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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. I understand and partially agree with your premise - but I don't think your "solution" would have actually worked. Personally I would have liked to see her remember the others she had lost (Clubs, Dox, etc); maybe consider how stopping Ruin is the only way to save the friends still alive (Spook, Breeze, Ham) - but even that doesn't really work because one component of the Climax was foreshadowed mid-way through HoA and is quite important (ch 27): The alacrity of action based on instinct is, IMO a large part of why her sacrifice works. She doesn't allow time for herself to second guess, for Preservation's Shard to exert influence against her decision or for Ruin to defend himself. And that Instinct driven reaction is, to me, a huge part of Vin (reclusive street-thief and crew member Mistborn). The problem with your ending is that it doesn't work within the Cosmere. Intent is too important. If she did not intend to die she could never have overwhelmed the Intent of the Shard to force the conflict. Yes, she may have still "intended" to sacrifice herself - but *wanting* to live contradicts that. Now there are two separate and mutually exclusive Intents inside her. That would not likely have been enough to overwhelm the Power of both Preservation and Ruin.
  2. This is what I generally tell people at work (order is publishing order) - is to start with these three in any order that appeals to you: Elantris - It's a stand-alone (for now - 1 Short Story and one tangentially related Novella) and was the first published. Start here if you really like political intrigue books and a cerebral atmosphere. Less action than Mistborn or Warbreaker, until the end. Mistborn Trilogy (Book 1 Mistborn: The Final Empire / Era 1) - It's a Trilogy (so more initial time investment) but it is packed with action, great magic, great (dystopian) worldbuilding. Some political intrigue - can be a lot to take in at once for some readers. Warbreaker - Stand-alone (for now - no short stories). About mid-way between the the first two in both action and politics. The world is specifically meant to contrast to Mistborn's setting (so I recommend reading this either right before or right after Mistborn) and introduces many important things for shared universe (Cosmere) The full list I made for friends and coworkers (recommendations, not requirements): Some people do start with Stormlight Archive (Book 1 - The Way of Kings), but I do not recommend that. Of the people I know that have started here, most have regretted it; or finished book 1, then moved to other Cosmere works between books in this series (*see example explanation below). Each book is quite large (1000+ pages) and while Book 1 can be safely read early, later books can quickly have references or spoilers for things you have not yet read (as @Witless of Shinovar mentioned). It's certainly not wrong to start here - it is epic and long and wonderful. just understand the trade-off you will have by making that decision. *That specific example: The individual read SA Book 1, Mistborn Era 1, Warbreaker, SA Book 2, Edgedancer, Elantris, SA Book 3 etc *********** *Shadows Beneath is the "Writing Excuses" anthology and includes novellas from Sanderson, Mary Robinette Kowal, Dan Wells and Howard Tayler. For each story it includes:
  3. That's not just an Odium thing (or even a binding like the one from Honor keeping Odium in the Rosharan system)-that's a normal function of Shardic Nature. (Multi-Cosmere Spoilers) Hope that helps Good points @alder24 - I failed to mention above, and it is worth noting, that Hoid is likely an exception to this generality. (Cosmere Spoilers)
  4. That's not just an Odium thing (or even a binding like the one from Honor keeping Odium in the Rosharan system)-that's a normal function of Shardic Nature. (Multi-Cosmere Spoilers) Hope that helps
  5. Yeah, I was thinking of a "pancake" version of 찹쌀떡. Especially since we know that Aebleskiver isn't flat but is considered a pancake ball - so shape might not be a factor. Also, we know (slight spoilers)
  6. This may (or may not) affect your opinion, but Pajeon are the Korean Pancakes - and they are Green Onion (and/or chive) - not what the Koreans call "western onion." We could work one in the forums. I have recipes for at least 3-4 of the pancakes as they are described in the story (slight spoilers Amira):
  7. PS: My post was edited because a stray "enter" posted before I was finished typing That is true of any light source. It's why you can fry an insect with sunlight through a magnifying glass. It's also partially why the car interior gets hot in the summer. I'm not a physicist, so somebody else can do the math (or I can try later) but I can tell you this from experience - eight hours of an IR light two feet from my laptop did not appreciably change the internal working temperature of the computer. If you want IR as your "source" of heat - you'll wait just as long for that to happen as you would for regular white-light to make an object "hot." Edit: It's an easy relationship to confuse since Fiction (especially Fantasy) has conflated IR and Heat so often because "reasons" (see Brent Weeks' Lightbringer series as an example).
