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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. I feel like the guidelines (here) are missing a some things. I'm not sure "what right looks like" but I don't think the current state necessarily meets that goal. For example: Seems straight forward - except that it does not address how that unpublished-yet-public-available material is handled when in a forum with published-non-spoiler material. So, to me, this poilicy is really referencing things like Aether of Night and White Sand Prose (allowed in appropriate forum) and Dragonsteel Prime (no allowed forums); but fails to address things like Stormlight Archive 5 preview material. For example: Topics in Cosmere Discussion discussing Sixth of the Dusk Sequel Preview material Topics in both Cosmere Discussion and Stormlight Archive discussing SA5 preview material In many topics, it seems users are at least trying to do the right thing (actual preview quotes in spoiler tags) but then you have posts like this one (SA5 Spoilers) where the topic title seems innocuous, but really the whole post is derived from Spoiler material, so even reading the parts not covered under the spoiler tag causes spoilers (or feels like it might be spoilers) Spoiler of SA5 Spoiler example: So, what would we call that? Impicit Spoiler? Spoiler by association? I don't know - but I am rapidly feeling like I need to leave the forum until after SA5 releases because it seems like every-third-topic is an SA5 spoiler with no way of knowing until you open the thread and read the first post (by which point it is too late). Maybe I am overreacting. I don't know if anybody else feels this way (possibly nobody else is trying to avoid SP4, SA5, SotD2, and other "preview" spoilers). Maybe require a "Preview spoiler" tag in the title? But then, how do you fix that if it wasn't the first post that added the spoiler material? If it is one of those orange tag things - then maybe "report post" so a mod can "tag" it? Like I said above, I don't know what a good answer might be. I just wanted to start the discussion because I know I liked that the Secret Projects go their own preview chatter location I could avoid; but I can't seem to find a way to avoid other "preview chapter" spoilers and I can't be the only one that feels this way.
  2. Please add [SA5 spoilers] to the thread name (edit your first post and you should be able to edit the thread title)
  3. Welcome to the forums. @Firesong hit most of the highlights, so I'll just mention a few odds and ends: Congratulations and apologies. Your will never be the same. . . Yes, Raoden noticed that the bone grew into a shape based on old Fjordish script; also, the motions created by ChayShan are implied to be based on old JinDo language as "drawn" using motion from the whole body (as opposed to writing with a finger tip). Shai does note that the "closing mark" on a Soul Stamp is shaped like MaiPon (no confirmation on if the same "closing mark" is used by Resealers and Bloodsealers - or if they have a different mark for their arts). Sanderson has confirmed that Adien is on the autism Spectrum - his "talent" for numbers is similar to math savants in real life. We have some ideas on this, but there is not a solid answer yet. To say more is <spoiler>. This is a slight spoiler - but not for any specific stories, so I will put it in a tag and you can decide if you want to peek: You will find out more in The Stormlight Archive - though I would highly recommend reading Warbreaker first.
  4. Welcome to the forums Aside from the ordinal Aon Aon (first) there aren't any revealed numeral Aons (or other ordinals). However, we do see that Raoden has to use numerals of some kind in the "Aon modifiers" added to base aons to manipulate how the investiture will take shape (e. g. in the climax adding a modifier to have Aon Tia move him "one million, fifty-four thousand, four hundred and one lengths of the line." That said, I would guess that Arelene language would have its own numeral system (just as it has an alphabet separate from Aons) with may or may not tie into the numeral modifiers used in AonDor. WoB: So, it makes sense that a normal Aon would not be a number, as numerals (1,2,3) are not definitions inherently described by the geography and terrain.
  5. Right, but you need to go back further than that even: So just the mists disappearing caused a massive change - then when Vin wiped the ash from the sky daylight became deadly.
  6. So, reread White Sand (Omnibus) and working on a Prose reread. I had a thought. Assuming that Kenton managed to revise the Diem's rank structure to be based on ability (skill plus power) instead of power alone, and assuming that the Diem progresses along the lines explored in the story (sending Masters to help with the Tower, Masons and Artisan's guilds) what might a new Mastrell's Path consist of? I think it would have to incorporate many of the skills Kenton mastered with his "one ribbon" before the start of the book. Maybe instead of just "find these red spheres" there is an element of completing tasks to "win" red spheres. The final number found and won determine your "score." Maybe some tasks could be: Destroying stone disks as shown in the Ch 1 Zo'Ken "game" (skill of speed and accuracy) Lifting progressively larger/heavier objects (skill of strength and endurance) Catching falling objects safely (skill of safety - prevent "Gwen Stacy" death when helping other guilds) Climbing with Sand (for reaching heights a normal sand jump cannot reach - it seemed the technique of "climbing" was intricate and unintuitive and therefore could be a testable skill) Catching "bolts" (in the battle I recall a Lestrall? mentioning that they could never do that when Kenton does) Defensive techniques (like walls) employed correctly Anti-Terken techniques (as Kenton devised over the course of the story - like the "Table-Fu") Sand Decoys Sand Knotwork Art (skill of precision) etc. What else might be a viable skill test? Edit: When fighting the deep sandling (to save the Lord General) we see Kenton fall because he had to redirect his sand to other tasks. Maybe they could learn to use conservation of momentum (Mistborn Spoilers) What techniques that we have not yet seen might be developed and tested? Do you think this new kind of Path might be something developed post-story?
