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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Can you please clarify? I'm having a hard time understanding exactly what it is that is bothering you. I don't see a significant difference between your link and the normal infobox. Please see attached: Mayby edit the attached image or screenshot how you think it should look? Comparing the other wiki, they seem to use just bold font to seprate row names from content with no background color (assuming that was the item with which you disagree).
  2. I break down my reading recommendations here, as well as my reasons for such. @alder24 is correct in that there is no single "right answer" as there are too many factors to weigh. However, having recommended and helped a score of people into the Cosmere, I've had friends try a number of different paths. The one that has yielded the most consistent satisfaction and comprehension of "the stories behind the stories" (which you may or may-not even care about) is starting with Mistborn Era 1 (which you have) then Elantris, Warbreaker and Emperor's Soul in whatever order intrigues you most. Continue from there with personal preference, noting in the linked post where I mention which stories have spoilers for other stories. Unlike Alder, I would not suggest continuing to Shadows of Self and Bands of Mourning right away. But every person's reading order is personal choice - just know that you risk missing some references or understanding some of the context without the grounding that books named above provide.
  3. When I was about 7yo (1982 - yes I'm old) I played my first RPG - TMNT and Other Strangeness 1ed (for those of you counting, yes that was long before there was a mainstream TMNT anything*). At that point I had heard the name Tremaine (also Trumane/Tremayne) but had never seen it spelled. So my first character was Treamayne (mutant tiger). Treamayne has also been a character of mine in Palladium's Heroes Unlimited, Villains and Vigilantes, OWoD (VtM, WtA, MtA, WtO), and a few other games that only lasted 1-2 sessions (AD&D, Call of Cthulu, Paranoia, etc.). The name is spelled wrong, so it tends to be available everywhere - and I use it everywhere (forums, discord, email addresses, etc.) and have been using it since my old BBS days in the late 80s.
  4. The Brain Games episode (S7e5) on this is both fun and illuminating, though IIRC they mostly focus on senses like vestibular, proprioception and other somatosensory systems.
  5. Assuming those are Horneaters they are specifically shown to not be in Roshar's Shadesmar, since the "land" part was water-based in form instead of beads. Also, probable Iriali and Chouta had already emigrated to Scadrial "years" before the events of TLM.
  6. Correct - that correlation is closer to Soulcasters; as well as the Regrowth fabrials seen when Nale heals Szeth and in the visions when the unnamed Radiant heals Dalinar after he fought the mignight essence in WoK (Ch 19 - Starfalls) and another unnamed radiant uses a regrowth fabrial to heal wounded in the OB vision (Ch 38 - Broken People) when Dalinar takes Navani and Jasnah with him. There are likely to be 9 or 10 such fabrials - one for each surge (9 if the "transportation" version is the Oathgates)
  7. Understood - my point was if you are looking for spren colored silver - you'll not find a match. You likely need a spren that is see-through or crystalline in nature. . .
  8. I think that is supposed to be crystal - not silver. Edgedancer's eye color is clear:
  9. Platespren are something naturally drawn to members of an order by virtue of their powers, traits and/or oaths. Windrunners naturally draw large numbers of windspren as they fall-with-style, Lightweavers natually attract many creationspren as they practice their art(s), Elsecallers naturally draw many logicspren as they cogitate on problems - conversely Axies' interlude told us how difficult it is to attract a captivityspren (he has not accomplished it once in centuries of being jailed) - and the only time we have seen one was in WoR when Kaladin was jailed (likely because Kaladin felt trapped - while Axies never thinks being jailed is a big deal). I think rather than looking for random themes and colors to find the missing unknowns, it's better to review the text and see what normal spren repeatedly near a Radiant (Lift/Lifespren; Dalinar/Gloryspren, etc.)
  10. Welcome to the Shard. I am reminded of Rober Frost: Most likely Knight does not refer to Night at all. Remember that that is a connection peculiar to English and Sanderson presents these works as if they were translated for us to read and there is no indication that it would originally have had a connection between those two words that just happen to be homophones in our language. If there is an implicit connection, then it is likely to be the one we already know: that humanity did not originate on Roshar (OB), and rather travelled from the stars (Ashyn) via some version of Elsecalling (which is similar to the Surge of Elsecalling, but not quite the same*) If the connection is implied to be for the future, then it is probably a reference to Era 4 - where many of the Invested Societies will find ways to accomplish FLT travel in the physical realm (SotD2_Preview, YNP) - including Roshar and its Radiant Knights. WoBs
  11. Depends on your definition of "control", but mostly the answer is no (especially if you mean the level of control Ruin had over the Inquisitors). You see this in Mistborn Secret History when Fuzz is reasoning with Kelsier and trying to get him to go Beyond. If he had any measure of control he just would have prevented Kelsier from running toward Kredik Shaw until he faded. Control, in the way that the Inquisitors were controlled, requires the Shard to have affinitiy in pushing emotion of some kind (the effect would be similar to Brass and Zinc in the same way that Rosharan Lightweaving is similar to Elantrian Lightweaving or Yolish Lightweaving), the Connection to the controlled, some manifestation of the Shard's investiture creating cracks in the "subjects" spiritweb (examples: done with Spikes in Era 1 / done with Oaths between the Fused and Odium). Without all three - there may be influence, but not control. The extent of all three determines the level of Control (we see Ruin using Marsh as basically a meat-puppet because of how many spikes he has, but we see the Koloss can only be given minimal "orders" because they have fewer spikes and more emotional turmoil). Also, make sure you don't confuse Cognitive Shadows with Slivers, Splinters, or Avatars; only the last of which is semi-autonomous and can still be controlled directly (possibly depending on if the Avatar has a Vessel or not).
