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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Welcome to the forums. Also, please let us know if you have only read Stormlight Archive or if there is any Cosmere items you have not yet read (so we can avoid spoilers). I'll try to be as generic in my answer as possible. In case you are also new to this type of interface, here are some tools of which you might want to be aware: No. It's not the method of corruption that matters. Color is important to Realmatics, but not always in the same way (e.g. Color in Warbreaker is not quite the same as how Radiant Orders each have a different color glow based on their order's aligned Gem). As far as Colors in Investiture, the color is based on the intent of the Shard with whom the Investiture is aligned (Ref: Mistborn Era 1). Investiture that shows Red simply means that it has been changed in some why from it's original intent/alignment. We've already seen different methods of corruption result in the same Red Investiture signature (Spoilers for Emperor's Soul, Mistborn Era 1) WoB: So, it's not the mechanics of the change/corruption so much as when any source of investiture (Spiritweb, Raw Investiture, Fabrial, etc) that has been changed displays the property of turning Red (regardless of method or mechanic used to invoke the corruption).
  2. That is, presumably, something we won't find out until the back half when we finally get either Taln's or Ash's flashbacks (which will likely include some of their time on Ashyn before the emigration).
  3. ^This^ It's Sanderson being a tricksy Hobbitses with his grammar and punctuation to let this foreshadowing be misleading the first book (until you get other information in book three, look back and go "oh, I see.") Here's the passage from chapter 75: He purposely left out the quote quotes so the phrase can be misread (because Dalinar is hearing this, not reading it - and Dalinar misunderstood. . . unreliable narrator at play). So, technically it should be: The whole "title" is Tanavast quoting what the Humans call him (not what he "is"). As far as who is the god of whom - this is what we "know" so far:
  4. There's not a whole lot of context for this yet, but since Elantris shows "linked Aons" as well as "Aon Modifiers" I think there are a couple possible outcomes. (it would also depend on if the first Aon was already "activated" and drawing upon the Dor or not) The First Aon is "activated" and creating an effect that does not affect the drawn Aon[1]. The Second Aon may be possible in the same physical medium as long as it is an unrelated affect or is "linked" to the first Aon. The First Aon is "activated" and creating an effect that does affect the drawn Aon. Since the first Aon will have "changed"[2], the medium is likely now "empty" as far as the Second Aon is concerned." The First Aon is not "complete" or activated. The second Aon would likely interfere because it would be like "extra" or "incorrect" lines in the first Aon, causing it to be invalidated 1: A longer-lasting effect (like Ashe) would produce a continuous effect until "turned off. Elantris Ch 7, 55 2: However, some Aon effects warp and change the drawn Aon when creating the effect. Elantris Ch 49
  5. I think weird is one thing, and Lift is something else. Where some readers see "eccentric," others just see "annoying" (Lift Spoilers): I'm like that with most main-stream humor - I dislike 95% of the movies with Adam Sandler, Will Farrell, etc. I don't find them funny at all - just annoying. That said, didn't really dislike Lift when she was introduced in the interlude; and I liked her a bit more after reading Edgedancer. By the end of RoW my dislike has mostly faded, but she's still not in the upper range of favorite Rosharan characters either. Full disclosure, Lift is still more mature than some of the people I'd met while in the military.
  6. I'm sure there are worse things that could happen in the SA series, but I can't think of any off of the top of my head. I also cannot understand why people find it so difficult to consider a loving and supporting relationship that is not sexual or romantic. Maybe Kal is the poster child for: Also, I applaud the fact that we have a main character without a "romantic interest." (slight rant)
  7. She'll meet up with them, but like everything Lift - it won't be in the usual way. Out of curiosity - as you begin Oathbringer - would you mind sharing your three top favorite and bottom three least favorite characters so far? You'll start to get these answers around Oathbringer Ch 114. As are we all, and you'll get more from him in Oathbringer (and not just in interludes). You will also start getting these answers in Oathbringer. Congrats. You'll have to keep us posted!
  8. I'm saying that inner ear bones are for the auditory sense in the physical realm. Hearing the Rhythms and Pure Tones of Roshar is a function of Connection in the Spiritual realm.
  9. Not quite accurate. The one-breath command and the development of ichor alcohol were separate (competing) "advances" during the Manywar.One by Shashara, one by Yesteel: The single-breath command allowed the users to make more lifeless cheaper. Using Ichor-alcohol allowed the users to keep their lifeless from degrading due to decay/necrosis and made it easier to fix/repair injured lifeless. After the Manywar, both techniques were adopted by Hallendren to make thier armies.
  10. When a Listener attunes a Rhythm, they are "hearing" something from the Spiritual Realm (which is why they can use it to coordinate their attacks - the SR has no time or place, so Singers attuning the same rhythm are always in time with each other even when out of visual range). In the Physical realm, they are matching the cadence of their words/humming/etc. to the rhythm they have attuned; thereby conveying their "emotion."
