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Everything posted by Eki

  1. The Recreance seems to bave been more of a process than a single event - Honor describes the Knights Dalinar sees in a vision as only "the first". That one event we saw did kill a significant number of spren in a very short time, but still. Similar things seem to have happened later as well. The death of Honor probably had a more specific time though. What that makes Cusucesh, I don't know. I agree it's probably not a cognitive shadow.
  2. They tend to release them before the games come out, but there have already been concept art leaks for this generation. We'll have to wait and see if the leaks are actually true or not though. I think I'll try to avoid that particular piece of information though, so I at least have some majorsurprises when I actually play
  3. Porygon and its evolutions are artificial. We don't know about some other Pokémon such as Magnemite (Bulbapedia tells me they existed 3000 years ago) or Voltorb (possibly created when a Pokéball was exposed to high energies), but we do know about Porygon for sure. There can be quite a lot of maths, but most competitive players don't really do all of it themselves. Basically, EVs and natures are for specializing your Pokémon into different roles, like being more defensive, offensive, or quick. IVs should be as high as possible unless you want a certain Hidden Power, or want to be as slow as possible (generally for a move called Trick Room which reverses the speed order so that slower Pokémon move first for five turns). For EVs, most people just maximize two stats and put 4 points into something else, or copy a standard set and tweak it. About the same-ishness... It depends. VGC (the official ruleset) has been fairly centralized the last few years at least. Especially this year, when you are almost guaranteed to see certain Pokémon in most battles. But if you play something like Smogon, it's less so, because they try to balance stuff like that out (for example, Aegislash has been banned because it was too centralizing and hard to counter). They also have several tiers based on usage in the upper tier, in an effort to provide variety and make as many Pokémon as possible usable in some kind of competitive play. All of that said, you can't really create an optimized team in any of the gametypes, because if it really is good, people will expect it and build a team to counter it. Then you have to change your team to counter that, and someone else comes along and counters you both, etc. The metagame changes all the time, it never reaches any sort of equilibrium. Too many variables for that.
  4. The book that got him into fantasy was called "Dragonsbane", I believe. After that, I think he basically went through all the fantasy books in the library beginning with "Dragon". So... yeah, probably those books, among many others Ati/Leras as humans seems very reasonable, since when they decided to create sentient life, it was humans they went with. Same with Honor and Cultivation, though we don't know if they actually created humans. Regardless, they (at least Honor) have a very strong connection to humans. Do you think any non-human vessel created sentient life in their own image somewhere? Most fantasy books have mostly humans as main characters (which is understandable - humans are relatable to us), but it would be cool to see a story where there are no humans, or maybe humans are a small minority.
  5. I don't think he can. Alcohol is a poison, and he's likely immune to those (and sure, healing in the cosmere can be tied closely to cognitive perception, but I doubt it would be easy to convince yourself that a poison wasn't harming you). I think you may be right in general though. Hoid probably has a traumatic past, and his Yolish friends are either long dead, unreceptive (ie shards), or currently hunting him (Frost). He has lived a long time, never really being able to settle down and form relationships and friendships for long. On top of that, he's pretty much always playing some kind of role, probably even to himself. So... yeah. Despite being seemingly immortal, he doesn't seem to be living a healthy life.
  6. Some Pokémon are really scary, especially the ghost Pokémon of later generations. Oh, and Cubone. Cubone
  7. Yeah, I heard there's even a mime artist Pokémon nowadays! And a magnet! The new games look awesome! I'm leaning towards Rowlet as my starter, but we'll see. I have a feeling it will be the weakest of them, though (typing issues, for one)... I almost wish I had tried to avoid spoilers so these things would be new to me when playing, but I don't think I would have been able to. So if the alternatives are failing to avoid spoilers, or actually taking part in the excitement... I guess I'll go with the latter. I wonder how the new forms will be handled with regards to breeding and stuff. I assume you'll still be able to breed for the "old" forms by bringing one in from gen 6. But what if every vulpix egg hatched in this region turns into ice, regardless of (presumably) the mother's form? Oh, and IV training! That is going to make competitive play much more accessible.
  8. I just realized there's a bit of a parallell between Heralds being connected to Damnation through the Oathpact, and the summoning of dead shardblades... Hmm....
  9. The pool from the newspaper article is south of the Southern Roughs, and the person telling the story is, as far as we know, the first Northerner to ever see it (and survive). Who knows how often explorers from the north go into those mountains, but it can't be too often. We have no idea how far away those mountains are, or indeed how far away the Southern civilization is from that. I doubt you need an airship to get there, if you really put effort in. I think I'll make a thread about the Hunters soon, because I've been thinking about this thing for a while. That said, I have not yet read SH, so I dunno about that part. But I don't think it's unfeasible that the Southerners found the shardpool long before the Northerners did. They may be closer, and they are more motivated (especially the Hunters). I also think the Southerner from the newspaper article was an actual worldhopper, but who knows.
  10. I highly doubt a group of Hunters could have accessed the two shardpools we know existed before the Final Ascension. Even if they existed before TLR's Ascension, both pools were in Terris. So unless there was a third shardpool before, I'm sure they left after (or because) their lands went cold.
