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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. If we don't simply ask - does that mean we are supposed to request an annotated top ten list? Or favorite by Genre? What is the correct method?
  2. Did the Radaint break a (possible) taboo? If they were more concerned with not discussing what they have "seen" (as opposed to having any form of Futuresight/Fortune) then the entry in the gem archive doesn;t really break that secret, since without context the "audience" has no way to know what was foreseen. Was it the capture of BAM? The failure of the Fabrials in Urithuru and it's subsequent evacuation? The Recreance itself? Simply saying "I foresaw this" isn't revealing. I think the "Don't tell anyone, I must whisper" part was directed at the Radiant recording the speech in gemstones (the Truthwatcher shouldnot have let that person know) - not necessarily to whomever would eventually hear the message.
  3. Thanks for the math Some things that may have changed your calculations: In Ch 54 Tress does note that the moons are smaller on the horizon and larger at the Apex: Also, keep in mind the Horizon Visual Illusion (such as Earth's moon appears larger to the eye at the horizon than it does in the open sky - but if you measure it the visible diameter never changes) - this implies that the moons appear larger at the horizon because of visual illusion making up some of the difference lost to distance. In Ch 58 Tress notes that after only 1 hour of rowing the Crow's Song is far enough away to have dropped below the horizon and no longer be visible from within the Midnight sea: So, if the planet is small enough that a 15-20(ish) meter vessel can fall behind the horizon from a viewing height of "rowboat + seated occupant" (call it 2 meters' of viewing height). Then the angles and radii might all be fairly different than your example. Also note that it is approximately 9 days' sailing from the spore crossing to the Lunagree*, compared to the 5 week voyage for multi-masted vessels crossing the Atlantic circa Columbus (granted that was not a straight distance - Europe to the Carribean) Assuming a similar base average sailing speed, that would put the Lunagree for each sea at about 900-1000 nm from the flat side of a sea's pentagon-shape to its center - which would yield a planetary circumference somewhat less than half of Earth (somewhere between 9500-11500 nm - based on a 100-125nm per day average sailing distance)
  4. For good or ill (hooray, next book - boooh, so late in the book) you'll get at least some of these answers in Oathbringer Ch 114. Suffice it to say if you look at Nightwatcher "stories" (such as WoK Interlude 7) you will notice some things don't always add up. It doesn;t seem like you have posted anything in the "Tress only - no spoilers" forum. I know you read with a group, but are there any lingering questions or thoughts from TotEI that we might help (or at least let you know references)? (Speaking of which, did you know you got a (Tress Spoilers at link) Mention Here)
  5. Exactly. Also, I think we are meant to misconstrue what the Truthwatchers hold as secret. I don;t think their glimpses of Fortune were a secret pre-recreance; I think it was that they believed, as an order, that they should not discuss what they saw (probably due to effects of causality and its effects on probability. For example - WoR Epigraph: Kinda reminds me of (Mistborn - HoA) . . . sharing too much knowledge and/or allowing others to know what may happen can affect causality and change what and how things happen.
  6. Not Alethi Culture so much as Vorin Culture (Which includes Alethkar, and other countries to differing extents). But Truthwatchers weren't just of Honor (who doesn't lack the Shardic Futuresight so much as suck at it) - they were also of Cultivation (and Cultivation is significantly better at Shardic Futuresight than Odium). It also makes perfect sense if in the wake of the Recreance this was one more piece of "evidence" that the "Radiants betrayed us." Personal opinion - Normal Truthwatchers can also have "glimpses" of the future - but they are much weaker and much more infrequent than what Renarin Experiences. Possibly they are also more likely to be accurate when they do happen (unchanged by a connection to Odium/Unmade).
  7. This is uncertain. . . WoB: I'm increasingly convinced that part of Harmony's problem is that he doesn't consider Preservation and Ruin to have "merged" into a single shard. He's so focused on Balancing the Two he never actually merged them into One.
  8. Here's what I can find on the subject: So, even if a Splintered Shard could be reformed, it would require a compatible vessel. Likewise, even if all Shards could recombine to reform Adonalsium, it seems like it would require a vessel that is compatible with all 16 Shardic Intents.
