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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Except for that whole team of elites he formed. And the way he added exceptional members like Teleb. And the way he would continue training and working with them, even after he had his Shardplate and wouldn;t need to run miles, unaided. . . We must have very definitions of flighty. We concur. That's why I said that, in my opinion, he might have leaned closer to Stoneward in his youth and before Evi was killed. I was mostly just trying to answer your "why do many people consider him a possible Stoneward" question. If you read the rest of my post, you'll see I think his window of possibly matching the Stonewards was long ago and no longer relevant to post-Shattered Plains Dalinar.
  2. From the quiz summary (applicable sections bolded) Personally, I think the Blackthorn might learn harder toward Stoneward than WoK Dalinar. I also think Dalinar would not have leaned very far toward Elsecaller until Post-Oathbringer (he didn't attibute self growth until his heel-realization from reliving his returning memories). Frankly, If Dalinar were not a Bondsmith - I'm not sure he would have become a Radiant at all. Blackthorn Dalinar probably had a small chance before Evi's death. After Evi's death, I'm not sure he was fit for any order until he was Cultivated. By then, already middle-aged, he was much more about Leadership than a typical Stoneward; too little about personal growth to be an Elsecaller - but possibly could have become a Dustbringer: Blackthorn Dalinar was already his own army's artillery equivalent even before he acquired Shards. His desire for control and understanding was seen as he progresses from Front-Line warrior to leading the border skirmishes. From Soldier to Tactician to Strategist, Blackthorn Dalinar's combat merged with WoK Dalinar's leadership and sense of responsibility could have led him down this path had he not visited the Nightwatcher's Valley, but gotten his alcoholism under control on his own while at the Shattered Plains (as he considers in OB Ch 114):
  3. Baby gets stabbed. Then the wielder kills themselves with Nightblood too. Don't forget, Nightblood can't discern evil itself, and relies on the wielder to determine evil. And when that wielder uses Nightblood to do evil, they are forced to suicide themselves too. WoBs: Edit: I'd guess - depending on the specifics of the situation (such as not in the same room - have to move too far to stab the target) the wielder could end up suiciding on Nightblood before they get a chance to kill the baby/random-good-person.
  4. I think that's one of the things they "fixed" for the Omnibus release - to make that more obvious. Prologue Excerpt: The in-book quotes were in the posts above. What says there is only one reason for Investiture to glow? Stormlight (in a gem) glows because it is investiture under pressure and "leaking" small amounts that convert to energy (light) as they escape the gem. Even perfect Gems (like the Kings Drop) show as glowing because pressurized investiture in the physical realm that has not been converted to matter (e. g. shardblades) will radiate energy (glow). Radiant Shardblades glow when in the form of matter, because that is part of their Intent - as an expression of the Order to which they belong. I know Alder thinks that sapience or sentience might be a factor in glowing; but I think it is far more likely that the investiture's state is a primary factor, at least for the physical realm (examples): Innate investiture - never glows that I am aware of Static Investiture - sometimes (Stormlight, yes; Copperminds, no) Active investiture - If this is even a category (Stormwall - yes, sometimes) Kinetic Investiture - Sometimes, depending on the type of investiture and the type of use Breath glows while moving from teh awakener to the construct, but not while animating the construct Chay Shan forms glowing patterns while summoning Dor, but the practitioner's body doesn't glow on its own while using Chay Shan Dakhor bones don't glow with active abilities (increased speed/strength) but do glow when using a more esoteric ability (Dilaf's glow when cancelling Raoden's Aon shield) Not to mention th eplethora of Radiant powers and when the glow depending on if they infuse somethign with light, paint it with light or just use an ability to affect it. . . Shardic Investiture - I don't think any use of the metallic arts cause a glow, White Sand does only when bonded, Stormlight does (depending on the implementation), Aons do (usually *), Stamps do not, Breath does - only when moving, etc. Shardic nature and invested art seems to tbe the other primary factor TLDR: You are looking for one unified answer. It doesn't exist. There is likely one of these factors that affects if a Shardpool may glow or not; but comparing every possible example of Investiture manifested in the Physical realm will probably not lead to that answer. *I say usually, because we haven't seen an Aonic Plate fabrial used - but in Raoden's memory, the Ashe Plates glowed (their function) but theTia plate did not glow - however the Elantrian activating it did before he disappeared.
  5. The Lopen and his bonded Honorspren Rua are also both male. Often, the Spren will be of a gender that matches a Radiant's relationship preference, but not always. Also, not all spren are binary. (Oathbringer Ch 7)
  6. Well, you may have already seen more of the Fell Twins (Mistborn Spoiler)
  7. No worries. It's a word Doc and needs some TLC to be "readable" (or it did for me - such as underlines are the author's method of indicating italics). Aether of Night is the one you have to request from these forums - here. PS: I was in the middle of editing the post above when you posted this.
