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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Technically, Dalinar acknowledged culpability as soon as he realized what had happened at the Rift. His alcoholism wasn't as much denial as it was avoidance (especially of letting his children know the truth); 98% the same scenario - slightly different motivation (significantly different emotional state - one doesn't feel the guilt and denies it exists - the other tries smothering the guilt because they can't feel anything else without chemical assistance).
  2. Please don't go back a year on your quotes and responses unless there is a specific unanswered item that needs to be addressed - all of these items you quoted to respond to were addressed within a page of the quote you reference. The character in question first appeared in WoR Interlude 3. Dawnshard Spoiler: Actually, I think Wyndle mentions that he wasn't nearly as mindless as Syl and Pattern were. Something about "The transition to your realm wasn't easy, even with the precautions we took." Bolded section is why I said what I said - Wyndel also experienced a mindless phase (all sapient spren do, as part of the bonding transition), we simply didn't see that portion of their developement (which likely passed quickly).
  3. Cooking (as a hobby) is entertainment, right? So, what are you cooking (with recipes if you want). Breakfast today was Sauté stuffed Crepe This afternoon I'll be making some stock for the freezer and baking some Pumpkin cookies to take to work tomorrow. Basic Crepe: Breakfast Crepe Saute Pumpkin Cookies
  4. Affirm - To Be Released (tentatively scheduled for this year, but I have not yet seen an official release date)
  5. Have you read Shadows in Flight and The Last Shadow? Do you recommend the series? Have you seen where we are trying to collect reading recommendations? They are sequels to Ender's Story from Ender's game. Here's my self-made guide to the Enderverse: TL;DR: It's all connected, but not as linearly as most series - more like the Connections for Asimov's Robots/Empire/Foundation series.
  6. You will get these answers this book. (also, you are seeing why his nickname was The Blackthorn) TotES Spoilers
  7. Well, what are you calling "an actual vampire?" Afterall, an Aswang is nothing like an Alp (and neither fit the Hollywood stereotype). But I do that that whatever that culture's perception of a Vampire is, the Returned would likely fit some loose stereotypes for that description. I'm more interested in that we know in Hallandren, people may Return for a "reason" - so I wonder if the other culture's Returned also do (or is that a feature of the Hallandren belief that makes this true).
  8. Neither Dalinar's nor Moash's actions were "acceptable;" and, to me, comparing them is pointless since the sliding scale of morality will point differently for each of us (based on background, religion, personal beleif, etc.). However, I think the main difference is: For Dalinar we saw how his guilt wrecked and nearly destroyed his life, his relationships with family and friends and his health. While he sought Shardic intervention to free him from his guilty conscience, he used that second chance to become better (and therefore "earned" his redemtion) For Moash we saw the beginnings of his guilty feelings at the end of WoR (when he removed the Bridge Four patch) and as his actions and guilty feelings began to destroy his life - he too sought Shardic intervention for his guilty conscience. However, so far he has only used that second chance to slide further down the morality scale. He hasn't yet recognized a need for redemption, much less decided to start trying to improve. Will Moash get a redemption arc? I doubt it - if only because I don't think he would let himself take that path (other than possibly a "redeption by self-sacrifce-death").
  9. Thanks everybody - posted to here. Also, how do you all think we should handle cross genre? Post the summary in both places? Post only in the primary and reference the secondary in the summary? Example: I was contemplating adding the "In Death" series (one part police procedural Thriller, one part SciFi, one part Romance), though I was avoiding adding too many items myself (since I want most content to come from the community) but the thought-exercise made me consider this question and decide to ask all y'all what you think. Edit: I also added a couple of "chronologies" (Malazan, Iron Druid, and In Death). Is this a "good thing"tm? I made a small tweak to your Geralt post (and also linked a source). Hope you don't mind . . . I got a bit obsessed over the Witcher playing Witcher 1 and 2 when deployed to Afghanistan a decade ago (well 2011/12 ~ish - shortly after Assassins of Kings released) Tangent: @Cruciatus_heart, @Hoiditthroughthegrapevine, and @Zurvanite, I hope you don't mind me quoting your posts from Best Books, since I guessed you were recommending them there (You had descriptions, not just a list). Feel free to recommend more below.
