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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Have you finished The Final Empire? (Spoilers for TFE):
  2. Probably. The Heightening is described as resistance to poisons, bacteria, etc. I doubt it would do anything to protect against starvation or dehydration. From the Ars Arcanum:
  3. Also note that Bronze pulses do have an apparant source, so a skilled Seeker will be able to determine direction (or if two people are in sight, determine which pulse comes from which person). Demonstrated in Ch 20 of TFE:
  4. Short answer - yes. If you have read the first book of the first series (Mistborn: The Final Empire - a.k.a. TFE) the best explanation comes from Breeze in Ch 10: Though you will get more insight as the trilogy progresses. Hope that helps.
  5. Not that I have found, and Scadrial wasn't the only Shard created planet (or, at least, it's been implied that Autonomy created Taldain). Malata was at Urithiru. Oathbringer Ch 120: Of course, she was probably working with the Honorblade thief to let the Singers in to attack from Kholinar. And they didn't expect Teft to earn his blade and ride to the rescue.
  6. You mean this quote? (Oathbringer Ch 121) I think the key is the bolded section. Were there humans following Odium in the refugees? Probably. Was Odium, as a Shard, invested in Ashyn? Doubtful. Rayse's MO was to Splinter his rivals and move on without investing anywhere - and he didn't invest in the Roshar system until Honor trapped him there and he had no choice. It's more likely he manipulated in secret to cause the devastation on Ashyn, followed to Roshar, got trapped, then made the deal with the Singers to create the Fused for their battles (investing in Braize to do so). It's also likely that his appearance after following the refugees into what is now Shinovar, would have had the Singers make "the logical connection" to call him Humanity's (former) God - even if he had never invested in Ashyn or the humans there. There is no mention of them needing a Dawnshard in any of the WoBs about them creating Scadrial and the Humans on it (to mimic the humans from Yolen)
  7. Also, when was the last time any society completely abided by the decisions of its leaders? This assumes that all Singers agreed to allowing the humans to occupy the space West of the mountains (without skirmishing over "lost land") or that all human refugees followed the "agreement" to stay west of the mountains. Even just looking at the last century, if Israel, South Sudan, Kashmir, etc. are any indications, it takes only years or decades for fighting to erupt over any "agreement" made by leaders in territorial matters. I always thought that the first generation born on Roshar would have started expanding past the mountains once they came of age - "no matter what our leaders and elders say." So, 20ish years. . .
  8. Welcome to the Forums, please take a moment to get acquainted. Do you mean the Cymatics (as explained by Kabsal in WoK to Shallan about the Dawn Cities)? Also please let us know what you have (or have not) read in case spoilers become a factor later in the thread. All he has said about the Shattered Plains can be found in the WoBs found here.
  9. We don't know the origins of the humans on Ashyn, all we have so far is (WoB): So, they may have been created there by Adonalsium when the system was created, they may have migrated there pre-Shattering, or they may have migrated there post-Shattering. Personally, I agree with @Frustration in that I think they migrated from Yolen; but I think they migrated from Yolen to Ashyn pre-Shattering.
  10. I think it's possible that Kelsier told Spook of the Ire (people from other lands existing between worlds and coming to Scadrial) but I doubt he would have said anything about Hoid for two reasons: Back then he only knew Hoid as "Drifter," and as far as he knew Drifter was still in Fadrex when it fell and died there or during the remaking of the world. If Hoid had become known through the Words of Founding, we should have seem some of that in the interactions between Hoid and Wax/Wayne.
  11. Yeah. I posted a new theory there in March, and it's had a few views, but no replies in the six weeks it's been posted. Keep in mind that is also about Mistwraiths in Era 1, we still don't know what exactly (if anything) Sazed did to/with them during the Catacendre; just like we still don't know exactly how Blessing spikes differ from normal Hemalurgic spikes.
  12. There are two possible assumptions in that spoilered synopsis It doesn't answer everything, but it does help identify questions to be considered and pursued.