  9. I don't think we know for sure, though the theory has merit. Especially since he was there at Gavilar's behest. However, we don't know if he "brought" the box or received it (Navani just assumes it might be a new Fabrial) - all we know for sure is that he was holding it in the gardens:
  10. I recently finished my first reread of Rithmatist in a while, and a few things struck me this time: We know the Forgotten in Harding was "killed" with the acid after it was driven to reveal itself by the clockworks. We also know that Harding was not a rithmatist before being taken by a Forgotten (or after it was banished/destroyed). We "know" a Forgotten (or something similar) has Nalizar and was unaffected by the acid thrown on him because it was entirely inside Nalizar when Joel tossed the acid at him on the stairs. We know that the Forgotten in Harding seemed "unintelligent," not capable of speech beyond grunts and screams. The Forgotten in Nalizar seems much more intelligent and cunning. Conclusion: The Forgotten in Nalizar is smarter/stronger because Nalizar already had a Shadowblaze bond (iow: Harding himself was corrupted by the Forgotten; but in Nalizar, it was his bonded Shadowblaze that was corrupted). Also, a bit of Fridge Horror: They mentioned a number of times that the Northern Isles (what would become the United Isles) were depopulated before the Europeans arrived.
  11. Right(ish) but I think there is a false assumption here. Elantris wasn't built where it was because that was the "focus" for AonDor; Arelon became the focus for AonDor because, after the Splintering, Elantris was the largest Connection between the investiture and the physical realm. I would not hazard to guess "why" the builders of the city chose that site - but after the Splintering the Dor expressed itself through AonDor there *because* Elantris was already in place stabalizing the Connection. Otherwise, why would the Aonic Teos not cause the focus of AonDor to be their peninsula across the sea - their true homeland? BTW, this is the RAFO and WOBs that lead to the conjecture about having Shardic help: My personal theory is that Pre-Elantris there were two or three Invested Arts on Sel (Aona's, Skai's and a probable combination). The peoples in that region of (what is now) Opelon decided "If we build it, they will come" and built Elantris using one or more of those invested arts (probably the combination art if only one was used) - because by increasing the connection to the land they increaed their ability to draw investiture. This created the Shaod - though we don't know if that was intentional or a side effect of what they built. Then the Splintering happened and the investiture was all stuffed into Shadesmar. As the investiture mingled there, the separate arts for Devotion and Dominion were lost (either immediately, or withered away) and the Combination Art that now accesses the combnied Dor investiture was changed to interact differently by region (partially becase Shadesmar has "space" and partially because the concept of the Dominion part of the Dor implies a nation/region connection - combined with Devotion that may imply "Love of Region"). So, now the Dor is expressed through dozens of invested arts based on region (AonDor, Chay Shan, Dhakor, Forgery, Bloodsealing, etc) - but they all have elements in common because they derive from the base-root of the original combined invested art.
  12. I think this is where your chain of logic is misleading you. What we found out in Elantris is that the Aon Rao created by the 5 cities affected the natural expression of the Shaod such that when the land no longer matched Elantris' Connected construct - that construct failed and caused the effects known as the Reod. The Shaod itself existed before the city, but was different (likely not even creating the "white hair, silver skin" effect). You may also be missing this nugget (from the Elantris Glossary) So, the best supposed timeline we have been able to piece together is something like this: The Natives of the region build the Elantris Construct to amplify AonDor Possibly with the help of Devotion and/or Dominion Odium Splinters Aona and Skai Odium stuffs the investiture of Devotion and Dominion into the Cognitive Realm This fundamentally effects how the Elantris Construct is Connected and functions The Natives of the region die out Either as a consequence of the Splintering, or for other causes after the Splintering Teos cross the straits into (what would be) Arelon Eventually, those peoples become Connected to the land enough for the Dor to see them and their descendants as "Aonic" and the Shaod starts to create new Elantrians. The New Elantrians, over time, begin to "discover" the Aons and decipher how the magic and city work.
