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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. While I dislike definitives, I would give this a 99.9% no. By definition a "godmetal" is the investiture of a shard in physical form in the physical realm. "Harmonium" has two shards from the same vessel and is distinctly unstable. No matter how much of Endowmment's Investiture Nightblood might consume; they would be, at best, an alloy of carbon, Iron (steel), Endowment, Ruin, Honor and any other flavors he has ingested over time. Even that is doubtful since we don't by which mechanism some investiture is retained and other investiture is released as "black smoke" (corrupted investiture).
  2. Welcome to the Forums! But please try not to double post (also please be aware of how the post to which you are replying is; while this wasn't quite a thread necro - but anything over about 6 months old should have relevant new data or just start a new thread and reference the old thread). Here are some tools you may not yet be aware of that may help: Exactly - in the Physical realm and shardblade form - damage is most likely. In the Cognitive realm, no more deadeye.
  3. I have not yet voted, as I wanted to know if the OP includes Emperor's Soul with Elantris (Sel) or should it be under "Other." Sixth of the Dusk is also near the top of my list - especially the Shadows Beneath edition! (see bottom of linked post) Warbreaker, White Sand, and Mistborn Era 1 are also high on the list. Requires more thought. . .
  4. Why do you say two alternates - you only see one Gold Shadow when burning gold. Discussed in more detail here and here. I think what the OP was saying was that filling an aluminum mind stores Identity, and they sumise that while burning gold you actually have two identities (yours and the Gold Shadow's) so you would instead store the gold shadow's identity instead of your normal one.
  5. You may be interested to read the Stormlight Translation thread (it's long, but detailed and interesting) which is where the Sharders collaberated when deciphering the various scripts in Stormlight Archive. I believe the discussion of Glyphs starts somewhere around page 8.
  6. This is incorrect - the portion of the Spiritweb that has the ability also has a portion of the Identity that was attached to it. WoB: Healing all major disabilties (at least partially) depends on if the person being healed consideres themselves disabled. WoB
  7. It's worth noting that Allomancy, and Scadrial are not the only magics that require "snapping" (but not necessarily the same term). SA Spoilers:
  8. I've been thinking that Autonomy (and possibly the Sand Lord) don't so much want Sand Mastery to stop so much as they used this event to manipulate Kenton and the Diem. I mean look at what happened - the A'Kar was humiliated, the Diem was saved and received some changes it has needed and resisted for generations, popularity for Sand Mastery in Lossand is higher than ever and the surviving Sand Masters received a dose of humility. So, while I do believe the Sand Lord said that to Elorin, I don't think it actually reflects the Sand Lord's "relationship" with Sand Mastery.
  9. The 17th Shard (organization) definitely does not want to make a new Shard - that is very far from that group's goals. Well, since we never confirmed Wayne's Resonance - I wonder if maybe part of the Slider Resonances has to do with Fortune (and the aspect depends on with which second ability it is resonating). WoBs:
  10. Nice theory I had thought of Fortune in the climax, but hadn't connected to his investments over the whole series. WHich would imply it goes back to SoS at least. . . Uh - maybe I'm underthinking this but wouldn't it be Harmony / Harmonium?
  11. Concur. I just misunderstood what you were trying to describe at first. Though, I would say that your example probably needs a third column (alder24's example for polish Stormlight was a literal translation "Storm Light," but if your example page were one of the Orders (e.g. Windrunners then it would be: Polski | Wiatrowi | People of the wind)) since part of the enjoyment is seeing how the translation may adjust meaning/implication.
  12. OIC, your idea makes more sense now. It's not so much what I want, so much as I was tryig to help brainstorm possible ideas. I love the Categories pages, and while I doubt I am the only one; I also recognize that not everbody uses them. To me, it's far easier to see a "glossary of <language> terms for Roshar than to go term by term (oh, that's Windrunners? WHat's Dustbringer? <click link>, okay how about edgedances? <click link>, etc.) Honestly though, why not both? If the work has already done to find the terms (by stalwart translators), then an "index" translation of something like SA Categories would have all terms for a single related series in one spot - cross linked by each language into which that series has been translated - and - on given term's pages that term's tranlations can be found in a translation subheading.
  13. I agree - that was just a very quick cut/paste example - though they are not unrelated terms - they came from the category list for The Way of Kings (with all of the proper names removed) - then pared down to be an example. Original List: I made some last-minute changes (like Fused instead of Ardent) because alder24 included the later in his list. More organized? How can you get more organized than an itemized list that matches the category, links to relevant pages and includes the wikitable sort function so it can be sorted by whatever field the user needs? Sorry, I don't mean to be argumentative, but I am very confused by this feedback. (unless maybe it doesnt; display correctly for everybody else?). . .
