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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. The Green Aviar belongs to Mraize, the Red one belonged to the unnamed likely-Terris likely-worldhopper that Mraize killed. RoW Spoilers:
  2. My first response to your original post: If you click the link, it takes you to a thread where another person asked about the reading order for Sanderson's Cosmere. You will find my personal recommendations there along with a number of other (sometimes conflicting) viewpoints. There's no wrong way to enjoy the Cosmere, but there are a number of right ways. . . and we all love the share our personal preferences! RIght @alder24?
  3. I can understand how this feels a bit like Dues Ex Machinae when you don't understand (slight spoilers): Well, I posted a Cosmere reading list before in this post, If you are looking for something that is not by Sanderson, then may I suggest: Hero of Ages is till worth a try. It would be like not seeing Return of the Jedi because you didn't like the end of Empire Strikes Back. If you use the "@" sign, you can "mention" a person and they will get a notification. Example @IEarthan (just start spelling their name and a list will pop up showing you options).
  4. Welcome to the Forums. I'm guessing you mean Well of Ascension (Mistborn book 2) even though this is in the Cosmere Discussion area (which allows spoilers). If possible, would you please share what books you have read so that we can avoid spoilers for things you have not yet read? Mistborn: The Final Empire, and Well of Ascension seem to be confirmed - but what about Warbreaker, Elantris, Stormlight Archive, Short stories and Novellas? You can find some reading order advice in this thread if you have not yet read anything else. Also, that yellow font is nearly illegible (I'm guessing it would show better in Dark Mode), so you may want to change that or avoid it in the future. If you are not familiar with the tools available to you on this style of forum, this may help: Hero of Ages is a great book, and I hope you continue on to read it (even if you want to slap some characters now-and-again). The events of Hero of Ages will have impact far beyond just that story though, which is probably why Sanderson wrote the endings he did. Well, when you watch a Mistborn fly an incomprehensible distance (remember the kings don't know of Duralumin yet - what she did should have been impossible for anybody but the Lord Ruler (aka TLR)) and cut both a horse and rider (Straff and his mount) front-to back (not across the waist - which is much smaller cross-section, and therefore easier) and she tells you "submit or die" (while controlling the army of Koloss you saw rampaging yesterday, another feat of which only TLR should be capable); then I would guess bending the knee becomes an easy decision.
  5. The in-world science is likely to be similar to how Redshift is averted with time bubbles - when time is sped up extra energy is converted to investiture rather than radiation (preventing redshift) and when time slows, extra investiture is converted to energy (preventing blueshift). I would guess that for F-Iron: At least that's my 20yen
  6. You can tell what kind of day it's been since I misread this thread title as "Squid fight"
  7. Well, from the "Crown Pairing" quote that at least one set of the rules is about two colors landing either in the same section (or possibly touching/hit - such as in cornhole when you can use one bag to "push" another off the ramp). So something about Lightsong's Orange Ball throw made the "Crown Pairing" with Weatherlove's blue ball Which may also imply that each 2 color combination has a name "X paring" and an effect (such as Lightsong's Crown pairing reversing the turn order).
  8. Click Edit on the first post, and you should also be able to edit the thread title (which shows above the post content on the edit).
  9. Welcome to the Forums. Did you mean Rhythm of War or Words of Radiance? Did you realize that TLM is, at least,8 years or so after the events of Rhythm of War? You could always make one. Probably the best anybody could do is make a list of worldhoppers and their last appearance, I don't think we have much off screen data for any of them. For example: Khriss and Nazh Before RoW: Last seen on Roshar at the Warcamps during Words of Radiance Before TLM: Last seen on Scadrial in New Saren during Bands of Mourning Baon Last seen on Roshar in the Purelake during Way of Kings etc. If you (or others) come up with a list, I can probably participate or QC it; otherwise, maybe I'll have time to work on a project like this over the weekend.
