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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. This was also discussed here, if you want some more feedback/opinions. If you are the type who also likes to reread things, you can knock out Secret History now or after Bands of Mourning (based on your choice from the feedback so far), then later you can check out this thread that details how Secret History integrates into the timeline of Era 1 - that way you can experience MSH the first time normally, and use the re-read to refresh Era 1 at the same time. My personal opinon matches @Frustration's. As I said in the other thread: As always, YMMV. Hope that helps.
  2. That's great. There's nothing wrong with that at all; I was just hoping to explain why, in a non-latinic language, "Nimi" might not have any internal gender reference.
  3. Very interesting theory. This was first seen in Oathbringer, Ch 31:
  4. This has also been discussed in this thread. As I said there, my personal opinion is that it would just heal the blade deadened limb since Awakening creates a connection between the things that is Awakened and the Awakener - and a shard wound is simply severing the spiritual connection of that limb to its body. Unlikely to end up with something like Scrivener's Bones.
  5. Please avoid double posting. If you are unfamiliar with the tools the forum offers - maybe this can answer some questions: Please use Multi-quote or post edit instead of double posting. Do you mean this post? If so, we don't know why she didn't quite finish the book - but since she made it over halfway, I would guess that "Life happened," time was lost and by the time she could have read more it had been so long she would have had to restart. At least > 70% doesn't imply a dislike of the content or story. The break between Words of Radiance and Oathbringer would be a great time to knock out Era 1 Mistborn and Warbreaker.
  6. Great synopsis and glad you enjoyed it. For me, the groundbreaking part wasn't them meeting, or fighting, or even their similar uses of Surges. It was learning how much difference there is between a live Shardblade (Sylblade) and a normal Shardblade - not to mention learning that the blade Szeth was using was also not a normal Shardblade. You may even consider some other Cosmere works (Warbreak - Mistborn Era 1) in that break. I'll note, however, that based on your preference for Szeth, you might consider the Edgedancer novella as well (maybe book, Edgedancer, book(s), Oathbringer).
  7. As odd as it may sound. . . It's not that I hate Wit. I would have given him a 7/10- post-TWoK, but after all books that's down to about 5/10. Hoid has consistently been a 9/10, for me.
  8. Coins, maybe Dice. It's a title from Mistborn Era 2. Similar to the way Windrunner means you have access to the Surges of Gravitation and Adhesion. Or, if you may recall from starting Mistborn before, where "Thug" was the nickname for person with Hammond's ability. Spinner is the "nickname" for a user of s specific ability. Slight non-story spoiler: So if you see these terms you'll know it's likely a Mistborn reference. BTW - you can cheat and see the list here, thought it unfortunately doesn't show the reference for each.
  9. No reason to be sorry. We want to help, but we also don't want to spoiler things inadvertently. It seems evident you have read Elantris and Emperor's Soul - but have you read "Hope of Elantris"? Arcanum Unbounded? Any other Cosmere works like Warbreaker, Mistborn and Stormlight Archive?
  10. Welcome to the forums. In case you are new to this type of forum, here're some tips that may help: There's a WoB for that:
  11. @Honorless has already answered in a spoiler tag; but, when asking these types of questions, could you please let us know which Cosmere books you have and have not read? Also, if you do or do not want spoilers (or just no spoilers for a specific book or series)? Many of your questions are answer through the various books and series - but some of them were deduced then either confirmed or denied in Words of Brandon.
  12. Have you read all of Mistborn? This is discussed in Era 2 (especially Band of Mourning and TLM) WoBs: (edited for length and relevance - linked to full WoBs)
  13. Well, not directly at least. There was this from Ch 62: Also - Epilogue! Final reveal that you may or may not have seen coming.
  14. Copy all. The previous post seemed like you thought it was structured like an Omnibus (Three distinct sequential stories each with their own climax) - so I was confused (no fault of yours). It's your opinion and personal preference. You can't be "wrong" in how you feel - it's how you feel. Just as I feel the interludes are great, and integral. I like the way they foreshadow - and for the interludes that haven't yet paid off, I like to think about what they might foreshadow. Examples: Kaza's interlude in Oathbringer paid off in Dawnshard; Geranid's interlude in the TWoKs about flamespren being locked in place when measures has only started to really pay-off in RoW; Ellista's interlude in Oathbringer about the Alethi romances seems to have paid off with the Dawnchant reveal in the Oathbringer climax - but I think there is a deeper foreshadow there that hasn't yet paid off; and finally, Puuli's interlude, also Oathbringer, has yet to pay off what was foreshadowed by the Lighthouse and waiting for something/someone to sail in from the Origin. I enjoy getting the look at the wider Roshar and seeing how those glimpses tie in further down the line. Both of us are "right" because it is personal preference, and neither is wrong because - personal preference.