  8. No, but in the case of a Dustbringer using Division to create heat would give off a strong IR light. Also, it might be feasible that a Lightweaver could create a directed Microwave "light" that would definitely heat things up though water excitement.
  9. Exactly. All objects reflect and/or release IR wavelengths - though hot objects emit more IR light as part of the energy transfer of heat into light. This can be seen with IR cameras - but an IR light source does not have an appreciable temperature difference from a normal light source (for things like IR flashlights and chem sticks). Consider: Night Vision Goggles (amplification of visible and IR light) Thermal imaging (conversion of IR wavelengths to a visible image) The "Predator" version of thermal imaging is generally either fiction - or an advanced feature of an IR camera that uses multiple "steps" of color assigned to different densities of IR light sources. Edit: But, it is wrong. It's a reversal of cause and effect. IR isn't heat and doesn't usually generate heat - it is the effect of a hot object releasing IR waveforms. A hot object will emit IR waveforms, shining an IR flashlight on it will not heat your lunch. . . Microwaves use an entirely different process to generate heat through the excitement of water molecules affected by the microwave waveforms. (I say usually because any given blanket statement can have extreme exceptions - that's why we say "The exception that proves the rule")
  10. Are you estimating this to be the (rough) Diameter of their "shell" on which the Reshi live? At roughly 50 ft for from "see to eye", that seems far too large to be a hieght above the water (and does not match the descriptions in the Rysn interlude). On a separate note, I would not be surprised to learn that the Tai Na have multiple smaller gemhearts rather than one massive one.
  11. Or just concealing the true nature of The Sibling outside the ranks of the Radiant Orders.
  12. Thanks, I had not seen that WoB. However, the point remains - if you want to manipulate somebody you need a steady low-level Push or Pull to avoid it being noticed as manipulation. Even if a Bubble enhanced Sooth or riot could be like Duralumin it would not further the stated goal. TFE Ch 10: So, a skilled misting might be able to alter an emotion, but not manufacture an emotion that wasn't present. See also WoA Ch 36: See also these scenes in WoA with Straff:
  13. I'm not sure why you say this. A-Bendalloy doesn't increase the efficacy of A-Brass/Zinc. Emotional allomancy isn't like pushing a cart across a floor, where having more time to move so many inches gets a larger result - it's more like Sisyphus and the boulder. Your pull/push can go only so far up the hill before your influence becomes obvious and your effort is to retain that place of most-effect-without-notice (since the emotions want to return to a natural state once you end your effect - i.e. roll back down the hill) until your subject acts/reacts in a beneficial way (though not necessarily an expected way). Trying to compress that effort would either have no effect, or just make your efforts more obvious and less likely to succeed. More like "almost immediately." This is called Gaslighting and takes more subtlety, not less. The extremes of emotion call immediate attention to changes and only really work well to influence impulsive actions. See Marasi at the end of AoL: She acted on the impulse (though she may have shaken it off if she had stopped to try), while fully aware of the manipulation while being affected. This could actually have been an example of Duralumin Zinc - since we see the effort make her physically ill.
  14. Welcome back. Has your opinion on Lift changed at all since the interlude? Congrats on Tress It's a great story and done in such a way that you won't spoil other books before you read them. You'll likely come away with a number of questions, but not spoilers for the Cosmere books you have not yet read.
  15. Any Edgedancer Progress? Hope everything is going well for you.
  16. Just to be clear, you are talking about a Tin Spike, not a Steel spike with A-Tin or a Pewter Spike with F-Tin. Correct? If yes, then you should note that the HoA Ars Arcanum specifically says that Tin stores "human senses." Though, that could be an incorrect or incomplete understanding from that time (or Harmony obfuscating Hemalurgy). A Ferring storing Bronze Sense would need to have actual A-Bronze that is being stored, so their Spiritweb is "Connected" to the sense that Bronze creates. I think, for Hemalurgy, you would need an H-Seeker spike to use a Tin Spike with Bronze Sense stolen (assuming the idea that is steals all five human senses is incorrect - or that Intent can change that parameter). Otherwise, the Tin Spike has a sense that your Spiritweb isn't Connected to and doesn't understand.