  10. Well, to follow up on @Voidwatcher, my reading recommendations can work for a reread, but are primarily intended for new readers (to avoid spoilers). Every time I do a complete Cosmere reread, I switch up the order (to help find new things I missed before - like this (linked post is inside the TotES spoiler area)). My most recent entire read-through was in preparation for TLM: Hope that helps
  11. Well, to be fair they were not at the time f their stories. We don;t yet know why they became worldhoppers sometime after their primary story concluded.
  12. Thank you very much - I'm not so worried about the bullets as I am the information included. I guess I should have been more specific about that (bullets are easy to add, I'm trying to avoid needing to look up a ton of info for every "recommendation"). I'm sorry
  13. If you have a device for eBooks, you can see if your library supports Overdrive - then use that to check out the digital version of the book(s).
  14. Non-Fiction Historical Fiction Mystery Thriller Romance MG/YA MG/YA Speculative Fiction
  15. Epic Fantasy Adventure Fantasy Fantasy Urban Fantasy Science Fiction Sci-Fan Horror
  16. I found a couple other threads similar to my idea here (2015) and here (2017); but rather than revive very old threads (and to aid in organization) I decided to start a new thread where we can collectively create a list of recommended reading. If possible, I would like entries to have this information (you can copy this format, but info trumps bullets): My plan is to Collect the entries from the thread and quote them here on page one for easy reference. Edit: I missed the Best Books thread, which is a similar (and slightly more recent) topic. Should I copy some of the items there to this resource? Thoughts, ideas, submissions (BGCs too)? Please see Index on Page 2 Index: Epic Fantasy Adventure Fantasy Fantasy Urban Fantasy Science Fiction Sci-Fan Horror Non-Fiction Historical Fiction Mystery Thriller Romance MG/YA MG/YA Speculative Fiction
  17. If you don;t yet have WoA, HoA or AoL; do you have any of the other Cosmere works? You could easily read Warbreaker, Elantris or Emperor's Soul (which is in Arcanum Unbounded if you have that for Edgedancer) while you wait to get the rest of the Mistborn books.
  18. I don;t know if you have yet read any other works in the Cosmere, but if you planned to read more than just Mistborn, you may want to check out some of the many reading order threads, like this one. I would not recommend you move on to Shadows of Self until you get a chance to read Well of Ascension and Hero of Ages to finish the first trilogy.
  19. Most of this is explained over the course of books two and three. Just as the characters (like Vin) didn't really understand what happened there either, you aren't supposed to "get it" yet. (minor Spoilers)
  20. Based on this summary and our theorizing, my current head-canon (pending new information) looks a bit like this:
  21. Concur - very true. But I was not alluding that Humans settled all of non-Shin Roshar within a generation (and we have no indications that the early "desolations" were continent-wide either). I mean that, to me, I would have expected humans to start crossing the mountains to "find new frontiers to settle" within a few decades of arrival. We only "know" that the desolations involved all of humanity - but if all the humans were within, say, 50 miles of the land granted to them (whatever the size of that was - probably not the same borders as "modern" Shinovar) then the first desolation could very well have been the same "scale" as an Alethi-Herdaz border skirmish. This would also explain the Eila Stele - survivors from the Singer "tribe" that first warred with humans leaving their assigned territory wrote it as a warrning to other tribes of Singers across the continent. Then, with each Desolation, the Humans had taken more area (and lost more tech) until eventually humanity had covered the continent. It may also explain the strata in Urithiru if the tower was a singer construction - even the Oathgates could have been in place before humanity covered Roshar.
  22. Here are my notes from the many reading order threads. They may help you refine your concept. After the first few, I think it is more important what not to read before something else (e.g. don't read Secret History before Bands of Mourning) than it is to follow some ideal reading order. Taste is subjective, and I think as long as a new reader (that is worried about "spoilers") knows what to save for later to avoid them, then your reading order (and many others) will all work just fine.
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