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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. More WoBs: So, I would say that yes; Father Machine is likely consuming and corrupting investiture in a similar way to Nightblood - and is also exhibiting the "constant hunger/constant leaking" that Nightblood exhibits - except there is no equivilent "Aluminum Sheath" to dampen the hunger.
  2. @Lord Magire is correct, Vyre is a title, not a name (similar to "Lady of Wishes") - these kind of titles are more of a Fused phenomena (fenómeno) than a Singer one. No worries. Many on the forums are not native speakers. Please feel free to ask questions if you would like help/practice.
  3. Not that we know of. If Breath were involved, then Shallan (no matter the personality in charge) would always have a breath aura and people around her would also be able to notice a change (especially anybody with Breath like Wit, Azure, and Zahel). WHile it's possible that something more is "going on" here - I think the primary purpose of the passage was to illustrate how Shallan's DID personas have become so "real" to her that it wasn't just knowledge or skill that was segragated amongst the personalities - but even her perception of the environment has started to shift. TLDR: it's a sign she is getting worse, not better (as she keeps lying to herself)
  4. Have you finished Rhythm of War? (spoilers)
  5. No, I concur that actually affecting the colors around you is probably an effect of Breath specifically. While Rysn's experience is noticibly different (Dawnshard Epilogue): So, a Breath Aura changes the colors it encounters (with more breath both making the affected area larger, and causing a more noticible change) - but Rysn is the only one that can sense the affect of her aura. The Dawnshard affected her senses (Color Recognition, Perfect Pitch, and taste (not seen with breath. . . yet)), but the Captain does not notice any of these changes - only Rysn can sense them. Possibly more important, RoW Interlude 8 does not show Chiri-Chiri noticing the effects of Rysn's Aura. It's not defnitive, but I would expect an Investiturevore to be a bit more sensitive to sensing something like that if the effect was actually her aura changing the area around Rysn instead of it simply changing Rysn's sense of her environment.
  6. Concur, they likely have the first five heightenings - but not until after Raoden fixed the Connection. More specifically - after he drew the Chasm Line south of the city - the POVs are: Fighting Fjorden soldiers left in Elantris Going to Teoras Fighting in Teoras Wedding Scene Funeral Scene Beginning and End of Hope of Elantris Not much space in there to dwell on Perfect Pitch or Color Recognition. A bit frantic to notice Lifesense - though the way Dilaf got the drop on him may mean either it's not part of the package - or Dilaf's nature avoided detection that way. However, while not a POV, OB Ch 97 has some indirect evidence of Elantrian Lifesense: I'd guess we'll get more (confirmation or refutation) in Elantris 2 if/when that happens.
  7. I meant this post (reworded: "see the post above that I edited"), but I'll just quote myself here to make it easier:
  8. Please see my edit (above) about doubleposting tools. Most likely the Multi-quote will help the most. Doubleposting is making two separate posts in a row, instead of just using multi-quote to reply to more than one person - or editing your post if it is the most recent post. Some of those are correct, most are not. I'll let you figure them out as you encounter them. So, for major works, you are working on Mistborn Era 1 now; and still need to read Elantris, White Sand, and Mistborn Era 2 (through BoM), RoW, and TLM. With Tress, Yumi, and the shorter works (Emporer's Soul, Sixth of the Dusk, Shadows for Silence) mixed in there somewhere. Awesome, I hope you enjoy the ride. PS: @Underwater_Worldhopper and @Munazir- don't forget to spoiler tag the non-mistborn references please.
  9. Right, I noticed you had mentioned the climax may be slightly spoilered for you - what I was referencing was a payoff before the climax - that to me was the better payoff for Sazed's arc in this specific book (where the climax is more for the trilogy as a whole). Slight Anticipation spoiler: Speaking of spoilers - May I ask what other cosmere works you have or have not read (whichever list is shorter)? PS: This may help if you need info on the tools to edit posts:
  10. Yeah, Spook and TenSoon were the big draws in this book, followed by Vin - but more for the enigma aspect than for character interaction and developement (unlike TFE and WoA where her character arc was more of a focus). Sazed's plot is a much slower burn - with a much better payoff before the climax. I certainly enjoyed his sections more on the second and subsequent rereads than I did on the first read of the story. Not at all. Though I don't think Vin and Elend's "romance" is meant to be a plot or arc for this book (it was mostly resolved in WoA). In HoA it is meant to more show how they grew during the time skip and show their relationship as a stable married couple who have not only resolved the trust issues, but deepened their bond and trust.