  8. If you are on Sanderson's newsletter, your first email (confirmation) should have included the download link for the Prose version. If you have the Prose version, I can help you convert to epub, if you need an ebook version. If you are looking for the Graphic Novel Omnibus, it is available on the Dynomite website (in eBook and Physical Softcover - Hardcovers are still pre-order) I have already received my softcover omnibus, so they are shipping. Actually, it is a color darkening aura - different from the normal breath aura. Warbreaker Prologue: You are also possibly forgetting one major factor. Investiture is the Cosmere's "third" axis on the Matter-Energy spectrum. Dor escaping through invested arts is investiture converting into Energy - Shardblades, beads, etc are all examples of investiture manifesting as Matter. The proper comparison of Investiture -> Energy is Stormlight or how Breath glows when moving from the Awakener into a new person or construct. It's not really Autonomy's perpendicularity - it's a temporary one Autonomy helped them make to facilitate the invasion It was specifically described as being filled with the Liquid Dor to establish the link: (ch 60)
  9. I thougth all Shardpools reflected the Color associate with the Shard: Ruin's in the logbook was "great black lake" with "its glassy—almost metallic—sheen" (TFE Ch 29, 33) Preservation's was "A glowing white pool." (WoA Ch 58) Aona's has "Its water was a crystalline blue" (Elantris Ch 25/HPS) Patji's eye isn't much described because it is dark tand they are hiding; but Autonomy's pool on Scadrial seems to be composed of purified Investiture (LM Ch 59 - White, with a mother-of-pearl sheen. Yes. It was like the pure Investiture from Moonlight’s jars.) Cultivation's is Green (WoR Ch 46) "Swimming in the emerald pools is death to outsiders" “Place of the gods?” “Yes,” Rock said. “Is where they live. The waters of life, they let you see place. In it, you commune with gods, if you are lucky.” I think those are all of the ones that have been described on-screen. Right. I'm not entirely convinced myself that it might only link the PR and CR. My primary point was that we cannot assume it links all three realms "just because all perpendicularites link all three realms." I'm saying it is possible that because the Dor is in the CR (not the SR) it is also possible that the Arelon Shardpool only links those two realms (even if pre-Splintering it once acted as a normal Perpendicularity). It may be normal. It may glow, and we don't see that because it was Dawn and the characters couldn't see it, Glowing or not may be entirely dependant on the Shard involved. Mostly I just want to point out assumptions versus known facts supported by direct evidence. Edit: Thanks @alder24 - just had a thought. What if whether a Shardpool glows is, at least partially, based on whether some of its investiture is Kinetic. After all, Radiant blades only glow while "being used" - The Well of Ascension definitely glowed, but was also actively being used to hold back Ruin. Ruin's shardpool in the logbook isn't described as glowing - but also isn't doing anything but sitting there (and is partially separated from Ruin). Anyway, I think the "state" of the Shardpool's investiture may be a factor on appearance. Actually, White Sand does glow - while it has an active Luhel Bond.
  10. Welcome to the forums. Very glad you enjoyed the series. If you have not also read some of Sanderson's non-Cosmere works, you may find it interesting that the magic in The Rithmatist (self-described by Brandon as "a Muggle in Hogwarts") was originally based on Cosmere magic, so you can still see links like Command and Intent in the way that works. If you don't mind sharing, maybe you can write up something on some of the reveals. For example, since you read Stormlight Archive first, many reading order threads suggest reading Stormlight Archive after Warbreaker due to how Vasher/Zahel and Vivenna/Azure appear in the SA. Can you elucidate on how those reveals felt going the other direction. When you read Warbreaker, did you realise at first that Vasher was Zahel whom you had already met in Words of Radiance? What other "reveals" did you find as you wen through the rest of the Cosmere after having already read Stormlight? Also, please try not to multi-post. I've already reported your duplicates for you, but in case you don't know how to use the tools you have available - maybe this can help:
  11. Yes. He's also an ancient being who has been studying the different forms of investiture and how they interact for only-Sanderson-knows-how-long. And we know it's possible (by WoB) - but a random misting/ferring discovering that a power he "knows" actually has wider applications? Not impossible at all, but also not something to just assume as true without evidence. Edit: Example - Vasher/Zahel being able to sense Syl with his Lifesense.
  12. Welcome to the Forums There's also a reading order thread here that mentions spoiler considerations for first-time read-throughs. Also, keep in mind that some of the chronology is "slushy" and still subject to revision if needed by future books. WoB (snipped for length):
  13. The bolded part is the main part of my point (and, to me, is the main point against your hypothesis). For a normal Shardpool, the bulk of the Shard's investiture is in the SR. The SR has no "place." Therefore, it seems counterintuitive to me that "It pushes his investiture into PR." Causality would have to go the other direction. At points in the PR and/or CR where investiture has built up to "critical mass" it begins pulling the Connection from the SR and creates the Perpendicularity. Once open, things are moving freely back-and-forth. However, for the Dor (or considering Devotion and Dominion separately) the bulk of investiture is no longer in the SR at all. To me, it makes sense that the perpendiculatiy could still pierce realms, but with nothing to pull or push to/from the SR, the Shardpool will only connect the PR and CR. I isolated your bolded section of WoB as illustrating part of my point. If large concentrations in the PR/CR will puncture to the SR normally; but in this case there is noting in the SR for it to Connect to, how can we know for sure that the perpendicularity punctures all three realms, and not just two? If invetiture is landlocked on Sel, and therefore location specific, why would a Shardpool not also be limited? I didn't say it was an arguement (are we arguing? I thought we were sharing theories and postulates?) I mentioned it was something to consider. ?