  13. Actually, it wasn't that Kaladin was willing to kill Moash, it was that Kaladin was willing to force Moash to kill him to get to Elhokar. Here's the scene (CHs 83, 84): He knew that his condition, and only wielding a knife against two Shardbearers wasn't a situation he could win. Also, he did freeze in the battle where Tien died (WoK Ch 67): Sure, seeing Tien fall "woke" Kaladin up again so he moved to his brother. But he froze as he watched Tien die. ANd he froze again over Tien's body - ignoring all sides of the battle and was just lucky that nobody attacked him while he gave in to his grief. Also, remember that the scene you are referencing in Oathbringer isn't just PTSD - Kaladin also has conflicting Oaths to Protect both sides. He couldn't reconcile non-lethal attacks as a method of "protection" in the heat of the moment. He might have with enough time to process. . . but time is one thing you don't have in battle.
  14. I'm not saying she can't use Stormlight - merely pointing out that Lift is "different" in a number of ways and it is safest not to assume any normal rule will apply (or apply in the same way). BOLO for other known character(s) here. Slight Spoiler - don't peak until you know Darkness' name So, no, it wasn't "just for kicks."
  15. I don't think an Elantrian dies at all when undergoing the Shaod. I think that was an in-world misconception because they didn't understand that Reod Elantrians were "stuck" mid-transformation in a state where their bodies were supported by the Dor despite the lack of heartbeat or need for food - which was just a symptom of the incomplete transformation. Their body was essentially "paused" in the state of incomplete transformation, and this twilight state was mistaken for being "dead."
  16. The Kandra Blessing of Potency has nothing to do with Pewter (Allomancy or Feruchemy). WoB: Also, the Potency spikes are Iron. When defined in-book, they mention Allomantic Pewter, because it was the closest comparison - not because the Blessing has ny connection to Pewter's use in Allomancy or Ferchemy.
  17. I understand all of that - what I am saying is that he didn't need to know where he started. If you take two stpes forward, you don;t need to "know" where you were or are to know that two steps backward returns you to where you started. In other words: If the power of the Well was X and expended Y to move distance Z, then expending Y again to move -Z returns you to the location you left. Now, if even one more iteration of Y was not possible, it's a different story; but that is not what was understood to have happened. He panicked and went into triage/band-aid mode. It worked and they survived (ish*); but I think his Intent was also partially warped by the desire to have Scadrial in a position that he could take and keep power. Subconsciously, he didn't want to realize there was a better fix. Nothing wrong with a bit of theorycrafting. I'm theorycrafting as well, just in the "hindsight-best-solution" variety.
  18. Not quite true (see below). Shouldn't be necessary As we saw in SA:
  19. Not panic Realize my mind was expanding with knowledge of the power and its Connections Realize the "deepness" Mists were part of the power I am holding (interfered with by the prisoner) Move the planet back where it came from (since you stipulate it's after the planet moved - otherwise just not move it at all) Fix the Mists to be nighttime-only
  20. Any thoughts? I think it refers to the heralds facing an army of Fused and/or Singers, but I could be wrong. Probably not Heralds (Shardblades, not Honorblades) - but almost definitely Radiants of all Orders against an army of Singers and Fused. I think this was more likely referring to the war in Emul/Takir from Rhythm of War - which already had all orders present (including the one Alliance-aligned Skybreaker) at battle with a Singer army. PS: you can review just the Epigraphs here. As horrible as it is to consider, I think it may be Ch 57:
  21. Understood - I'm just trying to point out things that may break Limited (if your plan is to Draft your final set with friends) and being up things you may want to research to help build a foundation from which to build. I'm also just throuwing out ideas in the name of brainstorming, not so you'll adopt the ideas themselves, but so you have other avenues to think and consider. Depends on how you view Black. Many people get lost in the "Black is Evil" trope - but that is not its definition in the color pie. For example, in TFE I would say that both Kliss and Shan Elariel are Black - since, by definition, Black is about selfish motivations: Sure Inquisitirs will be, at least partly, Black. But they will also be Red and Blue as evidenced by how hard it is for them to control their emotions and how they investigate Skaa Mistings and use emtional Allomancy to influence things. You could even make a case for White (and WB) since they are so heavily organized in the Steel Ministry Cantons. Green is probably the only one that does have a ready corollary to Inquisitors (at least off the top of my head). Nothing wrong with that, I could see the pattern you were going for (along the lines of the Rav Guildmage cycles) - I just