  11. Not currently. Snapshot was originally in the ReckonersVerse (but that may change due to different companies liscensing rights for Film/TV). Frugal Wizard is currently set in its own universe, that may also have books by other authors. From the Postscript: So, it's possible Dan Wells (and maybe others) will eventually write "Frugal Wizard" stories.
  12. Source? I can't find what you are referencing. What I did find: In Yumi's world they repeatedly reference "great crows" that are used to tend the floating plants Hoid mentioned in a narritive aside (Ch 6) that "I’ve never seen one the size of a full-grown man. More like the size of a seven- or eight-year-old." Painter uses the image as a basis for a drawing to capture a Nightmare in Ch 40 - but that was based on teh experience of seeing them in Yumi's "world"
  13. I don't think it is creative or innovative. Way back in Ch 4, Hoid says: Much later, when we see the (false) machine succeed in summoning a spirit, it succeeds because of that last example - making Order from Chaos. The implication being that it is neither as good nor as efficient as a Yoki-hijo because (as he further explains): So, the machine succeeds without creativity or art; but is able to be "usurped" because it can only attract the spirits on one vector, not multiple vectors (as the Yoki-hijo can).
  14. I thought the audience was fairly clearly establised in Ch 1: As for my reactions. First and foremost to me, the artwork was excellent. Really top-notch and also expressing multiple styles in the genre (watercolor, high-detail manga, calligraphic style (like the endpages), etc.). Top notch all around. Not my favorite story. I liked it better than Frugal Wizard but the narrative tone was not my favorite (too many asides and fourth-wall-breaks for my personal taste). Having also lived in both Korea and Japan (and also studied Korean), I appreciated the influences, and the way Sanderson merged aspects of both to make a cohesive setting that didn't just feel like separate parts thrown together. I liked most of the wider Cosmere references, but do think that some are dominant enough that it may affect where I would recommend this piece in a reading order. E. g. a new reader that reads this before any Stormlight Archive would basically have the epilogue of Oathbringer spoiled as you would already know that Wit bonds a Cryptic as soon as you hear the "name" for Pattern in WoR. How much that spoils likely depends on the reader. For me, it was a huge validation that (until that scene) my guesses about Elhokar had been on-point. Painter (Nikaro): I mostly liked his character. I felt that, if the work had been slightly longer, we might have gotten some better characterization/arc*; but overall I liked the character and thought the rest of his story was depicted well - especially his flaws and backstory *E.g. the Carnival scene did not seem to match or evolve from the story to that point - I felt somebody described as shy and aloof as Nikaro was early on (even if he was ying to himself while trying to hide from his past), who also did not get exposed to crowds or clamor through the story to that point should have had many more misgivings about being in such a raucious crowd as the carnival was - not just immediately leap into tourist-guide-mode with no thought to the environment Yumi: I really did not like Yumi at first, the TsunDere was just thick - and while I recognize that it was an invoked trope as a nod to the inspirational material; it really seemed both too thick and too inconsistant (if that makes sense to anybody other than me). Unlike most "reactions" so far, my opinion didn't change much in the second act (Parts 2 and 3). In Part 4 I disliked her a bit less, and I appreciated her arc resolution and sacrifice at the end - but I wouldn't say I liked her as a character. I also felt that Nikaro bringing her back was both obvious - and a mild downer for the ending of her arc. To me, at least, it detracts from her sacrifice. I also thought that Hoids Ch 39/40 InfoDump was a bit clumsy. Some of his points are made in-story right after he infodumps (see below), and much of the rest could have been in-story - or moved to the After-Epilogue so as to not break the flow of the climax. Overall. Not bad but not a Cosmere Favorite. Maybe after some distance and a reread, some of my thoughts and opinons will change?
