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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. It likely ties into this (Coppermind): If they are trying to depict her as "young enough to not yet need to cover her safe hand" then it could just be a deliberate artist choice to depict her youth.
  2. Sorry. I just thought you might have had some other reason. You noted they were at odds in Words of Radiance, to the point that the Ghostbloods were actively spying on the Sadeas Camp and Amaram; but concluded that Mraize is working with Ialai when Shallan found him disguised in her retinue. . . But, it hasn't even gotten scary yet. Really says something when everybody is glad for a continent-spanning magical hurricane, huh.
  3. Please spoiler tag the things referencing a non-Sel shard. (or we can ask a mod to move the thread to "Cosmere Discussion" - spoiler policy) I mentioned evidence, not direct answers. Here's one of the WoBs:
  4. Beware of Duplicate Posts (there are two versions of this post). I've already reported them for you. While it may be possible that Domi was inspired by Dominion (but more likely the Dor in general), you should note that Shu Keseg (Unity of Mind) and therefore Shu Dereth (Unity of Obedience) and Shu Korath (Unity of Love) are millenia younger than the Splintering of the Shards Devotion and Dominion. I doubt there is any direct connection there; except, possibly, the very loose "inspired by cultural memory and myth" (like Marvel's Thor Compared to the actual Norse Myths. . . ) Elantris Ch 14: Also, how much of the cosmere have you read? Because (spoilers for White Sand, Lost Metal, etc.):
  5. Trade and Mass Market paperbacks are traditionally 11-15 months after the Hardcover release. Lost Metal is only 9 months old. If you like eBooks, you could try that route. Or check it out from a library to read now, and buy the edition you prefer later. What I do, is I buy the hardcover on release (can. not. wait.) - then, when mass market edition becomes available, I take my hardcover to a Used Book store and trade it for the mass market version (or "trade for credit" and use that to buy the mass market).
  6. You are going to have to explain what you mean by that. Are you asking if the light reflected from <person standing on Roshar> is visible from Scadrial and that somehow effects <person on Roshar> transitioning to Shadesmar, walking a few weeks then transitioning to Scadrial's Physical realm? The light reflected from a person is simply photons travelling at the speed of light. Nobody is "going back in time" when they see this reflected light - they are meerly witnessing "an event that happened previously." IRLEx: When we "witness" a supernova in a distant star cluster - we are not going back in time - it has simply taken <x qty of time> for the light of that event to reach Earth and be "seen." When a physical person transitions (Shardpool, Elsecalling, etc) into Shadesmar (CR) then there is no physical representation on the physical realm. They travel via Shadesmar to <location 2> and transition back to the physical realm. The distance in the physical realm does not matter at all to teh distance travelled in Shadesmar or the time that the travel took. Non-Cosmere: If you have read Dresden Files - it's very similar to how travel works in the Never Never; but without requiring the Sympathetic link to transition. If you have not read Dresden Files, you probably should (if you like Urban Fantasy at all).
  7. Welcome to the forums. Here are some tips and trick you may not yet be familiar with on this type of forum: Depends on your definition(s) of FTL. If you mean "total distanced traveled in the PR is greater than the same distance light could travel in the time you were travelling" then, travel through Shadesmar would possibly qualify. Travel from one planet to another is, generally, weeks (not years). However, if you mean "travel in a way that surpasses the speed of light" then travel through Shadesmar would not qualify. You are travelling at a normal speed in a normal timeframe - you just get to shortcut the distance required by traveling through Shadesmar (possibly similar to a planar intersection of a sphere). Areas with no Cognitive representation in Shadesmar simply don't exist. To use made-up-notional examples Travelling from Earth to Saturn might be days in Sol's Shadesmar just because some distance exists where space has "consenrual reality" as people think about the Moon, Mars, Asteroid belt and Jupiter (each would had some amount of "distance" in Shadesmar). So total distance travelled in the physical realm is high, but the distance your physical body moved is still low. We do not have this answer. Supposedly, it wil be a factor in Mistborn Era 3 and all questions on this have received RAFOs (that I can find). We do not yet have this answer. May we ask what (if any) books you have not yet read (so spoilers can be avoided)? Also, are you familiar with the Coppermind and Arcanum? Keep in mind that spoilers can abound in those resources, if you have not read all of the Cosmere.
  8. For rereads, I prefer chapter-by-chapter; but that is a very personal choice. I would say: start with the chapter-by-chapter for the prologue and ch 1 (maybe 2), then decide if you think it is hampering your story enjoyment. If yes, save the rest for the end. If instead you find it helps you ID connections and trends that you are rereading to find anyway, then continue ch-by-ch.
