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Everything posted by Eki

  1. It's not stated outright, but the Rider is a big part of Listener culture, and we know they have existed on the planet at least longer than humans (and he seems to be the one to facilitate their form changes). The Stormfather also called them "Ancient Ones". They in turn think of him as the soul of the storm, implying he's the one creating them, making him as old as the storms themselves. Combined with my earlier point about Roshar's ecology, that makes him predate the shards. We also have WoBs that say that Listeners are not originally of either Cultivation or Odium, and not of Honor. That probably means they are originally of Adonalsium. So either they could not change forms before the shards arrived (unlikely, since they would pretty much have to have been in slaveform constantly - with no humans to take care of them (although there are other explanations, but they all become rather complicated... there was a thread about which form Listeners are born in not too long ago)), or the Rider predates the shards on the planet, giving them the ability to change forms even before then. You could come up with lots of other explanations for how the Listeners lived long ago, but the Rider being around back then seems most likely to me.
  2. There's a WoB about Hoid not holding a shard, unfortunately.
  3. It depends on exactly what in your body slows down. What if many of your biological functions don't? In that case, slowing down could lead to lack of oxygen to the cells, or something. Especially in the brain, I'd wager, since mental speed is stored separately. In particular, what really happens if the heart slows down? Is there enough pressure to pump the blood around? If we don't know exactly how the speed reduction works, and how time actually flows inside the body, those questions are difficult to answer.
  4. I don't think we actually know if Frost is in the 17th shard, just that they are his "friends". Personally, I think he's a member, or at least a close ally, but I don't think we know for sure. I think Frost's argument is specifically about worldhoppers not intervening with the actions of the shards, because he believes the things that are happening are all part of a grander plan made by Adonalsium. He thinks that those who can't see the wider picture (basically, anyone other than Adonalsium or the shards themselves) shouldn't try to get in the way. At least, that's how I see it. Of course, there is a big contradiction in this, because the 17th shard goes after Hoid... thus intervening as worldhoppers. By trying to stop someone else from intervening, but still. If Adonalsium really did have a plan, why would Hoid not be part of it? So really, while they have an agenda of non-intervention, I don't think they're exactly passive. And there are hundreds of years between the two series - Demoux probably changed a lot.
  5. First of all, welcome! Second of all, WoR stuff doesn't need to be in spoiler tags now, since it's been so long since the book came out. There is some topic somewhere with rules about spoilers. There were spren around before Honor died, yeah. There were even some around before the two shards even arrived on the planet. Pattern mentions at some point that there were much fewer sentient spren at the time of the Recreance (which is before Honor died), which implies that Honor's splintering created many spren with minds. But I don't know for sure which kinds of spren existed in which quantities before or after his splintering. I'm pretty sure there were mindless spren before then too, but how many, I don't know. In either case, it does seem like Honor splintering created sentient spren. Your theory could still be correct if you say that Cultivation made them sentient by herself, since she was (and is) still alive. Also, only Divine Breaths are splinters, normal ones aren't. And we don't really know how sentient Divine Breaths are, if at all.
  6. When I wrote Adonalsiumspren, I basically meant spren with roughly equal amounts of each shard in them, since that's how Adonalsium itself was. And if they aren't, I don't see how that changes anything - it seems highly unlikely they wouldn't have pieces of Cultivation or Honor in them. Many of them are connected to physical forces, for example, which are exactly the things Surges manipulate. There are WoBs along these lines that refer to all spren, I think, not just sentient ones. But we also have WoBs (just checked, wasn't sure) that say there were spren on Roshar before the two shards arrived on the planet. Either those were already of just Honor and Cultivation (unlikely since Adonalsium was whole when it grew Roshar), or they are a mix of some other combination of the parts that eventually became shards. I think it's more likely that Brandon considers spren that come from all parts of Adonalsium as "of Honor" and "of Cultivation", so to speak. Because they are that, and more. I guess it's also possible that Honor and Cultivation investing in the planet changed the local spren, but that doesn't change my argument, since all spren would presumably have changed in that case. And if Honor and Cultivation created just the sentient spren and not all of the other ones, the Stormfather is still an anomaly, since he existed on the planet before they arrived, and is a Radiantspren. I'm not saying you're wrong - just that there are lots of things to consider here. We don't know this either. There is ecology on Roshar that seems to depend on Stormlight, and presumably existed long, long before the shards arrived. Cultivation could have had a hand in that, though. But I think it's more likely Stormlight is Adonalsium's Investiture, rather than any specific shard's. That seems to fit better with the idea that Adonalsium designed Roshar. Accidentally found this WoB by the way: So even Brandon called windspren "cousins" to Honorspren!