  15. Welcome to the Forums. Here's some tips and tricks you may find useful: Unclear, since we have not yet had any Words of Brandon on the topic that I have found. Mostly, I think it's unknown because we have not seen examples of somebody spiking an Allomancer for a non-Allomantic property. The closest I could find was: If you are not familiar with the Arcanum or Coppermind, you can look things up there (beware spoilers if you have not read all Cosmere works). The Coppermind is a Wiki of all known (and some theoretical) information for the Cosmere (and other Sanderson works) You can look up a topic with the search field in the upper-right (pausing before clicking on a topic will usually reveal sub-pages: e.g. The Hero of Ages\Epigraphs, \interior art, etc. The Arcanum is the collection of all known "Words of Brandon" (WoBs) - or questions and their answers (or lack thereof) You can also look a topic up by the search field on the top right, but you can also: Read all the questions and answers from a given event by clicking on the Discover > Events Read all WoBs on a topic by clicking its hash tag in a given WoB (e.g. #hemalurgy in the linked example above) Search and sort a given hash tag fromthe controls at the top of its page - e.g. #Hemalurgy searching Iron
  16. That is a good question, that has not yet fully been answered. WoB (Cosmere Spoilers):
  17. RoW Ch 31, Raboniel to Venli: With some small amount of "unreliable narrator" as Raboniel is clearly baised, and for some surges, thier abilities are not quite the same (making direct comparison dubious at best). But the fact that Fused and Regals can hold the light(s) inj their gemheart and that humans leak light is solid.
  18. I think the portion of the WoB most relevant to this conversation is that "spikes" is plural. So, disregarding interpretation, the WoB is already about two or more spikes. Wether that means two or more hemalurgists. . .?
  19. Do you mean this epigraph from HoA Ch 72? Keep in mind, this is Sazed, as an unreliable narrator relating an edited version of events for the Words of Founding. We have no evidence that Ruin actuallly thought that way - only TLR. In Fact, evidence from the way the Feruchemists were hunted and turned into spikes implies Ruin was fine with wasting (ruining) abilities to make a single spike. The only known WoB on the subject, so far: Of course, the way that is worded leaves room for possibilities. It was also noted in the Coppermind:
  20. How much of Stormlight Archive have you read? (Oathbringer spoilers)
  21. Glad you are still enjoying the story. Thanks for your recap. It will be interesting to see if, and how, this opinon changes by the end of Oathbringer and Rhythm of War. Odium claims that he is Passion (not just hate) - but if that's true, lie, or self-deluson is unclear at this point. It has been confirmed outside of the stories that the Herdazians and Horneaters both have some Singer blood in their ancestry. Good catch. You'll get more Eshonai in Rhythm of War, since she and Venli are the flashback characters for Book 4. Yes, (Mistborn Spoilers) Hmm, indeed. You will at least get more info this book. RAFO. Could be interesting
  22. Then, I would say one possible intro campaign might be that some or all characters are escaped plantation Skaa that have heard an army is forming - somewhere - but they arenlt sure where, aren't sure how to make contact, and are on the run trying to find safety. You could even have their Snap happen during this first part of the game (or be really "interesting" and don't let them know who will Snap or what kind of Misting they may become - you can decide yourself based on how they play and interact either choosing a complimentary skill or a contradictory skill that forces character growth). It would be up to the characters if they ever follow thorugh with finding the caves and trying to join the rebellion. Maybe one of the group is already a Misting or member o the Underground that convinced the others to escape? Lots of choices. You could even have them from the rim of the dominance (e.g. Faleast on the border of Central and Eastern Dominances - but have to pass both the Black Lake and Luthadel to get to the area around the caves) to increase the distance they must travel wile remaining incognito.
  23. No, Sapient beings do not appear as gems, they appear as the soul lights you described. Unfortunately, we don't know how she forced a change as she did; though she does mention when working with substances you have to change your bargaining style. Oathbringer Ch 120:
  24. Interesting conspiracy theory, but also remember that she accidently drew them when trying to sketch Kasbal too. I don't think a cryptic would have been drawn to Taravangian - they seem to prefer those who lie to themselves - he was always transparent with himself (and just lied to everybody else).
  25. Have you read The Emperor's Soul? On object that is seen as a single whole, and views itself as a single whole is treated as a single object. When Shallan Soulcasts the Wind's Pleasure (WoR Ch 7) it is a single sphere (not a sphere for each component): For a Radiant, the Stormlight for the change is coming from them, not a gem. So the Gem color is a "feature" of the Fabrial version not Radiant Soulcasting (Error - Jossed by Alder's WoB). Jasnah's uses of gems in her fake soulcaster was a convenient excuse to both carry and use the Stormlight without exposing that she was becoming Radiant.
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