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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. We are also looking forward to your reaction(s) to Kaladin's return the Hearthstone.
  2. Anarchist (Selfish): As you can tell, I'm not much on D&D - those are from my preferred games (Palladium and OWoD).
  3. No Worries. A Zweihander might also fit the bill (thanks Forged in Fire).
  4. WoB: Hope that helps Edit: Ninja'd by @alder24
  5. Shouldn't there be an element of strategy; rather than pure altruism? What if you throw the pink ball, and the next person to hit that ball with a ball that matches the color of the square it landed in gets the points (so there's a chance you are giving points to an opponent - but they may not take that chance if it would disrupt their strategy, so it might also go unclaimed until your next turn and you can claim the bonus points). Lost 13 points instead? or deduct 13 points from the throw's score?
  6. Or Brandon is just being tricky, since he has already said there are multiple definitions for "immortal" in the Cosmere. WoBs:
  7. It's an interesting theory, but I doubt we can prove or disprove until we have more information. Do you perhaps mean Regrowth? Of course, we don't know for sure if Regrowth is simply a facet in the Surge of Progression, or something like the Reverse Lashing where it is the Surge combination that affects how it functions. After all: Renarin's healing and Lift's do not seem very similar Which is itself inconclusive because Renarin isn't a normal Truthwatcher - and while they have referenced other Truthwatchers healing, they have not shown us to compare with what Renarin did in the Battle of Thaylen Field Lift is also not normal, since she uses Lifelight - and her Regrowth on Gawx looked much more like the passing of a Divine Breath
  8. It would all depend on the Command and the Visualization. If the Awakener already understands leading a moving target, and makes that part of the visualization, then the awakened BET3 should be able to do the same.
  9. This was discussed in Warbreaker Ch 51 (not in reference to Roshar, obviously):
  10. The Inquisitors killed the Synod and all of the keepers that were in Terris during WoA. (WoA ch 56) Marsh, at that time was in Luthadel at Kredik Shaw. After Ruin's release, he used the Inquisitors to hunt the Keepers that had been outside of Terris and were missed in the first culling. (Your reference from the HoA Prologue) As for why? Well, likely 70-80% of Keepers had become spike donors before Ruin was even released; and Ruin would not care about having a min/maxed minion since he represents Entropy - a net-loss of power. It is more in line with the Intent of Ruin to "waste" 5 (or more) full Feruchemists making spikes for one servant that he already controled. That is loss... entropy... Ruin.
  11. Except, maybe, if you look at the dates of those WoBs - thy were from First and Second Oath Kaladin - not Third and above. Who said anything about "Kill?" The questions was "win in a fight." The WoBs show that Kelsier would like Kaladin (though Kaladin and Dalinar would probably not like Kelsier); and, if Kelsier thought Kaladin needed to be eliminated, he would do so by ambush and avoid a fight entirely. WoBs also agree with the general concensus that in an actual fight Kaladin would win (but probably still would not kill Kelsier).
  12. Here is that WoB (and some related ones): Does that help?
  13. Note that on Threnody, a similar (but amplified) effect is seen: (SfSitFoH - Ending) So, the withering is amplified damage (maybe both Congnitive and Spiritweb) and damage that isn't healed becomes gray and unusable (like a Shardblade wound). I was thinking along similar lines, but rather than just Mercy - I think all three simple rules are tainted by whatever portion Odium lost: The shades direct violence at a display of Mercy (fleeing - moving fast) The Shades direct violence against kindling fire (not the fire itself, but the act of making the fire - which may be tied to Ambition as previously stated) The Shades direct violence at spilled blood (straight Odium) Moreover, I've long thought that the Evil is an Splinter formed from the combined bits of Odium, Mercy and (mostly) Ambition lost in the fight there. (Coppermind extract):
  14. References Many Spoilers TL;DR: There is probably a connection between why both Stormlight and Dor heal the way they do.
  15. From where did you get this conclusion? Are you perhaps referencing what happened on Ashyn? If so, we don't know if what was used there correlates much (or at all) with the 10 Rosharan surges. We just know that Rosharans would term any use of similar investiture with their local terms (such as any illusion based magic being "Lightweaving"). WoBs:
  16. Welcome to the Forums. Fortune is the term for what you are asking about, and it is very much like @JustQuestin2004 said, the further somebody tries to look, the more the possibilities fracture and split. Finding the most likely outcome becomes extremely difficult. That said, Ruin would also have to be actively looking for the possibility, and his Vessel (the being holding the Shard) was already convinced he couldn't lose - so he wasn't looking at any possibilities, much less that possibility. Minor Spoilers: Hope you are enjoying the Cosmere and continue your journey through these stories.
