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Everything posted by Eki

  1. It's common in Sweden too. If I recall correctly the Wikipedia article on the subject is pretty good.
  2. I'm not sure about that. It seems like he used the know-where-to-be trick before he picked the bead up in WoA. So that power must have come from somewhere else, at least. Who knows about everything else he's done since then.
  3. If he was, I'm pretty sure we would have noticed his spren in his PoVs. There are a lot of ways to get super healing in the Cosmere, and Hoid probably has access to one we haven't heard of yet.
  4. It was Pushing, I believe. It gave him increased control. The turning in mid-air would be a result of that, as you mention. He only had one spike, so he couldn't have both Steel and Iron. I can't find a WoB on it, but I'm pretty sure it exists. Edit: Ah, here we go:
  5. It's so people who have read the post earlier know what changed, for example. You could really use it for anything you want.
  6. I think there's a WoB that the split could have happened in other ways, so I don't think there are sixteen discrete types. And I think if you combined all shards again, they would... kind of be Adonalsium, except that some parts of the original Investiture have been splintered off, and might not be part of the new Adonalsium. We also don't really know the effects of a shard Investing in a planet. But it might be Adonalsium by default, even if it isn't exactly the same as the old one.
  7. I think he is, or at least will be. It wouldn't surprise me if his goal in the sci-fi Mistborn series is to reassemble Adonalsium. But I don't think he wants to be the holder.
  8. Well, Adonalsium has definitely been described as "he" before, meaning it was "alive". Whether it had a holder or just developed sentience on its own, we don't know. I have thought about the -ium thing before, but I never really thought it held up, really. I mean, shards are pieces of Adonalsium... so if the pattern were to hold, it would be the shards that were called Atium and Lerasium, rather than the metals they can make from their bodies. Similarly, if Adonalsium was the god metal of... itself, I guess... wouldn't it make more sense to use the name of the actual being, as we do with the shards? So... I'm leaning towards coincidence here. Besides, atium and lerasium are probably translations, since the -ium suffix is latin. It's apparently used to create abstact nouns. They might not even share a suffix in-universe.
  9. Yeah, I think Hoid was in some kind of hibernation until pretty recently before Elantris. (Though when he want to sleep, I don't know - he seems to have had a hand in the Worldbringers and Worldsingers long ago.) At least, Hoid seemed to know much less about the cosmere magics at the time when he tried to become an Elantrian. If he had thousands of years to learn before then, he probably would have already known it would fail. Edit: Also, isn't time dilation involved in travelling through the Cognitive Realm somehow?
  10. I'm cautiously optimistic. It seems like they're trying to get more third parties to develop games for it. We'll see how it goes though. I mean, I'll probably get it regardless, because Nintendo. But yeah.
  11. Yeah, WoK would probably make a better film if Shallan's story wasn't there... but then WoR would be really weird.
  12. I read the books because of the TV show. Granted, I read them to avoid getting spoilered by tv show viewers later on, and then never actually watched the TV show, but still. Without the TV show, I would have waited on reading them for quite a while, probably.
  13. Not to mention that the books will never be ruined, regardless of how potential movie adaptions go. The books will always be there.
  14. To be fair I think a lot of the stuff they added was based on notes by Tolkien, since he cut a lot of stuff from the original Hobbit manuscript.
  15. I agree that Mistborn would work much better as a movie. I was still hoping for Stormlight as an animated series... That would work much better with spren and the weird flora and fauna. I'm REALLY worried WoK will get whitewashed, as well :/
  16. I think it disappeared with the site redesign.
  17. Assuming everyone is average is a mean thing to do.
  18. This is why you should always have a bootable linux usb stick at hand! I mean, assuming whatever you need to do could be done in linux, but...
  19. It would be cool if Hoid told his story to Jasnah this book... But I think so far that has happened in the second half of the books (right?), so it happening during their travels might be too early.
  20. Thinking about it, you may be right on this. But we've only seen nicrosil used in very specific situations, and (as far as we know, I guess) only on Scadrial. So it might be able to do more than we think.
  21. With their luck, someone would probably forget to put air holes in. Typical.
  22. Lift mentions that Wyndle was worried she would get malnourished. She might still get all the non-sugar (and non-fat?) stuff, like minerals, vitamins and proteins. Wyndle would know though. I mean, she only has one sphere, but you'd think Wyndle would ask her to use it, especially if he's worried about her health. She might not listen, but... I think it would be more interesting if she couldn't use spheres, honestly.
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