  10. "Rules" is misspelled in the Thread Title. Have you already read Stormlight Archive? (Spoilers)
  11. Events in RoW will shed more light on both this and the Nightblood questions.
  12. Your linked WoB (excerpt): I would not take "Yeah. Mmhmm" to be the same as Yes. It could be "close" or "I'm not sure that the physics you are referencing is the same as what I am thinking of" - after all, that's one reason Sanderson redirects hard physics questions to Peter. . . That said - Wikipedia brief summary: Wikipedia References: Higgs Boson - Scalar Field - Higgs Mechanism Extremely brief simplified summary: Basically, in the 50s and 60s researchers working in Particle Physics were noticing things that were not fully explained by the theories at the time. In trying to explain these interactions Higgs' team (and other independent, unrelated teams) theorized the existence of a Higgs Field (like the Gravitational field of space-time - existing in some capacity everywhere) and a Higgs Boson (particle) that would interact with the field and with other particles. The effects of the Interaction between a particle and the Higgs field (via the Higgs Boson) would allow particles to acquire mass. After decades of theories and experiments, the existence of the Higgs Bosun was proven in 2012: (Wikipedia) Hope that helps. If not, maybe one of the true scientist types around here can fix anything I got wrong and/or explain it better (but this is very deep physics - its fine to say "they have an explanation" and carry on) PS: The book Flash Forward (Robert J. Sawyer) involves an event with a team that is working at the LHC trying to find the Higgs Boson. The (short-lived) TV Show derived from the book removes all of that part of the story. The book is good readin' (weird, but good).
  13. But also note that they did not use AonDor in Secret History - just Aonic Fabrials Tress and SA Spoilers
  14. Keep in mind that Vasher had centuries to develop the bond with Nightblood (not to mention being part of his Awakening). WoB It likely takes time for Nightblood to both know and assimilate information on the person carrying the sword. Combine that with the relative lack of scenes from Szeth's POV since he received the sword and there is much less opportunity to "hear" Nigthblood's remarks. (Warbreaker Spoilers)
  15. @Underwater_Worldhopper, @Quantus, @offer - please spoiler tag your posts (this is the Mistborn forum, not Cosmere Discussion) or we can ask a Mod to move the thread. . . Also note that during Secret history (SH Ch 5-2 - Elantris Spoilers):
  16. It would really be ice to get some data on the Ashyn refugees. Even something like "tens of thousands" or "less than a million." I had the impression that Ashyn was 70-80% population lost and about half of the survivors emigrated (escaped) to Roshar. But even 10% of the planet's population would be significant numbers (also dependent on Ashyn's tech level at the time of the devastation; 10% of Earth's population in 1000 and 2000 are very different numbers) Yeah, I was not expecting it to be Peru-sized (wiki: Peru has a total land area of 1,379,999 km2 and a total water area of 5,000 km2) and they are also probably similar in Habitable land (both have lots of tall mountains in the East). Until we get more data, conjecture is fairly moot. Maybe I'm just too cynical to think it would take more than few decades for Humanity to pull a Dalinar (OB Ch 19)
  17. Well, technically assistant instructor while I was stationed at Kadena (Okinawa, Japan). I've studied a few arts off-and-on since 1983; but, in this case, I was taking classes in Tai Chi and Kung Fu on-base, and as classes grew I was asked to help lead class and teach the newer students so the Sifu could focus on the more advanced students. Just be careful, there is an awful lot of bad information out there too. I'll update when I am at home. Trivia:
  18. I knew that we had the spike metals, but I hadn't realized it was confirmed which human attriute was taken with each type of spike. Thank you. Pretty sure they were based on the Acupuncture Meridians (though I don't think that has been confirmed). When I was teaching martial arts, I used The Main Meridians book as my reference for myself and students to discuss pressure points, health applications and martial applications. It's rather in-depth (maybe too much for a new student) and quite comprehensive. Expensive, but a good resource if you like that kind of thing.
  19. @Frustration and @alder24 said it better, so I will just add that this was foreshadowed back in WoR Interlude 14:
  20. Well, on a 0.7 cosmere standard diameter planet, is one country really large enough to hold a significant portion of the population of a planet? Even if Ashyn had experienced >70% death from <whatever happened> (comparable to those killed in HoA by Ruin's antics), I can guess that 30% the population of (for example) Asia wouldn't fit on Madagascar (possibly comparably sized country - by eyeball not math). Also we don't know how many different peoples and cultures were among the refugees - which would increase the natural inclination to "spread out." ("<Nationality/Culture> destroyed our planet - I'm moving over the mountains to get away from those crazy people")
  21. Champions are something a bit different. As for the Nine Shadows (Unmade) you've already seen some (such as the "midnight essence" from Dalinar's Vision in WoK's ch 19) and seen references (such as the epigraphs in WoR Chs 34 and 81). You will learn more about them in this book. Especially Palona's quote:
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