  15. You might want to check out the first post of this thread. This is her @Amira's first Cosmere series (except an aborted attempt to read the first Mistborn - TFE). Please spoiler your response. If you recall the beginning of the Way of Kings and some of Kaladin's assumptions about Syl, that's a clue This will be explained soon (ish) Not book 3, but will be forthcoming Done Hiding, solves some problems, makes new ones Kaladin dealing with his trauma induced biases will continue Check out the Epigraph back on WoR ch 54 it is related to the Third Ideal See spoiler below. The information isn't really a spoiler for any of the stories specifically but does relate to some Cosmere "big picture" concepts The narrator is Lopen - that is how he refers to himself (because he's the only Lopen he knows) You will get more on Szeth and that sword in the Edgedancer Novella (coming next).
  16. Agree that we can't know for certain until we have an official reference (in-text or WoB). Just for clarity: My interpretation of the stories and that WoB is the bolded definition. There is too much emphasis on the biologic changes wrought by the forms for there to be a purely psychological component to reproduction. Also, the "mateform to reproduce" and "dullform is just an inferior mateform" is discussed too often. I agree there is a psychological component, especially because of Eshonai's comment in RoW Ch 48 (see below). Also, there is too much attention paid to the diminishment of secondary sexual characteristics in other forms (mostly workform and warform) for the physical changes to not be a part of why they use mateform for reproduction. The Forms bring changes physically, emotionally, and psychologically. So, to me, it makes sense that the reason why Malen and Femalen are considered distinct genders is because they are lacking the organs for reproduction - hence "Asexual" (by definition). The WoB could also simply mean that any form can perform the sex act, since sex isn;t always for the purposes of reproduction. Again, we can't know for certain without more evidence, and both theories are valid in my mind.
  17. Did you perhaps mean this (RoW Ch 68): Also, I found this WoP: So, it seems like Dullform (and the Slaveform variant) and Mateform are Male/Female while the other forms are Malen/Femalen.
  18. To be fair, we don't know how long it took for him to heal, since there was about 15 months between the end of WoA and the start of HoA. He probably could have thrown the horses and riders without Duralumin, but I doubt he could have moved the Stone entrance in TLR's meditation chamber without it. It's heavily implied that it needs the multiplicative application of steel provided to Inquisitors through having multiple Hemalurgic spikes of A-Steel.
  19. Because a defining feature their species (and Roshar in general*) is the fact that they have four genders, as previously posted: Since it was on a different page, I'm just going to be a tool and quote myself: *The four gender physiology was so ingrained in the Cognitive of Roshar, that even Spren had four genders before the arrival of humans: (OB ch 7) Also note, Venli's comment in OB Ch I-7:
  20. And the Epics scenes are not over. . .<cough>Adolin<cough> Both of these should be confusing at this point. You will get more information on them over time. But yes, the current Shardblades are "dead" spren (though dead is a bit different for beings of sapient magic), which is also why Kaladin could hear the blades screaming way back in the disadvantaged duel. . . There are lots of theories, with solid evidence - but we expect to get this answer in Book five with Szeth's flashbacks. Well, the Everstorm has come. I'm sure they'll find something to do. Wyrn is mentioned in Elantris. My 20s weren't torturous, but also not some of my fondest memories. Here's to a better decade ahead.
  21. Please try to avoid double-posting (or rectify it after accidental double posting). Since you are new, you may not be familiar with some of the tools you have available to you in the version of a forum: Did you mean this section of Ch 43? I don't recall Tonk Fah's voice ever being described in Warbreaker (and a quick search found nothing), but the idea has merit. His syntax matches a Horneater, but that could be disguise. I feel like the "two breakfasts" should be the bigger clue - but it only makes me think of the LotR movie (What about second breakfast?).
  22. When I lived in Japan I was +17hrs from friends and family, so I am familiar with the dilemma. OTOH, I also experienced a similar disconnect on Shift work in the US - being awake only when others were asleep and very grateful for digital friends across the globe in various timezones (Europe, Asia, Oceania) with whom I could share converse during my "day." And to circle back, Amira's willpower in being able to set the climax aside is astounding (I think I got 2 hrs sleep the night I read it because I couldn't set it aside until at least Ch 87).
  23. Happy Birthday. . . Though, I thought it was the eleventh anniversary of being 21? How should I know? I stopped counting a few years ago after my 21st anniversary of turning 21. It's good to see some o' you youngins gain an appreciation for media that isn't all flashing lights, explosions, and plotless bad acting. Sarcasm aside - Kindness, consideration, and open-mindedness know no age boundaries; and those are what matter in the sharing of thoughts, ideas, and passions. Please don't let age differences get in the way of being a decent human sharing and discussing something you enjoy with (virtual) strangers. After all, every friend was an unknown stranger at some point, and future friends can't emerge until both parties cross the threshold of unknown to known.
  24. I don't know if it will change your perception at all, but that's not quite accurate. WoB: So, the idea is that the longer book allows for a smaller climax and the final climax (and possibly two smaller climaxes) to keep the pace and tension in such a large book. That's accomplished by outlining like a trilogy (or at least a method similar to how he outlines other trilogies) as far as the character arcs, story arcs and climaxes - but the story is still crafted to be one book rather than multiple books smooshed together.
  25. In my Spoiler above, I mentioned four Societies - two of which are the Diagram and the Ghostboods. Amaram is part of a third and Heleran was associated with the Fourth. Hoid is one of the possibilities. Two more "candidates" were also in this book. Told you it would Sanderlanche
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