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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. In general humans have what is called "innate investiture" and they were a native species to at least one planets (the original home for the peole that became Ruin and Preservation (slight Cosmere spoilers below - but not for any specific story). Preservation and Ruin did not want to inhabit an existing world and worked together to create Scadrial in an otherwise empty solar system. The planet and everything there besides the star they created 50/50. Preservation wanted a Sapient species based on their original home and made the deal with Ruin that if Ruin would help him make the people - Preservation would add 50.1% to ruin's 49.9%**, thus accumulating as life proliferated and causing an imbalance that would allow Ruin to eventually destroy what they had created together. So, all humans (on every world) have innate investiture (also called Spiritweb) - on Scadrial, that is intrinsitcally tied to their two shards (just as Warbreak is slightly different from normal). And for Scadrian's it is slightly more weighted to preservation (though Connection can change that). That said, part of Vin's speech is "unreliable narrator" (she's saying things as she seems them - which may not quite be 100% true) and what the climax of HoA really amounted to was that Humans could both protect and destroy; and she specifically was able to use that to act counter to the Intent of Preservation because she had not yet held the power long enough to be constrained by its intent (something we don't have a timeframe for - but depending on the will of the Vessel and how aligned it was when it became a vessel - could take years to centuries) **Note: numbers are fade up to illustrate a point - Brandon has not given true numbers - only that is is very slightly more preservation such that the imbalance over time would allow Ruin to fulfill the bargain. Hope that helps If you care about spoilers, then Mistborn Secret History has spoilers for Band of Mourning and should be read between BoM and The Lost Metal.
  2. That is Alder's theory, yes Actually we don't know that - the only command we have seen on-page used with a Divine Breath is the "My Breath to Yours" command. The healing is shown to be the side affect of giving that breath to another. When we saw Lightsong bestow his Divine Breath to Susebron, he didn't need a healing Command or healing Visualization. He bestowed the breath, and the side effect was the healing. That said, WoB has shown that healing should be possible - but only on others, not for yourself.
  3. Actually, that's pretty much exactly what Vasher's Command does: That said, I'm not sure that it would interact the way the OP wants. If the command were applying strength to the body wearing the clothing (instead of providing strength to do work the body wearing it was doing) then I think the force would tear muscles, ligaments and tendons. The point, as I understood it, was for the awakened clothing to provide the strength to "lift X" or "absorb force Y" - doing work so the muscles under the cloth don't exert themselves. If it is just trying to power the muscles under them the visualization and command had better be spot-on since your first mistake is likely to also be your last mistake.
  4. Good catch. That's why I did not speculate on my "Character" based section above - my character vocabulary is low (a few hundred of the most common Hanja used in Korean) with enough knowledge to look them up in my dictionaries - when they are "legible" enough for me to determine radiacal and stroke count. This does seem like a derivation of the Kanji you mentioned though - very similar.
  5. Welcome to the Forums. Here's some tips and tricks that may help in case you don;t already know them: Unknown. We don't have any information that there is a perpendicularity on Lumar (though, it seems likely that Xisis may have used one if he's been there a while, unless Dragons can Elsecall and don' need one to transition between Cognitive and Physical). Most likely he arrived in a method to similar to the Sorceress' departure. My personal opinon is that Riina chose Lumar because it does not have a perpendicularity - thus natually limiting the "interference" of other Worldhoppers and cementing her control of her "realm" on Lumar.
  6. While anything is possible, it's worth noting that Dhakor is what allowed Dilaf to change appearance to look Arelish. Fjon was petitioning to join Rathbore Monastery. Good catch though - certainly plausible.
