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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Right, but your specific question: I was mearly answering that it would not count as their first language - they did learn Hallandren, it was just the Artisan's script (which can only be used by those of the Third Heightening and above). Also note: (Warbreaker Ch 58) Now, if what you really wanted to know was if a normal person could use a defined sign language to Command an Awakening - that was answered in the WoB.
  2. Keep in mind that the WoB may be referring to a legitimate sign language (ASL, VLSF, KSL, JSL, etc. that has a developed vocabulary of signs) which is not necessarily what is used by the Hallandren God Kings (which is described as a pidgin sign language using mostly pointing). Also he was taught Hallandren, he simply cannot speak or read it using the normal script - but can read the Artisan's Script (Warbreaker Ch 29) so I don't think sign language would count as their "Native Language."
  3. RIght, but not necessarily all of that will reassign to one Shard. Coppermind: So, an entity that was a Splinter of Ado may have re-assigned with investiture from two or more shards - and may even have it's own separate intent. Similar to Nightblood And that was a real long digression on the nature of the distinction I meant.
  4. There's a deleted scene for Jasnah in Shadesmar (last I knew it was on Tor's Website and discussed here). Also, I'm pretty sure there was a reference to Jasnah's travels, but I can;t remember where off-hand (Iall add it my edit when I find it).
  5. Sorry - my point wasn't "this Annotation/WoB" is wrong. My point was: This annotation was written in 2006 - and parts of "the full story" were incomplete - other parts of "the full story" were purposely unstated in the early annotations. To base an entire theory on an old annotation with no other supporting information seems suspect.
  6. We do not know how compounding copper works Copperminds are all about "forgetting" - until you access it again (and we don't know that compounding changes that) I think you are confusing memory with knowledge I didn't say forget - I said "not thinking about it" You are still trying to state opinion as fact. There is nothing about my scenario that is "impossible". Improbable, yes. unlikely, yes. Impossible - no. I'm not even sure that I beleive that scenario - I'm just trying to come up with ideas that do match the known facts: He had kids. They are not alive during TFE, His genetic line continues to exist in Era 2 (but not in a meaningful way - so likely centuries more dispersal than even Spook's genetic line which is still barely relevant in AoL). We know that they are culturally considered the same race, at least by some people in Era 1. However, one is an artifical race that was created to breed true and is as self-sufficient as any animal on Scarial. The other is a Hemalurgc creation "descended" from Mistwraiths to does not breed true, cannot create more of themselves at all and has almost nothing in common with the original species. Sounds kinda like Marsh. . . Therefore I conclude: If an Inquisitor is a "different race" from humans, then a Kandra must be a different race from Mistwraiths.
  7. If you meant there was no distinction, why descripe a distinctlion? The siver of wood is "the same" but the 16 parts are now different? My point, however, was that a splinter of Ado when "re-assigned" (because all Investiture was assigned to a Shard post-shattering) could have parts from mulltiple shards - whereas a splinter of Honor can only have investiture from Honor. That's the distinction.
  8. My point (by way of Movie Quote) was that "can't" has a specific meaning that does not apply in this context. Raskek absolutely could have a fullborn child and spike it. Just because you don't think he would does not mean that he physically can't. which doesn't matter as I explained. It only matters that he would pass Feruchemy and Allomancy onto his kids. I can see how you would confuse that for "hidden gentics" when my point was more like: "conquering the world is a busy business - if he considered the matter closed after creating mistwriaths and Kandra he may not have even thought about it until a few hundred years later when. . . oops" Thanks. Although I'll note that the quote is from the annotations - and distinctly says "three new races" (not four - which is should be - Koloss, Mistwriath, Kandra, Inquisitor) and so the whole thing needs confirmation since so many of the eraly annotations have been "tweaked" when made canon. That seems. . . odd. But okay. Thank you.
  9. I'm confused - you said "no" then restated what I was saying. . . Note WoB: So, part of this conversation should cover the fact that we may be using the term "spren" differently than Syl would, which is still different than Kaladin would. Not to mention Brandon. E. g. Is a spear's Cognitive aspect "bead" a spren? I think Syl would say "yes" - though Kaladin might not. And Sanderson used the term to mean "A spren is Investiture that is alive" so I am unsure if he would or not - probably would just call it a cognitive aspect.