wanted to point out that having just "<misting>" as a card name really limits your possibilties and could cause cascading issues down the road. If you look at the history of MtG - it has survived so long because they realized fairly early that generic cards oppose game longevity. For example, you don't just have "Archer" you have "Archers of Qarsi." Early sets had things as generic as Black and White Knight - but by Ice Age they realized the mistake started using things like "Knights of Thorn" and "Order of the White Shield." Specificity breeds variation. I'm not saying "you should use the House structure I proposed," I'm saying "you should consider more specific demarcations so you open up the available card pool." Find a division that works with the set structure and story you want to tell and test it out (maybe by Dominance, or faction, etc.). Maybe even consider do a round of commons each in a different structure to see which feels better. I will say that your "burn and flare" ability structure would probably be better as an Uncommon cycle rather than a Common cycle. Also, consider a Kicker or Overload type of mechanic to represent Flaring (or one faction's version of Flaring). You may want to consider a 4 archtype structure (like the Torment card set) - where you assign Allomancy a color (e. g. White) then your archtypes would be WU, WB, WR, WG with each focusing on how a faction uses the magic (ref: Tainted Field, Isle, etc.). When you say this, do you mean races as pertains to factions and archtypes for the set? Or are you thinking that pretty much every creature in the set needs to be Human, Kandra, or Inquisitor (assuming those are the three races you meant)? If the latter, please remember that you still have access to many earth-like animals that can fill common creature slots. Just in the TFE scene where Kelsier shows Vin the Mistwraith (a fourth race already) we have confirmation on skeletons identied from pigs, dogs, cats, deer, horses, buffalo. . . (TFE Ch 8) So you can use that resource to fill out common card slots (especially Vanilla and French Vanilla common creatures) Really, it starts with those Nuts and Bolts articles. When I was developing my set post-GDS 2* I started with a rough card count and laid out the ratio percentages for: common, uncommon, rare, mythic; colors, muti-color, colorless; and within each color identity the ratios for each card type (not stictly to the WotC ratios - but still along the same process - white and green have the most creatures, blue has the least creatures, etc.). In the end, I had probably designed close to 400 possible cards to get a 230ish "card set." Realize you may rough out many cards that never make the final cut. This way I had a reference that, while not set-in-stone, gave me a rough idea of what kinds of cards I should be developing and I could assign archtypes, keywords and flavor to fill the roles I needed. No worries. As I said, you can PM me here or on Nexus if you have questions or just want a sounding board.
  22. Overall: Using the "Misting" ability word is probably a mistake (more below) Also, the ability word is not standardized across all examples I'm guessing you aren't wanting SPAG feedback, so I'll skip that other than to say that your templates, capitalization and formatting need some cleaning up. Query: Are these final cardnames or placeholders? If they are final cardnames, I would recommend changing that. Pigeon-holing the various misting abilities to a single color seems off on flavor and set-deisgn. Better would be something like "House Tekiel Lurcher" (to show this is how that House trains its Lurchers - then you could riff on the ability for a different house's Lurcher in a different color - showing different aspects of each misting that way) Did you consider a "Metal Vial" version of the Blood token? You could then use that to power the abilities and that would also naturally limit how often some abilities can be used per combat/phase/turn/cycle. Lurcher: How does a Lurcher remove abilities? This should either prevent activating abilities and/or possibly be limited to non-creature artifacts. Repeatable theft (even if limited to once/turn) is a recipe for disaster (e.g. Memnarch) this should be an EoT ability - or possibly only one thing at a time (losing control of previously taken items when a new one is taken) and should probably also be non-creature. Maybe its not specific enough - something like "Gain control of target equipment until EoT. Attach that equipment to Lurcher" might be a better representation of "taking your weapon and beating you with it." Coinshot: Direct damage in White should be toward an attacking or blocking creature (even if it is very overcosted) This could easily be "XW: Deal X damage to target creature blocking or blocked by Coinshot. X can't be greater than Coinshot's power." Tineye: These abilities are underwhelming - especially for the cost. Unblockable (evading detection by "sensing blockers") might fit as well - or at higher rarities making a creature "blocked" would allow the Tineye to "sense" an attacker so that it becomes blocked ven when it would normally be unblockable (e.g. Dazzling Beauty and Choking Vines) Pewterarm: The Giant Growth seems fine, but I would probably reduce the second ability to +2/+2 for adding a keyword. Also, giving trample is traditionally green - maybe Doublestrike would fit better (also implies the speed increase - matches red's color pie better and increases the effect for the cost). Rioter: Goad is interesting here. Very nice. Haste is more "utility-meh" but not really out-of-flavor. A rare version could probably riot fear for a Maze of Ith type effect or other interesting flavor adaptations. Soother: I'm not sure about the connection between Vigilance and Soothing, but the tapping seems in-flavor. Consider Phyrexian Splicer - soothing might be a good place to "Target creature loses haste" (or trample, first strike, whatever). Smoker: Seems like Hexproof would be more on-point. Splitting the Mistings by house (or some other demarcation) would let you use both and show different uses of Smoking. Template should follow Ouphe Vandals (activated ability from a <type> source). Also, why have "opponent controls?" Is there a case where the owner wants to counter their own activated ability? Seeker: You can't reveal only one card type from an opponent's hand - you have to reveal the hand, then do something to/about a card type that was revealed. Revealing cards from an opponent's hand forcibly is not in the G Color Pie. The only examples where G can reveal card in another player's hand is a "voluntary cost" (e. g. Kahmal's Summons) Auger: This is way too powerful for a common. Also, you cannot manipulate items in a hidden zone when any card characteristics must match (compare Demonic Tutor and Enlightened tutor) - you must either reveal the cards or exile them, manipulate them, then return them to the library (e.g. Cascade, Kinship, etc.). At common, this should probably only "swap" one specific card type - but since it is a repeatable Regrowth effect (even with the Random clause) it should probably cost more (otherwise expect many infinite E-Wit loops). Did you try my links above? Those are the articles retained for the site downgrade (purge of broken promises). You can also find most old links through Way Back Machine. No, but you can find other limitations. Consider "once per Main Phase," "once per combat," "before combat," etc. as different timing restrictions, then apply them only to the abilities that need them. More to the point - not all abilities deserve this limitation, or you are sacrificing more than half of the flavor of Allomancy as a dynamic art. By placing the restriction on an Ability word you have hamstrung design from any future innovation. An Era 1 Misting =/= and Era 2 Misting. If you use "Misting" in this sense for that type of restriction you've ensured it can't be used in any other way at any future time for what is, essentially, a flavor fail. Why the Atium Symbol? Especially with as contentious as Era 1 Atium as become. Wouldn't something like the Scadrian System Iconography be more appropriate? Art is far down the list of tasks - just an artless card mock-up is necessary for planning. I'll look at the list if you want, but I was more concerned with making sure you had already considered this and have a plan. There are two primary ways to handle reprints (and usually should use both) - whether they are strict, function or SB/SW: Consider what "holes" can be filled by a reprint of some type before workin on the rest (so you know you don't, for example, necessarily need to find a W targeted removal for Limited and set balance if it was already in the reprint list - or - you do need to make one because it was not covered in the reprint list). Get to an 80% solution on the Card Skeleton, identify the missing parts, then search for any reprints that can fill the holes. Generally speaking you would want to do the first for strict reprints find things that are already on-theme/flavor for the set (such as Blazing Torch in Innistrad - which fit so well some designers were surprised to realize MaRo added it to the card file as a reprint*). Then once at 80% on the card skeleton you do another pass for possible cards to fill hoes as a functional reprint - where the card works well with the desin to that point, but the flavor can be "fixed" to better fit the set. I'm sure I missed some feedback, but I am too tired right now to finish. I'll look again later though. I'm also on Nexus, if you need to contact me there (mostly in the Commander forums - same user name). Also, I cannot find any thread for your set on Nexus, in either the Custom Card, nor Custom Set section.
  23. I'll go more in-depth when I have some more time (need to leave for work), but to start I would like to ask: if you have read the Nuts and Bolts columns and Player Psychographic Profiles Columns? What is you're reasoning behind the "once per turn" restriction? Why are you using a modified Judgement set icon? Are these paired for convenience - or because they are meant to be MDFCs? Have you identified reprints and functional reprints (e.g. Dark Ritual with art showing Inquisitors in the Hemalurgy Experimentation Lab of Serin, or Droning Bureaucrats renamed Investigating Obligator with appropriate art)
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