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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Sure, I guess you could look at it that way. However: I don't think that would apply. You would would be applying the same nickname for dissimilar reasons. Maybe it's just be, but I see almost no similarity between Vin and Shallan, except their abusive childhoods (and even then, abusive in very different ways). I will admit that I am biased. I really like Vin and her character arc. I cannot say the same for Shallan.
  2. Thanks for the hard work. some comments/ideas: Did you not list "Ruin released from the Well" for a reason? Are you basing his release as 1024 or 1023? Do we have a confirmed orbital period for FE Scadrial, since TLR maintained the old calandar and seasons (in theory) no longer matched up? I ask because there are at least two "winters" after Kelsier dies and before the Vin went to the Well, then another year passes before the start of HoA. I have all of the seasonal references listed in this post, but it's hard to map to "years" until we have that orbital period. Shouldn't 94PC be another option for the Signing of the Allomantic Agreement of '94. I realize the theory that the apostrophe is believed by some to to indicate 194 or 294 - but AFAIK that's still conjecture, not confirmed. I'm in the camp that this feels like a Lord Mistborn law and 094 would be nearing the end of Spook's "reign" as he was working to institute a constitutional government. Thanks again for the hard work.
  3. I would suggest a stealth entry like: KNK LEK That is Korean for Dragonsteel in SKATS, which will look random but have hidden meaning (everything else about Yolen is hidden afterall). Seems like it may be more likely to be unclaimed. For those that don't want to click the link to the other wiki, SKATS summary: The SKATS translates as: 용강 (Trans: yeong gang - where 'yeo' would be like a Brooklyn "Yo" and the 'ga' is like a cartoon goof - "gah")
  4. That seems to directly conflict with the number of WoBs that all call them hurricanes - including the one you quoted about it being based on Jupiter's Storm. Odd that the one time the physics matches the story - the WoB says the opposite. . .
  5. I can't find any WoBs on it (yet) but I don;t think thy've all been indexed until the Specret projects are all out of spoiler period - so there are no tags to use. I would guess that any questsion would get a RAFO anyway. I took Fake Charlie to be a Lumar native she had cursed and pressed into service - mostly because Hoid didn;t give more data on that individual.
  6. No, that's what I was trying to convey on wind vectors (check windy.com for live examples - use the slider on the right to change altitudes to see how motions and bands affect wind speed and direction): Bascially, at the leading edge you have the cross winds tripled+ on themselves as the forward motion collapses what would normally be separate bands of wind into one massive push. On the trailing edge, the same forward motion dispurses the winds and causes the riddens. I don't think the eye is the only thing that can renew spheres - it's the heavies concentration and allows the time dilation but Kaladin showed that Stormlight is throughout since he can access it even at the Stormwall. Also, the bands near the eyes would be almost as concentrated. My conjecture is that absorb through exposure but even a dun sphere set out near the center would fill in that over-concentrated bands.
  7. Welcome to the forums. Here are some tools you may not yet know and may help: Highstorm is, essentially, a Continent-sized Invested Super-Typhoon (Hurricane, etc.). In WoK Ch 35 you see Kaladin experience the storm's "eye" (which is one big indication that it is hurricane-shaped, in addition to the shape of the continent itself). On Roshar, they call this the "Centerbeat." Kaladin's visions occur near the centerbeat, because the large amounts of investiture (stormlight) can cause time dilation for those experiencing the centerbeat. As a Typhoon-based storm, it has copious rain and crosswinds that are also "adjusted" for the speed with which it crosses land (it's primary difference with Hurricanes, which slow significantly after "landfall") which is what causes the Stormwall, as an amalgum of forward motion winds and storm-created crosswinds. Electrical activity in this type of storm is minimal to none. From the other wiki: We also know that Roshar was created by Adonalsium to be as it is, and the storms have always been an integral part of the ecology of the planet. ( @alder24 covered much of this) ##### However, the Everstorm is an Invested Continent-Sized Thunderstorm, which are characterized as moving in straight or arcing bands, rather than the rotational configuration typical of tropical depressions (hurricanes, typhoons, etc). As an invested Supercell, it is characterized by bands of little-to-no-rain alternating with bands of heavy rain - but all bands experience a higher incidence of invested electrostatic discharge. Fan theories beleive that Stormspren (a type of voidspren) can influence where and how some lightning strikes, but I don't think that has been confirmed. Odium has been shown to manipulate it directly, when the purpose suits him (OB-Climax). The reported feelings of maliciousness in the storm is likely bleed-over from Odium's investiture in the storm and may not specifically apply to what is damaged by the winds and lightning. Hope that helps. Edit: Where do you get that? We see the center of the storm in WoK. The perceived stright-line winds are a function of the band being continent sized (a large enough circle can make any given small arc appear straight) coupled with the windshear of it's movement causing the leading edge stormwall winds to vector in two directions.
  8. Interesting theory. However, two of your premises are incorrect (not that they necessarily invalidate the theory) Most God Kings do not actually heal anybody. The Stories were just that - stories meant to obfuscate the transition from one God King to the next: So, once a GK has passed on Peacegiver's Wealth, they are retired to an island to live out their lives and a story of why they "disappeared" is fabricated to preserve the religion. The recipient of the healing does not receive the Divine Breath, because it is a Splinter of Endowment. It is expended in the healing process: The Theory is still interesting though.
