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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Concur. That Broadsheet quote just strikes me as if they not only can't navigate out of sight of land*, but it almost seems like they don't consider the possibility. I'm probably reading too much into it, but there was no indication of "oh, blown off course - let's try to find a navigational method." Instead it was "sail eastward and hope to find land. . . " *which reminds me - if we can get map scales, and use those to determine Scadrial's circumference then we can likely calculate horizon drop-off (since it is unlikely share the √(height/0.5736) calculation) Of course. I was just using the term because "the peoples whose descendants would eventually become known as SoScadrians" is a mouthful (and far too reminscient of "the artist formerly known as Prince") Yeah, until ~300AD is was the pair of Polaris and Kochab (slightly closer to Kochab and that star in Draco during Ancient Greece)
  2. There is at least one old (archived) post with changes (not necessarily content), and we do have this Word of Brandon on the Subject. Please see PM I don't think there were dedicated Typo threads on these forums for Elantris, but might have been on the TWG forums that predate these. Good Catch
  3. The spoiler period for Lost Metal is not yet over (Planned through 1 Apr 23) - so anything dealing with that topic needs to stay in the spoiler area. Even after the spoiler period is over, topics dealing with two or more Cosmere "categories" belong in Cosmere Discussion (where spoilers are allowed after the Spoiler Period is ended) - if asking information about Scadrial in the Elantris Subforum, it will always need a spoilers (subforums always require spoilers for areas outside the subforum's criteria). Please see the Spoiler Policy Here and the TLM update here. All of that said: it is speculated that AonDor is confined to a geographic Connection; and a sufficiently knowledgeable person might be able to manipulate that by changing to which geography you are Connecting. This is unconfirmed speculation but consistent with events seen in recent releases.
  4. @StanLemon, @AquaRegia, @Oltux72, @Zapata, @Jofwu Just as another thought to add to the discussion (because I hadn't seen it mentioned). From AoL Broadsheet: I know this does not address a Brown-Water Navy, but if there is no equivalent of the North Star (and we know there is no moon) - then it is unlikely to have an equivalent of the Sextant. Without that, they seem to have not developed any method of Blue Water navigation. If the Bennet were the pre-ascension sea-faring culture that mapped the coastlines (and their knowledge allowed Sazed to restore the continents); but they were cultually wiped out - then where is the impetus for the survivors of the Catacendre to pursue Blue-Water navigation techniques? Previous discussion focus on "why sail over the horizon" (Trade, exploration, warfare, colonization) - but the 'why' is secondary to 'how.' Which begs the follow-on question of - if the Bennet's teachings helped restore the continents then they must have known about the SoScads in pre-ascension times (to map the coastline of the Southern Continent). Did TLR supress and wipe that information to keep the control group separate? Were their navigation techniques also lost/wiped? If the Keepers only had the results of their labor (maps) - but not the techniques of how to navigate and sail Blue-Water - then the Words of Founding would not have that information to learn. Without a sailing culture or open-water navigation techniques - any developement in open-water exploration would have to have significant motive to be developed.
  5. My theory, such as it is, is that The Evil is a Splinter of the combined chunks of Ambition and Odium: Coppermind: I also think the nature of the clash created the first Shades from people who died in the cataclysm and that the nature of the shades means that people killed by Shades can become a Shade (though that is unlikely to be the only means of creating a Shade - due to Nazh's comment in Secret History). So, I guess after all that, I would say that, I think a Shade is a cognitive shadow of a person that has been tainted by the combination of Ambition's and Odium's remnant Splinter(s).
  6. Welcome to the Forums. You may want to consider starting with Mistborn, Elantris or Warbreaker. That said, I hope you enjoy The Way of Kings, and if you go back to the start of this thread, you can follow @Amira's journey through the same book and see her theories and our discussion (all spoilers were tagged) as you go through the book (since her posts are chapter-by-chapter). So, you've only read through Goblet of Fire for the Potter series? Did you intend to go back and finish those eventually? While the movies are good, they don't really compare to the books. Manana
  7. Welcome Back I doubt Lift knows about Windrunners at this point; but I would imagine that Kaladin would think the opposite - "What do you mean I can stick things together and an Edgedancer can heal people. I wish I could heal people - I could have saved Jaks, Dunny and the rest. . . "
  8. From the Coppermind and WoB: It should. Easiest way to remember for long-established books is in a Subforum - all unrelated items are tagged (this is Stormlight Archive, so any reference off-Roshar gets a tag).
  9. Except that Shallan had been using the TestamentBlade on the Oathgates for days - she could have left it behind at any time, but most likely right before OB Ch 8: Unless you think she used Pattern to kill her mother years before they met - she was using Testamant on the Oathgate until she could finally summon Pattern instead and left Testamant behind.
  10. It connects to the table of Essences in the Ars Arcanum. Each order is connected to a gemstone, which is also the color of the glow of their Shards. Foreshadowed back in WoR ch 72: Where Garnet is the gemstone of the Lightweavers and the color their shards glow. . .