  17. Also note that in AoL Ch 4, we get this tidbit (emphasis mine): So, at the Yomen ball, we learn they still believe in the religion of the Steel Ministry (now called Sliverism) and revere the last Inquisitor. Though we don't have many details beyond that. . .
  18. But you could use Tearlight for the Tears of Edgli (which also happens to be the Nalthian System Symbol).
  19. Well, since we know that in Blade form the Shardblade needs to "sever" the spine to kill (eyes burn out when the Shardblade passes through the spinal column/brain stem) or sever the primary nerve to deaden a limb (Hobber's legs' connection to his spiritweb was severed when the Shardblade [Honorblade] passed through his thighs). We also know that Shardblades do not damage or impede the flow of blood through the "severed" limb; which is wht a Blade deadened limb doesn't rot on the body. In MtG terms, that could be worded as: My conclusion: blunt force/impaling damage (hammer/rock/mace) could possibly "sever" a specific muscle if the impact would damage the nerves controlling that muscle then that muscle would likely become deadened. Ex: Shardhammer to the thigh and the Quadriceps becomes deadened, , ,
  20. Re: OP - Interesting theory, but I doubt it is the case. It is likely only possible before the First Oath, or we should have seen more of this behaviour from Syl since Way of Kings (especially in RoW when opening the lamps for the gems). ANd more likely, Honorspren are a special case since they are Honor-only (so possibly Cultivation-Spren may also do this by being Cultivation-only) I too prefer to call them Liespren when in a list of mixed spren (and Dustbringers in a list of Radiants - whether they like Releasers or not). However. . . Ah, that is not the case. An attracted spren is in the Cognitive and a small portion of it is visible in the Physical when it manifests in reaction to it's attracted emotion or environment (much like the tongues of the anticipation spren appearing as what the Alethi interpret as small flags - or the heads of the Glory Spren appearing as a small golden orb). None of the Sapient Spren that form the Nahel bond do that. A Cryptic in the Physical will react to a lie - but a random non-Radiant won't attract a Cryptic by lying. Note: A nascent radiant's lies to themselves might be part of what allows a Cryptic to start the bond (see Shallan/Elhokar) but is certainly not required (see Tien).
  21. If you have read Rhythm of War, you may notice some similarities for the scene with Dalinar and Nale in Ch 47. I don't know if it has been confirmed, but I'm fairly certain the Steel and Iron lines are the Allomancer seeing their Connection to surrounding sources of metal (then Pulling or Pushing on that connection to affect the metal). That would also account for why it is hard to see Lines to invested metal - since investiture resists investiture - so it would be hard to make or see Connection of an invested target
  22. Most (all?) inquisitors were immune to control by emotional Allomancy due to their Copperclouds. If an inquisitor made their own "servant", that inquisitor would have to be lacking in Copper as well.
  23. Treamayne


    Do we know if Stennimar played Tarachin before his Return? WoR Spoilers It might help explain why Lightsong is winning without effort if it was one of the "skills" he retained (like the juggling).
  24. Concur. That Broadsheet quote just strikes me as if they not only can't navigate out of sight of land*, but it almost seems like they don't consider the possibility. I'm probably reading too much into it, but there was no indication of "oh, blown off course - let's try to find a navigational method." Instead it was "sail eastward and hope to find land. . . " *which reminds me - if we can get map scales, and use those to determine Scadrial's circumference then we can likely calculate horizon drop-off (since it is unlikely share the √(height/0.5736) calculation) Of course. I was just using the term because "the peoples whose descendants would eventually become known as SoScadrians" is a mouthful (and far too reminscient of "the artist formerly known as Prince") Yeah, until ~300AD is was the pair of Polaris and Kochab (slightly closer to Kochab and that star in Draco during Ancient Greece)
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