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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. Earlier in the book, we told you Pattern has many more great moments coming. . . this was one of the best. Also, if you didn't catch the name-drop - Isasik - It's the Roshar "version" of Issac Stewart (non-Spoiler)
  2. Right. But I would put it like this: TWoK: We see Szeth - then have Windrunners introduced - but Lashes aren't explored much. What explanation we get is from Szeth, not a Windrunner. WoR: Lightweavers are introduced and Lightweaving is introduced but only partly explained and only from Shallan's Viewpoint Kaladin's Viewpoint further explains Gravatation and Adhesion (but not the Reverse Lashing - despite using it unconnsiously in book 1) Edgedancers are introduced via Interlude - Limited introduction to Growth, Abrasion and Regrowth OB: Bondsmiths are introduced and we see how a different order with a shared Surge (Adhesion) may use it differently. Tension is barely touched upon (assuming that was part of him "fixing" the temple) Still almost nothing on how Lightweavers use Soulcasting Not much progress on Windrunners Dustbringers psuedo-introduced but no explanations on Division or how DBs use Abrasion We find out Jasnah is an Elsecaller - but no explanations for how she is using Soulcasting or Transportation Renarin is shown as Truthwatcher - but no explanations for any of his powers other than Regrowth RoW: Willshapers are introduced with an introduction to Cohesion (but not Transportation) More information on Reverse Lashing Lightweaver Soulcasting introduced Still nothing on Bondsmith use of Tension Still nothing on Elsecallers or their Surges Still nothing on Truthwatchers (normal or Enlightened) nd that doesn;t ven cover how the Fused are using the Surges, which may be similar to the KR or rather different (e. g. Gravitation seems vert similar - Transportation seems vastly different). So, I see the books as "introduction to the order/surges" of the flashback character rather than "all about the flashback character and their order/surges." JMO
  3. I'm happy with the current size and scope. I wouldn't mind more interludes like Ishikk, Axies, and Gerenid; but, as we've seen, almost all of those Interludes were "Worldbuilding as foreshadowing" so I expect future interludes will either be tied directly to the main storyline, or foreshadowing for something that will be relevant. I think the best part of those interludes was that, on re-read, we can pick out the foreshadowed events/story - but initially they still felt like solid worldbuilding without being confusing. I think this sentiment indicates a profound misunderstanding of the SA story architecture. Each book isn't "devoted" to the order of the Flashback character (though TWoK did fit this - it was the only one) - each order's "book" is where the Order (or its Surges) is introduced or expanded so that the first book wasn't filled with nothing but worldbuilding. Just as we see Lightweavers developing after WoR - we'll continue to learn more about Willshapers as the story progresses. Just as Skybreakers were introduced in Szeth's scenes in OB, I expect we'll get more on their Ideals and use of Division in Book 5 (and it'll be the formal introduction to the Surge of Division since almost nothing of Malata's abilites were shown or explained).
  4. Infertile is our word. And while it is probably not entirely correct, it is the closest we have based on current known information. Technically speaking the Singers and Listeners have four genders: Male: Physically Male and with the capacity for reproduction Female: Physically Female with the capacity for reproduction and nursing young. Femalen: Physically female with all gender physiology "muted" and without the capacity for reproduction Malen: Physically male with all gender physiology muted and without the capacity for reproduction However, we do not know if the "capacity for reproduction" is physical, psychological, or some combination thereof. We also know that the Listeners only survived leaving their "gods" because when they lost all Forms of Power, they still had access to Mateform (since there was no "form of power" equivalent).
  5. I also posted a quote and mention in a non-first-post from last year here. An out-of-the-way post that seemed easy to edit for the test, then revert without disupting other forum traffic. I got the @ mention notification from that post - so it seems the notification work, but when there is both a quote and a mention, only one gets sent. Thank you again for your time and dedication. Have a great day.
  6. I did receive the @ mention notification, thank you. Only the quote notification, or one of each?
  7. It is probably an unmarked spoiler from the SA5 preview material. At least a text search through WoK, WoR, ED, OB, DS, and RoW didn't find it. Although, I guess it could also be some odd translation change from a non-English edition back to English.