  7. Just because Leras (the vessel of Preservation) was the Chessmaster and was able to Batman Gambit Ati does not mean that Sazed holding the same shards willl be able to exercise the same manipulative finesse. Much of this information comes from the Annotations (free on Sanderson's website - TFE - WoA - HoA). Though, even Brandon can be a bit of an unreliable narrator in the these when he was trying to obfuscate spoilers for future books. That's what I was trying to say without too many spoilers. This is explained in much more detail in Mistborn Secret History (spoilers for Bands of Mourning) - Basically the normal method for a Shard to insert throughts is to gain access to the Soul's Cognitive through the "cracks" (Spiritual damage). Preservation cannot make use of this technique, because the intent of the Shard when touching this damage is to fix it (whereas Ruin is fine with Damage - "let's make the cracks wider") - so, in order to send a thought with the power of Preservation, there has to be some other method of reaching the Spiritual and Cognitive aspects - Vin's Connection to Elend (the power of love) and Rashek's Connection to his true companions (the power of Friendship). If you are looking for the pattern, you will see it continue in other Cosmere and future Mistborn books. So, without getting too specific (spoilers) think of it like a Carnival "fortune telling" machine or the Magic 8-Ball - where you are instructed to "voice" a question and get a response that supposedly relates to that question. Obviously the analogy falls apart on the specifics, but you can hopefully see the correlation. Ruin could better interpret Fortune relating to his intent (e. g. it is better to blow the volcano now, or will it destroy more if I wait) and Preservation could better interpret Fortune applying to his intent (e.g. what courses of action will lead to preventing the destruction of Scadrial). The Nature of Preservation's intent just leads to longer-range information in most corcumstances. The important thing is that the Shard's Vessel has to both: Know to ask the question/seek the information in the first place Be able to interpret what they find Ruin would never consider that Preservation could destroy (regardless of the Vessel) since he "knew" it was counter to the Shard's intent. That the piece of information that Preservation discovered over 2000yrs ago; the data that Preservation crafted the grand game to obscure (because if Ruin ever questioned the validy of this false assumption - the whole plan would fail). Leras learned that if he truly wanted to Preserve Scadrial he would have to: Sacrifice himself in such a way that the next vessel would have the information necessary to know what to do, Also be willing to sacrifice themselves to accomplish the task All while keeping Ruin distracted enough to make him think he was successfully "interfering" while making sure he didn't ask the right questions to guess Leras' end game. It's the difference between "look behind you" and "let me teach you to build a nuke." Yes, Ruin whispered to Rashek that Hemalurgy existed. The nature of the Shard let him see and learn how to make a few specific Hemalurgic Constructs (and also let him know that doing so would make them vulnerable to Ruin's control should Ruin escape). Which is why Rashek used Constructs with differing numbers of Spikes (more spikes means easier control** which implies less spikes means harder to control) then he carefully only used Kandra as spies (a "talent" Ruin would discount and consider useless once freed) all so Ruin would ignore them because he had better and more numerous toys to play with (that were not also protected by hiding in a huge metal-laced cave network that made it difficult to "see" them). The Resolution was Rashek's Gambit to prevent the Kandra from being controlled once discovered (since only two spikes would buy them some time to feel the effects and take action to prevent it). **Note: That while the number of Spikes in an Inquisitor made Ruin's control of them more complete - they were not necessarily mure vulnerable to a Mistborn's control the way Koloss and Kandra were since they had Allomantic Copper to prevent a Mistborn's Soothing and Rioting. Willpower also plays a part, but basically to control an Inquisitor you would have to have the power of a Shard (Ruin) or be able to compound (Rashek). But once control was established, it was far more complete (as seen by Marsh's POV chapters). Sorry I combined responses from both threads here, but I felt it would help since the topics were so similar and mutually referencial. Hope that helps.
  8. So, Here's my best guesses: Relevant Section: This could be either Character-Based (like Chinese, Hanja, Kanji) or Syllable Based (like Hangul, Hiragana) Character: If it is character based, it is probably these two characters. Syllable: If it is syllabic, then it is probably two two-syllable words, broken like this. Analysis: Stroke Order makes this look like a Korean "n" (ㄴ) at top, followed by a possible Japanese "hi" twice (ひ) - that's assuming the vertical line is either based on the Korean vowel i "ㅣ" - or - the possible "니" (overlapping) could just be based on the Japanese a kana " あ " with the "no"(の) portion replaced by "hi" This is the one that loks closest to Chinese, to me. An argument could be made for it to derived of some combination of Hangul letters u, d/t, g/k (ㅜ,ㄷ/ㅌ,ㄱ/ㅋ). Maybe some derivation of Japanese "se" (せ). Depending on if the "cross tail" from Syllable 1 is part of this one, it could be some combination of Korean "g/k" (ㄱ) with Japanese "sa" (reversed - さ ). The "riyul" (r/l - ㄹ) is the most clearly Korean derived portion of the whole thing (though dragon in Chinese Long Form has a similar section right of the radical - (龍) - however the rest does not feel Korean at all. The three dots are reminscent of Short Form Chinese (e.g. here is "school" in long and short form, and you can see how the top of the character was reduced to three small marks: 學 - 学). The bottom could be an "s" (ㅅ) or possibly based on Japanese "he" (へ). If I had to guess, based on context of the story, I would guess this is Torio for Yoki-hijo.
