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Everything posted by Eki

  1. Isn't it just the CP of wild Pokémon that doesn't improve, but you can still use power up to get better ones? And level 20 for eggs.
  2. No, what we're saying is that maybe the spren would abort the bonding process, not because it's blocked, but because it's afraid or worried. In this scenario, a braver spren could have stayed, and strengthened the bond further.
  3. We don't yet know the motives or resources of the Ghostbloods, so it is very possible that they will be a major player as well. But I think you framed the difference between the Diagram and the Radiants very well - the Diagram wants to give humanity its greatest chance of survival, but the plan it outlines is one where very few survive. The Radiants will want to take more of a risk in order to save more people. The plans contradict each other.
  4. 21->22 requires 75 000, and I think 22->23 takes 100 000. Not sure how the curve goes after that, but it's really, really steep.
  5. I think what @Yata may have meant is that sentient spren can be afraid of Honorblades, because they lack the restrictions the Nahel bond forces. Syl is definitely uncomfortable around Szeth's blade at the end of WoR.
  6. Yeah, people say that, so maybe I shouldn't be too worried. Starting it now.
  7. Nightblood can be used sheathed without consuming breaths. It's still a formidable weapon used that way (for some reason). Rosharans are in fact not born with Breaths, only people born on Nalthis (Warbreaker's planet) are, as far as we know.
  8. Not sure exactly what I've read since last time I posted here, but I finished Ancillary Sword, which I liked. In many ways very different from the first book. Probably getting to the third book fairly soon! I also read some Discworld books: Equal Rites and Guards! Guards!, and currently reading Sourcery. I understand Esk doesn't show up again for like thirty books or something, and that we barely learn what happens to her in the years just after her book, which makes me sad. Sourcery basically acts like she never existed. :/ I also bought Dune. Mostly because it's a classic... I have a feeling I won't really like it (except the worldbuilding), but we'll see.
  9. Yeah, the movepool has to change. It would be fun if some egg moves were attacks the other form learns. Although, it seems like Cubone doesn't have an Alolan form, meaning Alolan Marowak will still be able to learn ground moves, regardless of which attacks it can learn after evolving.
  10. I can't really speak for VGC, especially since the rules are bound to change for next year (I doubt they'll do the whole restricted thing two years in a row), but in general, fire attacks are fairly common, if nothing else than to deal with things like Scizor. And I can think of quite a few Pokémon that carry things like Drain Punch, Mach Punch, Close Combat, Superpower... Again, maybe not in VGC, but definitely in singles. Oh, and I don't think we've had any confirmation about if stats change for Alolan forms or not... I would think they do, honestly.
  11. You think so? I think it only has three weaknesses, but two of them are 4x... It hits a lot of stuff offensively, but... I guess we'll see.
  12. Regardless of if huge concentrations of investiture are the only ways to create a Perpendicularity or not, it would be the connection between the Realms that would be the defining feature of it.
  13. I think Ivory has to concentrate to be invisible, and didn't think he would have to bother at that particular point, since (iirc) he was alone with Jasnah in the cabin.
  14. Actually, I think (though I'm not sure) that the "spiking" between realms is the definition of a perpendicularity, not the massive collection of investiture. As far as I know, large amounts of investiture is the only type of perpendicularity we've actually seen, but we don't know for sure if there are any other kinds.
  15. Well, a powerful blow can create vibrations like that, in drums for example. Obviously a different situation when it's ground shaking, but if you allow for magical elements, vibrations and a powerful blow aren't necessarily contradicting.
  16. There is an epigraph about the shattering of the plains, where I think a Listener song says that their gods are not who shattered the plains (if anyone has the e-book maybe they could supply the actual quote). It doesn't tell us much, but it's some sort of a clue, at any rate.
  17. I'd love to use Ninetails too, but I don't think I'll decide until I'm actually playing. Ice Pokémon tend to turn up pretty late in the story, unfortunately. That doesn't have to be the case for these games, of course.
  18. Isn't Decay the name Brandon first used for the shard that became Ruin?
  19. Well, there is the story Wit tells... I think they sailed west, didn't they? Of course, who knows if there's any truth in it. And if there is, it might have happened on a completely different planet.
  20. You can still use BBCode, [spoiler]pic[/spoiler]
  21. Good question! I'm not sure if you even COULD make yourself younger or older whilst being unaging, since it might be like multiplying with 0.
  22. They are not. But there is a very big difference between a shard being splintered, and having splinters. A splintered shard is completely divided into splinters, and no one is controlling the shard as a whole. But on Nalthis, for example, Divine Breaths are splinters of Endowment (which is interesting to think about, since that means the Breath itself should have some kind of consciousness), and Endowment is not considered splintered. I don't know if Preservation or Ruin ever did create splinters of themselves. They did somehow give up a bit of their power to create sentient life, but we don't know the details of that process. I doubt splinters are involved though.
  23. I like that theory, @zeppomarks, but I don't think we'll learn all of that stuff in The Last Metal, since you would need knowledge about the wider Cosmere for it to make sense. It might be hinted at and stuff, but I don't think the book will literally say "she travelled to another world" or anything.
  24. What PallonianFire said. Also, if the power you're referring to is him being an atium misting, he snapped during HoA, so he didn't have that power before. If you mean worldhopping, that's not really a power, I think. Anyone could do it if they knew how (though some would indeed have an easier time due to access to magic). I can't think of any numbers like that other than 16 for Scadrial and the cosmere in general, and 10 for Roshar, but they might exist.
  25. My guess is that it's one of the Heralds, but take that with a grain of copper as well
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