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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Taravangian-as-Vessel has to follow the deal because of the constraints outlined above. But while his purpose for the Diagram and his life's work was to protect as much of humanity as possible - he's. . . expanded that idea once he is Odium's vessel (as stated in Ch 114):
  2. Well, you do see the Fused attacking the walls and Secret Spren policing the use of Fabrials in the city (while also watching for Radiants). But the Unmade don't necessarily need a physical agent to move about and set up shop* as seen with the Thrill moving from Alethkar to Jah Kaved to "help" with the civil war. We also saw that the Palace started being affected by Ashertmarn sometime between WoK Ch 22 (Navani left Kholinar) and WoR Interlude 12 (Ardent Pai's execution). Most likely his trauma is witnessing the downward spiral of his mother while also being subjected to the mental influences in the castle.
  3. I would recommend reading the Coppermind Entry on Gavinor for all known information we have so far. The Fused didn't have access to him. He was held by his mother as she was influenced by the Unmade, but was smuggled out of Kholinar by Skar's team after the attack but before the Fused had full control of the city.
  4. I know the quiz is linked above, but you can also just go to the Summaries here and read the synopses that Sanderson released for that kickstarter. E. g. Willshaper:
  5. Two stars. Not as annoying as Alcatraz, much better than Princess Bride* (novel); not as good as other MG/YA Sanderson works. I can see why others enjoyed this more than I do. I like the implications and the concept. Not a fan of the humor (I get that the guide is meant to be a poorly disguised marketing ploy, but it's so farcical that I have trouble believing it would ever actually sell their services). But, since I also am not a fan of HGttG or the AvEL - it wasn't a surprise. At least it is still a semi coherent story with the asides and guidebook excerpts removed. I also felt that the way Runion's memories came back was poorly handled** The book looks good and the artwork is great. Mervin's story in the marginalia was better to me than any of the other "guidebook" excerpts. *Note: The Princess Bride is the shining example of a movie being way better than the book. That book was nigh unreadable. **Note: For example: Ch 22 Runion is on top of a guy he's just tackled and stopped in the middle of a windup to punch the guy to get the memory-slideshow - but in the middle of memory-moment he blocks an axe, never punches the guy, gets up, has more flashbacks; then decides to fight? Compare to WoK Ch 67: It's not like I would expect full flashbacks in a work this short, but I also felt jarred that his mind is flooding with memories, but that's not impacting his ability to interact with the situation around him at all? If you open the epub for edit, you can read Mervin's tale from the Marginalia. For example, the first "page" (Marginalia for Part 1):
  6. As your quote shows, it would probably have been the Steel Inquisition that conducted the tests inthe first place. If anything, the other Cantons might not have known who among them were mistings of Gold, Aluminum, and Duralumin. Though the part about reusing old Duralumin Spikes does indicate that new Duralumin Gnat mistings were still rare, or they couldn't "harvest" them in TLR's time unless they transgressed enough to earn death anyway. Scadrial isn't just a planet (see the Khriss Essay) but more importantly, if he was still invested in Hemalurgy, then he was still invested in the Scadrian system where investing in the region caused that art to develop - even if the planet were removed. Is it possible he could have moved after the planet were gone? Maybe (espcially if he withdrew his Connection to the system) but it's also possible that he either would have been stuck without removing that Connection - or that removing that connection would have killed off Hemalurgic constructs. My point was that we just don't know enough to be sure - and certainly not enough to conclude "make Atium Compounding Hemalurgic army and take them with you" (even an army of 1)
  7. But that is not what he said. I quoted it back on page one because context was being lost. Vision Honor never says anything about Futuresight being forbidden; only "speaking of it," which can have multiple possible interpretations.
