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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. But it wasn't grey in Lightsong's painting - it was red altered with a touch of gray. As Llarimar's comments showed (I bolded them) to a normal person without any heightenings it was a canvas of nothing-but-red. I can undestand, and agree, that both are seeing things that might not be truely there (Lightsong - because of the Divine Breath; Kaladin because of the lingering touch of Fortune from the Rii Oracle) - but that amount of "change" can't take a canvas of all-shades-of-red (as seen by Llarimar) and add White and Black replacing Grey-tinged-red and black-tinged-red. Also, in the WoB you first referenced, Brandon even said he could not remember if he made it the same painting or just the same artist (I bolded those sections when I quoted your post).
  2. I didn't realize they were supposed to be connected, but the same artist makes sense. However, I doubt that the Nine Shadows painting could actually be the same physical painting as the Battle of Twilight Falls. Annotation to Ch 26: Twilight Falls has no white in the painting and the only black is the slash that represents Nightblood - which directly conflicts with the description of the Nine Shadows painting:
  3. Here's the WoB: We probably won't know for sure if the Vessel was fluid before ascending until we get to Dragonsteel.
  4. Or Lerasium requires a Connection to Scadrial and/or Leras (Elend in the Former - Hoid in the later)
  5. White Sand Spoilers More WS Spoilers Autonomy's MO is to seed a diety's name (Trell in this case) so that later she can create an avatar to "fill the role." So, the most likely scenario, is that Autonomy seeded the name Trell before TLR went to the Well (but did not actually invest or make an Avatar which would have been "found" by Ati, Leras, or both). The Nelezan peoples that had the idea seeded were the ones to attribute a gender (and Bavadin doesn't care, since she routinely makes Avatars of all genders). Post-Catacendre, she began to invest in a Trell Avatar - and because Bavadin doesn't care about gender - it makes no difference if the Avatar's vessel was male or female. We don't know if there was originally supposed to be a different Vessel for Trell (or no Vessel at all, since an Avatar does not necessarily need a Vessel); but Telsin was eventually selected to become the Vessel for the Trell Avatar on Scadrial. We all know how that turned out (so far). . . Elantris Spoilers
  6. I don't think this is Brandon saying it is natural at all - it's just his "perfect evasion" turned to 11. The questioner asks if the red appearance of the Scar is like the "red fog" Harmony shows to Wax. Well, the "Red Fog" is viewed from the Cognitive Realm with a connection to the Spiritual Realm. Whatever is making The Scar red is visible from the Physical realm. So, his answer, "if you look in the sky you will see red stars" implies "it is as natural as Red Stars on real Earth" but really says "they aren't the same because the Scar is visible from the physical realm."
  7. There has to be some level of Cosmere awareness at the time of Oathbringer (ch 102), since we saw the nine shadows painting in Celebrant that "was smuggled from the Court of Gods."
  8. Except maybe Babatharnam who: Babath women have patterns of veins that sit shallowly beneath their skin, which some non-natives find unnerving.[3] The Babath are human-Aimian hybrids.[6]
  9. I can certainly see why one would think that. It's often marketed as Sci Fi (specifically Dystopian Sci Fi). I even mentioned in the write-up that it is sometimes called SciFi. Granted I've only read the original trilogy (and that was back in 2015-16). Here is some my reasoning for putting it in Sci-Fan (spoilers): It fails to be Hard SF since almost none of the tech is explained. It could almost be Soft SF based on the " refer to science fiction which prioritizes human emotions over the scientific accuracy or plausibility" definition. But. . . It's a Fantasy story with Sci Fi Labels. There's nothing wrong with that. It is a good story and it does appeal across Fantasy and SciFi Fandoms, which might be the best reason to label it as SciFan.
  10. Thank you for putting into words what I failed to explain in my reaction post. I thought you meant the first epilogue, but so many people liked it that I thought it was better to clarify. I'm sure the fact that it was a gift for his wife influenced how the final ending happened.
  11. Welcome to the Forums Did you perhaps mean Part 3? Her Part 2 reactions were the sixth post in the thread. See also Amira's Journey (chapter-by-chapter starting at the WoK Prologue of Prologues)
  12. Just to clarify do you mean: Epilogue 1 and Yumi's Plot Armor? Epilogue 2 and Hoid's "wake up?" All of the above?
  13. Late to the conversation (didn't see this until it was referenced in the "Add Doug" Rep proposal) since I rarely go outside of the Cosmere section* #1 #2 #3 (Anti)Social Final Comments:
  14. Welcome to the Forums. Here are some tips and tricks that may help (if you are nto already familiar with this type of forum): Please don't resurrect old posts. Forum policies can be found here. Summary: You could also "quote" the post to which you want to reply - then "cut" the quote box from the reply dialog. Start a new thread, paste the quote there (preferably with a link to the original thread - but the quote dialog should have a redirect arrow [top-right corner] to jump to the original post) and reply in that fashion to start a new thread replying to a previous old thread.