  7. It's as Nameless said, but also consider that Vin had already absorbed the Mists so (even without her tampering with the planets rotation) they could not have survived the heat to make the fight last for days. Then portions of Atium would not have been burned and Ruin would likely have "won."
  8. While I won't disagree wholesale with your review - I would like to mention that it is important to note: The story is meant to be an intro to the Cosmere, and is light on worldbuilding for that reason Sel is also "weird" in the Cosmere, so there was no place or characters for this story to explore those eccentricities Dakhor was meant to be a light intro because no viewpoint characters know much about it and it was set-up for the sequel ChayShan was also light, but I felt it was included more as a reread bonus based on the adage "two is coincidence, three is a pattern" and having the comparison of Aons > Dakhor > ChayShan to show how the Dor is tied regionally is the main reason for its inclusion I don't think Raoden is flawless so much as his arc for this book is meant to be external conflict (re-"discovering" AonDor and his relationship with the Reod Effects) and trying to include internal growth would have weakened both arcs. We had Serene and Hrathen for the Character-driven stories (and to an extent, Serene's arc suffered from trying to have both internal and external confict arcs in the same viewpoint) I don't think Adonalsium or the Shards are really mentioned in Elantris - nor should they have been that early in the Cosmere reading order. This does affect the enjoyment for people who read this story late in their Cosmere journey. The addition of that name in the 10th anniversary Edition is, to me, also a re-read bonus. Note that the original Elantris did not have an Ars Arcanum penned by Khriss (just the "Glossary of Aons") To me, Elantris is a solid 4/5 with the caveat that when recommending the Cosmere to new readers they should be warned before starting that it is "action-lite" until the Climax - so if they prefere a more cerebral story - start here; but if they prefer a more action story - start with Mistborn (and read this either after the first trilogy or after Warbreaker - but the "first 4" should generally be Elantris, Mistborn Era 1, Warbreaker, Emperor's Soul - in whichever order best suits the reader's preferences).
  9. Concur on all points. Well written review. I'll also mention that I usually recommend this early for people new to the Cosmere as it does such a great job of explaining the Spiritual, Cognitive and Physical aspects so well that it makes reading other works much easier. It's obvious why this earned a Hugo. I'll also point out that Brandon has said: Did you mean Ashravan here? Not "almost" for me.
  10. Funnily enough - I hadn't even noticed the date. just found it when searching for something else. . .
  11. Hard to judge on less data, but possibly one of these: If it was not one of those, do you have more data to vector the search?
  12. Ouch - explains things. Well, if you* have eBooks, or eventually start down that path, then I recommend Calibre. It's freeware (donations accepted) that has some very potent capabilities. Win, Mac, Linux / Install, Portable / Manage, read, edit push, pull, etc. Plug-ins supported. We also discuss it in threads like Pimp my Aether and ebook Projects. *Note: Plural inclusive "you" - yes, including you you - the person reading this that is not Firesong, but may be interested in ebooks. . .
  13. May I ask how you normally search? And it is a PDF, Ebook or physical copy?
  14. Well, the WoB Did say that it was not a 1:1 correlation. So if the +2 are the interaction of two or three essences that could explain why the Mignight shows aspects of Vapor, Tallow and Sinew. Also, I wonder if a Foil Spore could maybe be influenced to "grow" different metals depending on how it is directed (like using Iron/Steel to grow Rosite toward or away from you; maybe using an Iron plte on Foil manifests the Spore as iron; while using a Copper plat would manifest the Foil Spores as copper instead?