  11. If you mean this section: (Ch 72) Kaladin clearly sees her, in a direction she could not be, and the only way her illusion could get to the other side of both the chasmfiend and Kaladin unnoticed is the same way she made the illusion walk back in Ch 60: So, if she is in the lee of the rockfall, hiding in shadows and illusion; and Pattern is moving her illusion on the far side of the chasmfiend and Kaladin; then the blade in Kaladin's had has to be TestamentBlade. Dead blades don't change shape either - but we clearly see the blade used by Kaladin, then Shallan do both. I think we all agree with this Right, just like her calling 'Pattern' when she summoned the TestamentBlade in Narak - this is her as an unreliable narrator setting the foundations of her future lies to herself. So, an illusion talking with her voice (via Pattern) moving (via Pattern); but she is blocking out that she attached those illusions to Pattern even as she does so - by lying to herself and saying "this would be easier if. . . " So, even as she is doing things that prove she had a previous bond with Testament, she has to convince herself there are other reasons why and how she is doing what she is doing. In the more mundane realm, Sanderson could not make any weirdness too obvious in WoR or it would spoil the reveal in RoW.
  12. Precisely. We know the Chasms used a Testament Blade because: Shallan is shown to be hiding by a boulder using a shadow illusion while: At the same time Pattern is hosting an illusion of Shallan moving in the open and "yelling" to distract the Chasmfield while At the same time Kaladin is holding the Testament Blade. So based on that, we can deduce: Testamant's blade can still change shape like a living Shardblade (for whatever reason) Every instance of a Shardblade we see with Shallan in WoR is likely to be a TestamentBlade (Tyn, Chasms, Narak). Shallan calling for Pattern in Narak is the start of Veil "protecting" Shallan by covering over memories. Since Shallan is getting close to the Truth about her mother, but isn't nearly ready for the Truth about Testament - she "says" Pattern to summon the TestamantBlade to lay the foundation of future self-deception. You can tell that Shallan's interactions with Renarin change subtly once they find a way into the Oathgate Chamber.
  13. Keep in mind that the reason why a normal (dead) Shardblade can't activate an Oathgate is because they are no longer "malleable" (or current wielders haven't figured out how to do it on-demand and quickly*) and so can't become a "key." However, we do know that the Testament Blade does still retain the ability to change shape (either because Shallan "expects" it to do so, having had access to the Testament Blade while she was alive - or because the damage to their bond is different than a normal DeadBlade) because we see her, through Kaladin's viewpoint, change the TestamantBlade into a dagger and gardening trough for scooping out the side of the Chasm wall in WoR. Activating the Oathgate has nothing to do with the amount of investiture in the Blade - since the investiture comes from the gems and Stormlight in the lamps and in what the transportees are carrying with them. *DeadBlade's shapes - WoB and Coppermind
  14. Also, keep in mind that how a Surge is expressed will not necessarily be the same with different orders. We've already seen that Adhesion is different for Bondsmiths than it is for Windrunners. The difference for Renarin's Illumination (from Shallan's) may be because he's a Trutwatcher, because Glys is Enlightened - but most likely it's both (as Illumination seems very personal even amongst Lightweavers). Shallan's uses of Soul Casting do not match how we have seen Jasnah Soulcast. Etc. So far, Gravitation seems to be the only consistent Surge, with Wundrunners, Skybreakers and Heavenly Ones all using it pretty much identically. And that seems to be the exception. . .
  15. Anybody can burn a GodMetal. WoB:
  16. Welcome to the forums. I would suggest you write to Gollancz directly. The Cover Gallery only shows a version with the border.
  17. To clarify, and make sure I understand your point correctly: Are you asking if there is a connection between the Parshendi War-Pairs fighting together and the Alethi Offer's Spouses going on-campaign to Scribe for their husbands? If so, I wouldn't rule it out - but I would be more inclined to take the War Pairs as a sign that gender is not as important as form. If you have adopted Warform, you fight. If you have a once-mate - you fight together. Similarly, Demid (Venli's once-mate) researched with her in Nimbleform.
  18. I figured as much, which is why I posted about the tools. It also helps to hang around long enough to check how your post went through, especially if there was a glitch in the Matrix. From the annotations to Ch 57: So, we won't know what happens to Tonk Fah until/unless we get the next Nalthis book - but Vivenna showing up in Oathbringer isn't an indication of time passage between the events of Warbreaker and OB - since she could (and likely does) have Fifth Heightening Agelessness.