  9. Please see my post here. However there are some neat things you can do on a reread that you can't (well. . . should not) do on the first read through. For example, this Secret History trick. I actually made my Trilogy eBook into what I have named the "Complete Era I" so the single file has Eleventh Metal, TFE, WoA, HoA with SH integrated throughout (example here). Anyway, since a reread isn't about spoilers and you specifically mentioned connections here are some modular ideas (separate works "chunks" | * = Arcanum Unbounded) that you can re-arrange as it suits you: That only leaves the remaining Secret Projects for where you feel you can best slot them (Slight Spoiler)
  10. May I ask what other Cosmere stories you have read? These answers were implied in the text, but if you had not read the other story reference you may not have noticed them. (Slight Spoiler) To get into more detail we would need to ask an Admin to move this thread to the Cosmere Spoilers version of the Yumi Forum. To address the other aspect of your question - we do know they had already built at-least-one prototype, because we see it in Yumi's "world" (The scholars and their "machine" was confirmed as an actual event recreation by Father Machine - before they built the large version for the fair, they had been working on small prototypes and travelling with them). There was probably a significant amount of other tech before Father Machine was turned on, but it didn't even need to recreate that unless a specific Yoki-hijo's prison required it for "authenticity." Yumi was so sheltered, she would not have known of any other tech before Father Machine was turned on.
  11. I'll admit I disliked it the first time, mostly because (as you note) it was confusing. I liked it more by the second read-through because I had parsed the information better and noticed more of the foreshadowing that helped to clarify things. Then I read the trope analysis (spoilers) and that really helped me make sense the last two books and I enjoyed my most-recent read-though the most. Pretty much the only thing I still hate (spoilers)
  12. Awesome. If this is your first read through - you are in for a wild ride. LMK if you have questions. PS: Do you like, or have you played Magic: the Gathering? If so, watch for an expy. . .
  13. Do you mean the Lightbringer series? The Black Prism (Book 1) by Brent Weeks?
  14. Welcome to the Forums I'll try to not offer any platitudes and simply share two thoughts On a fundamental level, this kind of acknowledgement is, to me, almost an acknowledgement of existence. When self harm (and other self-destructve behaviour, or their ideation) stems from a feeling that we don't matter; that often originates in the idea that we have no impact on those around us because we receive no acknowledgement of accomplishments. But a simple acknowledgement of our efforts can show that we still impact those around us, and therefore our lives do have some meaning. We exist. Friends are the family we choose. While we cannot chose our to whom we are related (family) we do choose our friends. Here's to hoping you can find friends that can provide the acknowledgement your family may be incapable of recognizing. Thank you for sharing how this passage affected you.
  15. Por que no los dos? If we use the WikiTable on the Lak Page and we get a thumbs-up for an interior art page with some extracts, then the lak page can have a link to the image there. . .
  16. I have some additional tools, I can remove the sand background from teh small lak pieces (and possibly from the full table, I'll have to test it). But if you recreate the table in the Wiki, then you only need the lak images. . .
  17. Here are examples I had prepared: (Basically I was already dismantling the images for my ebook version because the text is unreadable on a device smaller than a PC - so I've been transcribing the text into epub css and using the excerpt images to "float" left and right around the transcribed text)
  18. I have those images prepped. I just didn't want to start uplodaing anything until I was sure we had permission.
  19. How about White Sand items? I'm currently working on the White Sand Summary and wondered if we had permission from Dragonsteel/Dynamite to use the "Khriss's Notes" Pages (I saw that the new Dayside Map was already uploaded). I was thinking, possibly, of a paired White Sand/Epigraphs (style) and White Sand/Interior Art pages to go with the summary, where: "Epigraphs" (or a better name) would have the text transcribed (like SA Epigraphs) and link to the Omnibus Art Page in White Sand/Interior Art This would also allow me to use notes in the summary directed at the apporiate entry from Khriss' Journal. Example:
  20. What makes you say that? This might indicate something. . . Edit Postscript: Wow, your Reputation has turned you into <very minor non-SA spoilers>
  21. Thank you everybody for the responses. Rep for all my friends. Two thougths: Could "Cosmere Secret Projects Previews" simply become "Cosmere Previews" Afterall, only 1 SP remains that hasn't received a Spoiler Board or main forum As reading and newsletter previews become more common, I don't see the pace of Previews slacking too much after the SP kickstarter ends. If not, can Mods add the yellow (or some other color if more than one color is available) topic-title tags? It might be an option that we report the suspect post(s) and if an Admin concurs they add that tag to the title to "flag" the preview material. It might not even have to be SA5 Specific just something like "Preview Spoilers" (or PS for short) since most people avoiding one set of previews are likely avoiding them all. Thank you all very much for indulging my rambling.
  22. No worries, I wasn't familiar with the covers you mention - but I do usually re-read my posts right after posting to check for errors (hence many of my posts showing spelling and grammar (SPAG) edits) - and I had failed to do so. So, as they say in Office Space "I fixed the glitch."
  23. Exactly right - sorry I was less than thorough in my rushed response. My Lysdexia is showing. . . I'm sorry. SPAG fixed.
  24. I do find that distinctive pictures aid recognition; but when the pictures change regularly the User Name is what I pay attention too. When both change (like those Ookla people who changed their name and profile pic at the same time) - have to open their profile to have a hope of identifying them (usually by going to "See activity" and paging back to before the name change to find a quote with the old name). I use the same user name and profile picture everwhere it is possible to do so (forums, discord, etc.) I like tigers (and this one happens to have my screenname built in - even if the Shard's circular frame truncates it a bit) (subtle) Those that play MTGO will recognize where the screenshot came from (kind-of like a reread bonus) When they have MtG questions like @Koloss17, they know they can PM me PS: I really preferred the MTGO v3.5 version of that Avatar. . .
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