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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Doubtful. Savantism is not just a large quantity of investiture - but large amounts of investiture over time. It took Spook a year of flaring Tin every day to cross that threshold. Also, in Marasi's specific case, she wasn't even channeling the power into Cadmium bubbles (TLM Ch 64): So, while she was channeling the investiture through her Allomancy, she was charging the grenades, not actively "Pulsing." While it's possible that some of the Mistings were "damaged" in trying to use that amount of investiture, it's unlikely that they would cross the threshold into true Savantism. WoBs:
  2. I did assign one - I've spent the last hour going through your message history from your profile and found no common theme to narrow the focus over the five pages of threads you started. So, like Cromat - it seemed like a bit of everything thrown-in. Though, to be fair, if I had to design a card it might be something like this: Where Color Identity on the battlefield is determined by the color(s) spent to cast it.
  3. Thanks. I think. Though my accuracy is obviously inflated by an order of magnitude - I do enjoy finding WoBs and book quotes to both support or refute questions and theories. And since you asked for submissions: @Koloss17: The WUBRG Phyrexian mana asker-of-questions who frequently both taps and stores common sense in F-Tin.
  4. This made me grin I have the eBooks, as well as the physical books. I use Calibre (freeware) to manage my digital library, so I can also open the eBooks on my computer (and search them easily). Also, I'm a bit . . . obsessive about my eBooks and like to tweak them, if needed (see Project Thread here - be advised there is one spoiler in that thread, but it is spoiler tagged). The Sanderson books don't tend to have as many "issues" as many others; but, for example, the Mistborn Trilogy Omnibus eBook was obviously a rush job (see below if you care).
  5. I'm pretty sure this is a case where the Coppermind is wrong. You'll notice that "analysis" doesn't have any attribution. It is also directly contradicted by the story: ^This^ Allomantic Strength is a combination of lineage (closeness to "Lerasium" level power), multiplicative factors (Allomancy enhanced with matching Hemalurgy like Vin's Bronze - or - multiple Hemalurgy sources such as all Inquisitors having at least doubles A-Steel from the paired eye spikes [and possibly more if they were a Misting/Mistborn with A-Steel before being spiked]) and distance (steel/iron lines are thicker for larger sources and because the rule of force/distance you can push or pull on them from farther away but at the "zenith" the force is balanced and you neither move nor fall - as seen in TFE when Vin is learning to push at Luthadel's wall). So, when you push your "Allomantic strength" is the amount of force generated and the laws of physics (weight) determine what moves, how much and how quickly.
  6. Well, you are "experiencing" two at once. It doesn't seem voluntary to feel and think both sets of thoughts, especially the "evaluation" of each other.
  7. Note: I'm fairly certain you only get one Gold Shadow (at least at normal burn - we saw flared Malatium show something else so Flared or Duralumin Gold may do the same). It's easy to miss/mistake (especially when the Malatium Shadows are similar but slightly different) but here's the relevant parts: I don't know if you could exercise a skill or task (especially combat) while actively burning Gold since, unlike Atium Shadows, they don't seem to be semi-transparent and there is at least some interference with your normal senses while "experiencing" the Gold Shadow. But I could see it possibly being a way to "learn" from your alternate self - especially if Intent can affect how your Gold Shadow manifests (likely thinking about the branching point you want to "explore" as you burn Gold - e. g. if Zane had burned Gold while considering what he might have been like if he killed Straff and took over the Army before marching on Luthadel - he might have been able to experience that specific branching path's Shadow)
  8. Yeah, I missed it too (from the first DuraSteelPush I was dubious - but it was later in the thread when somebody found the reference - so I edited it into the first post)
  9. You may want to check out this thread. Granted my original question was flawed (see the edit) - but it is where I collected all the references showing that strong/Duralumin steelpushes require Pewter to survive. Also, I may be misunderstanding, but it seems you think that a continual push would build up Potential Energy that is "released" when he drops his weight. I don;t think it works like that - the Steelpush is a vector (with direction and speed) and that speed adjusts with Mass because of the conservation of momentum - but any investiture spent by pushing while heavier is not likely to just "hang around" as potential energy. The investiture released by burning a metal creates an effect - then returns to the spiritual realm; it's already converted from IUs (investiture units - my generic term until we have a unit of measure) to kinetic energy to create/sustain the push and is gone as it is burned. Otherwise, a normal push would continue to accelerate after a push (if residual IUs were still converting to PE/KE after the "burn") rather than just using the remainnig momentum (as influenced by drag and gravity). I can't think of a single example that creates Potential Energy from burning Steel. IUs convert to KE as long as they are burning and only momentum continues after they stop burning.
  10. WoBs - Brandon has RAFOed all things regarding Soulbearers, so we don't really know that they could store a specific aspect of an invested art, much less how compounding or other applications would play out. All we really know is that "it's not quite the same as how Medallions use Nicrosil." Coppermind
  11. From the Coppermind: Also, keep in mind that Push Strength is less about weight than proximity:
  12. You may want to read this thread. While the OP was not specifically about a redemption arc, much of the conversation over all three pages were about that topic.