  19. Oh come on - that's both awesome and classic (ref)
  20. I think of it like a good detective novel - where you see the detective (Cop, PI, whatever) thinking thorugh the possibilities - what's most likely, what's least likely - and narrowing scope to know where to focus their efforts. I think it's about possibilities and instinct for which possibilities are more and less likely. It might look like luck (at least some of the time - such as placing a wager on Roulette and happening to win because of the instinct on which possibilities were more likely) but it doesn't necessarily function like luck. Just my current thinking based on known information. Not particularly. Consider the versions we have seen - such as Hoid showing up somewhere, but not sure why or what he needs to accomplish/learn. Oathbringer Spoiler
  21. I was unable to find a WoB on this; but for those unfamiliar with Lucian, here's the Wikipedia link. I would guess that A True Story's status as one of the first "western novels" and the (currently known) first Speculative Fiction novel (see below) would make it possible that BS may have drawn inspiration for the Windrunners (and other KR) from Lucian - since it is likely he studied it in college. Wiki Excerpt: Good catch, and hopefully somebody at a signing/Q&A/AMA will ask for us.
  22. Have you considered an alternate version of option 2? Call it 2a (or option 3): 2a. Sazed, while remaking the world, realized through glimpses of Future-sight (like Preservation used to Batman Gambit Ati) that Metallic Art driven Fabrials would be essential to developing Scadrial. Without details (such as Medallions) he adjusted things like Snapping adn sDNA inheritnace to help start the progression to Era 4. I think the key here is that the changes likely had to be made while during the Catacendre and the large influx of power from taking up the Shards and before any internal conflict arose on using them*. So he may not have known/understood the details of MA Fabrials or the form(s) they would take - he just set into motion an environment that would eventaully lead that direction. HoA Ch 82
  23. Pease see PM - I tried some zoom - PRT SCN shenanigans and ended up with the relevant section at 3250x1600. Hope that helps
  24. Body builders aren't just the Schwarzennegger "get as much size as possible" Mr. Olympia types - they are also the Jet Li "lean and strong" types. And I'd bet your Marine friend was also a body builder, just as I lifted weights for most of my military career. But a lot of that is beside the point. This is a common misconception based on story and rumor (and also plays a role in Houdini's death). What's happening when you tighten your abs to take a hit (and prevent being winded) is the energy received is spread across the abdominus (with it's unique cross hatch structure) to spread the force rather than it traveling to the diaphragm (which is how somebody is normally winded when struck in the high-abdomen - the diaphragm presses against the lungs and expels the air). When you tense a biceps before getting hit, you get a rupture or a charlie horse. That said - it's your story and your magic. Bullet tough muscles are a trope for a reason. However, based on what we know of compounding, I think you'd have a stronger rationale if your Twinborn "discovers" Reverse Compounding* and is able to feruchemically store (and access/multiply) Allomantic Pewter's "damage resistance" properties.
  25. Have you checked out Fan Story? Sure, it a bit of a micro-transaction site; but it's a good way to solicit feedback from anonymous users (or develop a writing group) and you can trade time instead of money, by providing reviews (instead of buying points) to earn the points to display your own work for reviews. Also, have you checked out books like Fiction Writer's Brainstormer? I'm sure it's not the only one, but it's the kind to book that has tools to help with the "business" of plotting, writing, and editing. Even if you don't use the specific tools, it helps you to learn how you work and develop your own tools tailored to your needs. Awesome, good luck to you. That is a lot of metalborn in only two generations of one family. Remember Straff had dozens of children (by almost as many concubines) just to get 5 or 6 mistings and, eventually Zane. This is a huge strain on credulity before the writing has started. It's easy to believe "Misting meets ferring, fall in love and have a twinborn child." It is very difficult to believe "Metal born are rare, but meet the Kholins of Scadrial - who the genetic lottery decreed every family member is a misting or ferring." I don't think the mists have much, if anything, to do with Snapping now. The only confirmed information we have on Era 2 Snapping is: I would expect it to be the opposite, if Muscle were dense enough to stop bullets, it would probably be unable to move at all (much less move with more strength). Strength of muscle comes from elasticity - the ability to expand and contract along the long axis (thereby moving the joint to perform work). Check out EAP fibers as artificial muscles. So, like a rubber band, if all the strength is on the long axis, then it is more prone to harm on the short axis (like how easily a rubber band is snipped from the side - especially while stretched). This is also why competitive bodybuilders are seriously prone to torn muscle and ligament injuries while training. Having had a torn hamstring (and the nine months of PT needed after I got off of crutches) I can tell you it is not an easy injury to overcome. The "Muscles so strong that bullets bounce," is a Superman fantasy trope, but doesn't hold up to biology or physics at all. Especially not to the degree that Sanderson designs his magic systems. From what we know, so far, the Terris are so insular because they are trying to reverse the genetic dilution so that Full Feruchemists can be born again. I would imagine a Ferring (especially middle-class without the "noble marriage duty" excuse) that deliberately turned their back on that would suffer social fallout from, at least, a very vocal portion the Terris community. TLM Spoiler: I don't know that we have enough Resonance examples to find a likely answer - but I also get the feeling that while SA resonances are fairly standard, Metalborn resonances may be more individualized by, not only which powers you have, but also how you tend to employ them (i.e. I don't think a different Crasher would necessarily end up with the same Resonance Wax developed). I think you should let the character develop and see where that leads - then let the direction develop into how you use a possible Resonance.
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