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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Moving and separating a discussion from an Elantris Thread Here: Original post by @Underwater_Worldhopper Except, that's not really true. Here's the passage from M:SH Part 1 - Ch 1: So it was not just reaching the Well. Preservation used a Command, with Intent for Kelsier to be Preserved. The Command pushed him into the Well, which provided the excess Investiture needed to complete his change to Cognitive Shadow. All of that is kindof beside the point I was trying to make that was: Your statement was too generalized based on what we know of Cognitive Shadows. In fact, the more you annalyze it, the more it seems like each CS we have seen on-screen (Roshar, Scadrial, Nalthis, Threnody) has each been a "special case" with both similarities and differences. Two CS classes can use Investiture, two can't. Returned can Worldhop; and, if the Ire's fears in SH are to be beleived, Threnodite Shades may also be able to do so (in some limited fashion - if they thought there was a chance they would reach the Scadrian Shadesmar). My point is just that we don't know which, if any, of those examples is the "baseline" and which are deviations - so it is difficult to generalize on things accurately.
  2. Why do you keep necro-posting old threads? Please quote the post you want, then "cut" the quote box from the reply - start a new thread and reply that way if you need. Alternatively, just start a new thread and link the old thread for anybody that wants to go back and read the original. The quote above is already shown to be inaccurate and/or an incomplete interpretation. After all: Warbreaker Spoilers:
  3. Thank you very much. Checked Wiktionary after your post and saw their note: I was starting to think it was part of the NY Publishing pogrom* on irregular verbs. I can't recall the last time I saw "lit," "snuck," or "dove" in a mainstream mass market book. *totally my term, and while I don't think there is any actual "conspiracy" I do often wonder if it is the authors avoiding irregular conjugations, or editorial direction that changes them.
  4. Nice new avatar. One could say that. . . One part comparing Dalinar now to the Blackthorn then, one part ties into the current story. Is it a kingdom, if it is just Urithiru?
  5. I edited my response to try hopefully being more clear. Also, your first post only quoted the second half of my original point (so I added the first half to my response above). My original point was that there is a difference, psychologically, between internally feeling guilt/remorse and attempting to repress those feelings (usually with drugs/alcohol/violence but also other repression mechanisms) and not feeling the guilt/remorse for your actions (and instead only regretting the consequences of those actions). Your quote of Ch 88 shows the repressions, but lacks the context of the Ch 76 quote showing him immediately realize his mistake has killed his wife (followed by lashing out in Violence against Tanalan for being the messenger, followed by "shifting the blame", followed by pragmatic repressions - all in a few hours; which then provides the context for how he feels guilty [hearing screams] and drinks to avoid hearing them). His rational mind really wants to shift the blame, but he can't so he drinks to cover the internal shame instead.
  6. He blames Evi and insists he doesn't feel bad about her for years afterwards. OB 88: Precisely my point. OB Ch 76: Followed only hours later by rationalizations: Followed shortly by Pragmatism: And shown in the flashback you quoted (three years after this flashback) that his attempts at repressions have nearly destroyed his life and family relationships. Until he sought the Nightwatcher and actually used his second chance to change for the better. The fact that in each flashback until the Nigthwatcher he is hearing Evi's screams shows that he feels the guilt and uses the alcohol to drown those feelings and phantom screams (as opposed to denying the guilt in the first place)
  7. IAW This guidance - please edit the topic title to "[Support] I Hate Moash" to indicate that the thread is for people with similar views to vent their feelings/opinions rather than a place to [Discuss] differing opinions) which can lead to arguments and already has the "Moash Redemption" thread filling that role. Other Moash discussion (hate or not) threads include: Am I the only one who doesn't hate Moash Does anyone still want a Moash redemption arc? Moash Poll Moash Full Spoilers Moash and the Fans who hate him Moash and the Fans who hate him - Part 2 Is Moash Redeamable I'm sure there are more, but I only searched back to the Rhythm of War release.
  8. Define "small amount" because there were two such explosions in RoW, and Urithiru is still standing. Two people died in the first explosion (RoW Ch 38), but nobody died in the second (mostly because it was a smaller gem and only Fused - who could heal - were present - Ch 97).
  9. Please try to avoid double posting. In case you are not aware of the tools to edit or multi-quote on this version of a forum, this may help:
  10. Welcome to the Forums. Why did you necro a two-year-old thread? Did you just happen to find it by search? Did you notice the dates and realize you are responding to an old thread and somebody that hasn't been active on the forum since last year? They are unlikely to see your response.
  11. Actually they aren't very similar: Preservation's Fragment is a part of each Scadrian's born Spiritweb Lerasium changes that fragment to make you a Mistborn - Mists Snap the fragment, allowing dormant Misting abilities of that fragment to manifest Breaths are a fragment that is part of all three realms and, inherent to Endowment's Intent, are designed to be removed and re-atached A Returned is a Cognitive Shadow re-attached to their original body by a Divine breath (that, like other breaths is all three realms and designed by Intent to be passed on).
