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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Absolutely post theories. That's why the community comes together to discuss and share data. Also, if you want to do some additional research on your own, this may help: I can't speak for @alder24, but when I only have a few minutes to kill (not enough to start something big, but bored enough to read for a few minutes) I'll select a random keyword on arcanum and read WoBs until a new one catches my eye and I switch to that keyword (or search within the keyword for more wobs on the same topic). - Recent Example: reading about #White Sand (since I am re-reading it via the Omnibus), I found a WoB tagged with #worldhoppers and so searched #White Sand-keyword Worldhopper (2 results) and #Worldhoppers-keyword White Sand (6 results) Out of curiosity, have you read or listened to any of the versions of White Sand? (If not, this thread may help)
  2. Probably this one: But it's all paraphrase and when he has previously used "very interesting direction" (or similar) it has usually meant something like "part is close, part is off." Examples:
  3. The bolded part is theory, not confirmed (unless you have a source). We do not know that. Khriss speculated in Threnody Essay that they were Cognitive Shadows that received the extra investiture necessary to become a Cognitive Shadow because of ambient investiture on the planet in the wake of the fight with Ambition, Odium and Mercy (and Ambition did not die there - she died elsewhere) So, the only really confirmed thing is that the Shades are some type of Cognitive Shadow and that a non-Shade Cognitive Shadow that arrives at Threnody would not become a Shade themselves. Exactly why and how it happens is still (informed) speculation.
  4. Oh, I wasn't saying that Gould started the idea by any means (and the people under discussion from this book are not really time hopping nor police - but that is beside the point):
  5. Correct. Please see some of these threads for further discussion on this topic: The Nightblood Machine Yumi Parallels Why the Machine works on humans Arcana Counterparts etc. The Forum search is fairly robust: Click on the magnifying glass (Menu Bar - right side) Type the search word If you want to limit the search (such as Yumi Spoiler section): Click Topics Click on one or more Forums Add other filters as appropriate Click Search
  6. You probably mean the same story - (spoilers in case somebody does want to read it) The story bears a striking resemblance to elements from Sanderson's planned Apocalypse Guard book (just 20 years earlier - since it released in 1996)
  7. I do not, but there were also other complications with my order that may be a factor.
  8. Does not compute. A Traditional Spren Fabrial requires a gem housing to provide the Stormlight to power the device. The Dagger requires a gem to received the drained stormlight. 2 does not "rule out" 1 (as far as I can tell) - especially if it is specifically a Voidspren fabrial, and therefore has some fundamental differences from HonoVation Spren Fabrials. I concede that your conclusions are likely - but I cannot see how this is more than an assumption based on incomplete evidence. Sorry.
  9. Which does not preclude the Dagger from being a Voidspren Fabrial in the traditional method, using a Raysium inlay. It's not so much that I think you and the Coppermind are wrong, so much as I am trying to point out that there are a lot of assumptions here that we have not yet actually confirmed. But I also have not had the time to do a deep dive on WoBs for the subject (especially since so many have happened after the Kickstarter, and I avoid WoBs from any "events" that may contain SA5 or SP4 spoilers)
  10. Seven months late? The Omnibus has not yet been available that long. Are they perhaps confusing a Pre-order with an Order? The Omnibus went on sale on the Dynamite Website (exclusive) in January, for shipping in February (ebook available for download immediately). The Trade Paperback Omnibus is the only one shipping so far as I know. At least, I pre-ordered the Hardcover at the same time, and that has not yet shipped. I'm not sure if Amazon is actually selling these yet actually. I had heard some scammers on Amazon were posting the Volume 3 with the Omnibus cover to trick people into buying the wrong thing (though it could be another Amazon mistake, such as when they "updated" the Elantris eBook to show the 10th Anniversary cover - without actually updating the ebook to the 10th anniversary edition). I guess it's also people that ordered from Dynamite are reselling on Amazon. Or maybe the exclusive timeframe has ended and Amazon does have the actual Omnibus, but there is a delay at Dynamite.