  8. As far as I can tell, there are two usages for F-Atium: as a disguise or to prolong youth, particularly with Compounding. Yet, neither seems to make sense for Ruin. He doesn’t really need disguises. And if he wanted an Inquistor to be immortal, why not his top pawn? It doesn’t add up Which got me thinking. What if those spikes were given by TLR instead? False Dichotomy. The F-Atium spike does not need to have come from Ruin or TLR (and most likely came from neither). Don't forget, most inquisitors spent all of WoA in the Terris Lands (while Marsh went to Seran, then holed up in Kredik Shaw) killing the Synod and harvesting themselves more Feruchemical abilities. This was before Ruin was released, but after TLR was killed. They gave themselves more Feruchemy. What makes you think that? The Ministry was fully aware of Augurs, Seers, and Gnats (Aluminum and Duralumin) - plenty of Obligator Gnats from which to harvest A-Duralumin. The slightly longer lives are probably due to F-Gold. Even if healing doesn't extend the lifespan significantly on its own, healing means that, unless you die by violence before you can heal, you will die of old age which is likely significantly longer than most Scadrians live, since Skaa tend to die early and nobles probably die to disease long before they would succumb to simple age. 100+ at that tech level must seem enormous if you can heal the things that might have killed a normal person at 70, 80, or 90. . . That's easy to answer. In Fadrex Ruin even states that the planet has "weeks, but not months" before he destroys it. Why would Ruin give any "tool" an expanded lifespan when the whole planet will be gone soon*?
  9. Not sure about NY, but I will recommend that you consider making appointments to include snack/drinks/lunch as far as looking for a tenant. Roommate/tenant (especially in a shared space) is very much a relationship (not romantic, and not even necessarily friendship) and should be considered in such terms. Iwould recommend either meeting at a coffeeshop/cafe first for the "interview and questions," then, if that goes well you can follow-up with the walkthrough - or - reverse than and have them see the space, then adjourn to a neutral location (coffeeshop/cafe/etc) to conduct the interview and questions. A neutral setting for the interview makes it easier for all parties to relax, and it is usually easier to identify if there will personality resonance or conflict. Avoiding significant conflict with a potential future tenant/roommate can save you a ton of future stress and problems. Sure. Do what Lift says. What could possibly go worong?
  10. It's not just Pre-Shattering, but we do know that at least some of the Spren from before the Desolatoins shared the Singer's four gendered forms (OB Ch 7):
  11. Hope it lives up to the hype, your <honorific-spoiler>. RAFO, of course. Sorry to hear that. If you need to vent, rant, or just ask advice on resumes or whatnot, please let us know.
  12. I wasn't citing the existence of the metal room, I was citing that the First Generation knew *why* a metal room was needed and *why* the Atium nuggets had to be hidden in the ministry funds chest. Maybe I'm projecting, but if you read each scene with Sazed questioning the FG - I get teh feeling that if they knew about this only because Rashek tapped the well; then they would have said "Father told us X, Y and Z." Instead they state everything as if it was fundamental to the Pre-Ascension Terris religion. They didn;t even try to explain why, as if it was understood that a religious scholar like Sazed would already know and understand these "fundamentals."
  13. As referenced, Kwaan was realmatically aware, since we learn in the TFE Ch 19 Epigraph that he was researching the Cognitive Realm aspect of trees: But also remember that the original Worldbringers, the First Generation and Rashek also already knew of the "metal can't be seen" aspect of realmatics. HoA Ch 71:
  14. It is worth noting that at least part of Harmony's difficulties are because of how opposed Preservation and Ruin's intent are perceived (WoB):
  15. From Rhythm of War Ch 50: If Allomancy was used, it was likely here; and it was likely a soothing to remove any blocks on his anger (could have been both a rioting and soothing, I guess - but just a rioting probably wouldn't have made him ignore his oily caution and the advice of friends unless it was blatantly strong).
  16. There have been hints here and there, but the biggest one was in the Words of Radiance Epilogue (it's easy to miss because it hides so well in Wit's gibes): Well, by the time you saw her for the first time she and Wyndle had been together much longer than Syl and Kaladin. We just never saw them interacting in the stage in which Wyndle had not yet recovered his mind and memories. But don't worry, not everybody likes Lift (I didn't before RoW and she's still kinda middle-of-the-pack for me on the list of Favorite Rosharans.) and not every character is for everybody (I started to really dislike a main character in Oathbringer, for example). I did, however, think it was cool once I realized why she is the way she is (no matter how much she annoyed me). At least she's still a side character so far. What a fun ride it will be to find out once she's there.