  9. Except for the whole "there is no version of Earth in the Cosmere" and WoT being "this is Earth, in a different Age." WoBs:
  10. This may help: I also sometimes cheat, where I will quote a whole paragraph - cut that quote, then paste it more than once and remove sentances from each instance to break it down into smaller chunks. For example:
  11. I'm sorry to say it, but maybe the Cosmere isn't the series for you. The way that Fortune interferes with Fortune is integral to many future plotlines and abilities in multiple worlds. What you saw in Mistborn Era 1 is consistent with what you can expect to see if you cnotinue reading the Cosmere. When he was imprisoned that was all Ruin could do, was try to influence some people in subtle ways. However, I think you are forgetting something. It was the irony of the entire ending: . The Irony was, of course, that Preservation had already accounted for Ruin's interference. That's why the "sign of 16" had to be something that Ruin could not change. It's why the Prophecy of the Hero was written as ambiguous as it was - so it could be fulfilled despite meddling. That's why Preservation marked Vin to draw mists at birth, so that Ruin would sculpt her into a weapon that, once she Ascended, would still be able to use the power of the Shard in a method counter to its Intent - she hadn't held it long enough to be constrained by that Intent. The Irony is that no matter how much Ruin claims "it was my plan all along" it was really Preservation;s plan all along, and even Ruin got played because Preservation was able to predict his most likely courses of Action. TLR learned of Hemalurgy while holdinging the power of the Well. Ruin didn't teach him to make Inquisitors, Koloss and Kandra. But, after the Empire was going Ruin certainly tormented TLR physchologically, and probably pushed him to greater atrocities.
  12. It's not Korean. Portions of the characters seem similar to Hangul (Korean) and Hiragana (Japanese), so it is probably the Torio language (similar to how they devised the Rosharan Scripts) - and likely derived with influence from Hanze/Hanja/Kanji, Hangul and Hiragana.
  13. Do you have a picture?
  14. Welcome to the forums. Your post seems to have been cut off. If you need help editing the post, maybe this can help:
  15. What humans are more easily converted to a new religion? It's not radicalization, but it does seems to be a fundamental shift in they way they view the world. Mistspren and Reachers, for example, are both shown to still harbor much of the resentment that the Honorspren did in RoW (seen in Ch 34 when they areguue over the proposals to the Honorspren). As a group, they react differently - with some Reachers like Timbre trying to bond Singers - and some Mistspren like Glys being Enlightened. But those are both individual choices to try finding an alternative to bonding Humans in the same way it used to be pre-Recreance. So, what Higher Spren might be enlightened? I think they both have to question the old ways (Mistspren love questions, as seen when Shallan and Dreaming interact on the barge in Ch 24) and be searching for alternatives - while also be open to change. We don't really know enough about most of the Spren Races to generalize which might have memebers choose this option - though we do know enough about Cryptics that I would not be surprised to see some become Enlightened. For Radiant Spren: Honorspren - I doubt any Honorspren would choose enlightenement Highspren - We don't know enough to say if any would choose enlightenement Ashspren - I think it's possible some would choose enlightenement (based on Malata's Spren Spark just wanting revenge and revenge could drive other Ashspren to choosing this) Cultivationspren - I think it's possiible some would choose enlightenement - if just because it is another avenue of Growth to explore Mistspren - We already know two examples that did choose enlightenement (Glys and Tumi) Inkspren - We don't know enough to say if any would choose enlightenement Lightspren - I think it's possiible some would choose enlightenement - though it seems most Reachers are choosing to bond Singers, this might be another path other Reachers would try. Peakspren - Ua'pam's discussion of Peakspren "Nations" show there is enough variety that I could see some might choose enlightenement Well, Enlighteneing seems to harden soft edges (see this Shallan Sketch) - fingers into claws, flower petals into glass shards, reflected light into a snowflake-like crystal, etc. Since Cryptics tend to have a curved fractal appearance that constantly shifts, it could just become a linear fractal (like the Jurassic Park example). Other examples would just be finding an analog, but unless you want to speculate on each Spren Race, it's difficult to both guess who might become enlightened and how they might change. We also do not yet know how Glys looks in the Cognitive Realm. We don't know nearly enough to speculate here - see the (rather long) Truthwatcher thread debating on how much of what Renarin does is actualy different from the normal Truthwatcher surges. I'm going to say that my guess is that the Surges are the same, but the Resonance may be different (based on the idea that it was Renarin's Resonance that allowed him to combine Illumination and Growth to make the Illusion-Moash in RoW Ch 8).