  15. Not exactly correct. I think of it as like an alcoholic beverage: If, for example, the Unmade were originally composed of <investiture orange juice*> and Odium adds a bit of Hatred Vodka - he's Corrupted that Juice into a screwdriver spren (but not added his investiture to the system directly). Once he starts serving Hatred Vodka straight up (or on the rocks) he's invested in the system - or if he were to work with Cultivation to make a new drink he would also be investing in the system. As long as the corrupted investiture is still 90% <something> and only a drop of his Hatred Vodka then he was able to keep himself at arm's length to move freely and not get "stuck." *Note: This could be Adonalsium's original investiture used to make Roshar - then assigned to one or more shards after the shattering - or - Some combination of Honor and Cultivation. Doesn't matter for the anology.
  16. It was not that he wasn't investing until Oathbringer - It was that in Oathbringer it was implied that he inveted in the Rosharan System only after Tanavast was splintered (he had been holding back until then because he wanted to leave the system and he thought Splintering honor would release him). By RoW we find out in Ch 83: So some time after Honor's Splintering and before the arrival of the Everstorm he finally invested himself into the Rosharan system instead of relying upon corrupted versions of other investiture. From the Coppermind:
  17. Aethers are also in the Aether of Night (noncanon) Unpublished Prose you can request in this thread. While the work is not canon, the Aethers are: Though, there have been some changes since AoN was written (slight spoiler):
  18. Which pairs with this WoB about how storing some traits risks death if you store too much at one time: AFAIK - the traits that risk death when trying to store too much at once are: Health, Speed, Breath, Strength, Nutrition, Warmth
  19. I searched, and did not see a thread for this yet. Pros? Cons? Thoughts, concerns, BGCs? Is Win 11 nothing more than Apple Lite? While I can mostly understand cosmetic change is, well, cosmetic; the biggest part of the Win11 experience to baffle me (so far) is the removal of almost every method to customize the experience. Am I delusional that one of the driving forces for Windows since the 90s was the ability to "customize my pc?" That seems largely absent so far. It's been almost 3 days since the change (and I promised myself a week of testing) and I already cannot wait to revert to Win 10 (which was already one of my least favorite "functional*" Windows versions). For those of you that may like Win 11, can you please articulate what you consider to be the "Pros" of Win 11? I'm hard pressed to find anything positive beyond the left-menu settings page (which is significantly better than the tile-based Settings menu; but still lacking from my POV) *Note: I do not consider ME or Win 8.0 "functional."
  20. Both have been added. Dune has far more than 11 novels. But I updated that information and linked the chronology. However, I put Dune in Sci-Fan. While it was originally published as Sci Fi (Sci-Fan wasn't really recognized as a genre category) it firmly fits in Sci-Fan (just like Star Wars and Star Trek). Though, admittedly, the line between Soft Sci-Fi and Sci-Fan can be a bit blurry. Sci-Fan Definition
  21. Oathbringer Ch 37: It is still unclear if this is a Horneater trait or specifically for the Sighted (alaii'iku). The WoB doesn't mention the rhythms: Sorry, that's a bunch of text to say "we don't know yet." Edit: My personal take is that it could also be a combination of Rock being Sighted - and either being a squire or a nascent Radiant bond increasing his Cognitive Connection. Since he's been SIghted since the start of the book, but only now notices he can faintly hear that rhythm.
  22. Right. Shallan attached a lightweaving to Pattern's Physical aspect; Hoid attached the lightweaving to Design's Cognitive aspect. What I was disagreeing with was this part: This isn't the lightweaving's parts attached to sections of Design's Physical aspect (which is confined to moving across physical surfaces); rather - the lightweaving's "hands" are attached to her cognitive "hands" (legs, torso, etc.). Design's Physical aspect is probably "riding" in the lightweaving's "head" - which is why she comments on what would happen if that portion went away and the Komashi residents saw her normal manifestation.
  23. This is how Seon's already work: This is also possible: Do you know how to search the Arcanum for Words of Brandon?
  24. (Playing DA) Are they right? Sure, they absolutely have a point - but do they (or the Radiants, or we-the-audience) have enough information? ***** As far as Kaladin is concerned - this has been building a while. Remember back in WoR (ch44): Who knows where it might lead?
  25. May I ask if you have read RoW yet? BLUF: Strategy, tactics and discipline are the largest parts of the Alethi victories (though population numbers also factor heavily). Spoilers in case you have not yet ready RoW:
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