  12. I would have thought Concentrationspren: Ripples in the air sound to me like they may be related to Highspren. . . And I would guess that investigating and passing judgement requires concentration. Coppermind mentions: Skybreakers seem rather "focused" to me (so far).
  13. BLUF: Cool extras - for those that care about the writing process. Discussed here and here. Summary: And the other stories in Shadows Beneath are the icing on the cake (especially loved M.R. Kowal's). Well worth the book (or ebook (or both)).
  14. Correct, the references were in regards to the part of the discussion on which topics are in which books (since it was mentioned previously about who would read and annotate areas that may want filters). At the most basic (and easily implemented level) if a book is known to have profanity - the tool (assuming an ebook solution, and assuming a conversion process that edits-out or changes the content for personal copies) would use a search-replace (probably heuristic or regex to get word variants) to "filter" that content. The rest of the utility on accessing the content of those sites would be, for example, looking at the review of <Book> and seeing what content it has already been flagged as having. You might then query the Entertainment section (of this forum) to see if anybody has read that book and is willing to tell you chapter/page/section numbers that contain the content to be filtered (maybe even keywords to set a before-and-after filter ends). Alternatively, if the project were to become large enough, you might be able to ask one or more of those companies if an API can be used to access their database directly to "flag" the filterable content for those books. Mostly they were just examples to aid in brainstorming possible courses of action (COA)s and solutions. For example, if the question was "what content might need filters in the J. D. Robb ". . . In Death" series;" I would be able to say that I have read all the entire series (novels and novellas) and can attest to which topics might meet the filter requirements. Note: (Spoilered for content) Hope that helps
  15. You may be able to mitigate legal risk by making this a Calibre Plug-in. Calibre already supports heuristic processing, and similar plugins exist (example). If you are only providig a "filter" for somebody to apply to their own purchased property - that may change the legal ramifications. Your plug-in could, theoretically, just reach out to grab the "filter data when applied to an ebook in the library - launch the Calibre Converter - and using the tools and filters make a "<title>-edit" epub (or chosen format) version that has been "cleaned." Also, you amy want to look at Sites like these that already have an extensive database of book content for self/family-censors: NPR.org Common Sense Media Book Cave While I am significantly anti-censorship; I am much more pro-ownership. People should have the right to make content they have purchased fit their personal tastes and choices (which is why all of my ebooks are DRM stripped and Calibre managed so that I can change things I do not like - like the Table of Contents in Warbreaker - or these projects).
  16. Welcome to the Forums. Please be careful about double posting (this topic posted twice). In case you may not be familair with them yet, here are some tools that may help: So, just to clarify, you have read everything except SP1 and SP3? Does that also include White Sand? If yes, which version(s)? How about unpublished curiosities like Aether of Night and Way of Kings Prime? Ranking is murky in the middle (top and bottom five are easier than top 10), but roughly: Emperor's Soul Sixth of the Dusk (Shadows Beneath version) Elantris Mistborn: The Final Empire Warbreaker Hero of Ages The Way of Kings White Sand? Well of Ascension? Tress of the Emerald Sea?
  17. Or the Arcanum. Or ask one of us to do so for you so that you can continue avoiding spoilers (as long as we edit the post to only relevant non-spoiler material). e.g.: If after the end of OB you still have questions on the Thrill, we could post explanatory WoB fragments that don't spoil Dawnshard, RoW or SA5. . .
  18. You will start getting some answers this book. It also connects to the comments a few pages back (pg27) in this post.
  19. Then 'Other' it is, since right now ES and SotD are my top two. If just novels, it would be a difficult choice from Elantris, Warbreaker and White Sand.
  20. I think of Kaladin as more of a combat pragmatist. Sure he prefers a spear - that's what he has trained with the most. However, even back in WoK we see him using throwing knives and using a spear tip as a dagger to kill the Shardbearer. In WoR we see him use his decapitated spear as a quarter staff. Facing down Moash and Graves, he uses a boot knife when Moash broke his spear. The list goes on. . .
  21. OB Ch 84: I don't think this is a RetCon. Even Syl isn't sure that they killed it and the WoB says that they did not. More likely, they severed it's connection to the Physical Realm (possibly making it a deadeye) - which is very different from the Anti-Light which annihilates the investiture from which the spren is formed.
  22. Yeah, I took that to mean that nobody purposely removed the rocks (allowing nature to decide their fate), but it still does not imply the rock stacks became solid - only that the Fabrials the spirits have become last longer the more spirits that were bound in a single session.
  23. Where did you find that? The only reference I can find about stone being fused is when Yumi is in Painter's world, remarking about buildings:
  24. Would it not depend on what you were doing at two a.m.? Possibles: Les Miserables (symphonic cast is my preference since it has the entire score) - generally when doing things when I don't want distractions Big band/Mid-century/Ballads - Generally when I want variety without too much Oomph (Sinatra, Clooney, Crosby, Martin, Davis Jr., Bennet, Nabors, Boys II Men, Celtic Thunder, Collabro, Bublé, etc.) Rock/Pop ballads - Generally when I want variety with a varied amount of Oomph (any/everything from the Beach boys to Disturbed - their remake of Sound of Silence is a great example - Pentatonix, Buffett, BNL, etc.) Harder - Generally only for working out or high-energy (which can be 2am depending on rotating shifts) Hip Hop, hard rock, metal, etc. (Linkin Park, Metallica, Hatebreed, C+C Music Factory, Rammstein, BMX, etc.) So, basically, 2am is not much different than any other time of day (except sleeping - which is generally categories 1 and 2 above)
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