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Everything posted by Treamayne

  1. The contract is a good skeleton on which to hang the concept - but also remember it's a bit deeper than that. The Spren will only be attracted to somebody that already "shares" some of their Ideals (e.g. Syl was attracted to Kaladin because he was already the type of person inclined to protect others and honor oaths). So, when an Oath is sworn, the Radiant has to follow that Oath. Going against the Oath weakens the bond. The whole Chasm sequence was foreshadowed on the Training grounds way back in Ch 18: I hope you've found sticking with it has been worth the time and trouble.
  2. Keep in mind the morals and precepts aren't the same for every order. You can even take an official quiz. (Quiz results may have more information that you want at this point - but are not spoilers for the actual stories)
  3. There's much more gong on here. . . This is what I was looking forward to you finding way back on Page 14, Glad you liked it as much as I had hoped. Adolin certainly received some much-needed character development in WoR. For me the highpoint is Ch 66 (spoiler - so you may want to wait and come back to read this when you get that far): This ties into some of the Epigraphs and a comment from Syl in Ch 22 Kinda like people IRL?
  4. Do you perhaps mean "sapiant?" From Wikipedia: We've already seen evidence of Sentience from Clod/Arsteel.
  5. Weird Al style remakes of other character's songs - showing how clever his wordplay can be. Although, maybe Javert (Les Miserables) is a better comparison... Similar to how "Javert's Suicide" is just "ValJean's Soliloquy" with different lyrics. So, the music from Dalinar (or others) with the lyrics changed to fit T.
  6. Probably typos - Subtitles are also usually created with speech-to-text software, and if he is saying the "American" pronunciation, I doubt the software would get a proper French spelling.
  7. Where did you see that? A foreign translated book or in somebody's postings online? It's never been Kelsior that I can find in any of my Cosmere stories. WoB:
  8. I think the Dresden Files book Battlegrounds does a good job of showing magic vs modern military
  9. Yeah. . . that can't end well. Good catch. What I was hoping for was, at this point: Kaladin should have laughed (in a bleak and pained way) and told Dalinar right then what "couldn’t do any more harm" looked like. I'll circle back to this later in WoR, when the rest of my comment won't need spoilers.
  10. Kolgril Also (Stormlight Archive Spoiler) So it is likely that there is an Aviar allow you to track or find things/people/animals. Or if not healing, then maybe something like alleviating discomfort and pain (SA and Mistborn Spoilers)
  11. I tried searching and didn't find this answer (sorry if I missed it). I know that when you are Mentioned or somebody Quotes your post, you get a notification on the forum (bell icon). I was trying to confirm or deny if that same event happens when a Quote or Mention is added to a post though "Edit." Since the post already exists, I wasn't sure if that would trigger whatever code detects the information and makes the notification. Example: I had already posted this post on Awakening, when I found the other WoB on one-breath commands. So I edited my post (it was still the last post in the thread), added the quote from Stormtide_Leviathan and added the WoB. I wasn't sure if the edit would notify SL of the quote, or if I needed to Mention him (@) - or if even that would trigger a notification if the post was only edited instead of newly posted. Not a huge deal either way, just curious about how this interaction plays out. Thank you very much for your time and have a great day Edit: Test @AonEne
  12. Yes. Or at least in part - since the descriptions we have of Inquisitor Steelsight is that they see Steel and Iron lines pointing to all the trace metals in people and objects. HoA Prologue:
  13. @Stormtide_Leviathan I also found this WoB on one-breath commands (well, annotation/WoB) This was partially discussed over in the Cosmere Discussion Forum here. Mistborn Spoiler
  14. I'm guessing this was the Fleet chapter. Fleet (and the Wandersail in TWoK) might seem inconsequential; but there are usually some nuggets to be mined. Also, forewarning, Wit's first story was worldbuilding, two might be coincidence, but three would be a pattern. . .
  15. RAFO We have not been given that information yet. Your theory is one of the popular ones, some also believe that what Renarin does with his Enlightened Spren is Voidbinding. There are other options as well, but the short answer is that we don't have a confirmed answer.
  16. WoBs: (First Link has Lost Metal Spoilers - that information has been removed from this post)
  17. You got more info on Dalinar's experience in Book 3. There is a hint at both sides of Lift's bargain in that interlude. The other half of the bargain is implied much earlier than her ability to metabolize food into light. Spoiler (WoR I-9) in case you would rather not go look for it yourself:
  18. No worries, just thought you might want to fix the thread title. Sanderson's Cosmere terminology is Axon (singular), Axi (plural), and Axial (of or pertaining to Axi)
  19. Please avoid double posting. In case you are not familiar with the tools used by this version of a Forum, this may help: If you have not done so, may I suggest reading Altered Perceptions? It was a for-charity release in support of Mental Illness and allowed contributing authors to submit both essays on how Mental Illness affects their lives (and lives of family, friends, etc.) along with content either original to the Anthology or showing drafts/versions of work where known characters made difference choices from the published material. Sanderson's Website: So, while Way of Kings Prime has had a release after this anthology was released - it's still worth the time to read because the essays are the best parts of Altered Perceptions. Excerpts from the Forward, Introduction and ToC: Excerpt from Sanderson's Essay on Kaladin in Altered Perceptions:
  20. I'm sorry - I thought for sure you would love Lift's character. So. . . colorful (and weird both in-story and narratively - in a good way). But, yes, it is a long interlude You will get some information in this book, more information in stories to come; but, honestly, many of us are still waiting for some of the answers in book 5 (Szeth's flashbacks)
  21. Yes, however all the elevator and flaps are doing is changing the airflow around wings, which creates necessary force to lift the wing or lower it down, to maneuver along the 3 axis you describe. However, the Awakened wings would just do it, they would just turn and twist as needed to position the wings in the right configuration for any maneuver, as they are powered by Breaths. So flaps and elevators are not needed, as Breaths provide necessary force instead. Right - that's why I said what you quoted. You don't need flaps or ailerons - but you do need enough material in the fabric from which your wing coat is made to allow it to "spread" into the configurations.
  22. We do have this WoB on the subject: So, something more than new Oaths would be needed, which begs the question if Adolin's growing Connection to Maya is the "something else."
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