  8. Well, it's not really compounding, since you can't store the output in a new Metalmind. But we do have this WoB: Not necessarily. It creates a Metalmind that only somebody with access to Gold can utilize. As the WoB above shows, if Miles (without Feruchemy) could burn a Goldmind with his own identity because he still has access to A-Gold; then it would make sense that our current knowledge of Unkeyed Metalminds is incomplete and any A-Gold misting should be able to burn an Unkeyed F-Gold metalmind.
  9. 1 - We don't know when Vin figured out the Inquisitors used Aluminim. Since we know Sazed left shortly after the Epilogue conversatoin with Marsh to start "teaching," it's unlikely he learned of it before departing. 2 - Even if he did, and was experiemnting with it while on walk-about to teach, it's doubtful he would have figured out how an Unkeyed Metalmind worked After all, we know that as of: AoL Ars Arcanum: So, after 300yrs of research, the NoScad Terris still don't really understand Aluminum a/o AoL. I don't think he meant Medallion Compounding, he meant Sazed making an Unkeyed Goldmind, then allowing Vin to burn it for heath.
  10. Just one more thing - you'll find it in the Epilogue.
  11. True - but another part of the story is how reserved people are - and usually the spren showing is the primary visual reference of emotional display. Example: (WoR Ch 68) But, when I say "overwrought emotion" I mean something like:
  12. Well, in my head it goes something like this (Ch 62 - when Dalinar visits Kaladin in jail): See - it would not have taken much. It might have helped Kaladin cope with being locked up as well. Dalinar is much more practiced with Blade commands than Adolin Adolin wasn't just trying to keep the blade from disappearing, he was trying to throw while also giving the Blade a command to do the same You'll get more on this in Oathbringer Interesting Theory
  13. I would check the Kickstarter Page. If not a backer, see if you can find one to see if backers were given access to concept art. Also, you can check the Coppermind Art Page. While not the Miniature concept art, it does have some official and semi-official art pieces (like Audiobook covers and McSweeney art). PS - I notice the lack of bangs in that concept art you posted. . .
  14. Honesty, with Spren popping up every time someone’s mood changes and Shardblades slicing cleanly through inanimate objects, it feels more like an anime than anything else. But, that won’t necessarily suit the books’ audience. I enjoy the occasional anime, but my y wife can’t stand them, and I’d prefer to watch with her. To me, there is a difference between "Anime" and "Anime style." For example, Ninja Scroll is obviously Anime, but not "Anime Style" (sparse detail lines, huge eyes, overwrought emotions, etc.). Maybe it comes from living in Japan for 5 years where the products aren't all lumped under one (Manga) term, but have "genres" just like American fiction, but I try to note the difference when possible because most Americans seem to think that all Manga is the same.
  15. No worries Not very much for Stormlight Archive - since it would be more about the voice and characterization if animated. I did consider possibly Christian Kane as Vasher/Zahel, since I felt he could pull off both a Live Action Warbreaker and a voiced Zahel.
  16. It's not a matter of right and wrong; it's about personal preference. You are not wrong to prefer live action - and I am not right to prefer an animated option. Please do not say my opinion is not valid just because I don't agree with you. . . For me, it's more about the environment than it is the characters. Roshar is so different from Earth (except perhaps Shinovar) that I don't think it can be done well as a live-action project (rockbuds, vines, the way the grass and plants move, fauna, etc.) - without, possibly, making it 100% CGI. But if you are going that far, then why not just do Animated? Maybe a 100% CGI with the actors done like Golum (actor actually acts with the motion capture - and the character is reskinned in CGI)? The casting would be about acting ability/character compatibility and, possibly, body shape more than skin, eye and hair matching.
