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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Note: It might not be just adaptation. We know that Herdazians (crystal fingernails) and Unkalaki (jaw bones) have Listener blood somewhere in their heritage giving them some of their "adaptations." In Oathbringer Ch 10, Renarin (talking with Adolin) mentions that Ryshadium have "stone hooves" - the similarity possibly implies that it was a combination of adaptation and interbreeding (not sure what Rosharan species they might have interbred with though) that has brought the Ryshadium far enough along to develop a gemheart and form spren bonds. Also note, that Shallan mentiones Jellyfish when observing the Santhid. There are already examples of people using "old" nouns for similar things (an Axehound isn't really anything like a Hound - but the name "hound" carried over from Ashyn) - so, without seeing a Rosharan jellyfish we can't know if it is really like a "traditional" jellyfish, or just a name that Rosharan humans called it because it was similar to a Jellyfish.
  2. Welcome to the Forums. In case you may be unfamilair with some tools available to you, I hope this helps (ignore if you know all of this already): @Quantus Hit many of the highlights, but to summarize the relevant bit: Regular Rosharan Spren (flamespren, emotion spren, etc) have existed since Roshar was created (and were likely created by Adonalsium). The Sapient Spren that form Nahel bonds with humans to make Radiants were created by Honor and Cultivation after they arrived in Roshar. I don't know how far into Oathbringer you are, but Syl references this is Ch 7:
  3. That's why my comment was funny. . . The resolution of that subplot is in this book (minor spoiler) This will be discussed over the course of the book (layered spoiler-ish-ness) Also, earlier when you asked: This is the section we referenced. Renarin has been weird around Adolin because he was embarrassed about the Shardblade from WoR: Well, unfortunately The Rift is next - but at least you have Ch 13 to look forward to - Pattern's Best Quote Ever!
  4. Copy all. Formatting is less important than having the pertinant details (I can add the bullets easily - looking up the data is the time intensive part)
  5. Thanks. Do you happen to know if that is part of the follow on trilogy that @StormingTexan mentioned, a new trilogy, or just a continuation of Powder Mage (making it a series rather than a trilogy)? Edit: Updated the quote in Fantasy
  6. Thanks all, that's what the link in my post was for. @The Known Novel I posted your recommendation quote to that thread, I hope you don't mind.
  7. I read Promise of Blood, but I have not yet moved on to books two or three of the Powder Mage trilogy. Would you recommend them?
  8. A Curse of Krakens Book 3 of the Seven Kennings Trilogy Book 1 - Plague of Giants Author: Kevin Hearne Series Synopsis: Anybody can be blessed with magic - but if you try and fail, you die. When an island of Giants of the First Kenning (Fire Magic) suffers a volcanic eruption, they annex part of Ghurana Nent (the only nation with no Kenning of its own) under the guise of Refugees. On the east coast, an unknown race of pale Giants invades from across the ocean (though nobody knows how they crossed without being destroyed by Krakens). The Story is told by a Bard of the Third Kenning (Earth Magic) to the refugees in Bryn (Nation of the Fourth Kenning - Water Magic) as they await the arrival of the Multi-national army formed to push out the invading Giant armies.
  9. Please don't double post. In case you don;t know how to use Multi-quote (or other tools on the forum), maybe this will help: Sound (vice spelling) has always been key for this device - though I find it odd that Oxford includes consonants and Wiktionary does not. Here's the Wikipedia article, in case it sheds more light. Edit: This may be the difference:
  10. Would that even count as assonance though? Doesn't assonance, by definition, require the same vowel sound, with a consonant change?
  11. This quote (WoR I-3): Well, Wiktionary defines tent as: So, a pavilion should count (as you mentioned gazebo above) - or - anything portable using poles as a structure. Like that last picture, probably. Also consider that's a modern Earth definition, so I wouldn't put stock in the materials (cloth or skins) since interwoven rushes (as pictured) would likely count (especially when you consider this is "translated" for the reader using closest terminology - not exact terms (since not all birds are chickens, for example). I think anything inspired by the native structures from a similar geographic type (Indian Ocean, Polynesian, South Pacific, etc) would be suitable. Just find some good inspiration
  12. Welcome to the Forums. In case you are not familiar with some of the tools on this kind of interface (spoilered to skip if you already are familiar): Purelakers probably are similar to Pacific Islander stilt houses (which may also be used on the lower regions of he greatshell, where flooding is an issue): For more inland, I would imagine a similar inspiration, something like these (melanisia/south pacific huts) Hope that helps.