  17. Welcome to the Forums. In case you are not yet familiar with the tools on this forum: If you need Reading Order Suggestions, there are a number of posts, like this one. You may also consider one or two reading order fields (Internal series order: Way of Kings 1, Words of Radiance 2, Edgedancer 2.5, etc) and possibly an all-Cosmere reading order. You may also consider notations in your database for Spoiler Alerts (such as Mistborn: Secret History contains spoilers for Well of Ascension, Hero of Ages and Bands of Mourning). In Tags, you generally have the planet, But for Elantris you put "Selish" (the Planet is Sel, somebody from Sel is Selish - just as a Scadrian is from Scadrial or Rosharan is from Roshar). You may also want to add System tags for if/when we have stories from different planets in the same System (e.g. Ashyn is in the Rosharan System with Roshar and Braize). White Sand also now has an Omnibus Edition (with minor fixes) and there is the unpublished Prose version you can acquire by joining Sanderson's Newsletter. Also, it may be outside the screenshot, but you seem to be missing the Secret Project books (SP1, 3, and 4). In Collections you seem to only be recording type, do you also plan to record source (e. g. Shadows for Silence was first published in the Anthology "Dangerous Women")? "Saga" seems to be recording the "Source" since you have, for example, Hope of Elantris tied to Arcanum Unbounded (the source) instead of Elantris (to which it is tied). Hope that helps and let us know if you have any further (spoiler free) questions Please let us know what you have and have-not read, in case we need to avoid spoilers when answering any questions.
  18. Not sure how far you are in the series, but you will get much more obvious information on this in Oathbringer Part 4.
  19. Sorry for derailing the Moash thread. Final Thoughts TL;DR: Everyone is entitled to their feelings and beliefs. I'm not trying to change your minds; I'm just trying to explain why I do not see what you all see. To me, Dalinar is easily one of the least bigotted Alethi characters in the series, and his action(s) here reflect a Military POV, not a support for a bad (and Hypocritical*) social construct. *"Oh, we hate the lost Radiants - they betrayed mankind. But their bonds made them lighteyed, so lets use that as the foundation for rule. . . "
  20. But Darkeyes are not a Minority. Repressed peasant class, yes - but by-population they are very much the majority. The whole situation was much more of a Military thing (at least for Dalinar's part - Kaladin's the "racist" and Elhokar is just an indoctinated noble acting as a spoiled child). Back in Ch 58, Dalinar (acting as General) ordered one of his Captains to comply. I found Kaladin's actions through the prison sub-plot to be far mroe reprehensible than anything Dalinar said or did (but neither were nearly as bad as Elhokar and Amaram). Maybe I have a different perspective having been in the military (and still working for the military) since the 90s.
  21. Also note that a Bonded Spren isn't in the Cognitive realm unless their bonded Radiant is as well. One of the reasons that the Spren are so child-like early in the bond (Syl in WoK, Pattern in WoR) is because crossing over without the bond stunts their Sapience. Forging the bond with a Radiant is what returns their Sapience (and they gain back more of their memories as the bond progresses past the first and second oath). So, Timbre wasn't just hiding near sources of investiture, she was doing so in the Physical Realm.
  22. If you check out that 2009 post in the second WOB above, you'll notice it was actually Canon before Hero of Ages was published - not that any of the characters (except possibly TLR) had any way of knowing that Preservation mucked around with the metals table (replacing Bendalloy and cadmium with the Era 1 version of Atium and Malatium) by making the Pits a focal point for the collection of Riun's power.
  23. Talenel didn't return in the Prologue, he returned in the Epilogue of WoK. Hearsay (as in what modern Rosharans beleived, but not confirmed by a Herald) was that once a Herald broke to torture, the Heralds would return "about a year" before the "Voidbringers" (which is why they had time to, as Taln says at the Kholinar Gates, "teach you casting bronze, leadership, healing and warfare"). So, a Herald returning indicated that the Desolation was a year (or less) away - and in this case it was about half-of-a-year until the Everstorm (since he returned near mid-year and the Everstorm was summoned during the weeping). Here's the closest WoB I found (where the "year" came from IIRC)
  24. Do you have that quote? I can't find it and I don't recall anything even close to that. Do you perhaps mean Ch 58 where he orders him to prison or Ch 62 where he tells him to consider it "guard duty?"
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