  15. Why not reply to the last post with this request? Anywho - it's Oathbringer Ch 44:
  16. I feel like there are some connections here. Both Midnight Essence (ME) and Midnight Spores (MS) are described as showing the opalesence that is seen in the sheen on the surface of many oils (and surface tension is a thing) but we also see both ME and MS "bleed" a gray/black smoke/gas. I can understand why you would avoid this outside of the AoN subforum; but I would mention that if any aspects of Authers from AoN get changed fro the canon - Metal is the most likely to change. I feel that there is more connection to Fabrials than just the Kak soulcasting property. As far as soulcasting is concerned, we have seen (heard) in Oathbringer that the Azish Bronze roofs were because they had a soulcaster specializing in that metal - which implies that, at least for the fabrial version, these is a limitation to not just metal, but specific metal(s). Which makes me also wonder if maybe that soulcaster is "copper and its alloys" or "bronze only." For a spore version, I imagine something like the Crimson - but as metal spikes rather than the psuedo-organic coral/Crimson.
  17. I found this WoB: Which seems to imply that the Spirit can't just become "any pair" but it needs to be something with push/pull | yin/yang | complementary opposite pairing. So, if we look at Allomancy for inspiration we can see that you have direct opposites (Iron/Steel), two-related-aspects (Tin/Pewter), and same-effect-different-route (Brass/Zinc) so there is probably quite a bit of leeway. I could see the sword/scabbard easiest - if just because it is closest to the "light" example in Yumi if you consider the scabbard to be the "off switch" for the sword.
  18. Probably, especially since we have this as well: So, if Virtuosity spent most of the time since the Shattering refusing to invest in any one system and trying to experience artistry in each culture cosmere-wide then it is very likely that she was the "Shard not on a planet."
  19. That was what people during the Final Empire knew as Atium (a.k.a. Era 1 Atium - which is not quite "true Atium"). This thread (and many others) has it explained, but the short answer is that the Era 2 metals lists account for the fact that Atium is no longer prevalent. Atium would still store age, but Atium is no longer generally available.
  20. Welcome to the forums. In case you decide to stick around, you may find these tips and tricks useful: You could notify them by typing @ followed by their screen name. E.g. @adorfman (type slowly, then select the name from the list pop-up). Then, they should be able to message you. Also, a non-content post like this probably belongs in Introduce Yourself, General Discussion, or Social Groups.
  21. Welcome to the Forums. Here are some tips and trick you may find useful: This post is for reactions to the SP3 story. If you want to discuss these Words of Brandon, then please start a new post, and please reference the specific Words of Brandon in your post so we have a frame of reference. When on the Arcanum and viewing a WoB, there is a copy button at the top-right of each entry. Click that, then in your post on this forum click the Spoiler Box (preferred, or quote box*) and paste the copied contents inside. If posting multiple Words of Brandon, it is recommended to use a Spoiler Box outside, then use a quote box inside that for each separate entry. *Note: Both a Spoiler Box and a Quote Box can be collapsed; the primary difference between the two is that the Spoiler starts collapsed until opened, and the Quote starts opened until collapsed. Also, a quote started from other forum content shows attribution automatically and includes an arrow button on the right to jump back to the original post.
  22. They can't be completely without Identity (Ch 40): So it's more like a block of some kind preventing their SR Identity from being expressed in the CR and PR. If the nightmares did not fundamentally have an Identity, the entire climax fails. It's more like they can't express it without assistance (Father Machine in the recreations / Painter in the Climax) I get that, but what do you think happens at the point I bolded in the Ch 3 quote? If it's not forming a Connection (even a temporary one) to impose the painter's vision on the nightmare's form - then do you think it is some kind of bond? The phrasing seems far too emphatic to just be nothing. . .
  23. I don't know that this is entirely accurate; Design does say that (Ch 32) but we also see that to start affecting the Nightmare the painter (Nikaro in this case - but likely all of them) has to forge a Connection to the Nightmare. So, while they may not have any investiture over the normal amount (which is why anybody with skill can train to become a painter), it seems likely that they are doing something with the little innate investiture they have (Ch 3): As you can see, when he first raises his mental "barriers" it ignores him because he's not feeling enough emotion - once the Connection is formed (bolded) it leaves the "meal" behind to try stalking the one that would "capture" it.
  24. This was also discussed and lamshaded in Mistborn:SH (Spoilers)
  25. Keep in mind that while Midnight Aether Spores and Midnight Essence have a lot of similarities, it is not confirmed to be two names for the same thing. They are related, but not necessaily identical. The Body formed of the Shroud that the Nightmares inhabit do seem very similar to the Rosharan Midnight Essence whereas Threnodite Shades seem much more like a traditional Cognitive Shadow (In that it mostly exists in the Cognitive Realm) but corrupted and with more "effect" in the physical realm - and that effect increases as it is "pulled" closer by broken Rules.
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