  16. There a multiple ways and terms to "be invested." Allomancers, by definition are Invested (by the definition of "Spirit Web that has access to investiture") due to Snapping. In Stormlight terms, for example, Kaladin is still invested (due to the Nahel Bond) even when he has no Stormlight. Really the "definition" of "invested" is just slightly different for each of the Spiritual, Cognitive, and Physical realms. So, Kelsier already would have lingered because he was a Mistborn (Spiritually invested - much as Elend did) - and he lingered a bit longer because he was also Physically Invested (actively drawing on Investiture by burning and flaring metals).
  17. Welcome to the forums Thank you for using the spoiler tag correctly. If that is a legitimate question, please open a new topic for it in either the Stormlight or Cosmere Discussion forums. Let's please try to respect Amira's thread and not discuss book 4 until she gets that far. Thank you.
  18. Probably because the Starfall vision mentions the Topaz and Heliodor in the Fabrial. So you have Sapphire, Topaz, Heliodor and Amber all mentioned in quick succession - and, of course, we don't see the possibible Dustbringer use any surges in the Purelake vision (just the "deep red" desciption) so it's easy to conflate all of the references.
  19. That reaction is priceless (of course we can only say RAFO - answers are coming)! Don't seem so different here - and even if you decided you hate the Cosmere we would still like you here and follow your thread (though, I guess, if you started hating the Cosmere you might not be here much anymore - but you get the point I hope)
  20. Very true - I just wanted to use an example from the main characters, but the Vision example works very well too:
  21. Or the Reod in Elantris meant it didn't apply because they had not finished their transformation; and we don't know what they did or didn't notice due to a lack of POV time after they were "fixed."
  22. Welcome to the Forums. Please try to avoid doubleposting. if you don;t know how to edit posts on this type of forum, here are some tools that may help: What device are you using? I was able to access and read both the normal epub and kepub versions. I also use Calibre* for organizing and managing all of my eBooks. The Kindle specfic version should sideload to your device like any other sideloaded ebook, but in a pinch you may be able to convert the epub to mobi and use that on Kindle as well (unless Kindle will finally use epub). *Calibre is a freeware ebook management suite. They accept donations, but no payment is required (nor activation - it even has a portable version so you don;t need to install a program if you don't want to). It can also edit ebooks, edit metadata and much more. PM if you want more details.
  23. You mean this? Design and Hoid never surveyed the planet, and Masaka drew a map of what she had surveyed, and it only coveres the 50ish mile radius near Kilohito. That seems far from confirming that it covers everything. There is Hoid's aside that I snipped - here: But note how he avoids a correlation. Not much life on the planet. Painter's people were content to live in only a 50 mile radius. He's trying to imply that this is the only "habitable" zone; but since he's telling this story after-the-fact he has to already know "Yumi's people" don't really exist - nor do the Steamwells. Unless, of course, there is an unrelated exclave of former Torio people living with Steamwells elsewhere on the planet. . . There's always another secret.
  24. Right, I knew the implication was there. My point was that with such a small surface area - there's a lot of planet in which other cultures and civilization could be/have been. Much like Era 1 Scadrial - where the "habitable area" was so small and reclusive - there was no feasible way for people of the Final Empire to have encountered the Southerners (even though they ahd a different "habitable zone" that was equally isolated). I just didn't want to assume the Shroud covered the whole planet, when we really just don't have that information.
  25. Do we really know that the Shroud covers the whole planet? Or does it just cover the landmass of the story?
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