  11. Page 10, Glossary: The Glossary entry for the Rim Kingdoms says "Nations beyond Dayside's northwest mountains" but the map shows the mountains East of Mt. KraeDa. Ch 2, Page 74: Elorin says "Master Traiben" - should be "Mastrell Traiben" Not sure if this will count, but: Pg 206, Ch 7: Header reads "The Lord Admiral's" (no noun) when it was previously named correctly as "Helm's Rest" when Khriss tried to see the Lord Admiral (pg 185, Ch 6) Imago (or however you reference image mistakes instead): Jon Acron has at least three different versions of facial hair. The Horseshoe Mustahce seems consistent throughout. It is paired with a clean chin (Prologue,1,3,8,12,13,14), Soul Patch (3,4,5,13,14), or goatee (3,4,5,6,7,13) seemingly at random (I would say by-artist, but some artists change it on the same page - such as Ch 14 pg 383 where panels 2 and 3 have a clean chin, but panel 4 has a soul patch). While not a "typo" perse, I also noticed that one of the best features was that the thought boxes for Kenton, Ais and Khriss each had a distinctive look and color. Except that Khriss' boxes lose that distinctiveness in Part Three. No more "Day ##" tags to help keep the narative timing understandable. No More cursive based thoughts to distinguish from "carryover sentances" or change of POV. For example - Ch 14 pg 382 - N'teese's sentance box is carried over from page 381; while pg 386 has Khriss' thoughts about Acron in the exact same style instead of the style used in parts 1 and 2. The last "day" entry was Day 61 - Lonzare (ch 12): When Baon walks out.
  12. 17th Shard has a fairly robust search feature - it pays to practice with it. Star by clticking the magnifying glass search bar on the right side menu bar. For example: About 30 seconds yielded these possibles: Well, he did it Hoid's Elantrian Curse Becoming Elantrian Hoid Collecting Powers Tress Reaction Thread (Cosmere) I doubt these are all of them, as I only picked the most obvious results from the first page of the search. Keep in mind that the search bar does not seem to use standard "boolean" - instead relying on the right-side toggle "Match any" vs "match all" Click "Topics" on the left to search one or more Forums (each one you click will appear in the list above) - so getting familiar with where certain tyes of thread are allowed helps this process (e.g. no point in searching the Tress forum, as discussing the specifics of the Shaod and AonDor would already move the content to Cosmere Discussion). You can filter by tags or authors (I actually most use the Search to find my own older posts), etc. Hope that helps.
  13. I'm not sure this is a property of Raysium, so much as the function of the Dagger Fabrial that uses Raysium. . .
  14. Breaths are even more tied to Identity than normal - it's just the the Identity is natually rekeyed with the Command "My Life to Yours, My Breath become yours." More importantly, however, is that while Raysium conducts investiture - it does not affect the Spirit Web (which is how and why Hemalurgy transfers powers). So, if you already have the ability to access a given Light, this might be a way to take light from somebody to use yourself (but then, why not let it collect in a gem and just breathe it in from there). Since we don't fully know how Raysium works, it's entirely possible that it functions similar to how Navani describes using gems to charge other gems - moving Investiture from high concentrations to areas of low concentrations - so if you have more than the person you "stabbed" you would likely give them your investiture rather than taking theirs.
  15. Please add [SA5] to the thread title to denote that this is a spoiler thread for unpublished material. I know you put it in the first sentance, but adding to the thread title makes it that much easier to avoid spoilers.
  16. Well, you could try reading one of these summary of changes with/after the reread of the book: 10th Anniversary Alterations and Spoilers 10th Anniversary Additions Elantris Trivia Anniversary Edition Reaction Thread You can also see the new maps on the Coppermins at Interior Art. Those should clarify most of the changes. When/If you decide topick up the anniversary edition, you can also check out used book sellers, like ThriftBooks. I got my trade paperback edition for < 10 dollars US. Hope that helps.
  17. If you have not yet done so, you might also want to check these blog posts: Oathbringer Timeline Roshar's Date System
  18. Do you realize that the deleted scenes are not the only change to the 10th anniversary edition? Chunks of the Climax were changed, and the Postscript was added. Mad Prince can be found here. From the website annotations on the deleted scenes: The other deleted scenes are found here. They include the original Prologue and Alternate Ending, as well as some revised scenes in the middle of the text. Here is Brandon's post about the changes overall: I should note that neither edition has the Elantris Glossary - which has some interesting worldbuilding tidbits that never made the text. Elantris Glossary Hope that helps
  19. I doubt there's much of a story there. The river originates in the Sunmaker Mountains (at least it's not south of them), and that origination is well inside Jah Kaved. That said, there are far more odd real-world examples of "territory" - such as the Kentucky Exclave, Azerbaijani and Armenian Exclaves (where each have part of their country entirely surrounded by the other), among others. It always just looked to me to be a bit of "realism" showing that even if a border intends to use a natural geographic feature as a national boundry, there will be exceptions because history just isn't that tidy. Oh, absolutely. I wasn't trying to suggest that his burnout was entirely caused by the Thrill (sorry if I gave that impression), but there are more and other Unmade, and we don't quite know how all of them influence emotions. I just find it interesting that he was so controlled as to chip away at heirocracy control slowly, exposing their (possible/probable) lies. Then Boom. As soon as they are defeated and the Ardent system is created a switch was flipped and he goes mad with power invading Herdaz, Jah Kahved, and Azir. Even Dalinar mentioned that if he was as great a General as his early years showed then he should have known better than to so overextend as to invade Azir without having solidified what he held. . .
