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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. I'll caveat this with: I think White Sand is what they are referencing when they say "bone spore" (Tress ch 23); but I don't think What Sand is actually a spore. I think the people of Lumar consider it a (legendary) spore only because White Sand is also controlled with a Luhel bond. That said, I also think that a Sandmaster would adapt well to controlling Aethers. Well, we see Tress overmaster in Ch 31, and we see that her ability to control the Midnight is fairly increased by the time she usurps the bond from Crow (Ch 49) and Fort (55). This is interesting, though we don't know that Aether Rosite would act/react like Spore Roseite. I think there is a distinct difference there, and you accurately identified Spores as the part more integral to future fabrial tech. It may be interesting to discover if the person being shot could establish/usurp the luhel bond to prevent further "growth" from the bullet.
  2. Welcome to the Forums. Here are some tips and tricks in case they might help: Can we please get some more information to make any ideas more appropriate? What era does this take place (same as the novels; 1st, 3rd, 8th century TFE, etc) What dominance does this take place? What kind of characters are in the group (Faux-Skaa like Breeze, Skaa like Dox, Half-Nobles like Kelsier and Marsh, distant heritage like Hammond, unknown heritage like Vin) and what are their concept(s) (Skaa rebellion, thieving crew(s), underground, etc.)?
  3. Welcome to the forums. Lots to see, read, and learn. May we ask what, if any, you have not yet read (besides unpublished material) in case we need to avoid spoilers for any questions you may have? Also, you may find this thread useful (even if you have read everything) since it discusses using the Coppermind and The Arcanum. You waskawy wabbit. I totally did not want others to be corrupted by my example and share the tips and tricks with slaves recruits new sharders. You can also report the extras to the admins (using Report Post) and they will delete them.
  4. AFAIK this is a RAFO for Elantris 2. My best guess is that odium did more than pack the proverbial suitcase (stuff more into the CR than should fit) - he likely set it up so their investiture cycle returns to the CR instead of the SR. Total guess though.
  5. Yes. High amounts to generate change. Low residual investiture in a changed object/person. I guess there is an arguement for "low" across the board, since the investiture never passes through the Forger - it goes straight from the Dor to the object's Spiritweb, then the change cascades back down through the cognitive (where it is either rejected as implausible, or accepted as plausible) and into the Physical realm if it was plausible (with the time of change reflecting the level of plausibility).
  6. Not really a contridiction - the first WoB is about how much investiture it takes to affect change. The second is about how much residual investiture remains after the change. I don't see a conflict.
  7. Welcome to the forums. Before we cover possible spoilers, can you tell us have you read any Mistborn other than the first Trilogy (Such as Era 2 and especially Mistborn Secret History <spoilers for Era 2, Bands of Mourning and Lost Metal>). How about other works in the Cosmere, have you read any of them? I'll try to limit possible spoilers until we know for sure. It's not really omniscience, rather a capacity to see/experiiece more without much limitation on location - but is still very bounded by how much he can divide his attention to events. Covered in greater detail in Mistborn Secret History. This deals with the fact that Preservation and Ruin were opposites in this as well (covered more in-depth in Secret History) - Vessels holding Preservation can receive thoughts and impressions from mortals, but not send information (displayed in the "mist spirit's" inability to talk or send thougths to Vin or Elend) - but Ruin can only send thoughts (not hear thoughts). Vin had preservation, and could hear (but not "speak" to Elend*) - and Sazed picked up both (and could both send and receive). Some thought did get through to ELend, but only because they shared another Connection beside's her Shardic nature - also explained more in Secret History. Ruin could only see into places like that when an individual with whom he had a connection was present. He "saw" into the Fadrex Cavern only once Vin arrived (and still could not determine the Cache was not there until told - because he wasn't really "seeing the cavern" so much as "seeing Vin's location" and interacting with her. It's the same reason he needed Marsh to read Spook's message aloud. His personality is a specific clue, not only for Mistborn, but for other things happening in the Cosmere. It's because of this that his ability to "see" well is limited. He's blinded by events that lead to decay without seeing the possibilities that don't go down that path.
