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Everything posted by Eki

  1. Momentum being conserved has been confirmed by WoB, but things get really weird when mass changes like that.
  2. Physical and mental speed are two different attributes, stored in different metals. Mental speed is stored in zinc.
  3. A quick googling tells me in W8+, you can use win+print screen, and it will save the screenshot directly to a file. But it should be possible to actually do the cropping while taking the screengrab as well...
  4. You should probably put spoiler tags for SH either in the post, or in the title.
  5. Sure, but the last time new Soulcasters were created would probably have been around the Recreance. I really doubt the ancient Knights and their spren would have thought it morally okay to trap a sentient spren like that.
  6. So you mean like... the Intent of Adonalsium? The name is (probably) derived from a Hebrew word for God, but I think "Sentience", "Consciousness" or similar would fit. Investiture left alone seems to gain consciousness, and even sentience, and many shards have strived to create or interact with living beings.
  7. Unfortunately, I don't think the system actually saves posts as bbcode, so I think that might be difficult. I recall people asking about it after the website update a few months back. I might misremember though.
  8. 16 isn't just an important number to Preservation (16 metals, etc), but also to the whole Cosmere, with the 16 shards.
  9. I dunno, it just seems too... complicated. Would all Soulcasters be like this? And if not, then why would the Davar Soulcaster have to be different? If they do, how do they capture all the other Truthspren?
  10. We know Twinborn are a thing though. His children would probably not be full Feruchemists, but likely Ferrings, Mistings, or both. His (surviving) children could still be from before his Ascension. That would still make some people his "descendants", even if it is by a millennium. I feel like we are missing something though. (BoM spoilers)
  11. Allomancy isn't the issue though; Feruchemy is. Why would TLR spend centuries trying to breed Feruchemy out of the population, just to spread his own f-genes around?
  12. Wouldn't 1) just be Adonalsium?
  13. They are legal and free, yes. I don't know about paint.net, but Gimp is open source and everything. Depending on when you want to screengrab, you might want to consider finding or writing a quick script and binding it to a hotkey. In windows, print screen just puts the image in the copied buffer, so you can paste it into paint or whatever. But if you're taking lots of screengrabs, that's going to get annoying quickly. It would probably be better to have a way to directly save the pictures into a folder, so you can deal with them later. I don't know if gyazo is still around, but that might be worth checking out.
  14. BBCode is still useable! You just have to enter it manually. Anyway, thanks for compiling this! Sad to see my Yolen refugee theory disproven though.
  15. There is a theory that TLR got children for the sole purpose of getting Inquisitor spikes... I think there's a WoB that it would have been just as possible to make humans with a tiny surplus of Ruin rather than Preservation. The reason Scadrian humans have more Preservation was to facilitate the bargain between the shards, "promising" Ruin he would eventually get to destroy the world, since Preservation was slightly weaker.
  16. For some reason, I read this as "you always have a mustache". That confused me a bit
  17. This is actually the real answer; not all boomerangs are designed to return. But it's not the riddle answer! THIS is the riddle answer! I must have missed your post when I checked back earlier. (This went together with the "riddle" I posted on the previous page, by the way)
  18. It is based on a dead shardblade. (They probably sensed the spren within using their lifesense.) Depending on your definition, it certainly is a shardblade - big chunks of a shard's power, crammed into a weapon.
  19. Ok, here's another toughie. What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back?
  20. Eki

    Do all the book

    There are two sources on that page saying AoL is around the gap between SA5 and SA6.
  21. Not quite true - she really couldn't use her powers. She had to call Pattern back to her, to restrengthen the bond: That would make her level 5, which I find very unlikely to have already happened. I don't remember if we have a confirmation on her being level 4 though...
  22. They aren't, really. They all have features from Earth races, but they are mixed. For example, pretty much all Rosharans except the Shin have epicanthic folds - which (I believe) black (or white) people on earth don't tend to have. The most asian-looking of them all would be the Alethi - and the Shin would be most caucasian. Then there are some races who have features that don't appear anywhere on Earth - like Thaylen eyebrows. Brandon wrote a pretty good post on it here. From the same topic, Brandon says Shallash has black skin pigmentation. But she's described in the interlude she appears in as well, I'm fairly sure.
  23. Oh, right! I forgot about that one.
  24. I don't think you can really infer anything from that diagram, @marianmi. The colors of their faces look more related to the background than anything else (which is probably why none of the women look dark skinned, because the background at the bottom is gray) (and we know that Shalash has dark skin). Also, in-universe artists tend to be biased towards their own culture, and we don't know when it was created.
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