  17. Sadie Sink would not make a good Shallan. Mostly for the same problems as in the WoBs. Hair is right, but skin and eye shape is wrong. I'm not familiar with her roles, so I can't speak to acting chops. However, I am on the "Stormlight Archive should be animated" side of the discussion. Other Cosmere works may be fine as live-action - but I think Roshar would be difficult-to-impossible to do well live action. It should either not be attempted at all or be animated (but not Anime style, please). I was just showing you what you said you didn't find (because they weren't pinned)
  18. Stormlight Movie Possible Actors/Actresses Stormlight Movie Casting Who would you cast for a Stormlight TV/Movie? Movie Adaption of the Way of Kings ENTIRE COSMERE OPTIONED FOR MOVIES Words of Brandon: Not to mention the Animated debate.
  19. Did we ever find out how many of Tindwyl's 20 children were Feruchemists? That might help devise some math for inheritance rates.
  20. It pertains to Mistborn Era 2 - and how they reference the characters who were in Mistborn Era 1 Yeah - Ch 76 is a high note. With the possible exception that so much stupidity could have been avoided if Dalinar had just actually told Kaladin that he was investigating. . . There are days at work this doesn't seem like such a bad idea, actually. Sarcasm aside, it was such a bad idea it drove his retainers to make the test and limit his ability to interact/enact law on both ends of the bell curve of Intellectual/Emotional IQ. So, bad idea had good(ish) results. Sounds about right Book 3 - Dalinar Flashbacks I would call it around Ch 81. Very hard to put down from then until the end. Well, to be fair, Aesudan has some things going on besides her horrid personality.
  21. It's possible that when Shallan needed a new page to finish Tyn's communication-by-spanred in the tent, she used the back side of one of her drawings. I just rechecked the text, and it doesn't say such, but it is shortly after stopping at the lait. I figured it might be a factor if translating the text requires a mirror image first (i. e. it's faint because it's being seen through the paper)
  22. Here we only have speculation (so far); but it is likely that the last time Stormfather had a Bondsmith was before Honor was Splintered - and back then a Bondsmith could not have done what Dalinar did. Honor's limits on surgebinding were more strict when he was around to enforce them.
  23. Also, keep in mind that Slave Form was also fertile, and there is already a large population of children by the time the Everstorm arrives. Also development and maturity come much faster for a Singer than a human (Venli's first "Form" was around age 7 - entering "puberty" and considered an adult at age 10). Coppermind
  24. It's not the Thrill attacking him, it's Odium. Ch. 100 Clue: Nergaoul is nearly mindless. He's attracted to violence and inflames those emotions. He certainly doesn't talk to the people he influences in any other scene where we see the Thrill acting upon the viewpoint character. Dalinar takes these thoughts as being his own and/or from his memories; but this "give me your pain" shows the whole thing was an attack by Odium pushing Dalinar to a point where he will become Odium's champion. The thrill is attracted to violence; as Dalinar remembered what happened at Rathalas - he opened his old connection to Nergaoul and Odium used that as a conduit to attack. While Nergaoul is a distinct entity, his effect covers huge regions (during the Civil War, he was effecting every soldier for miles around the entire city), just as everybody in Kholinar felt Ashertmarn - but the effects were only noticeable once a Connection was formed (joining the revel) and grew stronger as that Connection strengthened. As far as the Gateway is concerned - Urithuru is certainly closer to Vedenar than the Shattered Plains - and Nergaoul was still affecting those with a Strong Connection on the Shattered Plains while it was in Jah Kaved (as seen in Dalinar's Viewpoint in TWoK). . . It was not a Shardblade - it was a piece of Honor's investiture (likely similar to that which makes Honorblades), but not formed into anything specific (or even manifested as a metal). Grabbing for it strained their bond and injured the Stormfather. Ch 100:
  25. The contract is a good skeleton on which to hang the concept - but also remember it's a bit deeper than that. The Spren will only be attracted to somebody that already "shares" some of their Ideals (e.g. Syl was attracted to Kaladin because he was already the type of person inclined to protect others and honor oaths). So, when an Oath is sworn, the Radiant has to follow that Oath. Going against the Oath weakens the bond. The whole Chasm sequence was foreshadowed on the Training grounds way back in Ch 18: I hope you've found sticking with it has been worth the time and trouble.
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