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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. My guess would be something like using Connection to put the "center" of the cloud on the person to be protected emotionally. Awesome catch. I totally failed to account for the possibility that her spike is what allowed her to feel the effects when Kell and Clubs didn't notice it through their Copper. I quick-checked through TFE again, and once she dons it in CH 3, the only refernce I could find of her not wearing it was when it was removed when she was captured, and when TLR ripped it out of her ear. So she was likely wearing it at the time. Isn't this impossible? If you are a Coppercloud then you have Snapped. If you have Snapped, then there are cracks for the Allomantic ability to use in expressing itself. However, if a normal Smoker can already block emotional effects, they likely have much higher resistance to non-Allomantic influences on them.
  2. A thread about the realmatics of creating a meat puppet for Design to animate is not the place for discussing the intricacies of Syl's emotional age and it's impact on her relationships (especially her bonded Radiant). Please make a new thread in an appropriate forum to discuss this topic. Slander is spoken, when written and displayed publicly it is Libel: Wikipedia: The only problem with that theory is that he specifically said it attached to her Cognitive Aspect, and as we saw in OB and RoW - the Cryptics have a full body in the Cognitive (with a symbol head). In YNP, design says she wants people to freak if her lightweaving mask should fail and reveal her "symbolhead." This likely means it is related to how Shallan could draw the Cognitive Aspect of a Cryptic in the Physical Realm in WoK (Taravangian's Portrait).
  3. We have no indication that Zane spent time on the streets. Vin sees the scars on his arms and assumes he was sent to the Pits of Hathsin; but we see later that he is a cutter, and the scars are from him cutting his own arms because the pain "weakens the voices in his head" (much as strong emotion weakens Ruin's control in HoA). The closest we get (and likely what made you think he was on the streets) is in WoA Ch 18: But the "survive on his own" was hidden in Urtau with Straff's other mistresses and Misting choldren (until Zane Snapped and was more important - being Mistborn). Ch 34 clarifies: Hope that helps.
  4. So I can listen to the audiobook and just look at the changes ( the canon version ) Yes, that is absolutely a viable alternative. I would recommend reading this post after you have finished the prose version (then, of course, ask questions if you need clarification).
  5. Most people seem to prefer the Prose. Prose is not canon. GN is canon. Audio combines the Canon GN content with the description of the prose to support worldbuilding. Some excerpted reviews: Summary: If you like AudioBooks, the Audio book is generally considered the best of both worlds If you like GNs, the GN is fine and canon If you like neither of the above, the Prose is fine (I didn't find it quite as painful as LewsTherin did) - and you can easily read one of the many "comparison" threads to learn what changed for the Canon.
  6. I always thought of it like EMI. For example, we know that certain environmental factors (power lines, railroad tracks, competing broadcasts in the same/adjacent frequency range, etc) can cause interference for things on the electromagnetic spectrum (radio, microwaves, etc - example: Cell signal "drops" under a cluster of power lines [more common back in 3G]). Copper, to me, is basically making an investiture cloud of EMI around the Smoker's cognitive aspect (and because it's more of an EMI field than a wall a strong enough Seeker (or other "signal") can work past the interference). The Smoker, as source, is "immune" to direct influence (which was also Jossed by Vin feeling TLR's soothings through her Copper) and the interference put off can mess with other "signals" that interact with the Cognitive Aspect (like Rhythms, Seekers, etc.).
  7. Can't recall the Oathbringer reference OtToMH (Nalthis and Threnody, yes - in Celebrant). Slight Spoilers for SP1, White Sand and RoW:
  8. you race @alder24 to be the first to reply to a question with the correct WoB or quote.
  9. Vorin Safehand is probably the largest. Arts and Majesty separated the genders so that men performed two handed actions (war, building, farming, etc.) and women one-handed actions (writing, painting, etc.) - which led to covered non-dominant hands (as a reminder) - which led to the "safe hand" convention and a mix of cultural and religious prohibition on displaying their "safe hand." Also implied (not confirmed):
  10. I added to my edit in the post above. Not that I know of - but honestly the prose version was not bad. If you prefer reading over listening you could easily read this then check the "list of changes." Minor Spoiler PS: This post might reference what you were thinking. Quoting here to avoid spoilers: The possible Darkside story - which may be either Prose or GN...