  11. Well, to be fair, Nale has "known" he was wrong since before he revived Szeth; he's just been doing the Heraldric equivalent of sticking his fingers in his ears and saying "la, la, la, la, I can't hear you. . . " I was hoping she was going to admit to eating his pancakes. But an awkward hug works too:
  12. May I recommend you alter your header format to be "newbie friendly" (not really newbie - just friendly to those that don't have the tables memorized). Since you seem to launch right into the analysis, having more "header" information may make these posts more friendly. Two options: Simple: Slightly more work: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As for the content: Reminds me of people (pshychologists, grifters, fortune tellers, etc.) who cold read people based on microexpressions and body language. Seems like a very good way to evaluate the emotional state of a target before you Soothe as well as to evaluate the effect(s) of your soothing. Brass is a pushing metal, not a pulling metal; unless by "tug" you just mean "non-subtle manipulation" Mastermind is nice. Would that not be "zinctongue" or "brasstongue" on Scadrial? M:SH CH 1:
  13. What's the method of randomization? Dice (maybe D20 rolled twice with extra numbers being a "reroll") or possibly an excel sheet with a random number generator (I can build one if you need it)? Some other method? The Randomness of having Tin in the first post seems. . . dubious. Are you including Era 1 Atium then? That's not a Twinborn ability, since it was removed before Twinborn were a "thing."
  14. Good points. It wasn't just "caring for young" it was the implied "nursing" (which is a mammalian trait - to nurse with milk from the mother's body) Also, I'm not trying to say they are mammals - just that we don't know enough about the biology and ecosystems to definitely say they are not mammals (by the strictest definition I quoted above from wikipedia).
  15. Should have said earlier - Welcome to the Forums. This may help: So, just edit your post to add the spoiler tag on your question (as you see done in my quote above) by highlighting that text and clicking the "spoiler" (eye) icon to put that question in a spoiler tag. Add a text above it saying "spoilers for Oathbringer."
  16. We don't know that none of the other fauna would be considered mammals. For example, in the WoR Flashback scenes with Balat's axehound pups, it's implied that axehounds may be mammals from the way they raise their young. It may just be that mammals had a divergent evolution leading to a carapace and gemhearts and many species like the Whitespine may, technically, be mammalian (by the scientific sense). Due to events in Oathbringer? Spoiler tags might be desireable.
  17. From the very beginning Wayne was shown to be a connoisseur of accent (very Professor Higgens*) and expert of the blue collar class. Both the way he adopted accents (such as impersonating a Connor in AoL) and analyzes them (such as questioning the Vanisher youth in jail - and adapting to the octant/dockworker background he heard in this voice) was established early. Finally, in TLM, that was integrated into the character arc (spoilers): *Note:
  18. Skin and Carapace aren't really deciding factors. From Wikipedia: Animal - Check Vertebrate - Check presence of milk-producing mammary glands for feeding their young - Check a neocortex region of the brain - Presumably, based on neocortex function: higher-order brain functions such as sensory perception, cognition, generation of motor commands, spatial reasoning and language. - Check fur or hair - Check (~ish. In, at least some forms, this is minimal or vestigal) three middle ear bones This is the unknown and I would not be surprised to find they have an even more developed auditory structure or that the classification of Mammalia for the Cosmere changes this to just "ossicle based auditory structures" So, I conclude we can reasonably call them mammals - or an expanded Cosmere Mammalian equivalent.
  19. It was only implied when he appeared in Way of Kings Interlude 5, not explicitly stated: By the way, you also saw his "possibly mythological" captivityspren - back in WoR Ch 62: You'll learn more about Arclo's race as this series progresses. I don't want to say too much unless you ask. But I will note this: you remember how he shows up in the chapter - the cremlings coming together? Consider other times you may have seen a random/suspicious cremling. . . such as (WoR Epilogue):
  20. Not at all. The story is a different continent in a region unrelated to the setting for Elantris. There are a few terms that were also in Elantris (like country names) but that's the extent of it.
  21. This Thread has alot of good information on a similar topic, and I'll just quote the relevant section of my post there. So, to summarize and make sure I am on the right track; your completed books are: Way of Kings Words of Radiance Edgedancer Oathbringer Dawnshard (only half) Rhythm of War Mistborn: The Final Empire Well of Ascension Hero of Ages Alloy of Law Shadows of Self I would suggest you move to: Emperor's Soul - great, simple intro to Realmatics as seen in SA so far so it may explain things you want to know more about. Also, it is a quick Novella. Warbreaker - Connections to Words of Radiance and Oathbringer that @Quantus mentioned Bands of Mourning Mistborn Secret History (finish) Rhythm of War <other works as you desire> Here's the relevant section of my other post, in case it helps:
  22. Welcome to the Forums. Nice math! Also, we don't yet have a standard Investiture Unit of measure, but know that burned metal is pulling Investiture from the spiritual realm and the Investiture is what is converting into Kinetic Energy. It doesn't really effect your equations except for a possible added step where you would be converting bMt to IUs - but since they are equivalent it's not much of a factor at this point. Edit the post Click inside the quote Hover over the header and look for the 4-way arrow icon in the upper left click that and press Delete Also, some other "forumisms" that may not be familiar to you:
  23. I don't think we have a definitive answer to this. We do know that color is important in the Cosmere. and that Red can be a signal for corrupted investiture (red eyes, red smoke from a Soulstamp on a person, etc.) so there is probably a realmatic reason for the (possible) Connection showing as blue. Maybe it's because you are viewing Connection through the Cognitive (as opposed to what I posted here about what I though the metal lines were and how they resemble something seen in Rhythm of War)?
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