  13. I was referencing that, pre-RoW, we thought she was AS/Aro. The relationship with Wit seems to be changing that, maybe?
  14. Does Jasnah and Jasnah count?
  15. Welcome to the Forums We also have this nugget (Excerpt): So, my personal canon: KEL syer (two syllables) sah Z'D (two syllables, second vowel abbreviated and a glottal stop on the d) E lind, YO min, etc. Edit: Ditto on the multi-language influence (not just Saze - but pretty much all Cosmere names)
  16. Yes. One of those. Probably, but "at some point" is quite a big window. Quite possibly more than one something. But if you are specifically referencing his interactions with Adolin, consider what you know of his personality so far. If you are referencing what I think you are, you should get this answer soon.
  17. I'm not in the discussion, but I just want to note that if a line is missing - the aon fails and disappears (just like a mis-written line). Elantris Ch 7: That was the whole point during the book - the Aons were incomplete, so they flashed and disappeared without effect (just like making a mistake). So you can;t just "leave a line out and finish it later" because and incomplete Aon will disappear after a few moments if you are not "still drawing."
  18. Welcome to the Forums By the nature of the questions, I'm guessing you are not yet familiar with some of the effects Preservation had when setting up his Chessmaster Gambit. Have you read all of Era 2 (including The Lost Metal) in case this question delves into spoiler territory? Without going that far, please note that what the Scadrians refer to as Atium in Era 1 is not pure Atium (which, as a GodMetal, anybody should be able to burn, not just Mistborn and specific Mistings). WoBs: So, basically what happened was that Preservation, to prepare his Gambit, replaced Cadmium and Bendalloy (since Scadrial had not discovered these metals yet, and he needed to replace Temporal Metals) on the Allomantic Table with his Atium alloy (Atium/Electrum) and Malatium (Era 1 Atium alloyed with Gold) to enable it's use as you see in the books. When Sazed ascended to Harmony, he restored the original metals (regaining the lost part of Ruin that was trapped in the false alloy produced by the Pits of Hathsin) which is why there are no Mistings for those metals any more. Note: an "Atium Misting" was never actually a Misting for Era 1 Atium - but actually an Electrum Misting which was able to burn Era 1 Atium because of its Electrum Content. Hope that helps.
  19. Welcome to the Forums. In case you may be unfamiliar with some of the tools a forum like this provides, here is a small guide: Good catch, you are seeing a deliberate pattern. Are you familiar with the Coppermind? You can read the entry on Oaths here. Here are some Words of Brandon (WoBs) on the subject (that link is to the Arcanum, where you can read the Q&As and search the database of WoBs for information): Just because others have also noted the patterns to the ideals does not diminish that you found them yourself - and there is still much debate about how that pattern works; both as a whole, and as it applies to each order. Great job.
  20. Unfortunately, it's nothing that warm and fuzzy. IIRC, It's Kal's next BDH moment OT:
  21. Well, not "only he can do." Sanderson wordsmiths like a champ (so his specific phrasing usually matters). He does have much more influence on the art direction than most authors. It could also be something enabled by the huge internal-only Wiki his team maintains; something enabled by the shared universe nature of the Cosmere; something derived by his outlines (since he's outlined all 10 books, at least in a framework/rudimentary way), something in the Rosharan Scripts (since they developed Thaylen, Women's Script and Glyph structure). Other author's could fully develop their world's scripts to use in interior artwork; and that certainly would not be easy.
  22. Welcome to the forums. Let us know if you have questions (especially about the interface - quotes, multi-quotes, spoilers etc.) Anyway, this should be the WoB you were referencing: But, since that is about the Medallion fabrials, it may (or may not) hold true for normal Nicrosil Feruchemy.
  23. Yeah, it's a bit of a change. Not to mention Laral. . . And that departure, showing his Radiance. Minor Spoilers (ish) Looking forward to Ch 31. Speaking of - how is the job search going? Anything we can do to help?
  24. I thought you would like that part. Here's looking forward to Ch 7. . .
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