  10. You keep using that phrase. I do not think it means what you think it means. . . Exactly, He "knew" that he was the last feruchemist, so given any number of children - if one displays both sets of abilities he would simply remove the threat. Just because a child could have both Allomancy and Feruchemy, does not mean that every child he may have would have both Alomancy and Feruchemy. Sanderson has already said he definitely had children in the past. It's not hard to understand that: Rashek has kids. Tests for metallic arts. If none - disowned, go join the other normal nobels (or maybe just not claimed if they were conceived in secret) If only Allomancy or Feruchemy - maybe claimed, maybe given important ministry post or other gov't position (expansion before the periphery was conquired or leading remote Dominance) If both Allomancy and Feruchemy - new Spikes walking (or just remove the threat before they can understand the "secret") Many Sharders keep argueing that a Fullborn child would be a threat - btu they are only a threat if they live long enough to learn how to compound. A child or teen that has not yet learned how to use their Metallic Arts on thier own - much less how they interact with each other - is hardly a threat. I never said anything about hidden genes. . . ? Source? Cause HoA Ch 68 implies that the conversion to Mistwraith was during the ascension, but granting spikes and returning their bones to the First Generation was in the days after the Ascension: I think we just fundamentally disagree on the interpretation of the Epilogues: HoA Ch 44 The Wording "knowledge" and "developed" always made me think he "learned" how to create his hemalurgic constructs while holding the power - but he had to make the spikes and actually spike people in the time after the Ascension (likely using his enemies as the hemalurgic victims). Otherwise, the epigraph would say he "created" the Koloss and inquisitors - not developed. We only know for sure that he changed the Feruchemists while holding the power - not that he created any Hemalurgic Spikes while holding the power. In fact, I doubt he could have created a "spike of Ruin" with "Preservation's" power at all. It is fundamentally required that a Hemalurgic spike has stolen it's charge from another being (or it is not "Hemalurgy").
  11. She's an herbalist, and probably just a typical one, as the "genius" comment comes from Straff before he learns that she just addicted him to <implied Poppy - or Scadrial's version> so he thinks she's a "genius" because he feels better every time she makes a "potion" for him. Since we see her trying to cling to her "concubine" status, it's unlikely she's a worldhopper. Forton was from Hrovell, not Svorden (which is the location of the university where Lukel met his wife)
  12. Well, it is Wit, so you have to take anything he says with a grain of salt - but I always took this passage as to mean the area where Jasnah travelled - or the spren she interacted with - were not used to travellers. Of course, at this point of the story Jasnah has no idea about his true nature (unlike RoW where he has started to confide in her), and he is trying to conceal that he has access to Fortune, so of course he would use a "technically true" quip to dodge the question. . .
  13. Well, it's possible that any children he had were early in the days of the Final Empire. He thought Feruchemy gone after his first trip to the well, ane he didn;t really start his pogrom against the Terris until the third century of rule - it may be that when he had kids he realized they were breeding true. If he didn't tell them about compounding, they would have lived a normal lifespan - which explains Sanderson's WoB about them being born long ago and no children alive in the "present" FInal Empire (book 1). Fridge Horror:
  14. In Lopen's world . . . probably. A more "accurate" example of the 10% rule might be:
  15. My apologies, I didn't intend any spoilers - I was only curious on what you thought might happen based upon how you saw him interact with the bridge crew(s) and Cobalt Guard in books 1 and 2... Back in WoR Ch 35 (the chapter you are referencing) Adolin explained how he learned this when he was young (and Dalinar both discusses it and shows it in WoK) Adolin was just having problems applying the concept to throwing the Shardblade (rather than just having it stay when laid down or stuck in the ground). It was also shown by the lighteyes training with the Kings Blades when Kal and crew were at the lighteyes sparring grounds in a few WoR Chapters. The implication was that you had to "command" the blade as it lost contact with your hand - easy when just "letting go;" but more difficult when he was trying to aim, and throw, and command the blade at the instant it lost contact - 1 second too early or too late and it went poof. Adolin (showing how it normally works to command a Shardblade to not dissolve) in the Sadeas Warcamp - WoK Ch 46:
  16. That sounds like a valid sentiment for many Shallan chapters. Now consider what you have seen of Kaldin's interactions with groups, and you may be able to predict some aspects of the next few Kaladin chapters.