  9. I understand what you mean since I have worked as a translator. However, to be fair, using Connection for local languages is kinda huge to the Cosmere, and has been in nearly every story published (all the way back to before "Hoid the Informant" used that technique to talk to Kelsier in The Final Empire). We know that it is magical, not mechanical - since you continue to think and "speak" in your native tongue and the words just come out in the Connected langauge (and you hear the Connected language, but "receive" it in your native tongue). We also know that it is not perfect, which is why we have the occasional malaproprisms show up and serve as one of the indicators of a Worldhopper. I agree that, generally speaking, the amount of study and practice needed to be functional in a given new language* is horribly misrepresented in nearly all fiction (possibly except those stories about that task); but I don't think the Cosmere is a place to expect that kind of story. Brandon made this part of the system because without it there is no way to tell the stories he wants to tell. SA Spoilers: *Note: Example
  10. Two points: We do not know that Azure's blade was a Yesteel creation or using his method(s) - it could easily be something that she and Vasher worked on together when preparing to confront Yesteel We do not know what aspects are different or which portion(s) of those changes resulted in a difference. After all, we have a WoB stating that Nightblood's nature is not just because of Shashara's intent, visualization, and command. WoBs So, every factor matters. Nightblood is as he is not because of any one factor - but because the type of materials (blade and handle), shape (and the cognitive perception of that shape), number of breaths, color drained to awaken him, visualization used, and Command all came together into that result. Change any one component and you do not get Nightblood - you get something different.
  11. I guess you could look at it like that; though I always took Mraize's "nickname" as a diminutive because he "met" Veil as "Tyn's Apprentice" - so "little" because she was new to the "game" and "knife" for skulduggery. Whereas Vin may be small in stature; but I would defy anybody to claim anything she did as "little" (except maybe in the thieving crews, but even there she was more capable than the others, just trying to remain unnoticed).
  12. This has some merit, if only because we know Miles could possibly survive. WoBs:
  13. I don't think he was "in captivity" a long time when we meet him in WoK - he had been a Slave for a significant amount of time (and been through many "masters" in that time, too) but even in the slave wagons it was less "captivity" and more "slave movement." In prison you know you are there and will be stuck there for a long time. No movement, no freedom, nothing. In the Slave wagons he certainly wasn't free - but he also wasn't in one 8x8 barred cell with no movement and no activity and no other huuman interaction (except rare visitors in prison) - and I think that was the crux of the difference. In the wagons he was a slave, and currently moved in a wagon with bars; but not a "captive." When jailed in WoR he not only had more freedom to lose (due to his duties at the time) but he was very much "captive" and isolated. Concur
  14. Shortly after the events of Elantris. Here's the known Cosmere Timeline and here is the WoB: If you have read the 10th anniversary edition of Elantris, and the new "Postscript" at the end then, presumably, it had to happen either right before or after those events. (Spoilers and speculation) Hope that helps.
  15. Doesn't mention the entire cabinet - just that the door was silver lined - but not the threshold, which was why she could exit when the door was opened.
  16. I would have to work for that which makes the river want to flow. That which teaches bird chicks to fly, that which sustained the Reod Elantrians. I would have to work to restore The Dor to its rightful place in the Spiritual Realm.
  17. Unfortunately, so do dull minds. For evidence, please see Reality TV. . .
  18. Welcome back Does the review have a text-only format? Is it possible to please encase the video link in a spoiler tag? (the image flickers significantly; and, if it bothers me, I know it's enough to trigger a seizure in some epileptics like my sister) Have a great day.
  19. It seems more likely that as Scadrians come to understand Intent and Connection that a Twinborn could push/pull their own metalminds, but have stored enough investiture in them to make them difficult-to-impossible for others to push or pull.
  20. That's why @alder24 said I ninja'd him - we were likely replying at the same time. . .
  21. Copy that - but I did label them A, B, C, D for that purpose. . . Granted those were just a quick example mocked up in Excel.
  22. Maybe I'm not envisioning what you mean then. In my experience with layout and design there are four primary basic methods for formatting small tables (of course the options can spin out of control - I only meant the basic protoypes - please see attached examples): A: Borders for everything - this is generally the most difficult to parse on the large scale as different users will have widely varying experience (UX) based on device, browser, settings, etc. (platforms).The lines will tend to crowd the text as scale changes unless you so heavily pad the separations that you nearly double your used space B: No lines - This is generally the most intuitive and scales best on differing platforms, but is dependant upon how much data is being conveyed and can feel crowded with multiple rows all being multi-line C: Cycled background shading - this tends to have most of the benefits of B, but handles the multi-line rows better, with the possible expense that if the differening shades are not distinct enough, you lose the benefit with differing platforms D: Faint Horizontal Ruled - this can gain the benefit of single background color throughout, while still separting data, but has many of the problems associated with "A" - if you don't pad the HR properly, it can be lost in the text on some platforms and if you don't differ the shade enough, it can also be lost through color homogenization on some platforms. Does that help? Are any of those examples similar to what you were envisioning?
  23. My apologies. I will say, however, that I strongly disagree. Adding lines would be much more difficult to read and parse (except, maybe, if they were very very faint), unless it's the heading/sub style such as is used on taxonomy pages as a color bar with alternate font color just sets off each H1, H2, H3, etc.
  24. My apologies. Then, do you mean something like this?
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