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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. True. I think the point Brandon was trying to make, though, is that the questioner was implying Magical Assistance to his ability. Brandon was saying - no, it's not magic or proto-Radiance, he's just a really gifted fighter.
  2. Well, not really when he started: He did get beat down the first time he touched a spear in the flashbacks He was incomptent in the flashback leading to his witnessing Tien's death Then he responded that by vowing "nobody would die because he was bad at fighting" and spent every day training all day long whenever he wasn't doing some other task (shown in the WoR "flashback") But, yes, once he committed to learning and practicing, he was the equivilent of a high school senior first-round draft pick (or, if you prefer, High School senior that makes an Olympic team).
  3. Good catch, thanks. If I am following: a similar (lowercase) oath pact binding the Nahel Bond to Oaths, but not a part of the original (big O) Oathpact. I knew the first Nahel bods caught everybody off guard - for some reason I just thought binding the Oathpact included binding the Nahel Bond to oaths.
  4. Part of this equation is which cities. I know you gave Boston as an example, but what I mean is compare: Hurricane Katrina - a Cat 5 Hurricane that was (high) Cat 3 when making (second) landfall caused about 1400 fatalities and over 97 billion in damages to the affected gulf region Typhoon Sinlaku - a Cat 5 Typhoon that was a (high) Cat 3 when making landfall over the RyuKyu islands (Okinawa) and continuing to Taiwan and China caused zero deaths in Okinawa, two deaths in Taiwan and 28 in China; as well as about 14 million in damage to Okinawa and another 709 million in damage in China. Of course, comparisons have so many contributing metrics - but (having been in Okinawa for Sinlaku), to me the biggest factor is because that region of the Pacific builds for these types of storms (for example, near Kadena - on and off base - almost all buildings are rebar reinforced concrete), and the gulf learned the hard way what failing to build to storm specifications can cause (though New Orleans has other factors, like being below sea level). If "cheap" storm shelters like the bridgemen barracks were not ripped apart, then I think modern Storm Specification built concrete structures would survive**. High rise buildings will have a bad time of it, not to mention any places vulnerable to flooding. TLDR: I guess my point is that you can't really generalize to "any Earth city" or even "any port city" and get meaningful data. It's better to say X environment would likely suffer y results from such a storm. Edit Note: Forgot my asterisk anecdote from above:
  5. This is what I was describing above. If you go to the Arcanum and keyword search Vasher (145 results) then filter "world" (17 results) or "shadesmar" (3) results you can find this WoB: It's from other information and WoBs that we find out the "places in Shadesmar" is Silverlight: Also, on the timeline: (the link shows how things shifted since the first WoB is 2012 and the last is 2020) Hope that helps.
  6. Welsome to the Forums, Here are some tips and tricks you may not yet know (if you do, please ignore) Also, do you know how to access and quote Words of Brandon? Interesting Theory. Also, can you please confirm what, if any, cosmere books you have/have not read (whichever list is shorter) just so we can be spoiler-appropriate. It's a BLUF when it comes before the text, and a TLDR when it comes at the end. . . Semantics, but I thought I would mention it in case you care about that kind of trivia. Keep in mind that with one exception (Sel Spoiler below), you do not have to be on a Shard's primary Shardworld to access their investiture. Vasher and Shashara accidentally mixed Ruin's investiture with the Breaths due to their chosen command "Destroy Evil." Since the Spiritual Realm has neither Location nor Time; that command with Intent was enough to mix some Ruin with the Endowment used in the breaths. Nightblood could have been on Scadrial at some point, but they would not have to have visited Scadrial to have Ruin's investiture. We do not yet know where Nightblood's awakening occurs in relation to the Catacendre - but current estimates would put it before Ruin's release from the Well. Roughly - We know the events of Alloy of Law are after SA5 and that AoL is 341 yrs post Catacendre. Szeth would have received Nightblood from Nale at least 3 yrs before that (based on SA time gaps), and we know Nightblood was on Roshar before Dalinar went to see the Nightwatcher (+7 yrs). We also know that Vasher has been on Roshar since well before Adolin began training with the sword (+20 yrs) and we know (based on last data - subject to change) that there is about 100 yrs between Warbreaker and Way of Kings (roughly +80yrs) and that the Manywar, when Nightblood was created was at least 300 yrs before the events of Warbreaker. So, rough math means Nightblood was created about 410 yrs before Alloy of Law - or 50 yrs Pre-Catacendre. So, I would say the theory is possible, but not probable - based on current information. On the "support" side we know that Vasher has only been on Nalthis and Roshar (and Silverlight, but that's not a planet, much less a Shardworld) and Nightblood has been to more than two Shardworlds. . . so where did they go that Vasher did not?
  7. I'm pretty sure we already have this answer. Honor forged the Ten Honorblades and paired the surges based on how they resonate with each other. Sapient Spren wanted to mimic the Honorblades and came to embody those surge pairings based on their resonance with the surge pair. So: Honorblades > led to Heralds > led to ProtoRadiants and the Oathpact (which bound the heralds and the expression of surges by Nahel Bond) > led to Surgebinders solo > led to Organized Knights Radiant (without Herald sponsorship) > led to The Ten Orders of Knights Radiant
  8. Interesting theory, and certainly plausible. Also consider: Hemalurgic Bind points are loosly based on Meridians (acupuncture, acupressure, etc.) Hemalurgy can interact with magic systems other than Allomancy and Feruchemy To include innate investiture that is not associated with a magic system Bind Points are may not be 1 power : 1 location, as we see H-Steel used in more than one bind point in Inquisitors
  9. Here are the references: Color probably changes slighly depending on sunlight vs light from gems. . .
  10. Or more fun. I took it to be more of "stone ground is "ondol" now" as opposed to "Raised clogs or you will lose a limb" hot. PPS: Also out of rep for the day. . .