  20. Have you mined the Coppermind History sections? I did find these: WoP: Coppermind: This is how I interpret the data: Alethela did not discorporate after Aharietiam, but after the Recreance. Since we know the Radiant orders continued after the Final Desolation, we know the Windrunners were HQed in Alethela and maintained the arts of war (so others did not have to do so) and we know there were still threats from the Ten Deaths between Desolations. I would guess the Oldbloods were the rulers of Alethela while the Windrunners (and possibly other Radiant orders) were active. After all, running the Radiant order, plus training, plus protecting, plus watching for activity from threats like the Ten Deaths would make it unlikely that the Radiants were actually the Monarchs of Alethela (and we know the Oldbloods were connected to the Radiant Orders strongly). Then came the False Desolation, the evacuation of Urithiru, and the Recreance. All of this is 2500 yrs (ish) after the Final Desolation and 2000 yrs before the Everstorm. Alethela splits. The Hills become Unclaimed, Jah Kaved and Herdaz become separate nations. About 1500 yrs pass then the Heirocracy takes root. Sunmaker overthrows them and "Unites" the remaining princedoms and creates Alethkar. He then prompty loses his mental faculties (Unmade Influence?) and goes on a genocideal rampage then burns out (a la Alexander the Great) without a clear line of succession, his ten sons re-fracture Alethkar into the 10 Highprincedoms. Then comes Gavilar, attempting to re-"unify' Alethkar under one King.
  21. I'm not sure that implies he was Worldhopping, though that is a possibility. We do have this WoB: So, if Vasher was not on Nalthis, he was likely at Silverlight. If he had been on Roshar (with access to Stormlight) he wouldn't have gone thorugh all of the breath he mentions to Vivenna in the epilogue (and probably would not have come back); but the Five Scholars have history with Silverlight, so that could be an option. I always took it to mean he was wandering Nalthis and had just gotten back to this side of the Bright Sea.
  22. Well, I don't know about forgetting pronunciation for second+ language acquisition. There will always be phonemes in the new langauge that don't exist or are slightly different than the base language that make prununciation a chore for any new language; but I really wish English were closer-to-phonetic so that it was a bit easier to make these leaps when learning English (as a first, second, or additional language). Kind of like Common is implied to be in the Enderverse.
  23. Papyrus was fibers from a water plant in Ancient Egypt. The Chinese method of making paper was brought by the Moors to western Europe in the 1100s. the only reason that parchemnt and animal vellum were prefered for official scrolls was because it lasted longer at the time, and you should easily be able to implement the subtle changes discovered by Whatman and Baskerville in the 1700s (wove paper), since it was mostly a finer mesh and diffent curing agents. Even the paper mill that started paper mass production in the 1800s actually dates back to Spain in the 1200s. There shouldn't be anything in these technologies that can't be adapted/recreated early once you have a way of improving literacy and spreading information easily. Actually, if I were the less-than-frugal-wizard in this case, I would develope (adapt) a phonetic alphabet (maybe a simplified version of the IPA) for the English of the time, so that as literacy spread, the phonetic alphabet spread with it - making it easier to achieve literacy and learn the language.
  24. Interesting thought experiment. While hygiene is critical, I would say the better method to instigate vast improvement early would be to recreate (or bring back) a rudimentary printing press. Imagine what mass-produced text centuries before the Gutenburg Bible could achieve. Literacy increases, scientific learning, reduction or negation of the Dark Ages, etc.
  25. As a contrast to that series, you may consider reading Wildside by Steven Gould, which shows what the protagonist and team go through to set up infrastructure to find resources in an alternate Earth (not to mention the dangers). Sales Blurb: Slight Spoiler:
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