  14. Right, another reason why it is only "possible" not "probable" that Sixteen was Spook. TO be clear, Iwas never saying that Sixteen was Spook - just that with known information we cannot definitively say it is not Spook. Though your premise also surmises that if Sixteen is a Seeker of some kind, they have learned how to use that ability to detect Stormlight being used actively. I'll be weird and quote myself: So, we agree?
  15. I would guess that this passage answers that. In the short term, if there is still matter passing though the digestive system, then yes (excrement happens). If you are long-term using BendalloyMinds and receiving stored nutrition and hydration, then I would imagine your body is only using what is needed and not producing waste.
  16. Welcome to the forums. Also, here are some tips, in case you are unfamiliar with the tools available on this type of forum interface (if you know all of this, please disregard). Here's the thread where we previously discussed Sixten's possible identities. As discussed there, it's doubtful that Sixteen is using Cadmium. RoW makes a point to say that he eats and drinks nothing, and they never remove waste from his "house." This indicates a Subsumer ferring (or F-Bendalloy compounder). RoW Ch 75:
  17. That's how normal perpendicularities work. But a normal perpendicularity has the Shardic Investiture in the SR, and is formig the bridge by pulling it through to pierce the CR and PR. The Dor does not have that. Is there any proof that it has to pierce all three realms? For reference - one major (non-story) reason the Elantris Shardpool is abormal is because it was written before BS codified what Shardpools are and how they work (Elantris Annotation 61-1) From where do you get that? Raoden "heard" a voice, I can't find anything that attributes the voice to a source other than the Dor itself. In fact, the Annotation stating that one purpose of the pool being "giving in to peace" implies the voice belongs to the pool itself, not some SR remnant of Devotion or Aona. Edit: Note; The relevent section of the Coppermind only references the normal chapter, and is just Sharder speculation with no external references:
  18. Keep in mind that while sharing what we are interested about with each other is fine, it's considered bad form to take somebody else's question(s) from a thread like this and actually ask it at an event or signing. Discussed here (in the Sharing Questions section) summarized: That said, I'll usually note the question(s) I will never get to ask in a relevant thread. Such as: Seon Pulses: Shaod: Susebron Commands: And in just a personal non-cosmere curiosity: Other Curiosities:
  19. It's worth the wait(s). Though I am also really looking forward to your take on some of the non-Stormlight material - especially Emperor's Soul. Must. . not . . . say. . . . anything. . . . . Though, based on the information you have so far, you may be able to speculate on why Taravangian agreed so quickly and easily.
  20. Weird. I can't find that source either. I'm sure I've seen it though, I remember the words "but we don't know which way it skews" (referring to whether is speeds or slows time) exactly, but nothing is coming up on the Arcanum. It may have been a thread on here, but I'm sure there was a WoB attached. Another one I'll look for tomorrow, I guess. Did you mean this WoB: Actually, we don't "know" this, it is a theory that Khriss mentions in her essay on Sel (and mostly debunked by WoB): Note that other perpendicularities we have seen (like the Well of Ascension) have a connection to all three realms - the Dor's Perpendicularity at the pool near Elantris is only touching two realms, not three. Compare to the "not-quite-normal" perpendicularity on Patji (Sixth of the Dusk) which also does not glow.
  21. If the topic interests you, you can find the thread where Sharders worked to translate Alethi, Thaylen, and Glyphs in this old thread.
  22. I don't know about standard dates, but Amazon has been known to make up dates before for titles when it lacked actual data. Example (a portion of my email and the author response):
  23. I'm unwilling to speculate on this until we know how he functioned as the Sovereign (since he seemed to have access to metallic arts then, but doesn't now). My best guess as a "baseline" would be Kelsier in SH when he was restricted to the Cognitive Realm only as the closest we have seen to a "normal" Cognitive Shadow. I think any method that returns them to the Physical Realm has moved that case to "special circumstances," and since each method we have seen is different, each set of cases are different.
  24. No worries. The guidelines are not very definitive: For example, it does not define what "out of date" means. My personal guideline is older than six months with no new informaiton released. With the caveat of, when a topic is obviously straying into "Cosmere Discussion" territory then I split it off anyway just to prevent every post and response from being spoiler tag after spoiler tag.
  25. I don't know if the "Command" part is specifically confirmed other than it being "related to" him hearing Fuzz tell him to "Survive" in the Pits of Hathsin when he snapped. JMO, but (applying Occam) if it looks like a Command and sounds like a Command; I'll beleive it is a Command until we have definitive refutation. Except it seems Kelsier may also have had Shardic Interference. . .
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