  8. I wonder if it would interact with sense(s) that aren't governed by a specific sensory organ, such as propioception. Sure, it's a nerve signal - just from a intra-muscular neurons rather than a sensory organ. From Da Wiki:
  9. Welcome to the forums. In case it comes in handy, here are some tip and tricks: @Koloss17 - you have been summoned. While you await a far-too-in-depth essay on the Properites and Benefits of F-Tin by Sense-Master Koloss; please see these threads: F-Tin's the best Overthinking F-Tin (Again) F-Tin: The Ultimate Day-To-Day Comfort Metal F-tin cult! There has been much discussion on the topic. Here are some of the known WoBs:
  10. Skip Warbreaker entirely? @BraXzy - I normally do not recommend reading Mistbon Eras 1 and 2 back-to-back for the first reading, but if you do that just keep in mind that the setting has changed a lot. I actually started in the Cosmere with Mistborn Era 1 (Alloy of Law had just been published when I found these books) and I read TFE, WoA, HoA and AoL as my first four books. The dissonance of change was so jarring (esp because I did not expect it) I nearly didn't finish Alloy at all and would have walked away from all of the Cosmere if a friend hadn't loaned me Elantris. I read that, then found the WoB (below), then went back and finished Alloy of Law and continued to read the Cosmere. But without Elantris to restore my faith in Sanderson as an author, and without the WoB to explain why I felt such dissonance on the setting changes in Alloy of Law - I may not be on this Forum or have read any of these great stories. Mistborn WoB (slight spoiler - but not for books themselves) Speaking of Warbreaker, if you read it free on the Sanderson website (yes, the whole novel is free), then each chapter has links to that chapter's annotations (book spoilers exist in the annotations - but are hidden). The eBook also comes with the annotations included. However, I would recommend reading through the book first, then reading through the annotations afterward (the ebook offers both options since the Annotations are after the book - but each chapter has links back-and-forth if you want to read it that way).
  11. Yes, they are. . . in the same way that the splinter in your finger was once part of a tall hardwood tree. Also note: Having some or most of the parts of Honor's shattered investiture would still not be enough to reform the Shard of Honor:
  12. So, there's a few things. as @Lord Magire mentioned, having thousands of years to develop has allowed humanity to surpass the level they were at for the first desolation When we are shown the Desolation effects - that was the end of a Desolation, after 10-15 yrs of war Humans were at (presumably) the Iron age at the start, lost some knowledge in the war, recovered, lost more, recovered - when Taln implies they may be below the tech level of casting bronze it's because after dozen(s) of Desolations they had been slowly pushed down the tech tree from Iron age to Bronze age to stone age Also a large percentage (possibly 50+%) of the Fused are also Mad now, so many of their warriors are also unavalable/ineffectual. Finally, the fighting isn't as widespread in this desolation (so far) because, as you noted, half the nations of man capitulated without a fight. We are barely one year into a war that, traditionally, lasted over a decade of constant warfare. We have yet to see how bad it can get.
  13. Likely the latter - Being a Kolossblood is more like being on the upper bellcurve of normal human for strength, speed and agility (far below the level of Pewter/BoP/etc. since Tarson is described as only slightly more enhanced with his pewter than a normal thug because he was starting from a slightly higher baseline than normal) Until they undergo the ritual and gain the spikes to become full Koloss, they are more like a professional athelete (upper bell curve) than "magically aided physical abilities." It's not about "training up" (at least not in the phycial training sense) it's about consuming extra mass, for those practiced enough to create their own muscle systems rather than straight copy a muscle, and using that extra mass to change the density and facility of the muscles they do copy. HoA Ch 66:
  14. ^This. Chimera Syndrome (Mosaicism) has shown humans with more than one DNA profile - either genetically, or artifically-induced side effect (transplants - bone marrow and some organs). My personal canon (until other evidence) is that biologically, the reproduction could occur; but Spiritweb dissonance prevents the zygote from developing.
  15. Correct on the Seeking, wrong on the Rioting/Soothing. More specifically, Bronze (in a normal situation) can't see into or out of a Coppercloud. Vin could Seek from inside one for the same reason she could pierce a Coppercloud. Rioting and Soothing definitely work through a coppercloud (just not on the Smoker themselves), as shown in TFE Ch 10: Not confirmed (and unlikely that it creates enough disparity). What is confirmed is that Duralumin/Nicrosil enhanced Bronze can pierce a cloud. Not a factor as clouds don't prevent Zinc or Brass - only the Smoker is immune. The only ability inhibited by Copper is Bronze, and only if the Seeker can't pierce a cloud. This needs a spoiler tag in the Mistborn Forum (only Cosmere Discussion is not limited to references for it's section) - so anything non-Mistborn needs a spoiler tag, or ask the Mods to move the thread to Cosmere Discussion where spoiler tags are only needed for new releases/preview material.
  16. Interior art is also on the coppermind. If you start typing the name of the book (e. g. Words of Radiance) in the search box (top-right), don't immediately hit enter and you will see a list of subpages. Look for the Art page (e.g. Words of Radiance/Interior art) to jump directly there and avoid spoilers for books you have not yet read. If you plan to start with Mistborn, then I would probably recommend a rough order of: Speaking of, @BraXzy I also edited the section you quoted above. Very slight spoilers - up to you if you go back and look. Also, have you read the Words of Radiance Deleted Interlude?