  11. I apologize for misinterpreting your post. The perceived tone was "this is the only valid interpretation of Yumi's character arc" rather than "this is my interpretation of Yumi's character arc."
  12. Can we please just agree that subjective material is . . . subjective. I understand how you arrived at your conclusions. I did not arrive at those conclusions when I read the book. Also as previously mentioned, it is possible that my opinion will change when I reread YNP, Until then, just please accept that I was never trying to "convert" anybody's opinion - I was simply explaining how and why I came to the conclusions I did.
  13. Right. I took that to mean their Cognitive Self (an application of identity) became discorporated - but it could not have been separated from the rest of their Spiritweb in the SR or Painter's Climax fails. I took his painting of them as the people they actually had been to be reconnecting their Cognitive Identity to their Spiritual Identity. That allowed their discorparated Cognitive Self to reform from the Shroud (as seen) So, I can agree that the Cognitive Identity was broken down and incorporated into the Shroud, the part I do not agree with is that their Spiritweb lost its Identity. I hope that makes sense to somebody besides me. . .
  14. My apologies, critical failure of humor by exaggeration. That said, I do think most people underestimate the consequences of the terms of service for most platforms. This isn't the place for that dsicussion, however.
  15. Thanks for the reference, though I will note that the RoW Epigraph specifically uses "Or" because a CS needs a connection to either Physical or Spiritual (but can be both). Mistborn, Threnody Spoilers:
  16. For what its worth, here are the references: Not that it matters much, since using Cosmere curses is storming fun.
  17. Jabber (Cisco) - A variant of Skype (before it sold its soul to MS) - still in use in some business settings that aren't on the Office Train Yahoo - technically YIM (Yahoo Instant Messanger) - not sure if this is supported any more | application-based 1:1 or 1:+ chat system MSN - Microsoft Network (MS IM) - another application-based 1:1 or 1:+ chat system AIM - AOL Instant Messenger - another-other application-based 1:1 or 1:+ chat system ICQ (I Seek You) - A non-affiliated 1:1 or 1:+ chat system that leveraged the start of third party authentication (circa 1998) to allow you to add your YIM, AIM, MSN, etc. credentials and consolidate all of your chat systems in one client. @PurpurPhönix, @Argenti, @Cruciatus_heart And for those true FOGs - the original and still King. IRC (Internet Relay Chat). Pretty sure there are still some servers out there with which to connect. ****** What I would like to see: Coppermind: [text box] Application Based: [multi-line textbox] - user labelled Web Based: [multi-line textbox] - user labelled Website URL (Blog, Channel, etc.): [multi-line textbox] - user labelled Why define specifics when it results in so many empty fields? Cause it's a [specific nation]'s PII collection interface that steals almost as much personal data as Amazon and Google?
  18. My inderstanding is not that it "had enough power to create cognitive shadows;" - rather - it needed power to start operations and wiped the whole population at once to get access to investiture. Like Nightblood leaking smoke because he is super-saturated, the side effect of releasing all of that investiture at once without a Command to control the outcome just resulted in the shroud. The result of the shroud's formation at the moment when everybody died was that the loose investiture saturated thier cognitive aspects before they could move to the Beyond. Since the Shroud was Connected to the Father Machine, and the people were Connected to the Shroud - Father Machine found that it could exert some measure of control over the form(s) those trapped souls were allowed to take (and when Father Machine's control weakened, they made their own Nightmare bodies and went Hunting for their "true" form - humanity). Compare to how Inquisitors regained some measure of control when Ruin's attention was elsewhere or when their emotions were strong enough to "blot out" his control. Hope that helps.
  19. From the Coppermind: From what source do you get that? Cognitive Shadows do not necessaily require a Splinter (that's more of a Returned thing with Divine Breath) - you just need enough investiture to imprint (e.g. Kelsier did not bond a splinter - just touching the investiture at the well was enough to keep him "Preserved"). On Torio, there was so much investiture released when Father Machine activated that many souls were trapped in the Shroud. Possibly similar to the process that makes Threnodite Shades.
  20. Here-here Yes, Linux/Unix (etc) were always the kings of customization, but even in Windows (especially XP and earlier) if you knew where to find the settings you could change a lot (e.g. icon spacing for the desktop was just in display settings rather than an obscure registry entry with unintuitive values). But what I was really driving toward, for example, is a new feature with A or B, where you cannot choose which is default. For example: File Options still lets you choose default view (This PC, Home, etc.) but for-no-reason-what-so-ever the new start menu does not let you choose to set "all apps" as the default view? It's not so much change itself that I find to be the problem, it's the steady drive toward (not just windows) defining my experience instead of letting me define my experience. New Toolbar - whatever. Take away the choice of docking it to the top, left or right - problem. I don't hate change nearly as much as I hate the theft of choice. If that makes sense to anybody but me. . .
  21. I have not seen any WoB's addressing this, but it has certainly been discussed in a few threads here-and-there. For example: Also note that Connection can manifest an Effect before the Cause (because time and space do not exist in the Spiritual Realm. WoB:
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