  17. I think The Lopen follows the Miltary rule of storytelling: Hence 10% of a castle would mean he wants to really build a shack.
  18. As in each bondsmith has at least one characteristic of each order? - or - Combined amongst the three Bondsmiths, traits of all ten orders are represented? I think that is most of what we have. Her comments in WoK and WoR, Dalinar's Flashbacks, her POV Prologue and what was discussed in RoW.
  19. I don't know that Navani's "spread" would be quite as divergent, since I think she had less radical changes over the course of her last 20 years. However, I could have seen her as a Truthwatcher or Elsecaller if she had not become a Bondsmith. Truthwatcher: Elsecaller:
  20. Welcome to the Forums. You may also be interested in reading this thread, which is similar, but is chapter-by-chapter. Amira is not as far along as you (just starting OB), but the thread goes back to the first Prologue in WoK. Hope you are enjoying the book so far. If you enjoyed this, you will have something to look forward to near the end of RoW. It's become increasingly obvious why Sanderson felt we needed to see that night five times from five different viewpoints. I have not read the SA5 Prologue preview (avoiding spoilers), but if Gavilar bothered you here (as he did me), then you may really dislike him after the RoW prologue (as I do). You will eventually learn more on both of these. They've been referencing him as The Blackthorn since the beginning - now we really know why. The parallel is purposeful. WoB: Thanks for this, so many forget to let us know what spoilers to avoid. To clarify, you have not read: Rhythm of War (of course), The Lost Metal, Tress, Sixth of the Dusk and White Sand. Is that correct? We have enought to speculate on this, but the specifics of the answers are still uncertain. However, if you have general questions on Realmatic Theory and/or Investiture, please ask. We'll either answer or tell you RAFO because the answer is a spoiler. These are good things to speculate about. Have you seen the Radiant Quiz? I'll spoiler tag this in case you want to avoid it (suffice to say there is a reason for what you noticed): Like Kaladin's depression - this isn't tied to her being Radiant or Surgebinding - it's meant to express a (abnormal) version of Dissociative Identity Disorder. She just reinforces those expressed traits through her surgebinding. You will learn more about this in OB. Thank you for the summary and thoughts. You have quite the ride in store over the next four parts (not to mention the Interludes). Happy reading.
  21. Right. The old ones are "of Cultivation and Honor (and Odium in some cases)" but they Spliners of Ado (re-assigned) rather than actual Splinters of Cultivation or Honor (such as the Radiant Spren). Subtle distinctions are still distinctions and I would not put it past Sanderson to have the be important. . .
  22. Nope. The Spren that were on Roshar before Honor and Cultivation arrived are not splinters of them. WoB:
  23. How much of this is inspired by various SP and SA5 spoilers? It's interesting, but much seem unfamiliar, so I'm not willing to rea the explanations until I am sure that the SA4 spoiler section is the only part with anything derived from any unpublished material (including DS Prime, but not including the WS and AoN material that is unpublished but distributed freely). As far as the posited Commands - 1 and 2 seems very similar. I would guess that they should combine as "Be" and the fourth is then "Be Not" (entropy).
  24. I think he was talking specifically about the version of the Surge of Cohesion Venli saw the Dawnsingers using in that scene.
  25. Not necessarily. Emperor's Soul is short enough that just a "I finished this and here's my thoughts" would be more than enough (for me at least). Similar to the Tress Reaction threads in that forum. I can't really see a chapter-by-chapter really working with most of the Cosmere works, since they are not only much shorter works individually, but also average chapter length is shorter. Even if you don't blog anything but Stormlight, I think most of us would at least like to hear your thoughts on the other books though. Ah, so you found the best quote ever?
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