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Everything posted by Eki

  1. Oh, so Vasher has a translation thingy too! I wasn't sure if he had, or if he just learned.
  2. We don't know how people became Radiants in the past, but right now, it's up to the spren, not humans. So what's allowed or not might not matter anymore.
  3. The cut affects how much leaks out (better cut means less spillage, whatever "better cut" means), but not how much can be stored, iirc. Are the gemstones usually round though? Spheres are, but they are glass, with a gemstone in the middle. I always pictured the smaller denominations as, well, chips. But it's possible that "better cut" means "more spherical", I guess. I think the stormlight is distributed within the whole gem, and if it breaks, the pieces just keep whatever stormlight they already have. Obviously, since the cut would be worse, the stormlight would leak pretty quickly.
  4. Mostly a problem if you install windows last, since it will override the boot. That's easily fixable, but annoying.
  5. This WoB says it's not about perception:
  6. Definitely. The question was about the same person making two swords though. The mental picture of the awakener is probably the most important thing, but with sentient beings like Nightblood, maybe the Breaths themselves have some kind of influence too... I don't know how, though, but that's what the WoB I'm thinking of implies.
  7. I think there's a WoB that the Breaths used to create Nightblood in some way interpreted the Command, which implies that a different set of Breaths could have come to a slightly different conclusion. Maybe that's is part of why you're asking the question though.
  8. I'm fairly sure Kelsier knew - Sazed definitely seemed to at least.
  9. And the other destroyed art? Was she looking for forged statues several years earlier as well? Why only the Shalash statue? There's also this death rattle: —Collected on Palahevan 1173, 73 seconds pre-death, by the Silent Gatherers. Subject was a beggar of some renown, known for his elegant songs. So yeah, I'm pretty sure it's Shalash. She fits too well. I'm pretty sure it's about the discovery the two scholars made. Being able to lock down and control spren is a really big deal. Right now it seems like you need gemstones, and probably a bit of luck, to do it, and even then you're mostly just keeping it in one place. But with greater control over spren, I bet you can make fantasic fabrials.
  10. The prevalent theory is that she is Shalash. There are other references to destroyed art of Shalash in particular (for example on the night Galivar was assassinated, the statue of Shalash was destroyed while the other Herald statues were whole). It also fits with the theory that the Heralds have turned into corruptions of their former selves. I think there are other major hints I'm forgetting, as well. And if Khriss wanted to find soulstamps on Roshar for some reason, I think she would rather steal the artwork than destroy it.
  11. Personally I liked it, but the dialogue could feel a bit forced sometimes. I'll definitely continue the series at some point. (I've read the first two) Also, there's a viewpoint error towards the end. It's not like that influenced my opinion of the book, but it was a bit jarring...
  12. Eki


    Someone asked the same question here: Basically, it's likely that he won't be able to unsheathe Nightblood safely (at least initially - anything could happen), but he can still use the sword in other ways, just like Vasher does in Warbreaker.
  13. This contradicts my theory that the third Kingkiller book will be Kvothe's pirate adventure, and nothing else.
  14. I think we don't know if it was Vasher who saw the Shardblade. It's likely since he has visited the planet, but I think it might also have been Shashara. Or both. About the shardblades, remember that Vasher (and Shashara) has lifesense. He can probably sense that even dead shardblades are just a little bit alive when summoned, and would connect that fact to Awakening.
  15. You are right. I wrote up, because if the air went down, it would have nowhere to go. I was imagining the shell of atmosphere to be close to the ground. The surface you look at the vector field on does need to be sphere-ish (in the topological sense, which is very broad, but still, enclosing a space).
  16. That is true, the theorem applies to the whole atmosphere (or a 'shell' of the atmosphere). But it does mean that there has to be at least one point (moving around) where the wind stands still, and the winds go around it (locally in tornadoes, that's the 'eye of the storm'). That point is probably outside of what people would call the highstorm though. so that's why I wrote "in some sense". Teeechnically the winds could only go upwards around the point, and not around, but that's not going to happen in reality.
  17. In some sense it has to rotate, because of the Hairy ball theorem. Yep. That's a real thing. (And very interesting!) The part that goes over the continent only goes west; all of the infrastructure is built to deal with that. So if it does go the other way in other places, it would be outside the continent.
  18. They don't, which also complicates things. The physician who examines Siri when she arrives at the Court mentions she has a strong Breath, for example. Of course, that's information from within the book, so it might just be a misunderstanding within the world, but I think there's information outside the book to support it too.
  19. I think I'll look closer on this soon, but I don't think this is the case. I can't really see a pattern, except that the number of additional breaths generally goes up more and more (except in one case where the difference is 1500 for two heightenings in a row). There is also the fact that the Heightenings seem to be human-made terms, not absolute rules of the magic. As you approach the heightening that gives you immunity to disease, for example, you'll get more and more immune; it's not all or nothing. It's also possible that you gain other abilities around other numbers of breaths in between, but that those weren't things the people who wrote this stuff down valued as much.
  20. Preservation did not design Allomancy, it's a natural result of him investing in the planet. So there being 16 metals/alloys is not something Preservation decided. The other things, from HoA, were of course his doing though.
  21. That, and the fact that as far as we know, Nalan's Skybreakers probably aren't actually Surgebinders. No proof of that yet, of course, but it seems likely.
  22. I wouldn't be surprised if Wayne ends up worldhopping after The Lost Metal, though. I bet the 17th Shard would love a bloodmaker on their side.
  23. Wasn't it Vo who gave the visions?
  24. For all we know, he could have been right, just looking in the wrong place. The Listeners seeing Kaladin Surgebind accelerated their decision to test the Stormform. Maybe if they hadn't seen Kaladin, they would have voted against the whole thing altogether.
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