  11. The newer version is released - the Omnibus. I don't think there are any plans for Sanderson to update and release the Prose version with updates. Edit: Was that summary page I linked the one you read? Example (with fixed Omnibus Changes): Edit @Munazir
  12. I noticed you did not list White Sand, is that because you read the Prose version, or because you do not intend to read it. If you just don't fancy Graphic Novels, have you considered the (noncanon) Prose version or the (canon) Audiobook? The Prose version is a free download when you join the Sanderson Newsletter (if you already have joined, check the very first "welcome" email for the link). While some details are not canon, the important bits that are referenced elsewhere (so far) are all present and it is enough to give you a frame of reference You could then read the thread in the White Sand forum that discusses the changes from the noncanon Prose and the Canon GN The Audiobook is (supposedly - I have not listened to it) the best version because it has both the changes to make it canon, and the description(s) that can be . . . lacking. . . in the Graphic Novel. My friends that dislike the GN tried this and spoke highly of it If the problem is GN availability, note that the Omnibus edition re-release is now available. Off the top of my head, there are White Sand references in the Arcanum Unbounded Esays, Tress, Words of Radiance, Rhythm of War - with RoW being the important one. When you say that you tried reading the Coppermind, do you mean - this Summary? If you still intend to not read or listen to any versions and just want to know the "important bits," maybe start a thread in the White Sand forum for a Summary discussion.
  13. Good theory, well done. I was thinking (in a similar line to your theory) that the Unmade were more related to a Surge. If you follow Raboniel's line of thinking that Adhesion isn't "true" (hence nine brands of Fused); then each Unmade would exhibit connections and correlations to two Radiant orders based on the shared Surge. Example: Nergaoul > Division > Revenge (subversion of Justice) / Wonton destruction (Subversion of Controlled Entropy) This would also tie in the WoB that teh Unmade are like a Herald Analog - and Fused Brands only have 1 surge each (and one "Patron" Unmade for that Brand)
  14. Keep in mind that from Smartest-T's perspective, the goal was to become "King of the World" for the stated purpose of making a deal with Oduim to "spare his people" (and the unstated purpose of ego-stroking and megalomania). Chasing research and theories on the Unmade was a deviation from that purpose (which may or may not imply they are a Deviatoin in other ways). His clock was ticking until the Everstorm and at the point when this was written the Diagram hadn't even been formed yet (since writing all of this is what led to that organization's formation), so while Smartest-T probably also devised the plan to form the Diagram and build it into an organization to influence all of Roshar; they hadn;t formed and pursueing things that did not directly relate to the goal was "not worth your time." (Note: Some aspects were deemed worth the time - hence the Death Rattle Farms)
  15. Welcome to the forums. Here's some tips and tricks that may help if you are not familiar with this style of forum. Do you know how to search/find them? Examples: Go to the Coppermind Unmade page, while reading you will find notes ([1]) that take you to the references at the bottom of the page. From there, if the reference is a WoB the link will redirect you to the Arcanum post. On the Arcanum, you can read all of the WoBs from a specific event by clicking: Discover > Events, then select an event. When looking at a WoB in the arcanum, you can: Click on the event name to read all WoBs from that event Click on a tag to make a search of all entries with that tag Also, on the Arcanum, you can search for keywords using the search bar in the upper left While searching a tag, the advanced search will be at the top of the page, so you can keyword search within a specific tag (example) Hope that helps
  16. FTFY OB Ch: 120 On the one hand, I agree with KWS in that he should have apologized before we see it on screen. On the other hand, I also had the impression that as soon as "the clique" found out he was not accepted to the Dreamwatch, they ostrasized him and gave him no chance to apologize either. Nikaro shows classic self-esteem issues, coupled with shyness and introversion. In the end, we can only base our reactions based on what we know or suspect. I cut him some slack because I, too, am very introverted (INTJ); I too have failed to tell people things because I thought it would be easier if they found out for themselves, then asked me about it (I, too, was wrong). It sounded more like lying-by-omission to me (at least after the rejection); but I very much agree with most of the OP. If anything, KWS and I are reversed - I feel about Yumi the way the OP feels about Nikaro (maybe not quite that angry).