  14. Here is a test page of the idea I was trying to describe. If there are enough languages, maybe divide the table by continent to make sure it is not too wide. My (long range) idea being that for each book there would be a translation page that would include the list of all languages into which the book has been published, a glossary of names (likely all cognates), and a linked list of keywords with their translation (as needed) Example: Spren would link to the spren page, the Spanish term would link to the spanish language spren page, etc.
  15. Keep in mind that Tien can both be dead (departing for the Beyond) and his Spiritual Shadow can still be in the Spiritual Realm for Dalinar to connect to Kaladin. WoB
  16. Maybe a linked tangential page, the same way we have: <book>\Interioir Art <book>\Summary <book>\Epigraphs We could have <book>\Translations with a list of book versions and a glossary of translated terms for those versions. It could also link to teh appropriate Covvers for those translations.
  17. Okay, with spoilers~ish. This is why I bolded the part above: (Tress-White Sand-AoN) Hope that helps, and maybe you'll be able to carve out some more time for reading these great stories. I keep books with me and read every time I have to wait - when most people would waste time on their devices (games, surfing, videos, etc. on their phone/tablet) I'm reading something - stagnant traffic, waiting in line at the bank, filling the gas tank, etc. If Emporer's Soul is not in the Complete column, then it should be on this list (before or after Elantris). It's a short novella (like Edgedancer and Dawnshard) and is the first story for a character you saw in Lost Metal.
  18. Have you read Aether of Night? Are there Cosmere titles you have not yet read? I don't think we have much Canon data for comparison yet I don't think the bolded part is entirely accurate Based on Canon, unknown. Based on other sources, this is likely possible (maybe even probable and Prasanva's version being the more advanced/difficult version because he is compensating for his age and physical degradation) Keep in mind that Roseite is a crystalline structure, so size-to-mass might be a bit misleading. We don't have solid data yet, but I would guess that a Roseite Golem version of a Thunderclast might weigh half as much as the stone does. By shardhammer, you mean the Warhammers designed for Rosharans in dead shardplate, or do you mean a Radiant using their spren as a Warhammer? EIther way, this would likely be larger as it is meant for a 12-foot golem, rather than a (roughly) 8-foot Shardbearer (7ish feet after conversion from Rosharan feet, plus an extra foot~ish of height from the Shardplate) Again, not really enough data to compare. Is a 12 foot Roseite Golem stronger than a 12 foot Koloss? Maybe - maybe not. Again, we don't have much data - but what we have is implied to be similar to a Feruchemist tapping Iron - enough strength to be functional in the size/form being created (as opposed to some multiplicative strength-to-size increase). Keep in mind that the way Prasanva and Siljana are depicted in TLM is not entirely normal to how an Aetherbound might utilize the Aether in a natural setting (rather than through DorJars) I don't want to speculate too far without knowing if and where your spoiler line(s) might be - but AoN, Tress and (to some extent) White Sand may all have facets that apply to this conversation (off the top of my head).
  19. Do we even know how "recent" these depictions are meant to be? Safehands are, relatively speaking, a recent addition to Vorinism (popularized after the Recreance, and absorbed into the Culture over time since then). If these images are meant to have been created shortly after the Recreance, the "rules" might not have even fully developed - such that some early era interpretations of "Arts and Majesty" may have included "women in these professions cover their safehand" rather than "all women always cover their safehand." From the Coppermind:
  20. It should make sense soon. I'm guessing you are asking rhetorically and don't really want spoilers. If you want a hint: I don't know that we have a definitive answer to that, I took it as an inadvertant attempt to not "appear alone" in chasing an unknown threat (maybe with a dab of illuminating the space while looking for whatever-it-was).
  21. I always thought Raeth was an amalgam of the Idris Sisters from Warbreaker.(Spoilers) I'm not sure Mistborn or SA have a parallel to his character arc, though those stories also have borrowed elements from this work (spoilers)
  22. Well, if you chart by Climax (small and large) you kind of get a reverse Sinus Rhythm (Plains > Plains > Kholinar (NW) > Theylaneah (S) > Urithiru (NW) > etc).
