborn Era 3. We don't know. Depends on which Shard and which world you are discussing. For example, the Seons on Elantris are Splinters of Devotion. And the Spren on Roshar are splinters (but mostly a combination of Honor and Cultivation - though Honorspren and the Honorblades are Splinters of Honor). We do not yet know of any Splinters with a Vessel - Stormfather's Bond with Dalinar is the closest we know of (but Stormfather is not just a Splinter of Honor, either) Not sure what you mean. I think you are asking about Splinters - which may be pieces of a Shard's investiture wether or not that shard has been Splintered (such as the Nightwatcher is a Splinter of Cultivation - even though she has not been Splintered). If you mean "even" in the mathematic sense - there there are/were 16 Shards. God Metal is the Scadrian term for the investiture of one or more shards in the Physical Realm and in Physicial form. When a Bonded Spren takes shardblade form - the metal they become is a God Metal (alloy of Honor and Cultivation in the same percentage that the Spren is part of each). Lerasium in Mistborn Era 1 was the God Metal of Preservation (Vessel names usually make the God Metal name - e. g. Leras was the vessel so it was called Leras ium). Solid Investiture in the PR is metallic - hence why Ruin could not see through dense quantities of metal in Era 1. See above. As far as we know so far, the Honorblades are Tanavastium and composed of Honor's condensed investiture in physical form. We do not know the conditions of Odium's confinement, other than he expected to be free by Splintering Honor (and wasn't), then thought that Dalinar could free him as Honor's representative. We do not know. Hope that helps and gives you some tools to look up some additional answers. But feel free to ask here as well. If you post the list of books you have or have-not read we can also just let you know which book(s) may contain your answer or more information on your question(s).
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