  12. Also, remember the fundamental tactical difference the Kholins use in approaching a plateau - Shardbearer rush. Dalinar's bridges served as a moving wall his soldiers could hide behind, and the bridge wasn't lowered until the shard bearers hopped over and disrupted the Listener archers. So there was much more to the equation than just "move a bit faster" Dalinar would have had to change everything about how the Kholin army attacked an occupied plateau. On the weather front, remember that the bridge crews usually slept on their thin blanket, not under it - so it could not have been too cold most of the time. The Shattered Plains appear to be in a valley on the map, so I doubt the altitude is too high, and while it might be "next to the Frostlands" it was still far enough away to take Shallan weeks of travel to get there from the southern coast.
  13. Probably something about the score being proportional to the distance of colors mixed. Here's my idea - visual: PS: I noticed your ball color list had an error: Azure, by definition, is a shade of Sky Blue, so it would have to fall between blue and turquoise.
  14. Since Tarachin's rules are supposed to be complex, you could even have the scores change by how close to center it is. For example (using the top as "1" and moving clockwise): Balls matching one and three are in the same square - if you match it with a "2" ball - 50 points Balls matching one and four are in the same square - matching with "2" or "3" - 75 points (since there is no "center") Balls matching two and six are in the same square - if you match with "3" or "5" - 50 points, but matching with "4" - 100 points (because it's "center") etc. Use whatever works best for what you have going on - I was just trying to explain what I thought @IlstrawberrySeed might have meant
  15. @Koloss17 I posted it to Sci-Fan, based on the cover blurb: Please let me know if you need any changes to the format or how I quoted your post.
  16. Have you been in that forum lately? I posted a new theory a month or so back when I did a reread. . .
  17. Oh, when you said "[This series] badly needs something akin to the Coppermind, but it don’t" I thought that meant you didn't know it already had a wiki (if incomplete). Sorry.
  18. @IlstrawberrySeed likely means the differences between RYB, RGB. and CMYK: Traditional Color wheel (paints, crafts, most physical media): This is what most kids are taught in school - the ol' "yellow and blue make green" - which is true, except when it's not. Most physical media (such as painting) use this color wheel and a great Hue and Color Harmonic resource is the Pantone Color Tables which can get very precise in shades and contain a lot of hue information. But then there's the RGB spectrum (Light) This is how wavelengths of light interact (either constructive or destructive interference) changing colors with overlapping spectrums of light (one of the reasons behind the "black and while color debates - but I won't digress too much here). You can see from the Venn Diagram, that White Light is all other color spectrums overlapped (which is why it can create the prism effect when spit in the Godking's Breath Aura) and, here, Yellow and blue do not make green. In fact Green and Red make yellow. . . It's fairly easy to check out some of the differences (at least on windows) - simply open up MS Paint, click on "Edit Colors" and you can see the RGB model in use by clicking or manually adjusting the RGB/HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lumins) values. More advanced programs like CorelDraw will let you see this for all color models. Then there is the CMYK Spectrum: Some physical media (depending on types of pigments providing the color), such as nearly all ink and laser printers in modern use, actually use the CMYK model. Instead of the base primary colors being Red, Yellow and Blue; they are Cyan, Magenta and Yellow (and you add black to create shades and hues, rather than white). Since the game's balls aren't literally "mixing" any colors - the rules would have to define a pairing as RYM, RGB, or CMYK; or possibly account for them all such as: Mixing - if there are two balls on a tile of a different color, and you throw a third one which color is the one you would get from mixing colors of those 2 balls, you get 100 points for each color model the trio match (i.e. Thrown Ball 3 is the "mix" of Game-Balls 1 and 2; but Balls 1 and 3 also would mix to make Ball 2 in a different color model - 200 points) Hope that helps.
  19. The Locked Tomb Wiki Here (It's a Fandom Wiki, so not as nice as Coppermind. . . and probably lacking in detail) You should submit it to Recommended Reading. . . (blatant plug)
  20. Again, just an outside aside. Raodon goes on and on about Aon Modifiers (presumed to be foreshadowing for Roial's fate and the healing modifiers) so I would bet that you have to use Aon Modifiers to have a physically represented Aon act as a switch (which is probably why all of the Aon Tia plates only led to one destination each - modifiers for distance and direction of travel and modifiers to make it a switch plate). What about a Gallodon inspired character with a family member that is an Elantrian - your character designs the Aon Fabrials, the family member makes them. Rithmatist spoilers:
  21. Welcome to the Forums Please try to avoid double (or triple) posting, and when it happens accidentally, please use "Report" post to let the mods know to delete the excess. Here are some tools and tips you may not know about that can help: Try listening to some professional poetry readings (or good Shakespeare theater/movies). There is a cadence to the words and lines (including where the infelction falls) - that really helped me "visualize" how the Rythms are reflected in Listener speech.
  22. Interesting theory, and not like most other current theories about Liss I'm not sure where you are seeing that:
  23. Which? The nested spoilers or the Best Pattern Quote Ever?
  24. What WoB is that? Becoming drab doesn't leech (to grey) any color, at least not as seen by the child that fed Lightsong in Ch 3. Some "color of life" fades, but that is implied to be the inverse of a Breath Aura making colors more vibrant: Probably connected to Health, since BS says in the Annotations:
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