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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Certainly (Mistborn, Elantris) Mistborn
  2. I don't mind Raoden, but I really liked Galladon (and wished we had more from his PoV). And I agree with his assessment - I can be friends with an optimist; but it certainly becomes exhausting sometimes.
  3. I don't think we actually know it is empty - only that he does not derive Metallic abilities from it. Koloss Spikes are charged with only human attributes. We don;t know for sure what charge is help by a Kandra Blessing (possibly just a human charge - no Allomancy or Ferchemy). Kell's spike almost has to be Hemalurgically charged, we just don't know what charge that may be.
  4. Draft 3 of The Cosmere Guide is complete - now with Sanderson's Laws essays added to the end. PM if you want to beta-read for errors (or want any of the xml/css code).
  5. Please try to avoid double-posting. Some tools you may not be aware of that may help:
  6. I think that in at least some of these cases, we (the fans) are using the wrong terminology (we are calling something a resonance, that is something similar, but different). For example, in this WoB: We learn that some of the abilities attributed to the orders are derived from the interactions of their two surges; but some are not (specifically mentioned - Windrunner Squires). And in this WoB: We learn that a Resonance is specifically an "interaction between two different powers." Which tells me that, theoretically, a Reverse Lashing is the Resonance of Adhesion + Gravitation; while the Windrunner Squire perk isn't a true Resonance - but is a function of the order of Windrunners (also specifically not seen in Jezrien or Szeth through the Honorblade). How that relates to Shallan and Lightweavers is up for debate, since we also saw her meld Illumination and Transformation into illusions that could be "touched" during the battle of Thaylen Field; but we also knwo the Mnemonic ability and the emotional influence ability play into the order of Lightweavers somehow.
  7. From the Coppermind: From the Epigraph to WoR Ch 49: WoBs: So, the mnemonic ability is tied to the Order of Lightweavers, may be a Resonance (but not one that all Lightweavers experience) but Sanderson did not use that term in the WoBs and the epigraph confirms that not all lightweavers experienced that effect. Sanderson also said that the emotional effct is a part of the Lightweavers, and also failed to use the word resonance when describing it. (R0W Spoilers)
  8. Navani first "hears" the tones by vibration transference (the same reason you can "hear" your stomach growl - which is an intestinal vibration transferred to the cochlear bones through your skeleton), first by touching Raboniel as she hums the tones, then by touching spheres with the appropriate Light. Eventually, she develops a Connection to the Light and tones, which culminate in actually hearing the tones when bonding the Sibling - which is why I said above that hearing Tones is SR via Connection - not based on an organ hearing a PR noise.
  9. We are both avoiding those spoilers (Amira in general, and I avoid all unpublished spoilers). You've already said too much (IMO).
  10. Thank you. Sadeas definitely counts - at least I know I don't like him more dead than alive. It will be interesting to see how that list changes after Oathbringer. Slight spoiler - anticipatory: Very different humor preferences. From my SP2 "reaction" post (spoiler free): Yeah, there was so much that happened that night - probably why Sanderson decided we needed to see it five times from five different viewpoints. Shouldn't that make him part of your top three? <grin> If you think he sounded bad here, (minor spoilers of tone, not content)
  11. It's been postulated that what an Allomancer is "seeing" is really their Connection to nearby metals through their abilities. Here's the WoB discussing it: Also, the ability to see more than a single line to the "center" of an object is partly a learned skill, partly Intent. As Scadrians come to understand more of scientific theory, they may find more uses and interactions. WoB:
  12. Do you move the notes to the end of the file, then uselinks to move to/from the footnotes "annotation?" Here's an example of what I mean from my edits to Dresden Files: I was unaware of that setting (and still am, to an extent, since I can't seem to find it) but I move "hidden" covers to the start of the book, use "set as cover" and add it to the Table of Contents - which is probably a more convoluted method to get the same effect. Yeah, I usually delete those pages. I often don't keep any Contents page, since the ToC feature does it better. I usually only keep them when there are nonlinear elements (like Illustration index, or the Annotations in Warbreaker).