  17. Regular ePub on Kobo and kePub: Acknowledgements ePub only has font files for Benguiat and Charcuterie - so the "ᛁᛋᚫᚫᚳ Stewart" ack. shows as "□□□□□ Stewart." Table of Contents (update, also Acks) - Font size is microscopic. Is it really too much to ask for people to use 1em for normal text, and adjust special text from there? I had to step the font size 8 times just to get it legible. To give some context (can't screenshot the Kobo Forma) the Contents screen showed everything from "The Furgal Wizard's . . . " header to "FAQ: What if I'm Still Worried. . . " (FAQ btwn Ch 26 and 27) and was small enough to fit "FAQ: Why Does Everyone in Britain Speak Modern English in My Pre-Norman-Conquest Dimension? Shouldn’t That Require" before a line wrap. Looking at the file, it appears that no text size was defined for <p> (and no class was used for this text) so my best guess is that with no text size defined, the device went to "smallest possible." I can't find a way to discern the em-to-pixel setting I was on before this book, but as a ratio this is showing about 53 lines of text in Portrait (not including white space, margins and padding) when my previous book at this setting displays about 30 lines of text in Portrait. As with SP1: the kepub sideloaded directly handles the images correctly; the epub or kepub sideloaded through Calibre makes the images huge overflowing beasts that are not displayed correctly at all. Just getting started, I'll post more from the kepub if/as I find them. Wiktionary: Kempt -
  18. It is heavily implied by book 3 (Hero of Ages) that the Logbook was manipulated in a way similar to the prophecy of the Hero of Ages and Kwaan's Confession. Broad strokes should be mostly accurate, details and word choice changed to influence the reader in Ruin's favor. (For example: Epigraph to Ch 33 - It's unlikely that the "Mist Spirit" attacked Fedik, and more likely Ruin wanted anybody reading the logbook to mistrust the way Preservation would appear to them - unless of course that one was Ruin pretending to be the Mist Spirit as it did in Elend's Tent)
  19. I would say that calling it "Voidish" sounds like Vorin religious dogma, evolved over millennia of distrust, superstition and fear. After-all, even if it has some basis in fact, wouldn't it really "mean" (OB, RoW Spoilers)
  20. Well, we've seen Bajerden three times in two visions (first vision twice, since Dalinar used it to talk to Venli), and read a limited selection of the excerpts from his text - the in-world Way of Kings. In that, there is no indication that he was, himself, Vorin (or that the so-called Old-Vorinism from the Heraldric Epochs has much in common with modern Vorinism other than a shared name and some cultural apprpriation). We only know that Vorinism eventually took up his writings and considered them holy texts and changed his name (over a 1000yrs post-mortem) to Nohodon. Not in the way I referenced (Mistborn / Warbreaker): Also, I don't see through Cultivation's actions and machniations anytime where she is directly sharing information from Futuresight with a mortal. In fact, the only instance I can recall in any Cosmere work so far is when ROdium was showing off to Taravangian at the end of Oathbringer- and look how that turned out for him. To be clear, I'm not saying my interpretation is correct - only that it is one of many viable alternate interpretations of that clause from one of Honor's visions and that we can't be sure exactly what was meant.
  21. Source(s)? Because I can't find anywhere in the visions that Honor says that Futuresight is Voidish. The closest I have found is (WoK Ch 19 - Dalinar's text removed since we know the Almighty's lines are a recorded script): Also, from the in-world WoK introduction we have:
  22. I'm familiar with the concept (which is why I made the joke). I'm the person at work that people come to ask about books. I keep multiple documents ready-to-print as references* and when they are reading a book or series I recommended, they inevitably come to me to ask questions/vent/speculate/etc. I even made an epub of my Cosmere summary/reading list.
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