  13. But also remember that in the annotation to the epilogue, Sanderson says: Which makes me think it's less of a "Vo's descendant" thing and more of a "mortal born with Divine Breath (fragment)" thing. Throughout the story it also seems clear that the Returned in the Court of the Gods could change their appearance much more than the unconscious changes they currently experience if they ever realized it was possible and started working at the ability.
  14. Here's the WoB: For this one, at least, it is linked from the Coppermind Entry:
  15. I'm doing something similar, in that the official Warbreaker eBook has the annotations already. Inspired by that, it's my goal to have a version of Era 1, Elantris, and Emperor's Soul with the annotations and deleted scene's added (Elantris Glossary and Deleted Scenes complete). I also remove most of the Chaff, and I created my own "Also by Author" Cosmere list that I exported and import into each Cosmere book (so they all match and are all up-to-date). May I ask if you did this with in-line code or by altering the CSS for the class used on the text? I'm not sure what you mean by "cover picture linear;" but if you mean setting it to not overflow and always show the full image in both portrait and landscape modes, then I also make that change.
  16. I get the feeling that @Argenti is trying to distill one application of the Shard's Intent; however, Shard's intent affects all aspects of how they interact with Spiritual, Cognitive and Physical Realms. Examples (Endowment):
  17. Don't forget that these WoBs and annotations are both before Sanderson disclosed sDNA; he may have been talking around concepts we didn't know at the time.
  18. Define "Royal Locks." Define "lineage." There are two possible reasons for the Royal Locks: Any child of a Returned would have the ability to change their appearance due to their fragment of a divine breath - but while that is the origin of the "Royal Locks" (RL) the RL have a component of Intent and Connection attached (as expressed in the Idrian Lineage) The RL are a specific expression of the descendants of Vo because they are the fragment of Divine Breath, as altered by Intent and Connection; therefore only this lineage can specifically express this version of that investiture. Maybe. It's (deliberately) unclear if the Royal Locks are because of Vo's Lineage or because that lineage happens to be children of Returned (and therefore any child of a returned will be able to use the fragment of divine breath they possess to change their appearance). WoBs:
  19. I don't think it is confirmed as "resonance" but it is certainly described like a resonance. WoB: You also see this with Shallan. Not just her interactions with Kal (reminding him of how Tien made him feel better) but with her interactions with the deserters in WoR (who become her squires). WoR Ch 30:
  20. So, if I am following your thought train, you see Adhesion as adding pressure to <situation> and Abrasion as reducing/removing pressure to <situation>?
  21. I strongly doubt this, personally, since that seems to cross the line from Slick to Stick and would move into the realm Adhesion. Both create a field of Stormlight Investiture between two objects, but causes them to Bind more and the other to Bind less. I think this is going to be a fundamental magic system split similar to Iron vs Steel in Allomancy. I can very well see your version as possible. I meant that friction, by definition, involves movement (where Adhesion is specifically stationary). So, I'm basing my guess on two things: The official description says "Abrasion can be manipulated to alter the frictional force between two surfaces." Lift's climbing ability is described as being able to touch Wyndel, but when you examine the scenes, not every hand and foothold is really on Wyndel. It is likely she is (unconciously) increasing the friction to help her climb. It's certainly not decisive, and could really go either way; but I see no reason why somebody using the Surge of Abrasion couldn't increase "frictional force" to some extent with the proper Intent.
  22. Welcome to the forums. That's exactly the skill that Lift is having trouble mastering. Abrasion is frictionless in all directions, but a key component to moving the way we say in Oathbringer is that that the Surgebinder can selectively decide what to slick. The part that Lift has not yet realized is that the Surgebinder would need to momentarily "unslick" a small section of the foot while pushing off with that foot. More like using a toe pick on figure skates to add friction and change movement. And, while we have not yet seen it in-book yet, Abrasion should (in theory) also be able to add friction. So, using it to move is as much a practiced skill as Kaladin's attempts to learn to wall-walk in Words of Radiance. From the Coppermind (linked above):
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