  13. Sure. You don't need to finish Elantris before either Emperor's Soul or White Sand - but it should probably come before The Lost Metal or Rhythm of War.
  14. Sanderson is aware, and events in RoW will help level the field. But you have to get there. I too found reading Oathbringer difficult (and it remains my least favorite SA book - mostly due to Shallan's arc). If you can get to Ch 114, it picks up considerably (with a huge climax) - but even the chapters right before that pick up (starting around Ch 102 for me). And watch for a Worldhopper in the flashbacks.
  15. There isn't much spoilery there and most of the connections go the other way (reading White Sand first helps find connections in some books you have, and many books you have not yet read). I outlined my thoughts on the entire Cosmere reading order in this post; but to answer this specific question I would say read Emperor's Soul then White Sand - either now or after you finish the Well of Ascension and Hero of Ages. Really, the only caveats I recommend for White Sand are: Read after Emperor's Soul (which may not apply to you since you have already read many other books and I recommend that early because it does such a good job explaining the Realms, and is a quick-reading Novella) Read before Bands of Morning, Tress, and Rhythm of War. It really comes down to your personal preferences. The Prose White Sand is not Canon and many things were changed for the Graphic Novel (which is Canon). I read them both, Graphic Novel first, then the Prose version. I've heard good things about the Audiobook, but I hate audiobooks and have never listened to that version, so I can't weigh in on it.
  16. I found a thread about the Cover Gallery, but it was from 2016, so I decided to start a new thread. In the Stormlight Archive Cover Galleries, is there a plan to add the Endpage images? I also found this page, but it only has a text transcription, not the images of the back covers. Thank you for your time and have a great day.
  17. That might apply when they are Seeking a Bronze Pulse (such as when Vin was hiding on the spires of Kredik Shaw).
  18. I think the wording on that WoB Question is awkward: And, honestly, I can't find the passage they may be referencing. The closest I came to Kaladin seeing "Selay" in the storm-visions is this sentance in WoR Ch 32: The Selay peoples are descendants of the Sela Tales Silver Kingdom - what is currently the Pure Lake/Marabethia region. In the first Vision he saw Sesamalex Dar, but in neither vision did he focus on people (other than Szeth in the Tower) like Dalinar did in the RoW Storm Vision.
  19. I'm not sure that a splinter group with few to no living members would count as a separate group I'm also not sure that merchants in Shadesmar would count as a secret society on Roshar's Physical Realm. It doesn't disprove it either, but there is still no evidence of them in the PR as yet, so i hesitate to classify it as one of the nine. What makes you think they were founded on Roshar (Mistborn Spoilers) Wasn't that the Sons of Honor trying to return the Desolations (via the Terriswoman working with Galavar on his journies to the Listeners).
  20. You mean this quote (RoW Ch 17)? As far as I can tell, there haven;t been any WoBs on that tidbit; it seems to be foreshadowing for book 5.
  21. Aren't they related to the Sons of Honor? WoB: Would they be counted separately then?
  22. For those that may be unaware, you might find the Altered Perceptions (Coppermind and Sanderson.com links) Anthology interesting. I posted about it in this post and included excerpts from the Forward, ToC, Introduction and Brandon's Essay. The contribution from Sanderson was chapters from Way of Kings Prime (years before the Kickstarter that released the full version), but the real gems of this anthology are the personal essays from each contributor (and the fact that proceeds go to mental health charities). Excerpt of an excerpt (so you know if you want to follow any of those links to learn more): Personal note:
  23. It's a skill called Cold Reading (wiki article) that now-a-days uses all kinds of modern psychology terms like "micro-expressions;" but has been used by people for centuries or millennia. If you watch the Leverage Episode season 2 episode 13 "The Future Job," Hutton's character Nate does a great job of explaining how it works when reviewing a video of Parker (Beth Riesgraf's character). Which is also why Breeze said it takes considerable practice and skill beyond the Allomancy itself.
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