  23. I took this to be a manifestation of his symptoms of depression (losing Syl), coupled with the pain of his injuries. if you look back at Way of Kings (ch 27) and compare that scene in the chasm with this scene - the difference that stands out to me the most is how when he was training (or fighting) he loses himself in the motions and techniques - no thought, just motion; action and reaction. When you look at the scene in the training grounds before the climax he can;t get out of his head, can't stop thinking about everything he has lost and that has gone wrong. No Zen. Well, to me, the big difference here is that there is a fundamental difference between being sought by a spren and becoming a squire, who is then found by the Spren that are watching squires. The former is a direct Connection because the Spren seeks <quality> and will find it in you so the Connection ripples forward to before you have met. The later is the Squire has already found a place and is learning to embody the oaths to which they have squired, and spren are evaluating their process on learning the role - but there is no "seeking" no "direct connection" that can ripple to before the person became a squire. And note that Lopen was the first Squire, so none of the others would have felt any repulsion from a burgeoning Bond at that point in WoR. I'm not sure he had generalized to that extent by the time of Amaram's betrayal. At least my impression was: Roshone taught Kaladin that some Light Eyes are not noble The nameless Lord that killed Tien "taught" Kaladin that, most likely, most light eyes weren't just "not noble" but callous of their "inferiors" Heleran (then unknown Red Shardbearer) taught Kaladin that probably most Light Eyes were callous and, if not evil, then selfish and apathetic of others (but some can still be Noble, like Amaram) Then Amaram taught Kaladin that all nobility in light eyes is a pretense (and it takes meeting and knowing Dalanar to learn that there are some that can be trusted) And all of this is really just an allegory showing how faulty it is to stereotype backward, or apply discrimination based on stereotypes. From an evolutionary standpoint, stereotyping is a part of humanity (if we didn't learn that the "red berry" might be poisonous and use that stereotype to be careful in the future, how many would have died) - but the problem now is that instead of saying "Some of X may be Y - be careful" we tend to think "You are X and therefore you must be Y - because of <stereotype>" Stereotypes exist, but no single person is a stereotype. Each individual should be, as Dr. King put it, "judged . . . by the content of their character."
  24. Welcome to the Forums. You may want to consider noting here, or in your profile, if there are any Cosmere works you have not yet read, so we can spoiler appropriately. Here are some tips and tricks you may not yet be aware are available: Certainly plausible. We know from Elantris that a Shardpool can survive the Splintering if its shard. Painter found it odd, but it was explained for the reader - she was wet for the same reason that she could change her clothes (or don and doff them) because she was invested enough that she was manipulating how her Cognitive Shadow looks. Just as Drifter quips at Kelsier in Secret History - that as a CS his clothes don't really exist - they are just a manifestation of how he sees himself. Well, she saw herself as being wet because she went into the pool - so when she exited the pool, voila, wet. Shardblade condensation, on the other hand, is specifically a manifestation of the three states. If you don't know Brandon has said that one of the fundamentals of the Cosmere is that, where our world has Matter and Energy are really the same thing [e=mc^2], in the Cosmere there is a third state - Investiture. Since matter, energy and investiture are all "the same" they can each convert into another. The part that pertains is that any time Investiture condesnses into a Solid state of Matter in the physical realm, condensation will be the result (not just Shardblades - see also the chill in the air when Kaladin says his second and third oath, the glowing condensate in the shape of the windrunner glyph, to a lesser extent - the water that condenses on objects while the Mists are out on Scadrial) which is all really just how humidity and dewpoint function IRL based on the temperature that investiture solidifies into when manifesting in the Physical realm. Also note that Painter could see the water on her, but could not feel it - because it wasn't really there. Yumi thought she should be wet, so she was wet (foreshadowing for the ending). Of course she's highly invested, she is (likely) a splinter of Virtuosity. Though we also have this WoB: But this seems more a factor of what happened when the Yoki-hijo were turned into Cognitive Shadows by the Father Machine, then spent a millenia pacticing their art. I doubt she is using anything like a Lashing, or the rocks would topple and fall before she was finished, since she spends hours just on the stacking alone. To me, this is more an extreme extension of skill mastery. Colloquial belief is that "10,000 X to master Y" (hours of practice, repetitions of a task, etc) based on how long it takes to develope instinctual muscle memory (the IRL truth or refutation is irrelevant - just referencing a theory) - now image that Yumi has 1700 years of exceding this each year. As Brandon said, she is by-far the best at the skill of rock stacking to have ever existed in the Cosmere. . . That's what it did, most of the souls trapped in the Shroud were under its control. The Yoki-hijo broke free of that control based on their nature and will so the "prisons" were set up to fool them into thinking life was normal. Hope that helps.
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