  13. I'm not sure if this is the right place for this topic (so Mods, please move if there is a better location). I've been working on tweaking my eBooks and thought it might be useful to share information if anybody else is doing the same (or considering doing so). I saw the "Pimp my Aether" thread by @Snorkel, so I know at least somebody else does some eBook editing. I figured this thread could be a way to share tricks, code, css, etc. I am using Calibre's editor to make and edit my ePubs. So far, in the Cosmere, some of my projects have been: Created a "Cosmere Guide" (PM for details) that includes a Cosmere Index, suggested reading order and short Shardworld Summary so that I can give this to friends to help them decide if they want to read some/all of the Cosmere. Extracting Short Stories and novellas so they can reside in "Series Order" e.g. Extract Allomancer Jak Story to its own ePub so my Era 2 series order can file it as book 1.5 between Alloy of Law and Shadows of Self Fixing all of the annotations links in Warbreaker It annoyed me that the links, for example, end of Ch 1 had a link to "Annotations to Ch 1" but the link to return (to Ch 1) was at the start of the annotations - if you want to proceed to Ch 2 from the end of the Ch 1 annotations you had to go to the CH 2 annotation to select the "return to Ch 2" link. Now, I have it so each title links to the Table of Contents, the end of each chapter links the annotations for that chapter and the end of each annotation has two links, one to return to the beginning of the chapter you finished and one to continue to the start of the next chapter I created what I call "The Complete Mistborn Era 1" based on my Secret History Integration thread. What I did was: Merged the "Eleventh Metal" story into the "Mistborn Trilogy Omnibus" ePub and placed it first Extracted M:SH and placed the individual chapters where the referenced thread discusses they belong Further separated some sections from the SH chapters to place some scenes inside the appropriate original trilogy chapter (mostly in HoA - example below) The result is a single ePub that contains all of Eleventh Metal, TFE, WoA, HoA and SH - all in internal chronologic order (recommended only for re-reads, of course) Fixed the images in The Rithmatist to properly float left or right and scale on my e-reader (Kobo Forma) without overflow losing parts of images and adapting to landscape and portrait orientations Added the Deleted Scene to my copy of The Emperor's Soul Converted and fixed the word documents for White Sand (prose) and Aether of Night (as mentioned in linked thread above) into proper ePubs Example from my Secret History Integration: My current project is working on a Definitive version of Elantris. I'm integrating the "Hope of Elantris" short story into the 10th anniversary edition. Since it already had the Mad Prince scenes, I'm also adding the other deleted scenes, as well as the Elantris Glossary from the website. I'm considering trying to clean up the images in the "List of Aons" section so it displays better (possibly breaking each page-sized image into smaller images of each row - so that it reflows better with less clarity loss by shrinking such large images to fit - especially in Landscape). Also considering trying to add the Elantris Annotations (as they were in the Warbreaker eBook). Edit: I was able to break the images into groups of three so that they reflow correctly in both Portrait and Landscape on the device and don't end up so small you can't read the images. Also, in non-Cosmere land, I created an ePub of the "Year of Dresden" Microfiction (including the comic version of "Everything the Light Touches"), so I now have all of the prose Dresden Files (but not the Graphic Novels or the Audio-only) in eBook. Does anybody else tweak their personal copies of eBooks? What changes/tweaks have you made? Also, feel free to ask if you want to know how I made some of the changes.
  14. Edit: Ninja'd by King of Nowhere Here's the scene in WoR (Ch 88): Even as of Rhythm of War there isn't much known about Fabrials that can access Surges (at least partially); except Soulcasters which, if you recall from WoK, they have said "like Shardblaes and plate, these work and we have no idea why" (which is part of why they are valuable). You may also recall having seen the Regrowth Fabrial in one or more of Dalinar's Visions. WoK Ch 19: Isn't that enough to know you like learning more about a complex character that would damage his own psyche to fulfill his traditions and honor? Won't it be interesting to see how he recovers and deals with realizing he was unjustly accused?
  15. Ninja'd by Alder. Wonder where you found that. . .<grin>
  16. Well, if you have been looking at the 'double eye" graphic at the front of Way of Kings you may (or may not) have realized how the Orders and Surges overlap (very slight spoilers if you haven't) Amira started with Stormlight Archive and requests no spoilers for other Cosmere works. She did recently complete Tress with a reading group; but we are still keeping this thread as Stormlight centric as possible and spoilertag everything please. Sometimes we will answer her question with spoilers inside a spoiler tag - explain why it is tagged so she can decide if she wants to peek at the spoiler or not. For example: Spoilers for Sword-nimi's history:
  17. I can agree with that. A large part of his arc was coming to terms with how his self-esteem had been shattered, but the way that resolved before and during the climax could certainly have been handled a bit better.
  18. Copy - you are postulating on the possible interaction there. I'm using the term in the Realmatic sense, not the Roshar-only sense (WoB): So, any mechanical implementation of investiture manipulation can be called a "fabrial."
  19. Can you please expand this section? They use Silver because of the properties that allow it to "pierce" the shell around the charges. If I am undertanding you correctly, you seem to think that using Bendalloy would somehow create the Allomantic effect in a Fabrial? So far, we've been able to see links between a metal's Fabrial and Allomantic effect (e. g. A-Bronze sensing investiture pulses/Fabrial Bronze enabling a warning Fabrial to "sense" <something>); but, unless I missed something, none of the Fabrial effects are exactly like the Allomantic effect.
  20. Agree with most of the sentiment (see my reaction above); however, I would like to note: This, to me, was the most realistic part of the book. For those suffering/recovering from mental abuse and/or self-esteem issues these are the kinds of thoughts that plague us consistantly. On a good day, I may only catch myself considering myself worthless once or twice. On a bad day, at least every hour. I agree that in prose form it is repetitive and irritating, but it's also the only way to depict this in a book (it's hard to depict feeling like a failure without putting it into words in prose). Long-story-short (too late): I understand why it bothered you, but please know that it was probably intentional (and fairly accurate, at least for me).
  21. Were you aware that the first syllable of "katana" is pronounced "kah?" Tangent:
  22. Because, at least subconsciously, you've hit upon a Truth. There are many variations and possible quotes, but I like how Bernard says it in Codex Alera: Taravangian is very much the second case. He had decided his Cause, and all Means were acceptable to achive the end he decided was Right. And now he's a Shard. . .
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