  11. There has to be at least one shardpool or some other perpendicularity, because people worldhop post-ash. One newspaper article seems to be about a Hunter exiting a shardpool south of the Basin. (Which makes sense, because we know of at least one worldhopping Hunter on Roshar.)
  12. That's true, Marsh does have a direct connection to Harmony, after all. But we don't really know if Sazed changed how the production of atium works, either... I mean, Preservation seems to have had some kind of hand in all of that, in order to weaken Ruin. That's not necessary any more.
  13. That's a good point. If the Halls are to be featured in later books, they are probably Braize. Still hoping for Yolen though!
  14. Gen 6 actually has a Ghost/Steel sword Pokémon. The normal version has a golden blade with silver edges, but the shiny version has a dark gray blade with red edges. I have the shiny version. It is named Nightblood. (I also have a non-shiny version which I believe I named Callandor)
  15. He took the bag from that one kandra who wanted to sell it to the humans at the end of HoA. He should still have quite a bit of that left, I think, but it won't last too long. Especially since you need more and more the older you "really" are. Unless Harmony gives him some atium (or the Pits are rediscovered), I doubt he'll live to the last trilogy. Probably to the modern era one though. I bet Brandon had some cool idea for him in that trilogy, even before AoL was written.
  16. You're right... But I'm sure I've seen a WoB about this or something. Maybe it's damage to the soul he couldn't heal? Let me check Edit: Here we go: Sorry about the confusion!
  17. It would be fun to have a situation where Zahel does something off-screen, and all the characters in the book would be confused about how he accomplished it. But if you read Warbreaker, you'd know he did some awakening. I really, really doubt he'd do it on-screen - there is already so much magic to keep track of in the series. (He kind of already did something similar in WoR, when he opens the door in Kaladin's face after sensing him approaching.) I think Nightblood will make references to the greater Cosmere, but not in ways that a non-Cosmere aware reader would realize. Like, if it mentions Shashara, no one would know that referred to an alien unless you already knew about who Nightblood really is. Kind of like Hoid, except Hoid knows what he's doing.
  18. Szeth didn't actually have the ability to heal, as far as I know. The Honorblades don't grant that same ability as a 'real' Nahel bond does.
  19. What if the Stormform Listeners were stopped by having their connection to the Cognitive Realm severed? In this scenario, that would mean they couldn't have any form at all. But on the other hand, we know that the reason Radiantspren bond with humans and not Listeners is that humans are closer to the physical realm. So these formless former Stormformers who can no longer hear any Rythm, can't enter any form, would be able to become Knights.
  20. Some people believe that humans used to live on Braize (known on Roshar as "Damnation"; the place where Odium is right now), and that this is the Tranquiline Halls humans were kicked out from. Some of those people (and others) believe that the humans of Roshar were created by Honor and Cultivation, just like Scadrian humans were created by Ruin and Preservation. But I really like the idea that the Tranquiline Halls are in fact Yolen, and that some catastrophe happened there following the Shattering (or, indeed, the Shattering was the catastrophe). Honor and Cultivation saved a group of humans by helping them to Roshar, and the legends of the "paradise" they lost were created. I'm sure some of the more Cultivation-aligned religions of the west would shed some light on all of this, so I'm looking forward to when the books (probably) take us there!
  21. The Nahel bond (or the Honorblades themselves in the case of the Heralds) is what allows the Knights to hold Stormlight, so even if Nale named Szeth a Skybreaker, it means nothing unless he also has a spren bonded. Of course, Nightblood is a spren... of sorts. We'll see how that works out. But Nightblood can be used sheathed, and then it doesn't use Breaths (or in this case I guess Stormlight (or Szeth's life force)). It's still a powerful weapon, so he doesn't need to power it. I think maybe Nightblood could just absorb Stormlight directly from spheres though.
  22. Half of the Returned babies should statistically be female (unless it really is Endowment setting up new God Kings on purpose, but I don't think so), in which case they can't become God Kings. They would become 'normal' Gods. Also, if Siri had given birth to a male Returned, that child would have become the God King, and the other baby would have been installed as a normal God in the Court, I assume. I don't think they have to Return as stillborns either (though the child of a Returned would), as long as they are young enough to be considered babies when they die. They have quite a lot of wiggle room because the God King can be hidden, and Returned children grow up weirdly.
  23. What the spren did when they started bonding with humans was that they figured out what it was Honor did with the Honorblades, and copied them. That's why the 'default' state for a spren in its 'physical form' is a sword. So when they died, that's the form they kept.
  24. He could become the Vessel of a reforged Honor. That would allow him to still be around, and relevant, in the last Mistborn trilogy. I... don't think so, though. We already had someone pick up a shard as a climax, and I doubt Brandon would want to do the exact same thing again (except this time they would actually have to put Honor back together first).
  25. Yeah, I've thought that Hoid's ultimate goal is reconstructing Adonalsium for a while now. I think it will be the culmination of the last Mistborn trilogy, in some way.
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