  17. @Jofwu or anybody else that may point me in the correct direction: I tried searching the Coppermind, but no luck there. So, . . . Does anybody know what font was used for White Sand (GN)? Specifically the Omnibus. It seems to have been used for Brandon's name on some covers - but I am more interested in the internal headers. Example: So, it's a serif font - probably a Dragonsteel-only thing; but I hope I can find the base font from which this was developed so I can get close. I'm trying to fix my epub from Dynamite, and one of the main issues is that the Forward, Introduction and Glossary are unreadable on my device** (Kobo Forma - though PC via Calibre works) so I want to turn the image for those pages into a background and use actual paragraph tags for the text and I am hoping to mimic the headers as closely as I can. Thank you very much for any assistance you may provide. **Note: technically the whole thing is unreadable because they set the "page" images to 640x985pixels - but changing that is the "easy" part. . .
  18. I'm not sure if you found out yet or not, but the Omnibus Edition is available through Dynamite's website.
  19. ^This^ Most likely - he used terms familiar to the audience (rather than the story's local term). WoB: Most believe that Broken Sky is Taldain - but Sanderson will not confirm that: So, it's possible. It's also possible that, since the Rosharan Shadesmar Map only labels the adjacent Shadesmar regions, Komashi's Shadesmar may not be Roshar adjacent. Example: Like a European Map focused on Germany with the edges labelled "To France," "To Italy," and "To Poland" but you would not find Spain labelled because it would be France Adjacent but not Germany Adjacent. Other considerations: They also reference Maipon Sticks (eating utensils from Sel - MaiPon and Jindo). Arguably, since the Selish nations are more directly influenced from the same "sources" as Komashi - the Torio peoples could have emmigrated from Sel to Komashi and he''s using Shin terms as a frame of reference for the audience.
  20. I think the type of Anime would be important. Akira/Ninja Scroll style - maybe; DBZ/YGO style not so much
  21. Welcome to the forums. Please don't double post. If you may not be familiar with teh tools this type of forum has available for editing your post (and quotes, etc.), maybe this can help: Not sure who most of those people are, so I can;t really comment on the casting choices. Personaly, I would hope that nearly everybody (except maybe Hoid) be an unknown - unless it's animated and you are casting for voice acting.
  22. Yes, bizarre. I took this to mean that she "beleived" tough people drink harder liquor - so she was trying that "for her cover" without realizing how quickly it might affect her (I'm guessing she hasn't had much experience drinking - only what and how much she saw her Father consume). So, in my opinion, her "goal" wasn't to get drunk, but to experience what she thought Veil should now so she can "blend." The complicated part was he underestimating her reactions (much like teens having their first alcohol experience) and the effects she would feel. Note: "Wine' is like "chicken" - it's a catch-all term because that region of Roshar doesn't have vocabulary for the myriad methods of fermentation and distillation - nothing you've seen so far would actually be called a wine to us (the readers). WoBs (editied out spoilers) We've seen other surgebinders feel pain - I took this as partly her "ability" to dissociate and partly a likely learned response-suppression based on her backstory. Note that back in Way of Kings she also did not yell out when she tried to cut herself to cover the soulcasting - and accidentally cut too deep. Some abuse victims can learn to suppress pain-vocalizations or other reactions - situation dependant of course. Of course, knowing it will heal probably helps to suppress the reactions.
  23. What makes you think Shallan is remembering the flashback sequences in WoR? The only flashbacks that are specifically called out as memories are Dalinar's. Since Eshonai's flashbacks are after her death they can't be memories (unless explicitly stated otherwise) - just narrative background for us (the reader) to add context to the events "now." That said, I just menat if we were looking for clues in Sanderson;s narritve (so far) on a timeline for when/how Shallan's coping mechanisms to trauma developed, this seems like an early stage (whatever noun or descriptor applies - if any).
  24. It's possible the the first on-screen appearance of a persona/alter (maybe even the "Shallan" one) was WoR Ch 19. The Flashback chapter when she killed her mother in self defense was "six years ago" (a/o WoR) and the next flashback chapter (at least one-half-Rosharan year later) has this: So, possibly her first "interaction" post-trauma, right after she thinks it "would be nice to not be real," is her mind going blank then moving at Heleran's prompting. Possibly a proto-persona starting to emerge?
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