  17. No worries - also I was in the midst up adding the TVTropes link and explanation when you replied (see above). If it is any consolation, you will see some of the characters you may be missing as you read these other works. If you recall in RoW Ch 13 when Shallan (Radiant) discusses Ialai's book with Mraize (see below), he mentions there are places the Ghostbloods want to export Stormlight. So, not everybody you met in Stormlight Archive books are actually native to Roshar. . . you wil see some of them in these stories from before they came to Roshar. Slight Spoiler:
  18. Congratulations. Welcome to the Forums. Some hints and tricks, in case you find them useful: Reading Order Threads are available and may help - but you would probably be best served by deciding on which subject you are most curious to learn more about: The linked thread also discusses Spoiler considerations in chosing what to read next. Updates are on Sanderson's Website, but still on-track for next Fall as far as I know. Mistborn really introduces this topic and has the most on the subject outside of Stormlight Archive In the Coppermind (a name which will have more meaning after you read Mistborn), starting here. I also, sometimes, do a faux re-read on TVTropes (Way of Kings Tropes) where I will pick a book and read through the Moments of Awesome, Funny, Heartwarming and Tearjerker (not necessarily in that order) to remind me of the highlights from a given book. Example WoK Trope Highlight: By rereading the books and talking about them constantly on this forum. Also by Reading Words of Brandon on The Arcanum - but that's a mixed bag of spoilers. However, you can do neat things like select a topic and order it by "oldest first" and only read the Q&A answers from before the time you are avoiding. For example, that link is the Dalinar hashtag - so if you order it oldest first you'll start by only seeing questions from The Way of Kings. . .
  19. Didn't you pull this stunt last year in the Mistborn forum Here? And It doesn't belong in either location, since posts like this belong here. Unless you simply want to rollplay your character here.
  20. No, you cannot self-heal with Awakening. I did not mean to impy that you would. I understood your question - I just don't think you can use a lifeless command this way. The Command "Live at my Command" (Warbreak Ch 21) would cause it to heal the damaged connection. I agree that one breath would probably not be enough - so it sould be like Hobber in OB ch 37 - barely a tingle with not enough breath - but I also think if you have more breath, it would use however many it needed (not just one - as shown with Vivenna's failed awakening of Tonks' cloak) and if you didn't have enough to complete the healing, it would use them all. Remember, one key aspect of Lifeless is that they Awaken permamently, and therefore use thier own color (annotation to Ch 21) - but a Blade-Dead limb is already "Gray" (though no WoBs yet comfirming that it is the "same" gray - it seems likely) and has no color to fuel an Awakening. That doesn't preclude the the development of a different Command to do what you want (maybe the non-one-breath lifeless Command didn't use "Live" as part of its structure). . I doubt those are all of the threads - those are just the ones I could find quickly because I knew I had replied to them (advanced Search > my posts filter > "limb")
  21. The applicable portion was probably moved when the Novella was developed: Dawnshard Ch 3
  22. BLUF: I think it is far more likely to heal the blade-deadened limb than to "awaken" it. Discussion on this and related topics: Awakening Blade-Dead Limbs Non-Blade weapons Can Breaths Heal Shardwounds Awakened object Heightenings I'll just quote what I posted before: PS: For those that don't know - BLUF is "Bottom Line Up Front" - it's like a TLDR that comes at the start of a post so people can skip it if they don't want more detail.
  23. Until he finds the third option. When first meeting with the Azish and he begins to realize that he can think of negotiations and diplomacy in martial terms (making it easier for him to understand). (OB Ch 65)
  24. Please avoid double posting. Please Edit your post if you need to add additional information. If you are unfamiliar with teh tools available in this type of forum, this may help: I think it's less about wanting to emulate Kaladin, and more about wanting to reconnect with the feeling of comraderie he was starting to miss at the end of WoR/beginning of OB when he tore off his Bridge 4 patch: I don't see this. I don't think Moash ever had an instinct to protect. He trained hard to get vengeance. He fought well at the Tower to prove how hard he had trained. He worked as a bodyguard to remain "in" Bridge Four's comraderie and because it was expected. He furthered those actions when he realized it might give him access to his revenge. And when he lost it all, he trains the Singers because he want's to recapture that feeling of acceptance and validation. Once he has is revenge, he cuts off his relations with the Singers he trained, becoming curt and distant - seeking his "numbness" over comraderie. Though he won't let himself admit it, he found what people always say - revenge doesn't help you feel better - so he instead seeks to avoid all emotion as a way to avoid his feelings of guilt. In fact, I think it's his lack of protective instinct that makes him the perfect foil for Kaladin. Kaladin (and the Windrunners) fight to protect others and (as the Vision Windrunner said) be a Watcher on the Rim so that those they protect will not have to fight. Moash fights for his own goals, without ver realize he fell to the maxim "Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster." He and his family were "victimized" and "oppressed" simply because the Lighteyes could oppress them. Now, he harms others, simply because he can. He's a dark Windrunner (via Honorblade) because with no desire to protect others and no Ideals to guide his actions and moral growth; he has become what he hated and doesn't even realize it. Even when he is forced to face it at the end of RoW, his denial is stronger than his ability to even protect himself.
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