  7. Her Coppermind article says her father is at the plains. Also doubt Vivenna would involve herself with the more shady stuff Danlan is doing.
  8. A good comparison, I think. The Nahel bond seems to bring spren closer to the physical realm, giving them sentience in that realm. The spikes in a kandra removes the cognitive blocking from a mistwraith, also giving them sentience.
  9. I would guess no, but I don't think we have any information about it. It wouldn't surprise me if the creation story of Adonalsium is also the creation story of either the whole cosmere, or at least life in the cosmere.
  10. I don't really like Rowlet's middle evolution overly much, but if the Chinese leaks are correct (and they seem to be), I'm fine with it. Team Rowlet all the way!
  11. To be fair, @Argent wrote "we", not "you". Lots of people make that simplification. I think he just wanted to bring the point up because it matters to the question, not criticizing you in particular.
  12. We don't actually know exactly what sentient spren are - they certainly existed before Honor died. Not as many, which suggests that they are of Honor, but we know for a fact that some spren are close to Cultivation (like Wyndle). Are they still splinters of (just) Honor? We also have very good reason to believe (or maybe we actually know for sure, I don't remember) that the Stormfather existed even before the shards arrived on the planet, making him an Adonalsiumspren too. I guess we don't know if the Stormfather actually bonded with anyone before Honor died, but the quote by Pattern saying the Stormfather survived the Recreance kind of suggests that he was at risk in the first place. The Stormfather could have been imbued with Honor's power to enable the bonding, or he was able to do so naturally. Or the only thing needed was for Honor (and maybe Cultivation) to invest in the planet, but he could still do it as an Adonalsiumspren... Also, Honor was part of Adonalsium, so all Adonalsiumspren should be partly of Honor. My point is, there are lots of possibilities. You may be right that a spren has to be at least partly of Honor to be able to form a bond that enables Surges, but I wouldn't say it's fact. When shards invest in planets (or just hang around), all sorts of weird things happen, especially when other magic is around.
  13. Eki


    I was sad too. He didn't deserve it (which was of course one of the reasons why the interlude was included), and I think he could have been an awesome and unique side character.
  14. Yeah, but there were other things discussed too. Like Kaladin disliking rain, and Skybreakers often disagreeing with Windrunners, for example. I think there were better arguments too. I'm personally a little bit sceptical, since normal rainspren seem to be rooted to the ground. Their sentient cousin might not be, but I feel like the two orders that can flyfall with style should have airborne spren.
  15. The books seem to imply that speed is hard to store (maybe they outright say it? not sure), so like Yata says, there's probably something that stops you from storing much at any one time without major health concerns.
  16. I think I saw someone suggest that rainspren might have a connection to the Skybreakers. Don't remember the reasoning though.
  17. I think everything that is part of the cognitive image of yourself is considered part of you - basically what you said, really. So this would be the same mechanic as what decides what's inside a speed bubble, or what gets Lashed in the Stormlight Archive. The rules for these things are pretty fuzzy, but we know some things that affect them. I think this is one of the points in Brandon's magic systems where you have to start waving your hands and just go with it. Still interesting to think about though. I would guess it stores absolute values, but that it's more intuitive for both the Feruchemist and the reader to tap and store fractions of their current mass.
  18. Well, there's a difference between being able to bond an Honorblade, and having to do so in order to use its power. So I don't see a contradiction there, really. The way I read those quotes, anyone who touches an Honorblade can use it, but it's also possible to bond it.
  19. Yes. Basically, Denth lied to make Vivenna do what he wanted her to. I think it's mentioned in the Warbreaker annotations. Edit: Nope, it was a WoB: Ah, it was in the annotations too (chapter 58):
  20. Ah, ok. The coder in me just had to react, you know. I've never really tried to do javascript before.
  21. I really hope this is a plot point or something in Space Mistborn
  22. I don't know javascript, but I think this breaks if there is a thread with "entry" in the title.
  23. I always kind of assumed he only meant in the minutes after the Final Ascension - I could see Vin staying around at least that long - and Sazed could facilitate their conversation. But I guess it makes more sense if they never got to talk, as sad as it is.
  24. In that case, Nale wouldn't have bothered to find out Ym had killed someone half a lifetime ago. He would have just executed him for being a Surgebinder. Similarly, he tried to execute Lift for breaking into the Bronze Palace (and possibly other places), not Surgebinding. Her being a Surgebinder was of course the reason he was hunting her in the first place, but he needed another reason for execution.
  25. I think so too! If the rest of the theory is true, of course.
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